The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2005: Ri Jiu Sheng Qing (three more)

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Chapter 2005 Rijiu Love (Third)

The owners of the main palaces lost the treasures in the small vaults, which undoubtedly made them feel the anger from the bottom of their hearts. However, what kind of people have patronized their nests unconsciously? In this regard, they are No clues at all.

What can be determined is that the other party apparently drilled into the time when they shared the loot in the gossip hall. When they were not at home, they secretly succeeded, and the thought of each of the temple owners who suffered losses was indescribable. Depression stuck in the chest.

Obviously, the people in the hands must know the Ziyun Palace very well, maybe it is the Ziyun Palace's own people. Of course, the eight main hall masters can rule out the suspicions. After all, they were always together at that time, and they did n’t even shoot Opportunity. As for the principal of Hualiu Palace, Huaxu and the Eight Diagrams Palace, Fuxi, they are not much suspect.

Having said that, no matter which temple owner suffered the loss, they will not take out this kind of thing to share with other people. In this way, the matter is so suppressed by the temple owners, outsiders are a little bit I don't understand, even among the main hall masters, they don't know that everyone else has lost.

If the main hall owners can put down their faces and tell the story of their respective lost babies, then maybe there are many people and there may be clues, but no one wants to tell their own situation, it is no wonder Those who took their babies were at ease.

Of course, if you think about it, the situation of the main hall masters is very special, like the main hall of the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty, if he said that he once owned a stone **** with a demigod, I am afraid that he will be caught by others. Questioned. And like the master of the Fangfang Shifang, if everyone knew that he had imprisoned a high-end Warcraft in secret, it would be a big trouble for him.

Therefore, in the final analysis, everyone is not only because of their frustration, but also because the situation is special.

It took almost half a month for the separation of the Bagua Temple. In the end, the Bagua Temple was evacuated, and all the disciples of the Bagua Temple were relegated to other palaces. In this regard, the main hall of Liuhe Palace Huan did not have any dissatisfaction.

After the Bagua Temple was split into other palaces, the entire Ziyun Palace resumed normal operation soon. Perhaps for the disciples of the Bagua Temple, they need some time to adjust to the new environment, but for other palaces For the disciples, the dissolution of the Bagua Temple is nothing more than a slightly larger event, which can be discussed for a longer time. When the heat passes, the Bagua Temple will be forgotten by everyone sooner or later.

Of course, Fuxi, the boss of the escaped Bagua Temple, is not forgotten by anyone, except that people of that level can't be guarded except for the demigods. Now, since there is no way to guard against it, everyone can only do whatever it takes.

Speaking of which there are so many disciples in the Ziyun Palace, no one believes that he will be approached by Fuxi.

The Ziyun Palace restored peace, but no one knew it. The person who caused the Bagua Temple to perish and patronized the old nest of the Eight Hall Masters at the moment is staying in the Ziyun Palace, and is quite comfortable.

Outside the cottage in Wanling Garden, Yuan Feng was lying half-ly on a reclining chair, and not far from him, the fairy Baihua was still patiently studying his homework. What he needs to do is to point out the deficiencies of the fairy of Baihua from time to time, and then point out how to make corrections.

After more than half a month of practice, today's Baihua Fairy is very different from before, and this difference is mainly reflected in her temperament.

What kind of talent will have temperament? Of course, there are people with strength and confidence.

Although the fairy of the hundred flowers originally looked like a fairy, her own mysterious array skill was really difficult to be elegant, which made her largely lack of self-confidence and naturally lacked a strong one. Unique temperament.

However, at present, she has made great advances in Xuan Zhen. Even if she looks at the entire Ziyun Palace, she can compare with her on Xuan Zhen. I am afraid that it is only the palace master He Jiong of the Nine Palaces. As for all spirits Fairy, it's really hard to say right now.

"Oh, I stole my life for half a day. The life in this Garden of Spirits is really carefree and in a good mood. If I can continue to be so relaxed, it seems to be a yearning!"

While watching the Baihua Fairy practicing the mysterious array, Yuan Feng couldn't help pinching his glass and drinking. Obviously, he is dancing the fairy tales of the Baihua Fairy as a beauty dancing, which can also be regarded as a different kind of misery!

"I don't think Sister Baihua's talent is so good. It seems that my mission is almost over !!!"

With a glance around Baihua Fairy's body, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a smile of satisfaction. Maybe it's because the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is an extinction that can make people's Xuanzhen skills become more and more exquisite. Maybe it's because his teaching method is in line with the appetite of the fairy. Time, Fairy Fairy, almost ready to start.

"Om !!!!!! Brush !!!!!!"

When Yuan Feng thought of it, the opposite Baihua Fairy once again drew a ray of light into a space, and then the whole space shook slightly. Then, a small mysterious array appeared in In front of Yuan Feng.

"Okay, it seems that this time, I wouldn't even want to leave !!!"

Seeing the end of the fairy of the hundred flowers fairy, Yuan Feng could not help but secretly yelled, even if he closed the wine glass, he stood up leisurely.

"Oh, sister, you can stop."

Standing up, Yuan Feng couldn't help but step forward with a smile and greeted Baihua Fairy.

"Yu, Brother Yuanfeng, you have taught me all this, and I have comprehended it. I also asked Brother Yuanfeng to examine it." After hearing Feng Feng's greeting, the fairy Baihua exhaled slightly, and then greeted with a smile.

For more than half a month, Yuan Feng has taught her a lot, and until now, she still couldn't believe what she has changed now.

Perhaps, in this world, only Yuan Feng can have such ability, let her promote the mysterious array skill to such a realm in such a short time!

However, her thoughts are a little too absolute. In fact, most of the reasons that Yuan Feng can make her Xuan Zhen skill improve rapidly, because she has this qualification and understanding, if not, even if Yuan Feng is stronger Means, but it is impossible to achieve these.

"Hahaha, no need to test, when I was in the battle, I always watched it, but now my sister is already out of school !!!"

Hearing the words of the fairy of the hundred flowers, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly and said with emotion. Being able to have such a good student helps him to continue the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. In fact, he should really be happy.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is a magic skill among the Three Realms. In fact, it is very difficult for people in this world to cultivate it. One hundred and twenty fairies can lead the way. It is also rare to say. Of course, all the fairies understand simple furs, but these furs are enough for her.

"Student? Brother Yuanfeng doesn't plan to teach me anymore? But, I feel like I still have a lot to learn !!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words about being a teacher, the fairy of Baihua couldn't help but change her face, but her heart was very bad. From Yuan Feng's words, she heard the taste of each, but for some reason, at this moment, she really hated this feeling.

"Sister Baihua, I can teach you almost everything I have taught you. As for how far you can go in the future, it depends on your own talent and hard work."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile at the other side, begging the other side not to worry. Speaking of which, he really can only teach the other party so much, because if there are more, the fairy of the hundred flowers will not have the ability to understand it, but it will help the seedlings to grow up and lose more.

Seriously, his help to the other party has really exceeded his original expectation. If it is not because the other party ’s talents are really good, he may not spend so long on the other party.


Baihua Fairy wanted to say something that she would work hard, but when she talked to her mouth, she swallowed it back, because until now, she still did not want Yuan Feng to stop teaching her.

The feeling that Yuan Feng gave her was different from that of her master Wanling Fairy. First of all, it is certain that the mysterious accomplishments of Wanling Fairy can not be compared with Yuan Feng. in.

Moreover, Yuan Feng's teachings to her were basically seen for a while, and she would not let her take a detour. Such a super master of Xuan Zhen was really nowhere to be found with a lantern.

"Master Yuan Feng, I still have a few mysterious arrays that I don't understand. How about Master Yuan Feng to study with me?"

For some reason, she now only hopes that Yuan Feng can stay with her for a while. As for the professor Xuan Zhen, it doesn't seem so important.

For nearly a month, Yuan Feng may not have paid too much attention to her, but every time she finishes training for a while, she will observe Yuan Feng very carefully and carefully. I do n’t know when. She has really fallen in love with this feeling.

"Haha, Sister Baihua, based on your current Xuan Zhen skills, the Xuan Zhen in the entire Ziyun Palace should be beyond your control."

Hearing the words of Baihua Fairy, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing, but she refused.

"Well, Sister, it's rare that you and I know each other, and that's all I can help you with. From now on, Sister takes care. If we have a chance, we will see you again, and there will be a period later !!!"

With a slight smile at the fairy of the hundred flowers, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When she was in shape, she disappeared directly into place, but it was not time for the other party to respond at all.

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