The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2001: Resignation (four more)

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Chapter Two Thousand and One Words (Fourth)

The top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace have basically been patronized by Yuan Feng, and the small vaults of the palace owners have basically been evacuated at this time.

For Yuan Feng, this time the harvest is simply impossible to describe in words, whether it is a large number of various spar energy, or some Ling Zhi Ling soldiers, he has won a lot this time.

Among them, the most satisfying to him naturally belonged to the stone crate of the Lord of the One Yuan Palace and the large number of spar of the Lord of the Three Talents Palace. The energy spar is the foundation of his future footing, and the stone maggot, if he can control it, will be a great help to him.

In addition, in the Shifangdian, he saved a man-made World of Warcraft, which was obviously a good thing for him. As for the other meanings of saving the big man, he didn't know it at the moment, but one day, he would feel fortunate that he had saved the big man.

After evacuating the small vaults of the main hall masters, Yuan Feng did not return to Liuhe Hall this time. For him, the top ten palaces are no longer attractive at the moment. Moreover, the main hall of Liuhe Hall He is definitely hiding somewhere in the Liuhe Temple, and returning to the Liuhe Temple may be a threat to him.

The division of loot between the main hall masters in the Eight Diagrams Hall lasted longer than Yuan Feng imagined. After he emptied their vaults, these guys still have not completed the loot division.

Having said that, the situation of the Bagua Temple is very complicated, and the power and resources to control it are very large. It is really not that easy to divide up the Bagua Temple so quickly. At least, everyone must ensure that the Bagua Temple All the resources of the temple are turned out, and then as fair and fair as possible.

Leaving aside other things, it is just some of the big forces controlled by the Bagua Temple outside, all of which need to be integrated, and then decide which hall to take over. The process inside is not as simple as thought.

Of course, for these people, they have too much time, so they are not in a hurry. As long as they can be divided fairly, then even if they spend more time, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

No disciples in the Bagua Temple dare to say anything of disobedience. After learning that their master ran away, they basically obediently agreed to be assigned to the seat of other temple masters. Of course, in fact, whether they practice under the seat of Xuanming or under the seat of other demigods, the difference is not very big for them.

The palace masters of the major palaces are still very willing to take over these gossip disciples. After all, these people have a mysterious array method, after joining their own palace, maybe they can bring some different changes to them.

And while the main hall masters continued to be busy, Yuan Feng did not leave Ziyun Palace at this time, but his goal was to place it in a more familiar place in Ziyun Palace-Wanling Garden! !!

"Yue, since you are about to leave soon, you should meet the hundred-flower fairy in the Wanling Garden, and you can be regarded as a separate case with her. After all, everyone is a acquaintance."

The body turned for a long time in the Ziyun Palace, but in the end, Yuan Feng stood still outside the Wanling Garden.

At this moment, the masters of the main halls are all busy with the gossip hall, and when he comes to the Wanling Garden, no one will notice. Furthermore, even if he is an ordinary disciple of Ziyun Palace, even if someone notices it, it seems that it is not a big deal.

"Sister Baihua, younger Yuan Feng came to see me, I wonder if Sister Baihua will have time to meet?"

After stopping a bit outside Wanling Garden, Yuan Feng finally suddenly shouted. Of course, his voice was forced into a bunch, and it was not transmitted to other places, but directly passed into the thatch of the fairy of flowers. House.

At this moment, the master of all spirits, the fairy of all spirits, probably retreats in a certain place in the spirit garden, or he just sits and rests somewhere in the spirit garden, and he doesn't want to disturb that person. All Fairies.


Almost immediately when Yuan Feng's words fell, a colorful light came from the depths of the Wanling Garden, and finally stopped at the feet of Yuan Feng. At the same time, an empty valley oriole-like laughter , Also slowly passed to Yuan Feng's ears.

"Oh, I was still thinking about Brother Yuanfeng a few days ago. I didn't think that the brother came here today. This really surprised Baihua. Brother Yuanfeng, I haven't seen it for many days.

Laughter sounded, but the shape of the fairy Bai Hua immediately appeared in front of Yuan Feng, and she owed herself to Yuan Feng and was very friendly.

"Hey, Sister Baihua is polite."

Yuan Feng was very calm. When he saw the Baihua Fairy greeted, he smiled a little and gave a gift to the Baihua Fairy first, but he did not look down on the other because of the change in strength.

Although the Baihua Fairy in Wanling Garden didn't help him much, it was also one of his few friends in Ziyun Palace. He is about to leave Ziyun Palace right now, and he ca n’t help feeling sad. meaning.

Today's Baixian Fairy wears a green dress, and she looks so full of vitality, she is full of vitality, free and easy temperament, and such a woman is definitely the most exciting.

It is a pity that Yuan Feng already has his own heart. Therefore, he is basically pure appreciation of the fairy in front of him, but he has no other thoughts.

"I haven't seen it for a while, and Sister Baihua is getting more and more beautiful and getting dusty."

He admired the beauty of a hundred flower fairy fairly, Yuan Feng couldn't help sighing. Of course, if these words were spoken from someone else's mouth, it would inevitably have some suspicion of sexual intercourse, but from his mouth, it seemed quite normal.

"Oh, Brother Yuan Feng really speaks, okay, let's go in and talk. Speaking, the Ziyun Palace at this moment doesn't seem to be very calm !!!"

The fairy of the hundred flowers did not say much anymore. Of course, the movement of Ziyun Palace was so great that she could not have missed it. Now, obviously, this is not the place to speak.

After a short time, the two entered the thatched house in the depths of the Wanling Garden together. When the two entered the depths of the Wanling Garden, the fairy of the hundred flowers couldn't help looking up and down on Yuanfeng, and the eyes were all in one. Admire.

"Hehe, Brother Yuanfeng, you are so brave, and the Ziyun Palace has such a big movement. You dare to run out, and you really do n’t know what you think."

The lords of the halls besieged the Bagua Hall Fuxi, so much movement, I am afraid that all the disciples in the entire Ziyun Palace heard it, and at this moment, everyone is basically staying at home honestly, no one dares to do it Even if she has already received the order of her master, she must not easily leave Wan Ling Garden.

What she didn't expect was that Yuan Feng dared to walk out of Liuhe Dian at this moment, and ran to her to come here! This courage really made her admire.

Having said that, she was a little curious, why did Hua Feng, the master of the Liuhe Hall, not stop Yuan Feng, and actually let Yuan Feng run out.

"Hahaha, they hit them. Recently, the impervious world is undergoing a subtle change. This point, I want to come to Sister Baihua already feel it from the fairy fairy. For a while, the Ziyun Palace is afraid of this Fan changed. "

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng didn't care. Of course, only he knew why he didn't care about those people and did not care about the great changes in Ziyun Palace.

"Eh? It seems that Brother Yuanfeng really knows everything!" After hearing Yuan Feng's words, the fairy Bai Hua couldn't help admiring Yuan Feng. She did listen to her master saying that the great world of Wuliang is undergoing great changes recently. This time, the Ziyun Palace must be turbulent.

"Forget it, those big events are not what I can participate in. Those of us who are disciples, do what some disciples should do."

She shook her head, and Baihua Fairy didn't think too much about these things. As she said, things between big people, these little people, of course, it is better not to participate.

"Hehe, by the way, I haven't congratulated Brother Yuan Feng. Before Yuan Yuan killed the great disciple Xuan Ming, and also captured San Xiaodian Li Xiaobai. I want to come to the current Yuan Feng. It can already be said that it is half of Ziyun Palace. It ’s the first strongest in the world! ”

Other things can not be said, but she has to mention Yuan Feng's previous record.

When the Japanese Yen Feng led people to destroy Xuanming, the entire Ziyun Palace went up and down, and there were too many people to see. In fact, that day, she actually watched the battle outside.

She was shocked by Yuan Feng's feat of killing Xuanming for a while. Speaking of which, she had known each other for a long time. At that time, Yuan Feng was just a little person in the habitat, but How long has it been since the other party has grown to such a point, she thinks it is incredible.

"Haha, what is the first person is not the first person, I have no interest in these, but I did not expect that Sister Baihua also has a gossip side, hahaha !!!"

Sitting on the wooden chair prepared by the fairy of Baihua, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help but look around, but found that there were several mysterious arrays around the thatched house at the moment, Obviously, these should be the mysterious array that Baihua Fairy is studying.

"Sister Baihua, are you practicing Xuan Zhen? But I do n’t know what these Xuan Zhen are? Are there any places where my brother can help?"

He came here to find the fairy of the hundred flowers. One is to say goodbye to the last, and the other is to hope that he can help each other.

"Well? Oh, it seems that I can learn a lot today !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's initiative to ask her about the mysterious formation, it was obvious that she had to point her own expression. She knew that this time, she must be able to open her eyes again.

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