The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1992: Rare opportunity (two more)

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Chapter 992: A Rare Opportunity (Part Two)

In Ziyun Palace, Liuhe Palace, in a hidden space, Liuhe Palace passed on the young disciple Yuan Feng. At this moment, he was shaking his head slightly, his face was full of booing.

"Hey, Bagua Temple, it seems that from now on, Ziyun Palace is afraid that there is no Bagua Temple anymore!"

With a sigh, Yuan Feng at this moment couldn't help feeling a little bit sad. For everything that happened before, he saw very clearly on the side of Liuhe Dian. Even the powerful men said everything he heard.

Obviously, at this moment, the demise of the Eight Diagrams Hall is already doomed. Right now, the main figure of the Eight Diagrams Hall Fuxi is fleeing. The entire Eight Diagrams Hall has been divided up by the main Halls. It turned into an empty hall, and it was even dismantled by the owners of several halls, adding the materials of the Bagua hall to its own hall.

The top ten palaces will be reduced by one, and become the top nine palaces. Speaking of which, this is considered to be imperfect. After all, perfection is perfect for everyone, and perfection is perfect. Makes people feel inadequate.

"It seems that I don't need to be sad for the Bagua Temple. Even myself, I don't know how long I can stay in the Ziyun Palace. However, these people are really useless, so that Fuxi escaped. I wanted to come. Fuxi's method, even for me, is a minor threat! "

The existence of the Eight Diagrams Hall has nothing to do with him, but what he cares about is the Lord Fuxi of the Eight Diagrams Hall. Before he saw it more clearly than others. Fuxi did escape, but the other party was injured by him at the beginning, and Shicai was hit by the stab of the Master of the Heavenly Temple. For a while, it didn't turn out.

But for such a demigod who is proficient in the mysterious formation, naturally no one dares to belittle the other person. Perhaps Fuxi's escape may be a very unstable factor for the entire Ziyun Palace. .

Of course, none of this has anything to do with him. After all, his days in the Ziyun Palace are not too many to think about.

"These people chased Fuxi and divided up the other's Bagua Temple. However, for the Liuhe Temple, they may not be as fierce as the Bagua Temple, and as a disciple disciple, I am afraid they will not be able to fight in the end. Hey !!! "

Originally, he wanted to destroy the Bagua Temple and the Liuhe Temple, but at this moment, he couldn't bear to shoot at the Liuhe Temple.

The situation of the Eight Diagrams Hall is in front of him. He knows very well that if the master of the Sixth Hall Temple is also driven out, then the Sixth Hall will be the same end as the Eight Diagrams Hall. At that time, the disciples of the Sixth Hall will pass by. It's terrible.

Leaving aside others, just talking about Wang Zhong, the master of Liuhe Temple, I am afraid it is difficult to accept the fact that Liuhe Temple was divided up. Bacheng will coexist and die with Liuhe Temple, and in the greed of those temple masters, Once Wang Zhong did not cooperate with them, then in all likelihood, he would be obliterated.

Although he was confident that Wang Zhong could be rescued, if he got the other party out of the Ziyun Palace, he didn't know if the other party would be happy, and according to his guess, Wang Zhong Bacheng couldn't be happy.

"Let ’s just let the next thing go. As for me, there is no need to leave in a hurry right now. Before leaving, I must learn more about this Ziyun Palace. . "

Now that things are over, he doesn't want to plan too much. At the moment, the master of the Liuhe Palace, Hua Yan, also hides to recover his injury. The threat to him is not great. Before the other party has appeared, he should make good use of his Ziyun Palace. As a disciple, you can get some benefits from Ziyun Palace as much as possible.

"Ziyun Palace has as many as ten palaces, and in addition to the palace masters of the ten palaces, there are many other people in the demigod. It seems that before my identity is revealed, I should visit a lot A few, to see if you can get some unexpected gains. "

Sooner or later, I have to leave. In this case, even if it is exposed, it is not a big deal. Among the so many demigods in Ziyun Palace, he believes that he can certainly help himself.

Of course, the so-called help is basically that he tried to get some benefits from others, but I am afraid that it is difficult to obtain such benefits in a fair and honest manner.

"While these temple masters are all in the Bagua Temple, I won't come out for a while and a half, so in that case, let me visit their hometown first. Let ’s start with the Temple of the First Yuan, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple , If there are no special circumstances, it is better not to meet him. "

At this moment, the masters of the eight halls are dividing up the resources of the gossip hall in the gossip hall, and while everyone is not in his old nest, he can naturally take this opportunity to enter the interior of their palace to have a look.

He has his own eyeliner in each of the major palaces, and with his current strength and realm, controlling ordinary passers-by disciples is a piece of cake, so it wo n’t take much effort to enter each palace. .

Of course, time is limited, he must seize the time to walk a few more palaces, and after the main hall masters return to their palaces, even if he can continue to flow, I am afraid that he cannot do as he wants now!

The master of the Tianyuan Hall is the strongest in Tiantian, others are okay, but the Tianyuan Hall of the Tianyuan must be in the absence of the Tiantian.

With a decision in mind, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate to speak. He secretly left the Liuhe Hall, and arranged for the inner side of the Yiyuan Hall to go straight to the Yiyuan Hall.

Suitable talents, the movements made by the main hall masters in the Bagua Hall undoubtedly put the entire Ziyun Palace in a tight state. In this way, Yuan Feng's actions have become more handy. Time is not long, he It is through the inner response of the Yiyuan Hall that it enters the interior of the Yiyuan Hall.

There is no Yuan Temple where the Master of the Heavenly Temple is present. Yuan Feng simply does what he wants, and he does whatever he wants. Wuying's magic works, even if he walks in front of everyone, the latter can't see him at all, let alone he can shoot at any time and control anyone who found him.

The place where the sky is cultivated is the top space of the Yiyuan Hall. This point is no different from the main hall of the Liuhe Hall Huayin. The master of the other palaces should be the same.

Good things, naturally, will not be on the bright side. Yuan Feng concealed his physique and went straight to the cultivation space of the Master of the Heavenly Temple. Along the way, no matter what the level was, it was almost in his eyes. Not worth mentioning.

Xuanzhen and other things, he can basically crack it in minutes. After all, the Xuanzhen method of the Master of the Heavenly Temple is really ordinary. His Xuanzhen method can be used in Yuan Feng's eyes. To describe it.

Of course, there will be some levels that are not Xuanzhen. For such levels, basically, Yuan Feng's Chixiao sword can all be solved. After all, in front of Chixiao, everything Defense is not much different from paper.

Time is precious. Soon, Yuan Feng used all the means he could to enter the palace cultivated by Shitian, and when he came to the cultivation dojo of Shitian, his eyes flashed. A trace of admiration.

"Well, it is indeed the palace of the Lord of the Yuan Palace, but it is more elegant than the palace of Hua Yuan. It seems that the reason why the Lord of the Yuan Palace can become the spokesman of the Ziyun Palace It makes no sense. "

In the eyes, the huge cultivation space can hardly see the margins. In this cultivation space, a huge suspended palace is suspended like a small planet, and the whole palace is surrounded by aura. It looks like It's just like Tiangong Xianyu.

"Yu, in such a magnificent place, if there is no baby, I am afraid the ghosts do not believe it. It seems that this time, I want to be blessed !!!"

With a sigh of relief, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look bright, just like a beggar hungry for a few days saw a fat roasted chicken.

Although this approach is not very glorious at present, in order to make himself stronger, he has to take some extreme measures.

In addition, for now, it is nothing more than "borrowing" some of the resources of the many powerful men in Ziyun Palace, which will not have much impact on these people. At least, his approach will not affect the lives and safety of others.

Thinking of this, his body moved slightly, and he came directly to the huge suspended palace. Soon, he opened an entrance in the corner of the palace and carefully entered it.

After entering the interior of the split-sky palace, there was another scene in front of him, and almost immediately after entering the split-day palace, Yuan Feng's attention was attracted by a huge sculpture in the past.

"His, this is ..."

The interior of the entire palace is basically not much different from that of Huayin's palace. However, he who has swallowed up the martial spirit was the first to notice a statue in the palace.

This is a stone statue that is almost three meters high and covered with a thin layer of mist. The reason why I saw this stone statue at first glance is because the stone statue is very delicate in workmanship. Like a real giant.

Even from the stone statue, he felt a sense of danger.

"Om !!!!!!"


When Yuan Feng stood there, squinting to watch the stone statue in front of her, the next scene suddenly changed Yuan Feng's complexion, and her pupil even enlarged several times.

"His ......... Hell !!! ''

Subconsciously backing away, Yuan Feng at this moment really had the urge to turn around and run away.

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