The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1987: Forced to show up

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Chapter 187 Forced to Appear

"Boom boom boom !!!"

A loud bang was heard one after another, but it was so true to everyone in the entire Ziyun Palace. At the same time, a shocking wave of energy also wrapped the Bagua Temple. At this moment, everyone Everyone knows that something is happening at the Bagua Temple, and it is an event.

Such horrible energy fluctuations can obviously only be done by demigods, and since they are actions of demigods, naturally they have nothing to do with ordinary people. At this moment, all the disciples in Ziyun Palace were honestly staying in their own one-third of an acre, and no one dared to run outside to join the fun.

Outside of the Eight Diagrams Palace, the eight strong men headed by the nine palace palace masters, but at this moment, all of them have already started, and everyone has given up most of their own strength, according to the nine palace palace master He Zong palace. Pointing, one after another bombarded towards the guard of the Eight Diagrams Hall.

He Xuan Palace's Xuan Zhen attainment is not much worse than the Eight Diagrams Palace Master Xuan Ming. With his shot, he can naturally find out the weakness of this Xuan Zhen, but with his own strength, that It is bound to break the mysterious array.

However, the eight super strong shot together, the effect is completely different. It was almost a short time. The big guardian of the Eight Diagrams Hall started to fall, and the talking room was about to be broken.

The masters of the main halls did not use all their strength, but they have shown their current terror power. In general, it seems that the master of the one-yuan hall is more free-handed. It is clear that his strength is still in the Over others.

"Drive me !!!"

Almost a few minutes later, the master of the Nine Palaces, He Zonggong, caught the rhythm of Xuan Zhen's circulation, and suddenly punched another punch towards the point of the big array, and with his punch Suddenly, the operation of the entire guard hall array was suddenly out of order, and then, with a bang, the guard hall array of the Bagua Temple was directly broken.

"Well !!!"

Xuan Zhen shattered, just like a big bubble burst suddenly, it felt very strange, and with the Xuan Zhen broken, the eight super strong ones also stopped their hands. Looked one by one into the Bagua Hall.

"Brush !!!!"

When the mysterious array broke down, all rays of light flashed out of the Eight Diagrams Hall. However, these rays stopped far away from the Eight Diagrams Hall, but no one dared to approach the main hall of the Eight Diagrams Hall. Strong.

"The second disciple Ge Wanfu of the Eight Diagrams Hall, led all the disciples of the Eight Diagrams Hall, and met all the masters of the palace !!!"

"I've seen you Lord Lord !!!!!!"

The light dissipated, but in the end it was condensed into a group of people, and this group of people were the great disciples of the Eight Diagrams Hall under the Fuxi seat, led by the second disciple Ge Wanfu, the disciple in Ziyun Palace Among the layers, it can be regarded as the number one character in the row.

Xuan Ming, a great disciple of Bagua Temple, has fallen, but now there are only people below two disciples, and for other young disciples below Xuanming, the masters of the halls are obviously not very familiar.

"Well? How did you run out of a group of juniors? Fu Xi, all of us have personally come to the door. Don't you want to come out and meet everyone?"

Seeing that the Eight Diagrams Palace actually greeted a group of disciple disciples, but it was still the figure of the main figure of the Eight Diagrams Palace, Fu Xi, and all the main strongmen in the temple couldn't help but look a little unhappy, and frowned. Come.

In the hearts of the lords of the demigods, the lord of the gossip temples Fuxi was absolutely because of a big mistake, so they avoided them, but the other party sent a group of disciples to meet them. This is obviously true. Their disrespect.

"Masters of the Temple Lord, please be calm and restless, and do not hide your Masters of the Temple Master. Since the teacher left the customs, he has only convened a group of disciple disciples, but after that, his old man will never be seen again. Until now, all of us have not been able to contact his elderly people, and I look forward to seeing the elders of you. "

Seeing the main hall masters blowing their beards and staring one by one, it was like trying to choose someone to eat and eat. Several gospel halls' disciple disciples all felt a kind of heart-beating feeling, and one of them, Ge Wanfu, hurried forward and faced The crowd explained.

Previously, the main hall lords went to the Bagua Hall to break the array. They can be seen inside, and when the main hall lords came to break the array, they went to the lord palace of the Fuxi Temple to find each other. Unfortunately, until the end, they were unable to find their Master.

In recent days, the Lord of the Fuxi Palace seems to be missing, and there is no trace of it at all. In this regard, these preachers are really terrified.

Master Baguadian Xuanming has been destroyed, and there are many rumors about the Bagua Palace nowadays. The current Bagua Palace can be said to be standing on the cusp of the wind. Maybe when they are disciples of the Bagua Palace, We are going to be implicated. What will happen then? Now it is really bad!

Right now, the eight super powerfuls broke through the guard hall of the Eight Diagrams Hall. Obviously, all of them were unscrupulous. Regarding this, they couldn't blame them if they were in a hurry!

For so many years, Ziyun Palace has never seen a group of palace owners break through a large hall to protect a hall. The Bagua Hall is probably the first. And things have developed to the point of using a strong break, naturally it is impossible to get better.

"What? You said Fuxi's guy is hiding?"

By the time Ge Wanfu's words fell, the main halls of the halls were all stunned. However, they were obviously not very convinced about Ge Wanfu's statement. They were very clear that Fuxi should not leave so easily. And even if you leave, it will not be this way.

"Well, you don't need to use this method to fool you. You are all little boys of the Promise. We will not embarrass you. Now, you will all give me a side. I will personally set Fu Push it out. "

The Nine-Palace Palace Lord He Zong Palace is still as active as ever. He knew at the time of the break that the Eight Diagrams Palace Lord Fu Xi must be in the main hall, because he could feel that only deep inside the main hall could he be able to. Arrange such a mysterious array, otherwise, it would not be possible to arrange it outside.

Since Fuxi is within the scope of the Bagua Temple, he has a way to try to force it out.

"Fu Xiu !!! Hurry up and get out of here to see us, otherwise, eight of us will level up your gossip temple and make you a real homeless !!!"

The shouting and drinking of He Yangong is very real, but the Bagua Temple is to be dismantled as soon as he opens his mouth, and no matter how confident he is, he will never dare to hide in the dark. Not coming out, right?

The crowd did not feel anything wrong with the shouting and drinking of He Zhe Palace. When they talked to their hearts, they really thought so. If the Lord of the Eight Diagrams Palace Fuxi did not show up, today, they will definitely not Those who leave easily, at least, have to pay a little price.

"This this……………"

There are no other ways for the disciples of gossip in the gossip hall. They can only watch one of the main halls there waiting for their master to appear, look at the posture, if their master does not appear, then I'm afraid people are really in danger.

At this time, they really hoped that their Master would show up quickly. Without the supporter who gave them their support, they were usually arrogant disciples, who really were nothing.

However, when the voice of He Zhigong was rippling around the Bagua Hall, and it penetrated into the whole Bagua Hall, the figure of Fuxi, the main figure of the Bagua Hall, did not show up slowly, as if it were true. Is not the same as in the Eight Diagrams Hall.

"It's really stable enough. It seems that our brother Fuxi really didn't plan to come out. In this case, we can only be rude!"

"Yes, if he doesn't come out again, everyone will break in directly, or they will directly destroy the Bagua Temple. Anyway, from now on, Ziyun Palace does not need to have a Bagua Temple."

"What more hesitant? Everyone shot together and ruined the Bagua Temple, so that some people would not use this as a cover up to harm others."

The lords of the temples in the semi-divine realm were so emotional that it seemed that they really wanted to demolish the Bagua Temple. Speaking of them, they are no longer what they used to be. The removal of the Bagua Temple will not have a great impact on the strength of the Ziyun Palace. The genius disciples separated and joined their own hall.

These disciple disciples in Baguadian have all obtained the true biography of Fuxi. If they can be returned to their own hands, it can be said to be meaningful to their forces.

"His, what to do, what to do now, Lord Master is not there, is it really going to be demolished like this?

"It's over, the Bagua Temple is over. From now on, I'm afraid there won't be a Bagua Temple in the Ziyun Palace anymore. I am afraid that it will be very difficult for us people to gain a foothold in the Ziyun Palace!"

When the main hall masters had to start their hands, a group of passers-by disciples in the Eight Diagrams Hall were scared enough, but they couldn't do anything at this time, even if the main hall masters really shot, they also Only for watching.

"Your Lord is slow and stubborn. I have not been able to meet you in the first place. Please forgive me."

However, just when the main hall owners wanted to do something, and one of the gossip disciples in the Eight Diagrams Hall was overwhelmed, before the gate of the Eight Diagrams Hall, a low drink came suddenly, and there was time to talk, A man who couldn't be more familiar to everyone present was in front of everyone.

Who else appears here at this time, in addition to Fuxi, the Lord of the Eight Diagrams Palace?

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