The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1985: Excuse (one more)

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Chapter 189th Excuses (1)

Among the top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace, no one really intersects with another palace. Even if everyone has a cooperative relationship on the surface, secretly, I'm afraid you are still fighting for it, trying to get rid of each other and then quickly .

This is competition, which must exist in any major force. There is competition among ordinary disciples, and there is also competition among superpowers. Of course, it is precisely because of competition that a large force can change its rise and fall. As for the rise or fall, it is not an artificial force that can be predicted.

The original Ziyun Palace was a very competitive superpower. However, the original Cataclysm Cataclysm basically made the demigods in Ziyun Palace this superpower basically all equal. A person of great strength naturally dared not dabble with others easily.

In the period of cataclysm, basically everyone is thinking about how to save their lives. Where can they easily fight with others? After all, saving lives is the most important thing.

However, at this time, the cataclysm without borders has passed. Everyone ’s cultivation has been fully restored. In this way, the gap between everyone will naturally be opened. .

Right now, after the Demigods of the Ziyun Palace have experienced retreat, what level of power each person has, we are still not sure, and at this time, it is obviously necessary to find an opportunity or excuse. , Explore the bottom of each other.

When the main hall masters went out of the gate, almost every main hall master got a message—the main disciple of the Eight Diagrams Hall, Xuan Ming, secretly controlled the disciples of Ziyun Palace, but was killed by Yuanfeng, a new disciple of Liuhe Hall.

Regarding such a news, there are two points that everyone pays attention to. One is naturally a newcomer, Yuan Feng, who has grown so fast that even the great disciple Xuan Ming of Bagua Temple can be destroyed by him, and the other Of more concern, naturally, it was Xuanming who secretly controlled Ziyun Palace's disciples.

Yuan Feng's emergence, which is not a big deal for everyone, but Xuanming secretly controlled the disciple disciples of Ziyun Palace, especially the young disciple Ling Qing who killed Sixiangdian. This is a matter that everyone is paying attention to. Thing.

Everyone knows that since Xuanming can secretly control the disciples of other palaces, can the master of Xuanming, the master of Huaxuan Palace in the Bagua Temple, also control other people, or has he secretly controlled the Ziyun Palace? How many disciples?

Such doubts are in the minds of every palace-level powerhouse, and they are really more worried about this. After all, no one wants to have an eyeliner placed beside him among the disciples under his knees ...

In the magnificent and magnificent palace, at this time, the eight men were sitting together, looking a little more serious. Obviously, the situation they were discussing at this moment was closely related to their interests.

"Why aren't the two masters of Fuxi Hall and Huajing Hall both here? How long have they all waited, don't they want to come?"

"Both of them have been out of the customs before. My mind even communicated with them. Why did you hold the rally of the ten main halls for the first time today, and the two of them were long overdue, really disrespecting everyone. "

"That's right, we have a convention for the assembly of the ten main hall masters. As soon as the assembly order is issued, we must gather here for the first time. Do these two guys want to violate everyone's agreement?"

"Hum, I want to say that these two guys have a ghost in their hearts, and dare not come to see us. The following people are secretly destroying the stability and unity of the Ziyun Palace in the Bagua Temple. I want to see if this is bad No more. "

One by one, you are discussing sentence by sentence, and everybody ’s topic is naturally focused on Fuxi, the master of Bagua Palace, and Huali, the Liuhe Palace.

No way, the assembly order has been issued for a long time, but the two have not been present until now. This has never happened before. Think of the news recently circulating in the Ziyun Palace, everyone has a hint of this.

There is an agreement between the ten hall masters that such collective gatherings must be attended, and if they do not, at least there must be a reason.

"Oh, everyone is calm and impatient. Since Fuxi and Huaxi have not come, let the Master of the Palace of Talents talk about it first. This gathering was initiated by the Master of Palace of Talents!"

When everyone talked about it, it was basically one side to condemn the Lord of the Eight Diagrams Palace Fuxi Palace, the Yuanyuan Palace Lord among the people cracked the sky. At this time, they could not help but smile and waved, but they interrupted everyone. talk.

After going through the collective retreat, the split-day master of today ’s Yuanyuan Palace seems to have become more moderate. However, the veteran strongman of Ziyun Palace has very high qualifications, and everyone knows his terror, so even now Everyone's strength has been restored, but still no one dares to challenge him.

You know, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple can support the realm when the cataclysm is over. Now that the cataclysm is over, God knows whether this strength has been restored to the best state, and if that is the case Compared with the entire Ziyun Palace, we can't really find a few.

Therefore, at the current rally, everyone still puts the split sky on the theme, which can also be regarded as an attitude towards each other!

"Okay, since Brother Tiantian asked me to talk first, then the owner of this temple first talked about what I know."

Hearing the words of the Lord of the Heavenly Temple, Wan Cai, the director of the Sancai Temple, could not help but smile slightly, and then stood up quietly. Although outside rumors, his disciple Li Xiaobai was also cleaned up by Yuan Feng and said to have been captured, but he had no embarrassed expression in this regard, as if the matter did not really exist.

"All of you, this catastrophic past without any realm is a big thing to say, and in this sensitive period, there should be no threat to the stability of Ziyun Palace in my Ziyun Palace. The exact news is that Fuxi, the Lord of the Eight Diagrams Palace, not only condoned the disciple under his seat, Xuanming, who controlled other palaces, but he himself also controlled many elites in major palaces. Among them, Liuhe Palace Fu Xi was also involved, at least not knowing. "

The director of the Sancai Palace Wancai had a solemn face, and his tone was very firm, because all the information he said was his big disciple's life guarantee and told him the situation, and he also conducted a simple investigation in secret. I think it's true in all likelihood.

"What? Fuxi did it !!! Damn it, Damn it !!!"

"I'll just say, the disciples have done it, how can the master not know? And now that it is known, it doesn't matter, it's clear that the upper beam is lower than the lower beam."

"Hey, it's really sad. No wonder he didn't dare to come. This is obviously a worry about being questioned by all of us."

"Brother Wancai, you said that the master of the Liuhe Palace Huali Palace knew this but didn't tell everyone? Is this true?"

Regarding what Guan Wancai said, everyone basically didn't even have the suspicion, because even if Guan Wancai didn't say it, they also believed that the master of Fuxi Palace secretly shot at disciples of the major palaces.

However, when I heard that there was also the participation of the master of the Liuhe Hall, Hua Di, everyone couldn't help but believe it. After all, the disciples of the Eight Diagrams Hall were killed by the people of the Liuhe Hall.

However, at the moment, the master of the Liuhe Palace, Hua Yan, is not present. This does not allow everyone to directly question Guan Wancai's claim.

Anyway, neither Fuxi nor Huaxi were present at the moment, and there was nothing to say about it, and everyone obviously would not believe it.

"Let ’s stay close to ten, everyone should have heard the news that my disciple Li Xiaobai was caught alive by the Liuhedian people? Can you think about it, my disciple is the state of the extreme peak of the Promise, and the state of the magic sword How could it be so easy to be caught alive in fact? In fact, all of this was deliberately made by my apprentice, the purpose is to go to the Liuhe Temple to learn something. "

Guan Wancai's chin was slightly raised, as if he was praising a hero who bears heavy load. In his mouth, Li Xiaobai's failure became a bitter scheme.


When Guan Wancai's words fell, everyone present was a little frowned, and his brows frowned. To be honest, when they heard that Yuan Fengsheng captured Li Xiaobai, they didn't believe it. After all, they were both geniuses in the realm of magic sword, but Li Xiaobai had more years of cultivation than Yuan Feng. too long.

"My disciple had previously suspected that there was a problem with Xuanming in the Bagua Temple, so he pretended to cooperate with that Xuanming, and in the meantime, he had also seen Xuanming contacted a disciple disciple in Liuhe Temple. My disciple fought with Wang Zhong, a great disciple of Liuhedian. It was originally possible to kill him, but because of the ambiguous relationship between Baguadian and Liuhedian, that Xuanming didn't finally start, but instead let Wang Zhong. "

Guan Wancai talked bluntly, but he connected everything together, and every sentence he said seemed to be justified, and everyone who heard it all nodded frequently.

"In this way, the Eight Diagrams Palace Fuxi Palace has an imaginary heart, and the Liuhe Palace Palace's Huayi, who does not know the information, even concurs with it. These two people should really be driven out of the Ziyun Palace to avoid endangering the future stability of my Ziyun Palace. "

"Yes, both the principal and the accomplices, these two are forgiving them. They must be driven out of Ziyun Palace."

Such a good excuse, whether it is true or not, the people present will not let go of it at all. Speaking, everyone is you and me. The two of them were soon separated.

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