The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1980: Winning (four more)

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Chapter 198 wins (Fourth)

The two great demigods never dreamed that they had been in the world for so many years, and today they were calculated by a young man.

The legs were cut off, and the horrifying rule of sword gas penetrated into the body along the wound, destroying their bodies at will, and the effect attached to the Chixiao sword left their wounds in a state of difficult healing. In the meantime, the two strong men are like ghosts without legs, suspended in the air very strangely, but at their broken legs, there is still blood dripping.

At this moment, both of them were frightened and angry. Each one was staring closely into the distance. There, Yuan Feng, who was still scared, was standing there with a lot of time. Holding the Chixiao sword at will, as if you had just done a trivial matter.

"Oh, two, how powerful is my Chixiao sword? Are you satisfied?"

A sword flower was randomly netted, Yuan Feng could not help but slowly step forward, but looked at the two people with interest. This time, I suddenly shot and cut off the four legs of the two strong men. It was a big gain, anyway, the two people opposite were super demigods, and they were no better than themselves. It is indeed quite difficult to achieve such a record!

You know, if it ’s a normal matchup, even in a one-on-one situation, he may not be able to hurt the other party. Now, with one enemy and two opponents, he can cut off both legs. I am already very satisfied.

It's only a pity that these two powerful men are already alert now, but his goal of killing them is impossible. However, the sword of Shicai has already injured the bodies of the two of them by the law of the sword. He believes that it will take a lot of time for the two to recover from the injury.

Moreover, because their legs were abolished, their strength was also to be lost a lot. In the next time, the two may go back to retreat obediently.

Not to mention, the two men's legs were abolished, and the depression in his heart was relieved a lot now. Regardless, it was considered revenge for himself.

"Okay, okay, I can't think of it. Your sin barrier is so hidden, good, good, good !!!"

At this moment, the master of Hua Di Dian has been working his strength to stop the bleeding at the broken leg, but the pain of the drill core and the violent laws and swords in his body really made him feel like he was dead. If it wasn't for Yuan Feng still in front of him, he might launch a second round of attacks at any time, he would have yelled out loud.

Hua Yan is really a little embarrassed. Even if he was dreaming, he never thought that Yuan Feng had hidden such a terrifying power in his body. He really couldn't believe it.

Today, he has restored Xiuwei to the state of triple demi-god, and from the perspective of Yuan Feng's strength, his true practice is that Bacheng is also a demi-god triple-turn, but the other party turned out to be Hidden so subtlely that he couldn't even see it.

The thought of holding a strong man in a half-god realm three turns around him, and he naively wanted to **** the sword of the other side, his heart became more remorse.

"Hum, each other, when it comes to hiding, you are much deeper than me."

Hearing Hua Hua's complaint, Yuan Feng couldn't help humming, and then she was pun intended. He did hide his strength, but compared to the other person wearing a mask, this hiding is more normal!

"Boy, who are you?"

The Lord of the Fuxi Temple also spoke at this moment, his legs were abolished, and he felt depressed and dying, but at this time, he could not care so much, because he was very clear that so far, he and Huayi It was not completely out of danger, after all, the young people on the opposite side did not seem to intend to let them go.

He was obviously curious about Yuan Feng's identity at the moment. When Yuan Feng got started, he also watched the other party grow up step by step. To say that the other party deliberately acted to show them all from the beginning. No one could see them, he really didn't quite believe this possibility.

In this way, Yuan Feng's identity has become more and more confused.

The law of the sword is not a joke. How long have they felt that if they don't cultivate and adjust their breaths at this time, then they will really be hit hard!

At this moment, they no longer care about Yuan Feng's beheading of Xuanming, because it is a trivial matter to kill Xuanming compared with the severe situation now.

Looking at Yuan Feng in front of them, both of them were increasingly vigilant, always watching Yuan Feng's every move, for fear that the other party would launch a second attack on them.

However, sometimes, they are really afraid of what will come. They don't want Yuan Feng to attack them again, but Yuan Feng must do as they wish.

"Two, you do n’t have to inquire about my identity, because even if you are exhausted, you ca n’t inquire, well, let ’s not talk about that much, come here, I ’ve just warmed up. Play with me for a while, kill !!!!!! "

With a slight smile at the two, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. He raised his sword and dropped his hands, just to cut off a sword at the two strong ones, and actually shot at the two again.

Although he has given some lessons to the two, he doesn't mind deepening the lessons this time. The main thing is that now that his face has been torn, there is no need to be polite to the other side.

"Brush !!!!"

The dreaded sword spirit is like a nine-day skiing. In an instant, the entire hall was filled with swordsmanships. At this moment, Yuan Feng told the other two with actual actions. He Yuan Feng, not a small person who let others knead, today, he will give these people a little color to see.

"Boy is looking for death !!!"

Seeing that Yuan Feng had launched an attack on the two of them again, the two half-powered gods were both anxious and angry. At this moment, they have been invaded by the law and sword. The best thing for them at this time is to heal them quickly, so as not to affect their future practice. But instead of giving them the opportunity to heal, Yuan Feng shot them again.

It can be imagined that at this moment, their operating power will certainly make the Law of Sword Qi more raging, and the damage they will suffer will naturally be greater.

Fortunately, they were not close to Yuan Feng at this moment, and although Yuan Feng's strength was strong, although his sword skills were strong, it was difficult to cause them serious injuries as before.

However, as they thought, using force at this time is almost to help motivate the laws and swords in the body, making these laws and swords more raging. For a moment, they felt that their bodies were getting more and more thorny. It hurts.

Yuan Feng obviously also knows that it is difficult to hurt the two again. However, he is more aware of how his rule of sword and qi can play the best effect. Therefore, no matter how the two dodge, he is like a shadow, basically. Do not let the two out of their attack range.

"Let you bully, let you be black and white, and make you want to take my Chixiao sword ..."

On the side of the two strong men cut out a shocking swordmang, Yuan Feng's mouth was constantly questioning the two, and the more he did so, the more the two strong men became more angry, physical The law of the sword is naturally faster.

"Ah, evil barrier, one day, I will crush your dead body and set your bones down. Today, I will let you go alive for the time being, I'm alas !!!"

The first person who couldn't support it was the Lord of Hua Di. He already felt that the law of the sword in his body was somewhat unstoppable at this moment. At this time, he could only find a way to escape from the attack of Yuan Feng temporarily. , Even if it pays some bigger price.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

Talking about time, the figure of the master of Huadai Palace suddenly disappeared in place, as if it really disappeared out of thin air.

"Well? This is the realm of the demigods !!!!!!"

When the Lord of Hua Di Palace disappeared, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed with suspicion, and immediately he understood what the other party was using.

Realm, this kind of means that can only be performed by a strong person who has more than three turns in the semi-god realm is really invincible. The master of the talented Huali Palace has never had a chance to perform, but the other party now finally finds the space for the show, but he finally resorted to the boundary means and did not know where he fled.

However, his heart was clearer. At this time, using the boundary method, I do n’t know how much damage the opponent should suffer. At least this time, the law of the opponent ’s body will surely make him suffer more. of. Therefore, holding up the boundary at this time is simply an act of self-harm.

Of course, the situation is critical now, and self-harm is better than suicide. If the other party has been entangled with him, God knows if it will be more severely damaged.

"Boy, I will always remember you, and one day I will let you die !!! Hum !!!"

Seeing that the Lord of the Hua Di Palace was fleeing with serious injuries, the Lord of the Fu Xi Palace did not dare to continue. He and Hua Zheng were both forced to be defeated by Yuan Feng. At the moment, he was left alone, and it was even more difficult to fight against Yuan Feng.

Thinking of this, he also gritted his teeth suddenly, directly supporting his realm, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Xiu Wei had reached the realm of three transitions in the semi-god realm, but it was really difficult to be killed. They had realms in them and wanted to leave, Yuan Feng really couldn't stop them.

ps: work during the day and code at night, it really is not easy to say, brothers and sisters, with flowers to support Xiaoyan, stay up late code can not hurt you! !! !!

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