The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1974: Hua Yan's Thoughts (Part Two)

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Chapter 1794 Hua Hua's Thoughts (2)

Liuhe Hall, the palace's main hall, at this time, Huahe Hall main hall and his young disciple Yuan Feng, one sitting on the throne, one standing in the lobby, two of them stand high, one stands However, a huge contrast is virtually formed.

The eyes of the master of Huadai Hall were low, but he could not see any emotions. Yuan Feng, who stood down, stood upright. He also did not have any extra expressions. However, the atmosphere between the two people seemed a little too uncomfortable. Right.

If a third person is present at this time, it will be found that at this time, the master of Hua Di Palace is obviously oppressing Yuan Feng with momentum, and that posture is like trying to test his little disciple.

And the master of Hua Di Palace did not speak, Yuan Feng naturally could not say anything, for a moment, the two were so deadlocked.

"What happened? Does this cheap master want to test my boss? Is it true that he hasn't found my true strength?"

Yuan Feng's face remained calm, but her heart began to defame him long ago. To tell the truth, when the host of the Huali Temple took Wang Zhongzhi away, he already felt that something was not right. After all, Wang Zhong, as a disciple of Liuhedian, should have no reservations between them, but it was absolutely not. Wang Zhongzhi should be gone.

Right now, Hua Yan's body obviously has an imposing force on him, that is, because his strength is relatively tyrannical, this can resist the oppression of the other party. If not, at this moment, I am afraid he has to stand Unstable.

"Yu, it seems that Bacheng wants to test my strength. In that case, I'll play a show with you. I'd like to see if you can really grasp the true strength."

Feeling that the pressure released by the other party is getting stronger and stronger, Yuan Feng knew that he had to admire the other party to perform a play. After all, at this time, he did not want to tear his face with the other party.

Thinking to himself, he seized the effort to increase the pressure again, and suddenly his body trembled, and then his face slowly became a little redder. The feeling was like The opponent's pressure was too great, reaching the extreme that he could bear.

As a matter of fact, the strength of the Master of Huadai Palace is similar to his real strength now. Regarding the momentum, if he borrows the swallowing spirit to release the momentum, I am afraid that he can only be stronger than the opponent, but it will not Weaker than each other.

With the power running, Yuan Feng deliberately made a fine layer of sweat beads appear on his forehead. His eyes were also filled with fine bloodshots. The entire human body was also slightly trembling.


Just when Yuan Feng seemed to be struggling to support and not let himself fall, the master of the Huayuan Palace above suddenly raised an eyebrow and suddenly took back the pressure of oppression.

"噗通 !!!!!!"

The sudden pull of the Lord of the Palace of Heaven and Earth had caught Yuan Feng a little bit unprepared. At about the same time, his body was sitting on the ground involuntarily, and he took a few breaths in a big breath, which slowly recovered. normal.

"Oh, yes, yes, it can withstand the pressure of 10% of my strength. It seems that Zhonger is right, but now you are not under the power of Zhonger at all!"

When Yuan Feng was paralyzed and gasped heavily, the master of Hua Dian, who was on the throne, finally finally smiled and raised his hand, and it was a real qi that broke into Yuan Feng. The body helps Yuan Feng recover from her discomfort.

"Yes, thank you, Master !!!"

Yuan Feng's figure slowly stood up from the ground. The first time he thanked the Lord of Hua Di Palace, but in his heart, he had already scolded the other side.

This practice of Hua Yan is really a loss of the qualification of a teacher. Speaking of it, it is unquestionable to test him with forceful oppression. However, when the other party recovered the momentum, it was suddenly withdrawn. Such a sudden pull is not a small test for him. If he is really a normal Promise, then this time, it is entirely possible that he will be hit hard by the backlash of power.

Although it is only a very small matter, it can even be said to be a matter of small details, but it is a reflection of Hua Hua's attitude towards his disciples.

"Master Master has loved him, how can his disciples' strength be compared with that of a master?" The reiki that has Hua Hua into his own body has been refined, and he has passed through the sieve with devouring Wuling spirits. Standing up straight, he replied to the master of Huaying Palace.

It seems that Wang Zhong should not have praised him in the presence of the head of the Huali Hall before, but he did not really want Wang Zhong to do so. In his opinion, he can practice in the Ziyun Palace without any care. It should be better than anything.

"Oh, you don't need to deny, if your strength is not as good as Wang Zhong, then how could you kill the mystery of the Bagua Temple and capture the talented disciple Li Xiaobai of the Sancai Palace?

Hearing Yuan Feng's answer, the master of Huadai Temple couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, but faced Yuanyuan Road with some embarrassment. From his tone, he couldn't hear any emotions, and didn't know whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied with what Yuan Feng did.

"Eh, this ......... This matter also invited Master Mingjian. The reason why the disciples were able to slay that Xuanming is because they teamed up with Brother Brother and Brother Qiao Ke and the three talented temple Li Xiaobai. To Shan Dan, have I played that Xuanming even said badly! "

"As for the capture of Li Xiaobai, there are many factors in it. The most important thing is that Li Xiaobai is too anxious, but his magic sword situation is completely ruined by him."

He did n’t want to explain too much about beating Xuanming and capturing Li Xiaobai. In his heart, the process of killing Xuanming and capturing Li Xiaobai was not important. Most importantly, he wanted to take a look at the master of Hualian Hall. What kind of attitude is it.

"Hahaha, you little guy is obviously superior in strength, but still modest and cautious, yes, yes !!!"

Hearing the explanation given by Yuan Feng, the master of Hua Di Temple couldn't help but laugh aloud, but the interpretation of Yuan Feng was not very cold. He was well aware of the strength of Li Xiaobai and Xuan Ming, and Yuan Feng was able to defeat the two, regardless of There are many reasons for this, but they can't hide Yuan Feng's own strength.

Speaking of which, he is also shocked by Yuan Feng's strength improvement. How long has he been in retreat, and how long has Yuan Feng left Ziyun Palace to practice? In such a short period of time, Yuan Feng was able to grow to kill Xuanming and capture Li Xiaobai. It is no exaggeration to say that it is Ziyun Palace's most dazzling genius.

When Wang Zhong reported these situations to him, he was really shocked.

"Fenger, as a teacher, I told you before, it is best to temporarily suppress cultivation and study swordsmanship, but since your cultivation has made a breakthrough, it can only be said to be by chance. From now on, you will Seriously study sword skills, but there is no need to rush into the demi-god realm. "

Yuan Feng ’s qualifications really made him feel a little threat. It is conceivable that with horrific talents such as Yuan Feng, once the demigod state is achieved, even if he is a master, it may not be possible Suppressed. Therefore, he really does not want Yuan Feng to be promoted to the demigod state.

It is only a long time since Yuan Feng's introduction to the present, it is from the habitat to the current Promise, so it seems that even in the realm of demigods, I am afraid that I may not be able to stop the other party. You know, today's Wulei Realm is not the same as before. The yoke of heaven has been opened. They, the demigods, have gradually recovered their former strength. It is not difficult for the newcomers to advance to the demigod. what!

"Thank you Master for mentioning, the disciple wrote down."

Hearing the words of the Lord of Hua Di Palace, Yuan Feng's heart twitched slightly, but suddenly there was a feeling of uncomfortableness.

To be honest, if he is still a little person, then maybe the master of Hua Di Dian is treating him well, but now he is not a little person who knows nothing. Now he is very clear about anything about cultivation. You ca n’t do it deliberately. Only real sending and receiving will make you the right choice for cultivation. As for why the other party should lead him so astray, he really does n’t quite understand.

"Oh, Fenger, young people like you, it ’s most important to lay a solid foundation. Only after you have honed the foundation more solidly, can you become stronger and stronger. Of course, you ca n’t grind the foundation too much. If the foreign object is too bad for the young people, I am afraid that it will do no harm to you young people! "

Suddenly Hua Hua's complexion became very mild. At this moment, he recovered some of the kindness he had in the past. However, for his expression at the moment, Yuan Feng had a kind of look and fake. feel.

"Master said that the disciples should keep in mind." With a flash of eyes, under Yuan Feng's heart, I felt that something was wrong. I've seen the face change quickly, but the speed of the face change of the master of Hua Di Dian at this moment can no longer be described in one word!

"You can understand the good intentions of the teacher. Right, I heard that you used a weapon rare in the world when you beheaded Xuanming? I wonder if this is true?"

Seeing Yuan Feng obediently listening to his instructions, the Lord of the Palace of Hua Di nodded with satisfaction, and at this moment, his eyes could not help flashing a strange light, between the eyebrows, it was right Yuanyuan Feng asked in a low voice. From the outsider's point of view, he seems to ask about it accidentally, but he can see it at a glance. His question is obviously a long-cherished plan!


When the voice of the Lord of Hua Di fell, Yuan Feng's face remained calm, but in his heart, there was a slight flash of strangeness. Then he realized that it seems that Hua Hua has recruited him this time. That is the ultimate goal of the other party!

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