The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1966: Challenge (two more)

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Chapter 196th challenge (two more)

With a super rare sword rare in the world, Yuan Feng slaughtered Master Baxuan Dian Xuanming with a sword, but this scene made it difficult for everyone present to return to God.

Xuanming is different from ordinary people. He joined the Ziyun Palace too early and too early, and for so many years, he has basically existed in an invincible image among the people below the Demigod Realm.

This time Yuan Feng shot and killed him. Everyone knows that it won't be long before Ziyun Palace fears that there will be some turmoil!

However, just when everyone was looking at Yuan Feng strangely, imagining the horror situation that Yuan Feng was about to face, Yuan Feng himself was not worried. It seemed that he was here, I feel very good.

"Brother, hey, you're too reckless, this mysterious soul can't be killed !!!"

Wang Zhong had already come to Yuan Feng for the first time, but this time, the master of Liuhedian could not laugh anyway.

How long did Yuan Feng come to Ziyun Palace, where do you know the dangers in Ziyun Palace, this time Yuan Feng killed Xuan Ming, no matter what kind of wrong things Xuan Ming did before, now it is dead without proof, so The Lord of the Bagua Hall will never let him go.

"Brother, don't worry, I have done all this mysterious things. I don't know how many people have been killed in my back. I'll kill him today.

Seeing Wang Zhong's worried face, Yuan Feng naturally knew what the other party was worried about! However, Wang Zhong's worry is not necessary at all. In terms of his current strength, Fuxi, the master of the Bagua Palace, really has nothing to worry about.

"Hey, brother, it's a good thing to do for the skywalk, but ... but hey, brother, while the master of the gossip palace is not yet out of the gate, you still have to leave the Ziyun Palace and wait for the wind to pass come back!"

Everyone has been killed, and it ’s useless to think of more. At the moment, the only way he can think of is to let Yuan Feng quickly leave Ziyun Palace and run as far as possible, otherwise, once their master is over Out of the gate the next night, that little life of Yuan Feng is definitely difficult to keep.

"Uh, run away? Why should I run?"

Hearing Wang Zhongzhi's words, Yuan Feng was laughed at by the other side, "Master, I killed the one who should be killed. So many brothers are present today, and everyone can testify to me. I want to run away in fear of sin. Is it wrong for me to kill him? "

Yuan Feng certainly wouldn't run away. Although he didn't have much contact with Fuxi, the master of the Eight Diagrams Palace, he believed in his strength. Besides, does he still have a cheap master in the Ziyun Palace? The owner of the palace who wants to come to Liuhe Palace will not watch him being killed by Fuxi!

"Master, you are usually a smart person, why are you confused today? Listen to me, hurry up! When the wind passes, I will try to get the master to pick you up."

With a sharp slap on his forehead, Wang Zhong didn't know how to explain to Yuan Feng, but he knew in his heart that a smart man like Yuan Feng should understand what he meant.

"Cough, Brother Yuan Feng, brother Wang Zhong makes sense. You leave for the time being. The next situation is indeed full of unknowns. After the dust settles, it is not too late for Brother Yuan Feng to return. . "

Qiao Ke, the Hall of Five Elements, took a step forward and persuaded Yuan Yuan.

If it was replaced by someone else, I'm afraid that Yuanfeng was already far away from it at this moment, and it would be impossible to continue to call Yuanfeng a brother and sister, but Qiao Ke is not the kind of person who sees the wind to make the rudder.

He also thought about it. For Yuan Feng, leaving now is basically the best choice. If not, wait for him. I really don't know what kind of result it will be.

"Oh, thank you to the two brothers for their concern, but my brother really can't leave. If I leave, then I really can't say clearly !!!"

Yuan Feng was naturally very grateful for Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke's persuasion. He knew that both of them were really good to themselves. In fact, if he did not surpass the strength of the Demigod, Then leave now, it is really the best choice. After all, if the Lord of the Eight Diagrams Palace really ignored it and shot directly at a junior like him, he would basically have a dead end.

However, the fact is that he is not an ordinary electrodeless disciple, and he really does not need to be afraid of that Fuxi.

"Sister ..."

"Well, Brother, Brother Qiao Ke, you don't need to persuade me, I have everything in my heart. Furthermore, the Lord of Fuxi who wants to come to the Bagua Temple should also be a sensible person and should not Invincible, just hit me like a junior? "

Seeing Wang Zhong still have to say more, Yuan Feng waved his hand and interrupted the other party.

"This ......... Hey, that's it. Since then, the master has been staying in the Liuhe Hall from now on. Don't leave the Liuhe Hall in one step, until Master Master exits, let us think of another way. Now. "

Seeing Yuan Feng didn't plan to leave, Wang Zhong had no choice. His legs were on Yuan Feng's own body. Yuan Feng refused to leave. He couldn't force the other party to go!

"Okay, I listen to my brother, but before I return to Liuhe Temple, there is one more thing to do. Please ask the two brothers for a moment."

Yuan Feng was too lazy to refute. Anyway, he really had to go back to Liuhedian anyway. As for when to go out, Wang Zhong was afraid he wouldn't find it at all.

With a slight smile at Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke, Yuan Feng suddenly stepped forward a few steps and came to the opposite side of Li Xiaobai to settle down.

Li Xiaobai didn't return to God at this moment. He didn't expect that Yuan Feng was so fierce, but he killed Xuanming. He said that even if it was him, he would never dare to do so. Crazy things come.

Of course, after all, Yuan Feng's ability to kill Xuanming mainly depends on the horrible excalibur. The thought of the red-red excalibur that he saw before is abnormal in his heart. Itchy.

"Oh, Brother Li, does Brother Li have anything to say at this moment? The confrontation between our two camps should end here today, right?"

As a member of the Ziyun Palace, of course, he does not want to see the Ziyun Palace be in war and strife all day. At least, he does not want the masters and brothers of the Liuhe Palace and other major palaces to be intimidated all day, even It is possible to die at any time.

At this moment, the Bagua Temple has basically been abolished. Without Xuanming, some of the legendary disciples in the Bagua Temple have no fear at all, and they are absolutely afraid to fight against Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke. Right now, it depends on the attitude of Sancai Temple. .

"Brother Yuan Feng, I really can't think of it. In just a few years, you have grown up to the point where you are now, and you have killed Brother Bagua Dian. It is really amazing!"

Li Xiaobai also calmed down at this moment, and when he saw Yuan Feng coming to his own eyes, and ridiculed himself with the victor's tone, he could not help but chin slightly, but was not weak at all.

Although this time he really lost miserably, no matter what, he is not afraid of a little person who has just been promoted to the endless world.

Yuan Feng did not kill Xuan Ming, but it was because the four of them shot together. Xuan Ming had no time to pay more attention. Moreover, Yuan Feng occupied the advantage of the magic weapon, so it was not really a real strength.

In his mind, a small character who has just been promoted to the Promise Realm is definitely not his opponent. Even if the opponent is also in the sword art mood of the sword realm, it is impossible to compare with him.

"Oh, Brother Li has won a prize, and everyone likes Xuanming wins. Besides, it ’s the four of us who work together, so Brother Li also has credit for killing Xuanming."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng couldn't help pulling the other side into the matter at this time. Of course, these didn't matter to him. Speaking out was nothing more than worrying the other side.

"Do n’t do it, Brother Yuan Feng, do n’t say anything wrong. I ’m nothing more than a sideline. As for the killing of Xuan Ming, it was all done by Brother Yuan Feng and Brother Wang Zhong and Brother Qiao Ke. Thank you, I dare not take the lead. "

Of course, Li Xiaobai didn't want to participate in himself. If Xuanming had been captured, he would have killed Xuanming. At this time, he would not be stupid enough to grab any credit.

"Also, since Brother Li doesn't want to take credit for this child, I won't force you." With a scornful smile, Yuan Feng glanced at the people who had already drawn the boundaries with Sancai Temple, and then he Gaze turned back to Li Xiaobai's body.

"Brother Li, you have hurt my Master Liuhedian badly by disgraceful means. As a disciple of Liuhedian, I must find it in this place. How about Brother Shire to fight me? "

The destruction of Xuanming was not the purpose of his shot this time. To blame, he could only blame Xuanming himself for being unlucky, but his purpose was actually directed at Li Xiaobai.


When Yuan Feng's words fell, Li Xiaobai's complexion suddenly changed slightly, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"Will you challenge me?"

With an eyebrow raised, Li Xiaobai really didn't believe his ears. A little character who has just been promoted to Wuji Realm dare to challenge him, and he really feels that he has heard it wrong.

Of course, not only Li Xiaobai couldn't believe his ears. All the people present were some who couldn't believe their ears at this time, because no one had expected that Yuan Feng would recognize Li Xiaobai's recognized purple cloud at this time The first disciple of the palace launched a challenge.

For a while, the whole scene was a little frozen, and everyone wondered if Yuan Feng really wanted to do it.

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