The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1956: Plants and soldiers (four more)

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Chapter 1956 The Plants Are Soldiers (Fourth)

Just as Li Xiaobai scolded everyone present, Xuan Ming, a great disciple in the Eight Diagrams Hall, was finally late, and his arrival undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention.

"Brother Li, why, but is something wrong? Why did Brother Li rush to call his brother so quickly?"

Today's Xuanming is much more random than before. He used to always show a high posture, but to this day, with all the demigods in Ziyun Palace disappearing, his nature, Can not help but slowly exposed.

This time, it was Li Xiaobai who sent him a message before. After receiving the news from Li Xiaobai, he made some preparations and came here secretly.

He heard the sound of Li Xiaobai's anger before, and heard Li Xiaobai yell at everyone so angry, he knew that this time there was definitely a big problem.

"Brother Xuanming, there is really no small thing to report to Brother Xuanming. I also want Brother Xuanming to be my brother. I think about it." For Xuanming, Li Xiaobai still gave his face very face, although he It is also known that this person can never be a friend forever, but at least, at present, he can maintain a cooperative relationship with the other party and pack up other people together.

"Ha ha ha, if Brother Li is afraid to report, if Brother Li has anything to say, you can tell my brother, as long as I can do it, I will do my best."

The more Li Xiaobai said so, the more hesitant under Xuanming's heart.

To tell the truth, today's Li Xiaobai is definitely better than him in terms of combat effectiveness. Therefore, for Li Xiaobai, his heart is also jealous. When it is absolutely necessary, he will not talk to the other party. Just tear your face.

The Eight Diagrams Palace has always been a palace with relatively strong powers, but no one expected that Li Xiaobai had risen strongly and broke the balance of the Ziyun Palace. At present, most of the most powerful gods retreat. The entire Ziyun Palace must belong to Li Xiaobai has the strongest strength, so he also has to choose to cooperate with the other party for the time being.

"That's it. Not long ago, the disciples from the door came to report. My Master Ma Ying and Zheng Yi from the Sancai Hall, plus one from the Sixiang Hall, fell to the outside without the help of Brother Xuanming. I asked, brothers and sisters over the Bagua Hall, but I heard some wind. "

Since cooperation was chosen, naturally there should not be too much concealment between each other. Furthermore, this matter cannot be concealed after all, so it is natural to tell the truth to the other party.

"What? Brother Ma Ying was killed by three people? This ........."

When Li Xiaobai's words fell, Xuanming's face was also difficult to conceal, revealing a touch of shock, and the whole person's body shook slightly.

Disciples of Zhuan Chuan look at each of the top ten palaces, and they can be said to be important figures. Such deaths and injuries of one or two are enough to make the high-levels of the Ziyun Palace inconvenient. At the moment, the temples of Sancai and Sixiang are unexpected Three sons died, if this is known to the demigods, then they must not look good?

"How can this be? Brother Ma Ying and Brother Zheng Yi, aren't they all masters of Sancai Hall? The three of them are together, and who can kill them all?"

As a great disciple of the Eight Diagrams Hall, he naturally has a deep understanding of all the legendary disciples in the Ziyun Palace. He knows the strength of Ma Ying and Zheng Yi and so on. In principle, even if Li Xiaobai took the shot, it seemed that Maybe they killed the three silently?

"It is indeed a trivial matter, but since then, my disciples in the Eight Diagrams Hall have not noticed any movements in the palaces of the Five Elements Hall and the Liuhe Hall. I am afraid that there may be some hidden feelings in this matter!"

Xuanming's brow frowned, but he was thinking hard under his heart. He also has a lot of eyeliners outside, but he really hasn't heard that the Liuhedian and Wuxingdian have taken action, and now the three great disciples are suddenly dead, and he is also somewhat unacceptable.

"Another secret? Brother Xuanming means ..."

Hearing Xuanming's words, Li Xiaobai became more and more suspicious. He didn't think too much. Naturally, he felt that Ma Yingsan was dead in the hands of the Liuhedian camp, but now think about it, there seems to be something unusual in it. After all, there is no such power in the Liuhe Palace and the Five Elements Palace.

"I mean, I'm worried that the death of the three younger brothers was not done by the people of Ziyun Palace. If that's the case, then it will really be a little troublesome!"

Xuan Ming was not afraid that the three would die in the hands of the people of Ziyun Palace. What he was worried about was that someone outside had shot at Ziyun Palace. The Ziyun Palace used to be often used during robbery while it was under fire, but now the Ziyun Palace is turbulent. God knows that there will be outsiders robbery while under fire, destroying several preachers in Ziyun Palace.

"Probably not. I have great influence on Ziyun Palace. No one dares to shoot at Ziyun Palace casually. Therefore, I think it should be the hands of the people of Ziyun Palace. Ghost can be a ghost. "

In two appointments, Wang Zhong was defeated for the first time, and Qiao Ke was tied for the second time. Wang Zhong was really badly hit, but for Qiao Ke, he believed that the opponent had suffered a skin injury at best. There is absolutely little impact.

So, naturally, Qiao Ke is the biggest suspect in killing Ma Ying and the three. As for Wang Zhong, he believes that maybe it won't be long before he can hear the news of Wang Zhong falling or being completely abolished.

"Joe? I don't think he has that much energy."

With his eyes narrowed, Xuanming obviously did not agree with Li Xiaobai's idea. He had contacted Qiao Ke. In his opinion, even if he didn't suffer too much injuries, it was not a realistic thing to kill Ma Ying.

"It is necessary to ascertain the situation. If the three masters really died in the hands of the Five Elements Hall or the Sixth Hall, then the situation may be really wrong, at least, we must start to prevent these two early. The counterattack of the Grand Palace. "

If it is the hands of His Royal Highness the Five Elements and His Royal Highness, then they can only say that their means are too clever, and the thought of the other party may have a means of killing the three strong ones at once, their heart is Can't calm down at all.

In the next time, Li Xiaobai and Xuanming personally presided over the gathering. Everyone used all the power they could use, and vowed to make the cause and effect of things clear and make preparations in time.

And when Li Xiaobai and Xuanming secretly straightened out their thoughts, they didn't know that they had just wiped out their three strongest Yuan Feng, but now they are the same as them, but they are accepting a group of people Worship worship.

Liuhe Hall, in the spacious hall, at this time, the great disciple of Wanghe Hall, Wang Zhong, was sitting on his hands, but beside him, there was a young man with a spirit.

As someone who has participated in the original exchange meeting, of course, no one will not know Yuan Feng.

"Brother Wang Zhong, it looks like your injury has been completely recovered, congratulations, congratulations !!"

The head of the crowd in the hall, disciple Qiao Ke of the Five Elements Hall, took a step before everyone else, and suddenly came up, laughing at Wang Zhonggong above.

Today, Qiao Ke is no different from before, with a kind of harmless indifferent smile on his face at any time, but a careful person will still find that his face can not help but have a trace of abnormal white. Want to come is probably the sword energy of the realm of magic sword.

Seeing Wang Zhong again, of course, his mood is also very good. Before Wang Zhong played against Li Xiaobai, the battle was really miserable. He also helped Wang Zhong's injury before. Unfortunately, the sword spirit of the realm of magic sword is too difficult to entangle, even if he can only do nothing.

Originally, he thought that Wang Zhong might not be able to get over this time, but he did not expect that Wang Zhong not only survived, but did not seem to be affected in any way.

"Ha ha ha, brother Qiao Ke is polite. Speaking of, these are the credit of someone, and today we gathered everyone here, in fact, for everyone to see."

Wang Zhong's laughter was full of lingering meaning. This time he did pick up his life, and with this experience, he also had a very clear suggestion on what to do in the future. .

"Big man? Brother Wang Zhong, what kind of big man do you want to call everyone? Hurry up, let everyone see you, don't continue to sell."

He didn't have that much time and energy to guess randomly, no matter what, since Wang Zhong was still alive and obviously lived very little, this was the biggest blow to his opponent.

"Oh, Master Yuan Feng, come out and say hi to everyone!"

Wang Zhong no longer hesitated, and speaking, he turned around and shouted to the inside of the hall.


Just as his voice fell, a light flashed. Then, the figure of Yuan Feng, a young disciple in Yuanhe Palace, appeared in front of everyone present.

"Brothers, my brother salutes you here."

Yuan Feng's figure flashed out from the depths of the space. As soon as he appeared, he swept around and sent his condolences, but he was very decent.

"Well? Brother Yuanfeng?"

When Yuan Feng's figure showed up, all the people present were slightly surprised. Obviously, none of them had guessed. Wang Zhong wanted to show them, and it would be Yuan Feng, the newcomer of Ziyun Palace.

"Brother Qiao Ke, let's meet again, Brother Qiao Ke, don't come here!"

As a gift to everyone, Yuan Feng's eyes finally gathered on Qiao Ke's body, and he greeted with a smile on his face.

"Master Yuanfeng, is it really you?"

Qiao Ke also immediately recognized Yuan Feng, but when he saw Yuan Feng in front of him, his eyes flashed a shocking color that was hard to hide.

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