The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1949: Departing from the well (one more)

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Chapter 1949 Departure from Home (Part One)

The sun and the moon flow, and the time of the year is almost like a meteor across the sky, which is almost fleeting.

This year is a very crucial year for Qingwu Palace. It is also the year when Qingwu Palace has changed the most.

During this year, Yuan Feng personally shot and elevated the elders of the Yuan family and the Yun family severely, although some people only reached the state of yin and yang, and reached the limitless state. It is few and far between, but this is enough for the Yuan and Yun families.

Of course, improving the strength of individual people is obviously not the main change of Qingwu Palace. The most important thing is that during this year, Yuan Feng's avatars came out, together with the two super powerfuls Chu Chuchen and Waner. However, it is to arrange the entire Qingwu Palace as an iron plate. No matter what kind of superpower comes, I am afraid it is difficult to make the Qingwu Palace.

Chu Yanchen and Wan'er are superpowers in the demigod state. Waner's strength is naturally conceivable as a body of nothingness. Although Chu Yanchen has been promoted late, and has not heard of any special advantages, But whether it is Waner or Yuan Feng, they dare not to underestimate this little girl.

Chu Yanchen was able to advance to the demigod with his own strength. This is an unimaginable thing. From the perspective of the other person's energy fluctuations, Chu Yanchen's body is absolutely unimaginable. Is a powerful means.

Everyone has their own secret. Yuan Feng believes that there must be a secret in Chu's body, and it may be a big secret, but since the other party did not tell him, then he is not good to ask casually.

To tell the truth, Yuan Feng actually found some questions about Chu Yichen. Although Chu Yanchen still looks like the innocent little girl in the past, I do not know why, when facing Chu Yanchen, he always feels uncomfortable, that feeling is like Chulia Chen now's well-behaved seems to be deliberately disguised by her.

Of course, this is nothing more than a less clear feeling. In general, he still feels that Chu Yichen has not changed much, but it is just that he is older and more and more sensible.

Perhaps, in his heart, he didn't want Chu Xichen to grow up and become a very rational and mature woman!

Qingwu Palace is already an iron plate, and Yuan Feng is also secretly integrating the forces around Qingwu Palace. As long as it is a family sect who has a prodigal person in the town, he will incorporate it into Qingwu Palace and grow a little bit. The power of Qingwu Palace.

But do n’t underestimate the small families, you must know that it is because of the existence of these small families that they can support a large family and a powerful force. If Qingwu Palace can integrate the entire small family without imagination, Together, I'm afraid it's really invincible.

The entire Qingwu Palace has been arranged, and a number of strong men have been secretly sent to strengthen the sphere of influence of the Qingwu Palace. Today, the Qingwu Palace is completely on track, waiting for the accumulation of thin hair to fly into the sky!

Yuan Feng also completed the improvement of a group of elders. As for his young friends, he did not help.

Like Chu Tianyu and Ling Fei Lengyun, they all have certain qualifications and potentials, and they have cultivated since childhood. The foundation is relatively solid. Their future roads should be worked out by themselves.

Of course, if they really can't move, Yuan Feng will never watch them being left behind. In fact, although he did not help a few people to improve their cultivation, he still gave each of them a tianxiang fruit. It was enough for them to cultivate such a treasure.

On this day, the high-rises of Qingwu Palace, including Waner and Chu Yichen, gathered together as much as possible, and it was naturally Yuan Feng who presided over the party.

"Father and mother, now Qingwu Palace is completely on track, and Waner and Yunchen are sitting on the town, so the child decides that he will return to Ziyun Palace tomorrow and stay in Ziyun Palace for a while."

On the throne, Yuan Feng's complexion changed several times, but in the end he made up his mind and faced Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu on the starting position.

Regardless, he has already joined the Ziyun Palace, and is considered a member of the Ziyun Palace. He has left the Ziyun Palace for such a long time, but he should really go back and take a look.

In addition, the five-element **** crystal in the master's hand of Huaying Dian must get it to feel it, so he must go back to Ziyun Palace anyway.

"What? Fenger, it's only been a few days. Why are you leaving again?"

When he heard Yuan Feng was leaving, Yuan Qingyun was the first to stand up, unwilling to be authentic. He already knew that Yuan Feng had a clone, but after all, a clone is a clone, and in their hearts, a clone can never replace the deity.

"Fenger, today's Qingwu Palace is already very powerful. I don't think you should return to Ziyun Palace. Our family runs Qingwu Palace here, isn't it great?"

Jiang Qingwu also stood up at this time, but she very much agreed with her husband's opinion.

They certainly do not want Yuan Feng to leave again. Today, Yuan Feng is indeed very strong, but for this reason, the opponents and enemies he will face are bound to be very powerful.

They don't want Yuan Feng to encounter big troubles that are difficult to solve when they go out, and then they will be hurt.

Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner were also present. However, the head of Yun Mengchen did not speak, but there was a bit of perseverance on his face, and then he resumed as usual.

No matter when she is, she will be the one who supports Yuan Feng the most. Moreover, she knows Yuan Feng the best. Since Yuan Feng has decided on the matter, then even if she speaks to discourage it, it is still useless. After all, Yuan Feng always thinks about things and must do them.

When I saw Yun Mengchen, she didn't say a word. Although the other women had a heart to speak, they all swallowed the words well. They all know that Yun Mengchen is Yuan Feng's wife. Even if she wants to speak, it is also Yun Mengchen's opening, but it is not their turn to say anything!

Rules are rules, and when they do, they cannot be broken.

"Oh, father, mother, in your opinion, the baby is indeed strong enough, but do you know that there is no limitless boundlessness, there are too many powerful beings, and now I am, but far from reaching You can fear no one. "

Hearing his parents' stay, Yuan Feng could not help but smile slightly, and then explained to the two.

As he said, this boundless world is too big, although none of his known characters can beat him, but in the unknown field, there must be something he can't even compare to. Strong.

This point, he feels more and more obvious in recent days.

It is really good to stay in Qingwu Palace. At any moment, he can have beauty in his arms. He can enjoy as much as he wants. But if he has been so indulgent, let alone improve his strength, I am afraid that it will be very rare to not back down!

If you want to continuously improve your strength, first of all, you must have an environment for progress. I have to say that Qingwu Palace is not an environment suitable for his cultivation, so he must leave Qingwu Palace and return to Ziyun Palace to try his luck.

He must be promoted to demigod, but he knows clearly that if he is promoted to demigod, there will be too many people who are far superior to the normal demigod, even he at that time, basically It can be compared with the legendary God Realm.

But in fact, there is no delusional realm at the moment, and there is no such thing as a strong man in the realm of God. He has to be a god, and the difficulty can be imagined.

There is absolutely no opportunity or possibility for him to be promoted to the demigod in Qingwu Palace, but the super power of Ziyun Palace is completely different.

The Ziyun Palace has been passed down for countless years, but it is the strongest one among the great forces he knows. If there is any hope of promotion to the demigod, it can only be the Ziyun Palace.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, there are five elements of the five-element **** crystal that he wants in Ziyun Palace. Although that thing may not be able to help others become gods like rumors, but if you want to come together, it is not impossible to reach the semi-divine state. ?

Therefore, this trip to Ziyun Palace, he must go.

"Father and mother, you do n’t have to worry about your child. There is an avatar sitting here. Everything about the baby ’s life can be passed back at any time. If something really happens, I will ask the avatar to support you as soon as possible. Besides, here we are, but there are still two demigods! "

Talking, he couldn't help turning around and glanced at Chu Xichen and Waner, who were sitting side by side, with a smile under their eyes.

"Ah, it seems that no matter what we say, your child is still leaving!"

Upon hearing the answer given by Yuan Feng, Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu couldn't help looking at each other, then sighed one after another, but they stopped admonishing.

They also know their son very well. Yuan Feng is definitely not a person who is at ease with the status quo. If he is allowed to live such a comfortable life, I am afraid it will really make him unmotivated.

Moreover, they also knew in their hearts that Yuan Feng was right. There are people outside the heavens. If they are just a little bit safe, then sooner or later they will be approached by others. At that time, they did not know if they were enough. Strength to resist.

"Hahaha, father and mother, there is a clone here to honor you, and there are dream dusts, they chat with you to relieve boredom, you don't have to worry about children."

With a loud smile, Yuan Feng's heart was also full of perseverance. However, he knows better than anyone. Leaving Qingwu Palace and going to the outside world is something he must do now. No one can let him change his mind.

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