The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1933: Cruel (second)

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Chapter 193rd Cruel (Part Two)

Waner returns, and returns in an invincible realm of demigod, which is bound to be a big happy event for Qingwu Palace. However, with regard to Wan'er's return, Yuan Feng did not make this matter a big fanfare, but only took Waner to see his father and mother.

Although the original Yuan family, several elders were very good for Wan'er, especially Wuye Yuan Qingyan, and they also loved Wan'er so much, but Yuan Feng did not take Waner to meet these people one by one.

Wan'er's identity is still a bit sensitive. Anyway, she is now the master of the Yuanji Palace. If you let outsiders know that her master of the Yuanji Palace turned out to be a young girl in Qingwu Palace, then it does n’t matter It is obviously not a good thing for Yuanji Palace or Qingwu Palace.

Anyway, there are so many opportunities. Waner wants to see Yuan Qingyan and others. Sooner or later, she won't be in a hurry.

After taking Waner to meet his father and mother, Yuan Feng handed the other person over to his mother's hands, and let Waner follow Jiang Qingwu to speak his own words.

He knew very well that some people, naturally, could not be seen by him with Waner, because it would be really embarrassing and would make him feel very embarrassed. It is undoubtedly much better for his mother to solve these matters than to go out of his way.

After handing Waner to Jiang Qingwu's hands, Yuan Feng, together with his father Yuan Qingyun, began to help his father improve his cultivation.

After the retreat during this period of time, Yuan Qingyun was naturally in a state of pinnacle. It is simply better to make a breakthrough at this time. Of course, due to his cultivation practice, if he wants to cross the level into the Promise, Yuan Feng's efforts are also conceivable.

It can be said that it is definitely not possible to help Yuan Qingyun improve his cultivation, but no matter how much time he spends, he is willing to pay.

The father and son began to retreat again, and at this moment, Waner and Jiang Qingwu had the opportunity to be alone.

Without Yuan Feng around, Wan Er was in front of Jiang Qingwu, and there was still a little bit of letting go, but this kind of letting go did not last for a long time, and they talked for a while. It became more and more familiar, and eventually became a lot more natural.

Speaking of them, it is not just Waner who cannot let go? In fact, in the face of a superpowered demigod, Jiang Qingwu was more or less incapable.

If Waner is just an ordinary woman, then as a mother of Yuan Feng, of course, she can say whatever she wants. However, Waner's cultivation is placed there. It is absolutely different from the realm of demigod. The general realm.

It can be said that the state of demigod is a symbol of status and status, because if you reach such a level, you can not put anyone in your eyes.

From Waner, Jiang Qingwu learned a lot about Yuanfeng's childhood. Waner grew up with Yuanfeng. It can be said that no one in the world knows Yuanfeng better than her. At some point in Yuanfeng's childhood, Jiang Qingwu was crying and laughing, and his emotions were extremely ups and downs.

To be honest, sometimes she really envy Waner, no matter what, Waner grew up with Yuan Feng, but as a mother, she missed everything that should be with Yuan Feng. Time, this is really too regrettable for a mother.

"Auntie, when did you reunite with the young master? How did you meet the young master?"

There are too many chores in Yuan Feng's childhood. If it is all done, I am afraid that it will not be enough for a few days and nights, and it is sad to see Jiang Qingwu because he missed Yuan Feng ’s childhood. Some of them couldn't keep talking, so they brought the topic to Jiang Qingwu.

Of course, she was indeed a little curious. She never heard Yuan Feng talk about his mother. Why did he suddenly come up with such a fairy-like mother!

"Speaking of which, my life was also saved by Fenger. When I first met Fenger by chance, maybe it was all destined for heaven!"

Speaking of the experience of being found by Yuan Feng and rescued from the owner of the star palace, Jiang Qingwu was more and more emotional. As she said, Yuan Feng could find her and rescue her. Come out, it really is due to fate, saying that God is doomed.

"I thought that at the beginning, I left Fenger because of the last resort and left the Yuan family ..."

Jiang Qingwu soon fell into the memory, and what happened that year was also completely told by her again. These things, even if she and Yuan Feng did not say too carefully, but now they are facing With regard to Waner, she was willing to share it with each other.

No way, who makes Waner in front of Yuanfeng the closest person? After listening to Waner's narration for a long time, even if it was Li Shang still, she should really tell her something about Waner.

Wan'er was also totally devoted to listening to Jiang Qingwu's narration. For her, Yuan Feng found Jiang Qingwu and rescued him from a giant force. The experience must be thrilling stimulate.

They talked passionately, one listened carefully, and time passed slowly in their kind narration and listening. At this moment, they felt like meeting each other and hating late.

I do n’t know how long, Jiang Qingwu explained the reason why he left Yuan Family and Yuan Feng at first, and later discovered her under the circumstances of Yuan Feng and brought her back to Yuan Family. Once again, Waner on the other side really listened to her heart.

"Heaven has its own will. It seems that the young master is destined to retrieve your aunt."

After listening to Jiang Qingwu's narration, Wan'er's face was full of emotions, but after thinking about it, although the chance of coincidence accounted for a lot in the whole process, in the final analysis, Jiang Qingwu was able to return to the Yuan family. Among them, Yuan Feng used his own life to fight back.

And think of Jiang Qingwu, and then think of her, it seems that the experience of the two is somewhat similar, no matter it is the other party or himself, it seems that they almost let Yuan Feng take his own life.

"Master is the best, always !!!!"

Thinking of Yuan Feng disregarding her own safety, she went to Yuanji Palace to rescue herself, and helped her to take the seat of Yuanji Palace. She felt very sweet under her heart.

"By the way, Waner, since you have been with Fenger all the time, then there should be someone who you want to come to know, right?"

Seeing Wan'er had been fully acquainted with himself, Jiang Qingwu's eyes could not help flashing a bright light, and then she seemed to inadvertently say to Wan'er.

Some things, no matter what time it is to be said, and now it seems that the time is almost ripe!

"What is your aunt saying? Let's hear it!"

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Waner closed her mind and asked with a little curiosity. Listening to the meaning of Jiang Qingwu, it seems that the person she wants to speak from should also come from Fengtian County, otherwise, the other party would not ask her like this.

"Oh, her name is Meng Chen, Yun Meng Chen. It should be the big family in Fengtian County at that time. Since you are all from Fengtian County, you should know her if you want to come!"

Jiang Qingwu said very carefully, while talking, she couldn't help observing Wan'er's face in secret, for fear that the other party could not accept some facts.

"Ah, Yunjia Da * Yunmeng Chen?"

Sure enough, when Jiang Qingwu's words fell, Wan'er's face suddenly changed, and the whole body's body also had an unspeakable breath.

Yun Mengchen, this name is naturally no stranger to her.

At the beginning, in Fengtian County, the three masters of Yuan family waste loved Yun Yunda * Yun Mengchen, but this matter is well known. At the beginning, Yuan Feng did not lose a lot for Yun Mengchen. For the name of Yun Mengchen, she Actually, I don't want to mention it at all.

Just like telling Jiang Qingwu about Yuan Feng's childhood, she did not mention Yun Mengchen at all. However, what she never expected was that at this moment, Yun Mengchen's name was actually spoken in Jiang Qingwu's mouth.

Hearing Yun Mengchen's name from Jiang Qingwu's mouth was obviously not a good phenomenon for her. As for the strangeness before Yuan Feng, as well as her previous guess, she knew that the last thing she wanted to see was probably to happen after all.

"It seems Waner should know Dream Dust."

Waner's response has clearly explained a lot of problems, and when seeing such a response, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help sighing, but there was no extra expression on her face.

"Yun's big brother, Wan'er naturally knows, does she also come to the world?"

Fortunately, I had been mentally prepared for a long time, so after only a moment's fuss, Waner returned to normal and asked pretendingly calmly. However, although she looked very calm, Jiang Qingwu on the side still observed keenly. At this moment, she was obviously not as calm as she seemed.

"Well, Mengchen is now in Qingwu Palace. Speaking of it, she has been with Fenger's side all the time. It really has been a long time since it was counted!"

Yuan Feng gave this task to herself, and she was actually very distressed, but some things have to be said. Maybe for Waner, it may be a little difficult to accept, but this kind of thing is naturally impossible. Hide it.

"I ... always follow the young master?"

When Jiang Qingwu's words fell, Wan'er's eyes could not help flashing a trace of silence. At this moment, she really had a mixed taste in her heart, but she couldn't say a word.

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