The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1914: Scramble (second more)

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Chapter 1114 The Scramble (Part Two)

For the veteran Wu Xian, the head of the Yuanji Palace, Hua Tian Xing, died, and it is natural that he should take over the position of this palace. However, at the time when he thought that the position of the lord of the palace would necessarily be in his hands, the last words of Hua Tianxing, which was suddenly exposed by the elders of Meng Tsang, shattered his dream.

Although Huatian Xing is dead, many of the veterans in Yuanji Palace still respect it very much, so, naturally, no one can treat him as nothing.

Therefore, after the words of the elder Meng taste fell, the elder Wu Xian really had the urge to slap him to death.

"You, Lord Gongzhu, really did leave such a last word before his death. This veteran can also testify. Of course, the old man at this moment is no longer a demigod. If everyone I feel that my words are not strong enough, I will not say anything to the old man, hey !!! "

It didn't take long for the elder Meng Tsao's words to fall. Aside, Gongsun Yun, who was dejected because of Xiu's fall, also stood up at this time, with a dull face.

It seems that Gongsun Yun at this moment seems very injured. This kind of injury is not only physical, but also spiritual. But if you think about it, no matter who it is, suddenly it changes from demigod to infinity, and you can't be happy when you think about it!

"Why did the elder Gongsun say this? You have been badly wounded, and that was the injury you suffered when you were fighting the Tatars. I admire it for all this. Why should the elder Gongsun not be mean?"

"That is, let's say, the elder Gongsun is just that Xiuwei fell to the limitless state, but he can slowly cultivate back, which is not a big deal."

"Elder Gongsun and Lord Gongshou fought side by side. How can we feel that the words of Elder Gongsun are not enough?"

Seeing Gongsun Yun's gloomy face, the people present could not help but give birth to a hint of cowardice. To tell the truth, Gongsun Yun looks really pitiful at the moment, plus he really only temporarily fell to the Promise, but he can still cultivate slowly, so everyone will not ignore his words.

"Thank you all, I have nothing to complain about, my husband, with these words." Hearing the consolation of everyone, Gongsun Yun couldn't help but smile, but in his heart, it was already blooming with laughter.

"Everyone, Lord Gong said that as long as Master Waner was promoted to semi-godder, then she would take over the seat of Yuanji Gong, and now Master Waner has become a real half. I am strong, I hope that the last words of Lord Gongzhu will come true under the witness of everyone! "

The elder Meng Tsao stood up again, but he directly recommended Waner as the new palace master without any worries.


After hearing the words of the elder Meng Chang, the atmosphere in the entire hall was slightly stagnant. Afterwards, everyone's eyes could not help looking at Zhengsi, but they were always silent, and finally, they would A subconscious glance at Elder Wu Xian not far from Waner.

Frankly speaking, Hua Tian Xing is dead. His last words are basically empty words. As for whether you want to turn his last words into reality and realize his wishes before his death, it depends on everyone's own decision.

Among the demigods present, several were absolute supporters of the veteran Wu Xian. Everyone knows that if the veteran Wu Xian insists on competing for the seat of the palace master, then this is really a bit bad. Did it.

Living is always more important than dying. Hua Tian Xing is dead, and everyone naturally does not worry about offending the other party again. But Elder Wu Xian lived well, and no one dared to be too disrespectful to him.

Therefore, when the words of the elder Meng taste fell, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one dared to agree and agree with the elder of Meng taste.

"Hehe, the elder Meng taste, the elder Gongsun, the two are calm and calm, and let the elder say something."

Just when the words of the elder Mengzi fell, among the crowd, the elder Shijie, who had jumped out before, jumped out again and interrupted the elder Mengzi's words.

Everyone knows that veteran Shi Yan is a member of veteran Wu Xian, and now this person jumps out to speak, but everyone can also think of what the other party wants to say! Talking, everyone looked at the other side, waiting for the next words.

"Elder Shi Yan has something to say, but it doesn't matter."

Hearing the elder Shi Mao stood up to speak, the elder Meng Tia couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but he didn't stop the other person. After all, everyone was a veteran strongman, and all of them were equal. He had no right to stop the other person.

"Two veterans, I naturally believe in the last words you brought back, but for one thing, the veteran has my own point of view. I also hope that the two veterans will judge them. See what I said Right, right. "

The elder Shi Yan smiled, but said that he was very sincere, but his performance was such that the frowns of the elders of Meng Tie and Gongsun Yun were obviously not very much.

"Second, Master Waner was promoted to a demigod, but everyone knows that Master Wuer's practice time is too short and too short, so I do think, is this the master of the palace, For the time being, a highly respected veteran will take over, and when Master Waner is truly independent, then Master Waner will take over. "

The meaning of the elder Shi Yan is obviously more obvious. Although he did not say the name of the elder Wu Xian, but the fool can see that he is fighting for the seat of the palace master for the elder Wu Xian!

"Veteran Shi Yan is right, Waner is really good, but she lacks some experience, so I also think that I should recommend an experienced veteran temporary palace master for now. I wonder what everyone likes?"

The voice of the elder Shi Yan fell, and someone stood up immediately, agreeing without any care. Of course, who stood out at this time is naturally no doubt a member of the veteran Wu Xian line.


When you heard these two guys, you sang one word at a time, everyone in the audience couldn't help but rap, but they were a little speechless about their shame.

The faces of the elders of Mengchang and Gongsun Yun were somewhat darkened, and they certainly would not agree with this result. However, these two guys said that it was reasonable, and it was like thinking about the long-term interests of Yuanji Palace. They really can't say anything to refute.

For a moment, the two could only look at each other, asking for each other's opinions.

"Oh, the two veterans are more or less reasonable, but the last words of the Lord of the Palace must not be dismissed. Since the two feel that Waner is lacking in experience, I have a suggestion. It is better to continue to let Waner In the seat of the successor of the palace, at that time, the elder Wu Xian and the elders will give their full assistance. Any important decisions will also be decided by everyone. In this case, will we get two birds with one stone and make everyone satisfied? "

It's still Gongsun Yun's head turning faster, almost a frown, and he has a response to it.

Since the other party uses the benefits of Yuanji Palace as a bargaining chip, they can certainly do the same.

Wan'er's experience is sufficient and insufficient. This is not a decisive factor for her ability to be the master of the palace, because even if Waner's experience is insufficient, others can still be assisted. However, the name of the palace's master is still determined by Wan. Come here.

Furthermore, Gongsun Yun's meaning contained the right to make Waner overhang into a trance, but the actual decision was in the hands of the veterans.

Of course, only his mind knew that as long as Waner was able to take the seat of the palace master, no matter who it was, it was impossible to threaten her position. The top priority is to let Waner grab the seat of the palace master.

"Uh, this ........."

The proposal given by Gongsun Yun was to directly push back the elders of Shijie and others, and they did not expect that the response of this Gongsun Yun turned out so fast. Now it seems that they made their own clever ideas and seemed to give them directly. The other party has made a wedding dress! If they do n’t say it like this, but recommend it based on their ability, then they may not be able to give Gongsun Yun such a chance to refute.

"This, this ........."

The two veterans also wanted to take over, but after thinking about it, they really didn't know what to say. Subconsciously, the eyes of the two were looking at the veteran Wu Xian in the crowd, and their eyes were full of questions.

"Everyone, Elder Meng Tsao and Elder Gongsun brought back the last words of the Lord Gong, so naturally I have to wait for the last respect of the Lord Gong, but the seat of the Yuanji Gong is not a child play, but it is not anyone I can do it, the old man wants to ask, young master, but you have the confidence to be the master of my Yuanji Palace? "

At the time when everyone was silent and the card was slightly violated, the veteran Wu Xian, the protagonist, could not help but take a step forward, but once again stood in front of everyone. Obviously, at this moment, he can no longer instruct others to shoot.

Looking at Waner, the veteran Wu Xian at this moment had a threatening light.

Of course, he hoped that he would be able to take the seat of the palace master. As for Zuo Waner or something, it was like a joke. If it was only auxiliaries, he wouldn't be idle all the time!

Having said that, he really didn't believe it, Waner, a young girl who had just been promoted to demigod, dared to compete with him.

"Veterans, as a disciple of Master, I must make his last words come true, so the seat of the master of Yuanji Palace is determined by the junior."

However, just when Veteran Wu Xian thought that he could calm Waner and let the other party retreat, the latter gave him an answer that filled him with surprise.

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