The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1905: Seduce (one more)

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Chapter 1905 Temptation (1 more)

Zhao Gang, Yuanji Palace, is also relatively unlucky. In fact, Yuan Feng did not kill him originally. How can the other party really not keep his mouth on the mouth, not only insulting him, but also insulting Waner again and again. Such a self-reliance What is the use of a guy who is very tall but has no demeanor?

In his Jiuqu Yellow River battle, it is not easy to make a demigod strong surrender, but it is not difficult to kill a person who is not as good as his demigod.

Today's Jiuqu Yellow River Formation has been fully integrated into the spirits of the two demigods. What is the energy in the entire array, and with the help of this force, it is really a piece of cake. Dish thing.

Of course, Zhao Gang should be blamed too much for Yuan Feng. He certainly wouldn't think that a small, infinite person could be powerful, especially Yuan Feng's increasingly perfect Optimus. It has reached a state of incomprehension, and unexpectedly, there is no reason to avoid it.

"The third one, I didn't expect that in such a short time, I actually beheaded and killed three major demigods, sin, sin !!!"

After a sword killed Zhao Gang, Yuan Feng's heart could not help feeling a little bit of emotion. To tell the truth, he didn't actually plan to kill Zhao Gang, but the other party repeatedly said to insult him and Waner. In a fit of anger, he failed to control himself and destroyed the other party.

In fact, in terms of Zhao Gang's strength, if it is outside, it may not be chopped by Yuan Feng's sword. Unfortunately, here is the internal space of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. Here, Yuan Feng ’s swordsmanship and Xuan Zhen's combination of the two has almost reached the invincible realm. Speaking of which, Zhao Gang is unlucky enough.

"Master, all sentient beings are equal, even if it is a demigod, even a mortal person, in fact, has the same life. Master does not need to feel uncomfortable because they are demigods."

Seeing Yuan Feng's expression of emotion, Waner couldn't help but take a step forward, and said to Yuan Feng.

Speaking of which, she did not have a good impression on the veteran Zhao Gang, especially the other person repeatedly insulted Yuan Feng, and even made her angry. So, she felt very much about Yuan Feng's destruction of the other party. Outgassing.

In her heart, there is really no difference between demigods and ordinary people. For the same life, why do ordinary people die, but people in demigods cannot die? This is obviously unreasonable.

Furthermore, Yuan Feng's killing was basically because of her, and she did not want Yuan Feng to be sentimental for it.

"Hahaha, Waner, your little girl still knows a lot of truth!" When Yuaner was able to say that all beings are equal, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing, but she appreciated Wan'er's insight very much.

In fact, his thoughts are the same as Waner's, except that the thought of a demigod person has been so long that he has achieved success, and now he has killed three in a row. His heart is still inevitable. Sorry. Of course, the emotion is just emotion, but he will never be sentimental for beheading a few demigods.

You know, at the time of the battle between Ziyun Palace, Yanji Palace, and Luan Xing Palace, it was a total of more than 40 demigods who had destroyed a whole lot. Compared with the demigods who fell from the war, now Death to three people is really no big deal.

"Waner, there is a veteran of Yuanji Palace. If I heard it correctly, it seems that it is called the Meng Tzu veteran. Do you know this person?"

Yuan Feng has been monitoring the two outside. He also faintly listened to the conversation between Zhao Gang and Meng Tai, and he knew that if Zhao Gang did not go out for a long time, then the Meng Chang veteran I am afraid that I will go back and move the soldiers.

Speaking of them, although he was not afraid to move all the soldiers to the Yuanji Palace, because at this moment, even if he came with ten eight demigod opponents, he was definitely not afraid.

However, if the demigods of Yuanji Palace are all here, what will he do with these people? Did you cheat into the mysterious array? That's obviously too bad. But if you don't kill, Waner's incident is broken by these people. Waner's position as the master of Yuanji Palace is probably not realistic.

Therefore, in any case, he does not want to lead all the demigods in Yuanji Palace out. If he can secretly solve this Mencius veteran, that would be the best thing.

"Veteran Meng taste? I know this person. Veteran Meng tastes a good relationship with veteran Zhao Gang. They are also very loyal to Huatian Xing. This person is average, but it is much smoother than Zhao Gang."

Raising her eyebrows, Waner couldn't help recalling it before introducing Yuan Feng. She stayed in Yuanji Palace for so long. Naturally, she did not know the senior members of Yuanji Palace, but Elder Meng Ta had contacted her several times.

"The demigod strong is not easy to practice, Waner, I don't want to kill any more, you help me think of a way, how to bring him in, and then cheat into the mysterious array, then let him talk to Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun In the same way, let ’s lower Xiu to Promise first! ”

Even if it is a person who has fallen to the demigod, he is better than a dead person, especially if the other person dies, then nothing will be left. It can be said that he died for nothing.

If the elders who can control one more Yuanji Palace, even if the other party only has the practice of Wuji, it will still be a great help for him.

"Don't cheat him in? I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Wan'er's good-looking frown could not help but frown slightly, obviously also some difficulties.

She knew some of this Meng Tsang veteran. In addition to being smooth, this person was also very cautious. She wanted to cheat him in and eventually cheated into the mysterious array. She really had to think about it. .

"Yes, Master, this person is very interested in Qi Zhen Yi Bao. I do n’t know what precious treasure there is on the Master? If you have one, you can take it out and let the breath out. Maybe you can He brought in. "

For a moment, Wan'er suddenly raised an eyebrow, but thought of a feasible solution. Of course, the prerequisite of this method is that there are some strange treasures on Yuan Feng's body.

"Oh? Amazing treasure? This ......... Let me think about it !!!"

Hearing Wan'er's suggestion, Yuan Feng also had her eyes narrowed, and quietly considered a feasible solution.

Speaking of them, they just need to introduce Meng Ta around Xuan Zhen. As long as the other party comes to Xuan Zhen, they can use the same method as before to bomb it into Xuan Zhen space.

"Also, it is finally a solution. Although it may not be possible, it is totally worth a try."

Frankly, Waner's proposal is not very optimistic. After all, at this time, using the baby to seduce the other party, the other party may not be fooled. Of course, this depends on how much the other party is interested in Qi Zhen Yi Bao. If the other party is really a person who can't move when they see Bao, then of course it is another matter.

Having said that, if this method is not feasible, then he will take the shot himself, and then Wan'er will attack each other one after another, and he may not let him run away.


Thinking of this, when Yuan Feng raised his hand, he took out a huge multicolored spar, but this spar was still when he first entered the Ziyun Palace, followed by a few disciples of Ziyun Palace. What you get when you explore!

"Well? This is ........."

Seeing that Yuan Feng had taken out such a large multicolored spar, Wan'er could not help but brighten his eyes, and his eyes had an unfavorable color.

Women are the same. For this crystal clear and colorful baby, it is difficult to suppress the feeling of love. Although she is already a demigod, but the essence of a woman, it will not change.

"Oh, this spar was obtained by chance. If Waner likes it, after you finish the bait, this thing is yours."

It's rare to see Wan'er like something, and of course he won't talk to each other. Moreover, there are still many such spar in his physical world, but it's just not as big as this one.

"Master is the best, thank you master !!!!!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's reward for herself, Waner smiled happily, but soon recovered her seriousness and began to act with Yuan Feng.

At the same time, outside of the dense forest, the elder Meng Ta, who had been waiting for news from Elder Zhao Gang, was almost staring intently into the deep forest, waiting for the elder Zhao Gang's movement.

"It's been a long time, and there isn't a trace of movement? Is something really wrong?"

The time agreed between him and Elder Zhao Gang was half an hour, and now it is half an hour, but it is about to come. If the other party does not come out again, he will really turn around to Yuanji Palace and tell what happened here To all the Yuanyuan Palace elders.

You should know that in such a short time, the five and a half divine powerhouses in Yuanji Palace will never go back. For such a big thing, he is definitely not sure about it alone.

"No, I can't wait any longer. Elder Zhao Gang has no news. This is absolutely abnormal. It seems that I must go back to Yuanji Palace, call everyone, and then go inside to see exactly."

He has always been more cautious, but in the end he did not intend to wait any longer. Although the time has not yet reached half an hour, under his heart, he couldn't wait any longer.

Talking, he stood up and prepared to return to Yuanji Palace.


However, when he just got up and wanted to return to Yuanji Palace to rescue the soldiers, a colorful light suddenly flashed from his eyes, although the light appeared quickly and disappeared quickly, But he was keenly aware of it.

"Well? That's ........."

When he saw the colorful light flashing, his footsteps couldn't help but stop, and a bright light appeared in his eyes.

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