The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1903: Perfect fit (three more)

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Chapter 1903 Seamless Coordination of Tianyi (Chapter Three)

Gongsun Yun and Peng Ji were trapped in the final uprightness of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array and stood up to the test of the final upheaval of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. It is impossible for them to be caught in a short period of time. Weakened to the limit.

However, before they are weakened to the limit, it is not easy for them to think of a way out. As for whether the two of them can think of a way to leave in the end, or have been cut and repaired by a large array, it will take time to prove it all.

At the time when Peng Ji and Gong Sun Yun were tortured by the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, there were two secretly lurking people outside the dense forest of the cave where the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was located. Together, and secretly discussed.

"Veteran Zhao Gang, Lord Gong, they have been in for so long. Why is there no movement at all? Isn't it an accident?"

In a hidden weed, two middle-aged men concealed it carefully while communicating with each other.

"Elder Meng taste, you don't have to worry about blindness. Lord Gongzhu and the four of them went in together. How can there be any accidents? Since Lord Gongzhu lets us wait here to deal with emergencies at any time, let's Just wait here honestly. "

Zhao Gang and Meng Ta, these two are veteran figures in the Ziyun Palace. They wanted to be well-known at the time, but they later achieved the semi-god realm and rarely showed up. This is gradually being Everyone forgot.

However, if the two reappear, they won't be long before they want to come, and they can still become the hero of the moment, and they are even better than they were then.

For the sake of insurance, Hua Tianxing brought five big and half divine veterans, and these two veterans seemed to be arranged by him to prevent Yuan Feng and Waner from escaping.

Speaking of which, Huatian Xing is also fully prepared, and it can be said that it is almost exhausted, but the only thing that fails is that Yuan Feng suddenly reached the limitless state.

Imagine if Yuan Feng hadn't reached the limitless state and he didn't have such a terrifying force now, then in front of the six demigods, he would really be very dangerous.

"Hey, that's all, but it's been a while, and it shouldn't be so quiet, logically!"

Although what Zhao Gang said was reasonable, time has passed for a long time, but there is really no movement in it, which makes him unable to treat it as if nothing happened.

"You are the worrying person, the strength of the Lord Gong, as well as Gongsun Yun and Peng Ji. They are all old monsters who have cultivated countless years. Even if something happens to you and me, nothing will happen to them. Yes, well, you and I will obediently stay outside. If you do not follow the instructions of the Lord Gongzhu, if you really make a mistake, you and I will not escape the relationship. "

The two analyzed for a while and thought about the terrible relationship in the end. In the end, they continued to lurk honestly and did not go forward to investigate the situation.

In this way, with such a wait, the time quickly passed for more than half a day, and Hua Tianxing and others had no news at all. This time, even Zhao Gang, who had no doubt at first, They all felt something was wrong.

Hua Tianxing told them before that this time they came here to catch a person, and if it was really to catch a person, there should definitely be no trace of movement, even if the two sides are fighting with wisdom. But now, there should be a result.

"Veteran Zhao Gang, it seems that we can't wait any longer like this. Maybe we should go in and take a look. If something really happens, we should return to Yuanji Palace to rescue the soldiers soon."

Hua Tian Xing and his team of four, if they really encountered big trouble, then it is obviously impossible to rely on the strength of the two of them to play a big role. At the moment, what they need to do most is what happened to Dinghua Tianxing and others.

"Yeah, I don't think so. We don't want to go in all of them, we should go in by one person. If there is any problem, we should quickly pass the message to the outsiders, or let the outsiders return to Yuanji as soon as possible The palace asked for help. "

The two were very thoughtful. They have been trying to contact Hua Tianxing and others, but they have not been able to contact them yet. Therefore, between the two of them, it is absolutely impossible to lose contact. And once someone loses contact, another person can really meet Yuanji Palace immediately and pull all the people in Yuanji Palace.

"Okay, let me go and investigate. Brother Meng Ta is waiting outside. If within half an hour I haven't returned and I haven't heard from you, then Brother Meng Ta can call Yuanji Palace. Now. "

Zhao Gang's adventurous spirit is obviously stronger. In fact, his hiding means is indeed a bit more subtle than Zhao Gang's. Therefore, it is indeed the best choice for him to explore the reality.

"Okay, that's it. I hope Brother Zhao Gang will be more careful. If anything is wrong, let me know immediately."

Of course, the elder Meng Tsang had no objection. As long as he was not allowed to take risks, the other party would toss as much as he wanted, and if the situation was really bad at that time, he would try to escape the first time.

With the decision, Elder Zhao Gang had concealed his body shape, converged, and approached the depths of the dense forest, and Meng Tia couldn't help but hang his heart in the back. I do n’t know what Zhao Gang ’s trip would be like the result of.

Not to mention, Zhao Gang does have some skills. His hiding and convergence methods are among the top among the demigods. After he started to penetrate the dense forest, it was not long. It is already difficult to find him after tasting.

"Half an hour, then I'll obediently wait for half an hour. If half an hour is not enough, then something really happened!"

Seeing that Zhao Gang's figure disappeared, Meng Shi had no other way but to wait.

Zhao Gang's dive was smooth, not long, he came to the cave entrance that Hua Tian Xing and others entered before, but the whole cave was controlled by Yuan Feng with the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. You can't see the existence of the hole, so when Zhao Gang stayed here, you couldn't see the existence of the hole at all.

"It's weird. You obviously entered this place. Why can't you see your personal picture? It's weird, it's really weird!"

Zhao Gang's brow frowned tightly, and his heart was full of curiosity. He really didn't understand. He obviously entered this place, but now he is in the current position, not to mention the silhouette, even the breath of four people. He didn't feel the slightest.

"The situation is really a little bad. It seems that the master of the palace, they are really in trouble!"

At this moment, he couldn't care about Hua Tianxing's previous explanations. Between his thoughts, he was distracted from all directions, looking for the traces of several people in Hua Tianxing.

Seeing with your eyes, of course, can't be compared to investigating with your heart. Not long, Zhao Gang's eyes are focused on a mountain forest that looks very normal.

In his mind perception, although this mountain forest looks normal on the surface, when he explores it, he will find that the trees in this mountain forest are obviously not so real.

"Xuan Zhen !!!"

As a demigod, if he still can't see the abnormal scene at this time, then he doesn't have to continue mixing.

"Not good, Lord Gongzhu, they are afraid of falling into the mysterious array!"

Speaking of them, Huatian Xing and his four strong men entered the forest, and then there was no trace of movement. In this case, it is entirely possible that he was caught in the mysterious array, and now he really saw the mysterious array, then Everything is naturally very obvious.

"No, hurry up and call the veteran Meng Ta to break the mysterious array to rescue the Lord Lord !!!"

Now that we have basically determined that Hua Tianxing and others are caught in the front of the mysterious array, the next time, of course, is to find a way to break the mysterious array and rescue the four members of Hua Tianxing.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate. As soon as he raised his hand, he called out a piece of jade for communication, and he wanted to send a message to the elders of Meng Tai outside.

At this moment, he was outside the mysterious array. Naturally, he could not easily move around. He passed the news with the jade card of communication. He wanted to avoid hitting the grass and scaring the snake. By then, he and the two men of the Mencius Meng shot would be able to use this Opened and rescued Hua Tianxing and his party.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, just as Zhao Gang was thinking, and was about to pass the message to the elder Meng Tsai outside, a sound of spatial shock came suddenly from above his head. At the same time, a person could not see clearly. The ghostly shadow appeared in his eyes.

"Well? Who is it !!!"

Suddenly, the ghost image suddenly surprised the elder Zhao Gang, because for a long time, he didn't feel the slightest breath of human being at all, and suddenly one came out. It was not false.

Subconsciously, he put away the jade card in his hand, then drew back, and avoided it.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, just when he had just avoided the shadow attack, but wanted to fight back, a sound of space shock came, and this time, he had no room to respond at all.

"Well !!!"

Zhao Gang only felt a strong transmission from his waist, and then he was blasted into a dark space, losing all contact with the outside world.

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