The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1896: Destroy the demigod (one more)

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Chapter 189 Destroying Demigods Again (1)

Cleanly killed Yuan Tiangong ’s master Hua Tianxing, Yuan Feng ’s heart was also quite stable. No matter what, Hua Tianxing had already formed an enmity with him and Waner. Sooner or later, I'm afraid it will be a scourge.

Today, Hua Tian Xing has fallen into a dormant state. In this way, this period of hatred can be considered to be completely ended, and he and Wan Er, of course, can go wherever they want, and no longer need to worry about Hua Tian Xing's followers. To his friends and relatives.

After killing Huatian Xing, Yuan Feng then took Waner and continued to be busy in the battle.

This time trapped in the mysterious array, there are four super powerhouses, one of which is destroyed now, but there are still three powerhouses waiting for him to clean up. He wants to get these people one by one, and then plot event.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation has begun to take shape with the improvement of Yuan Feng's strength. Today's large formation, anyone in the demigod should not want to easily break it. If there is no Xuanzhen skill in the body, then Even more, I can only be obediently trapped, and never want to go out for a lifetime.

As a well-known patriarch in Yuanji Palace, Li Jin thought he knew the Xuanzhen together, but at this moment, in the face of Yuanfeng ’s Jiuqu Yellow River, the demigod of Yuanji Palace But the strong ones are also a bit ruthless.

"Ah, hell, what kind of formation is this? The veteran is very proficient with Xuan Zhen, and he has never seen such a strange Xuan Zhen, abominable, abominable !!!"

Elder Li Jin was a little scared at the moment. He followed Hua Tian Xing out. He originally wanted to avenge his son. But now it seems that let alone vengeance, can you return to Yuanji Palace? It's hard to say.

Regarding the surrounding space of Xuanzhen, he has seen it over and over again, but no matter how he studies, he still can't see the slightest doorway. The feeling almost made him return to the beginning of Xuanzhen. Feeling clueless.

"What to do? This mysterious array is so wonderful, there is no way to break it, and at the moment, several other people have disappeared. Do I have to wait like this forever?"

Brows frowned tightly, Li Jin at this moment was really anxious. Obviously, at this moment, the four of them who have fallen into the mysterious array have all been separated separately, and the opponent has done so. The eight achievements are for each defeat. Maybe at this moment, the opponent has already attacked one of them. People shot!

Not to mention, Li Yun's guess was extremely correct. However, even if he wanted to break his head, he would never have thought of it. At this moment, Yuan Tiangong's master Hua Tianxing had already fallen.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

Did n’t make Li Jin wait too long. At a certain moment, just under Li Jin ’s heart, he was anxious, and when he did n’t know what should be good, a sound of space vibration came suddenly from above, and then a light flashed. Two young figures, a man and a woman, appeared before his eyes.


The sudden vision suddenly made Elder Li Jin nervous, and then stepped back subconsciously and set his sights on the two who suddenly appeared.

"Little bitch, you finally appeared !!!"

Looking cold, Elder Li Jin opened his eyes wide and stared at the sudden appearance of Waner, but the words in his mouth were quite unclean.

The purpose of his coming out was to win Waner and take revenge for his son. When he finally saw the goal at this time, he was naturally inevitably excited.

However, in terms of his situation at the moment, seeing Waner at this moment, more or less really lackluster.

Waner has been promoted to demigod. He has learned from Hua Tianxing and others, and a demigod who is based on nothingness is obviously not something he can provoke randomly. At this moment, he Really a little jealous of Waner.

Of course, no matter how embarrassed, in front of Wan'er, he will not act too much.

"Old man, are you impatient to live? Do you know that what you just said has caused you to kill you?"

The elder Li Jin's voice had just fallen, and she waited for Waner to speak. Yuan Feng on the side took the stubble and looked cold and authentic.

Yuan Feng was just out of breath at the moment, and he said to his heart that he had no contact with this Li Jin, nor did he know what kind of person he was. Although Wan'er said before that he would end up with this person, he was still thinking, if this person is not the kind of unforgiving person, then he can spare the other person's life.

After all, it is too difficult to cultivate to the state of demigod. It is a pity to lose your life so easily.

However, as the so-called injustice is unforgivable, and it is impossible to live by injustice, he has just come out, and the other party even opened his mouth and insulted Waner. In this way, even if he wants to let the other party go, it is unlikely.

"Well? Where's the little cub, and the endless cultivation, even dare to oppose the elder? I think you are really tired. Why, do you think this little **** can't support you?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's mouth, Li Jin couldn't help looking at Yuan Feng, but when he saw that Yuan Feng had only an infinite state of cultivation, he naturally wouldn't put Yuan Feng in his eyes, and he was not polite. Yelled.

When he wanted to come, of course, a young man without a limit, of course, did not need to pay too much attention, and the other party was probably relying on Waner, so he dared to challenge him.

"Master, you don't need to be angry with him, this person is a shameless person, even if the master kills him."

For Li Jin's contempt for Yuan Feng, Waner also felt very angry, and at this moment, it seems that everything can be saved, this Li Jin must die.

"Okay, Waner, you step back a bit and take me to kill this old guy. Let's go and see the other two."

He nodded, but Yuan Feng agreed with Waner's proposal. This Jin Li himself is trying to die. Of course, he doesn't mind wasting a little energy, but this Li Jin dares not to speak so badly to him, but he has to think about what kind of death method should be given to the other party.


Li Jin apparently realized some problems at the moment. If he heard correctly, Wancai would have called Yuan Feng as the master. Judging from the conversation between the two, it seems that he will be with him later, not It's Waner, who he knows well, but the boy who seems to have only the limitless state in front of him.

"Well, it seems that this one should be the strange young man who hurt him!"

Li Jin's response was extremely quick. He just remembered it. Hua Tian Xing and others told him before that Waner had a young man with a magic sword in his hand and his attacking force was very arrogant. Shicai only cares to talk to Waner, but he ignores the matter, and now Yuan Feng opens his mouth, he naturally knows who the other party is.

"Hey, boy, I know you're good, and you have a magic weapon in your body. I don't think so. You give me your sword, and I will ensure your safety. What do you think?"

Although Huatian Xing repeatedly made him pay attention to Yuan Feng, at the moment, it seems that the other party is nothing more than a little boy with no limit. Even if there is a magic weapon in his hand, I am afraid that he will not be able to exert the power of the magic weapon.

If he can deceive each other's magic soldiers, then from now on, his weight in Yuanji Palace will become more and more sufficient.

"I've seen people who don't know how to live or die, but I don't know how to live or die like you. I've seen them for the first time."

Yuan Feng wasn't angry at the moment. It seemed that Li Jin hadn't figured out his situation yet, but that's good. He let the other party die directly before he knew the situation. Even if he died, he could only do one. Confused.

"Boy, I think you are toasting, not eating and drinking. In this case, don't you two blame the veteran for being so hard-hearted, kill !!!"

Li Jin was still very hard-hearted at the moment. He didn't believe how strong a little girl who had just been promoted to the demigod was not long. As for Yuan Feng, it was even more out of his eyes. At this moment, he really wanted to capture the two of them, maybe he could find a way to leave this mysterious array!

Thinking of this, he was no longer hesitant, and when he was in motion, he killed Yuan Feng. It seems that he regarded Yuan Feng as a soft persimmon, but he did not dare to easily attack Waner, a demigod.

Li Jin's spirit soldier is also a spiritual sword, and it looks quite good. The momentum of this sword is really amazing. Ordinary Promise people, naturally, how many will be dropped in seconds. of.

"Just a little bit of strength, even dare to show it to shame? Really can't help it !!!"

Seeing Li Jin's shot, Yuan Feng could not help showing a hint of contempt. Obviously, Li Jin ’s strength is not far from Hua Tian Xing. Moreover, when Hua Tian Xing played against him, he basically did his best and did not dare to have the slightest care, but this Li Jin, I didn't use all my energy.

"Since you're trying to die yourself, I'll do it for you !!!"

With his eyes fixed, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help flashing a icy killing. Between the moments of his thoughts, the Chixiao sword appeared in his hands, and with the appearance of the Chixiao sword, the surrounding space It was a little trembling, and the power in the entire mysterious array was instantly condensed on the peak of the Chixiao sword.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Array just swallowed up the spirit of a demigod, which is definitely full of power at this moment. Yuan Feng can be said to have fed the Chixiao sword.

"His, not good ........."

Li Jin's heart burst suddenly, a bad hunch, but suddenly came out of his heart. Subconsciously, he wanted to escape.

"Om !!!!!!"

Unfortunately, just when Li Jin just wanted to escape, a horrible sword intention had completely locked him. When he was about to move, he felt his head * soles of feet cool slightly, Later, his body was fixed in place, and he could no longer move.

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