The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1894: Hit the muzzle (three more)

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Chapter 1984 Hit the Muzzle

Even if he wanted to break his head, Huatian Xing couldn't understand why Yuan Feng suddenly became so powerful.

From the beginning of his cultivation to the present, he has encountered too many opponents, and some of these opponents have indeed caused him a lot of trouble, but no matter what the trouble is, he has not. The method is on a par with the trouble that Yuan Feng is causing him now.

What is powerful? Sometimes, he feels that he is already very strong, especially at this time in the world of no delusion, he believes that if he pulls a demigod strong, he can be stronger than him, absolutely few.

However, at this moment, in the battle with Yuan Feng, he finally learned what it means to be powerful.

Jianmang around the body one after another, one faster than the other, and on his body, there have been several deep wounds. What's more terrible is that each of these wounds caused by Chixiao is so shocking, but it makes him unable to recover quickly.

If such minor injuries continue to stack up, it will be enough to drag him to death.

Moreover, Yuan Feng's attack was too fierce. Right now he has enough energy but can still resist it for a while, but God knows how long such resistance can last. Once Yuan Feng breaks through his defense line, then I'm afraid he will fall short and be completely hit by the other party!

"Why? How could there be such a horrible kid in the world? Why on earth !!!"

Hua Tianxing can only be resentful at this moment. At this moment, he suddenly remembered the young geniuses who were devoured by him. Those people are all living lives, but all of them are cruel. Swallowed, and now it looks like God is going to give him some retribution!

"No, I can't die, I can't die, let alone in the hands of an unknown junior, the body of fire, open it for me !!!"

At this moment, he must be desperate with Yuan Feng. At this time, if he does not show his means, then I am afraid he really has no chance!


The blazing purple-black flame suddenly transpired from above his body, and in a matter of seconds, centering on two people, within a range of several kilometers, seemed to start to ignite the blazing flames.

It can be seen that the flame released by Huatian Xing this time is definitely much stronger than the original one, and the temperature is much higher. However, although the temperature of these flames is extremely high, the surrounding space of the mysterious array seems not to be affected at all, but it becomes more illusory.

"Eh? The body of flame? Well, Hua Tian Xing, it seems that you really have some skills. Such a terrible flame, if you change another opponent, I am afraid that you will be completely abused!"

Seeing Hua Tian Xing's ability to release the flame body, Yuan Feng couldn't help but move, but stopped attacking.

He had seen Huatian Xing's body of flames before, and he said to his heart that the flames of this level really made him very amazed. It is just that it is boring to show these things in front of him.

Not to mention he is now, even when he has not reached the limitless state, his body is enough to withstand this level of flame. Now, his cultivation has reached the limitless state, and his strength has surpassed him. Ordinary demigod strong, Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong naturally goes up with the water, but it is even more indifferent to the temperature in front of him.

"Boy, there shouldn't be any deep hatred between us. It's better to do this. From now on, everything you've written off, everyone will write off. From now on, you will walk on your Yangguan Road, I will cross my single wooden bridge, and everyone will not commit river water. "

The purple-black flame wrapped the whole body. At this moment, Huatian Xing had recovered some confidence. However, at this moment, he really did not want to fight with Yuan Feng.

Judging from the situation at hand, he is obviously not Yuan Feng's opponent. Even if he uses all his means, it is absolutely impossible to resist Yuan Feng.

The flame body is an advantage for him, but this thing seems to have little effect on Yuan Feng, and he doesn't know if he can actually kill Yuan Feng.

The most important point is that he is still in the mysterious array at this moment. If the other party does not let him leave, he really doesn't know how to escape.

As early as when communicating with Yuan Feng, he had already tried to secretly contact people outside Yuanji Palace. Unfortunately, this mysterious space is too scary. No matter how he communicates with the outside, No way to contact.

"Hua Tianxing, do you want to ask for forgiveness? But, those who have been beheaded and swallowed by you, have you given them a chance? Also, you have said with mentorship to Waner that it is in you Have you ever thought about letting her go when you hit her hard and devour her? "

Hearing Huatian Xing seeking peace, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a bit of contempt, and then he asked geologically.

Of course, these words he said were not completely addressed to Hua Tianxing, but also to Waner aside. He not only destroyed Hua Tianxing, but also eliminated Waner completely. Mustard under the heart.


Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Huatian Xing couldn't help but look dull, but he couldn't say anything to refute. As Yuan Feng said, when he beheaded those genius young people, he did see too many begging for mercy, but every time, he almost ignored them, and just swallowed them.

Even the last time he treated Waner, he was so determined that he wanted to obliterate the other party, and he didn't have the slightest bit of patience. At the moment, Yuan Feng had all sorted it out, and he couldn't help but feel speechless.

"So, do you have trouble with this palace today?"

Taking a deep breath, Hua Tianxing tried to calm himself as much as possible. He knew that since this battle was inevitable, it would be useless to say so much. Right now, it depends on him and Yuan Feng. Who is more advanced? .

"I'm not in the mood to be sad with you, today, I'm going to walk for Tianxing, Huatian Xing, let's die !!!"

With a chilly smile, the Chixiao sword in Yuanfeng's hand trembled again slightly, and then chopped down at the other side again.

"Om !!!!!!"

The horrible Jian Mang cut through the sky, but it split the flames around Hua Tian Xing's body directly. The feeling was as if his Jian Mang had become a substance.

"Blazing Flames !!!"

Hua Tian Xing was also not afraid to be indifferent at this moment. Now that it is time for life and death, if he is not careful, he may become the soul of Yuan Feng's sword, so he must go all out.

Along with his slight movement, the flame, which was already very strong, became even more horrible in an instant, and that momentum made Waner aside.

Wan'er did not have a life-and-death battle with Hua Tianxing in the true sense. Naturally, she did not know what strength Hua Tianxing had. However, judging from the methods displayed by Hua Tian Xing at present, her master is really quite unusual!

For Yuan Feng's strength at this moment, she is not too much to evaluate now, so at this moment, he will inevitably pinch sweat for Yuan Feng, for fear that Yuan Feng will suffer.


The sharp Jian Mang fell into the flames, but was blocked by an invisible force. Obviously, Huatian Xing has cultivated the flame body for so long. It has long been able to attack, defend, and retreat. If such a sword cannot be reached, it is really not appropriate.

"Boy, you want to kill me, you are still tender, the fire dragon ascended to heaven !!!"

Hua Tian Xing suddenly felt a little confident. Among his many methods, apart from this flame body, he couldn't really find other better methods to deal with Yuan Feng. Now it seems that his The flame body is really a good means.


A flame-rage dragon suddenly rises, this is basically his strongest attack, and if even such an attack can't help Yuanfeng, he really doesn't know how to deal with this weird young man.

"Ha ha ha, Hua Tian Xing, it seems that you are really whimsical, do you really think that your flames can threaten me? It seems that you really don't know the sky is thick!"

Seeing Hua Tian Xing use such a trick, Yuan Feng was not surprised, but suddenly burst into laughter.

He really wanted to have a few more tricks with Huatian Xing to hone his own strength, but since the other party is trying to die by himself, it is really no wonder that he is.

"Huh, unfortunately you don't know what my Xuanzhen is called, otherwise, you should not use the means of fire, Jiuqu Yellow River, is it where the fire can show?"

With a cold hum, Yuan Feng could not help but sympathize with this Huatian Xing. Frankly speaking, the opponent's flame method is really good, but the opponent chose the wrong position. His Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is called the Yellow River Formation, a word of the river, which has already explained a lot of questions. If it is a river, how can it leave the water?

"The water of the Yellow River is up in the sky, destroy me !!!"

Seeing the fire dragon rising from below, Yuan Feng shook his head lightly, and speaking, he raised his hand suddenly, and then, one after another, the water dragons were like falling rain, Suddenly appeared out of thin air, thinking of the flames centered on Huatian Xing.


Suddenly the scene suddenly made Huatian Xing's heart tremble, and the whole person jumped up. He never dreamed that, just when he had just burned his own fire, the heavens gave him a ganlin! !! !!

"Well !!!"

The water dragons went to the sea of ​​fire one after another, and all the flames went out in an instant, but Hua Tianxing, who had just been surrounded by flames, completely extinguished the fire and stood there stupidly. For a while, it was impossible to return to God.

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