The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1881: Make a point

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Counted in Chapter 1881

The battle between Huatian Xing and Wan'er was unavoidable, but maybe Huatian Xing had never thought about it. There would be such a situation between him and Waner.

Of course, he didn't want to fight with Waner. Speaking of which, in his original plan, once Waner grew up, he secretly swallowed it, but he never thought about it, Waner turned out to be Will be out of his control and become his powerful opponent.

A demigod who is in a state of nothingness is not comparable to an ordinary demigod. He has no chance of winning when he speaks in his heart and fights with Waner.

However, after paying so much, he will never let go of Waner and Yuanfeng so easily. No matter who he is, he must seize the two to make up for his loss and report back to the original broken arm. hatred.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The confrontation between the two powerful men is really not small. Wan'er has just achieved the demigod state for a long time. However, the control of power is somewhat inexperienced. Obviously, when she was attacking, There is absolutely no way to compare it with Huatian Xing.

However, Demigod Realm is a demigod Realm. Each attack of her is enough to hurt Huatian Xing. Therefore, Huatian Xing naturally does not dare to neglect the slightest. Every move is every effort.

While fighting, Hua Tian Xing's heart was also secretly annoyed. If he did not start with Waner, then this is his most powerful helper. For his favor before Waner, the little girl will definitely Help him desperately and become his real arm.

It's better now that people have been cultivated by him, but they have become the enemy of life and death. This feeling is really upset.

"Hum, I can make you a demigod, so I can ruin you and die for me !!!"

Hua Tian Xing Yue became more and more angry. Originally, he just wanted to entangle Waner again, and then waited for the opportunity to rush down and grab Yuan Feng in his hands. But now he really wants to chop Waner under the sword.

"Om !!!!!!"

After a few temptations, Huatian Xing suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, a golden snare was thrown out by him and headed straight for Wan'er's head.

This trick was a surprise. Waner didn't expect him to come this way, and when she wanted to hide again, it was too late.

After the last battle, Hua Tian Xing was waiting to clean up the severely wounded Yuan Feng. This snare was prepared for Yuan Feng, the purpose is to suppress Yuan Feng's strange body, but now After confronting Wan'er, he can only deal with Waner first, maybe he can get wonderful results.

"Look where you run this time !!!"

Seeing her golden snare to cover Waner, Hua Tianxing's face couldn't help showing a touch of excitement. Anyway, what he most hopes to get is Waner, the most proud disciple.


However, when Huatian Xing looked excited and thought that he could capture Waner immediately, the latter's body flashed slightly. When I went to see it again, where was the slightest breath left?

"What? This, this is ........."

Seeing that the target disappeared in situ directly, his golden snare was also covered, and Huatian Xing's heart suddenly jumped, his face was already full of shock.

"Ethereal Body !!!"

Obviously, Waner's nihility has reached the stage of great success, and it can be turned into nihility at any time. Even his Tianluo network has no use for the other party.


In Huatian Xing's unpredictable time, Wan'er's figure suddenly appeared a hundred meters away, looking at him indifferent with a look of indifference.

"Hua Tianxing, now you, it is impossible to catch me."

She shook her head, but Wan'er's eyes flashed a rare contempt. Hua Tian Xing is as treacherous and cunning as before, but now she is no longer her. Now, her nihility is complete, let alone Hua Tian Xing alone, even if there are more demigods The strong one, she is still not afraid.

The body of nothingness, perhaps based on the genius of this constitution, will not be too aggressive in attack, but only she knows how terrible this rare constitution is.

What is nothingness? The so-called emptiness is invisible and intangible. As long as her mind is moving, she can be transformed into emptiness, and all the injuries are difficult to add. As for trying to trap her, it is even more unrealistic.

It can be said that now she is not a big deal to say that she is immortal. At least, Yuan Feng's Nine Turns Xuan Gong can't close her nihility in some ways.

"Is this the body of nothingness?" Hua Tianxing's body could not help but tremble. He had known that the body of nothingness was very powerful, but now he saw this power with his own eyes, and his heart was almost tangled to death.

Originally, he could get such a terrible physique, but he could have made a fool of him, and even made him fall short! Imagine if he could get this horrible physique, who else could be his opponent? Who else can get him?

"Why, why don't I get this kind of physique !!!"

Teeth crunched, and Hua Tianxing, at this moment, had the urge to jump.

"I don't believe that you, a little girl who has just been promoted to demigod, can be an opponent of this old strong, and die to me !!!"

Hua Tian Xing also seemed to be a little angry. The more powerful the vanity body that Waner showed, the more annoyed he felt. Right now, he really wanted to capture Waner and the other side ’s nothingness as Own.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Thunders entangled in the spirit sword. At this moment, Hua Tianxing completely treated Waner as his biggest opponent in his life. There was absolutely no slightest contempt.

The battle with Yuan Feng had already given him a vivid lesson. Right now he was facing a demigod demigod, and of course he couldn't afford to be indifferent.

"Brush!" The sword entangled with thunder, the power of which was really amazing, but no matter how fierce his offensive, Waner on the opposite side always seemed to be non-existent. In general, no matter whether his attack power is strong or weak, it is difficult to affect her at all.

The nothingness, the advantage of this moment, is the best performance.

However, Huatian Xing is indeed not a fuel-saving lamp, and it seems that he is on the bar with Waner today. No matter how his attack is ineffective, he never stops and starts a round. Another round of onslaught.

For the continuous offensive of Huatian Xing, Waner did not have a very good solution, but could only be passively parrying it. When she first entered the realm of demigod, she did not stabilize the power of this realm. Moreover, after the demi-god realm, the methods she had cultivated before, it was already difficult to cause too much trouble for the strong demi-god power.

In fact, a person like her who has just broken through to the demi-god realm should originally hide for the time being, and cultivate the means that a strong demi-god power should have.

Fortunately, Waner's nothingness is indeed unique. Although the combat effectiveness is absolutely inferior to the opponent, at least, the opponent wants to break through her defense line, which is not easy.

For Wan'er, as long as she can protect Yuan Feng, it is enough. She doesn't believe that Hua Tian Xing will be deadlocked with her. The two hit the ground from the sky, and then from the ground to the sky, but the battle was extremely fierce. Unconsciously, time has passed a long time.


However, such a battle cannot be continued forever, although Waner can stand still, but Huatian Xing will not be as deadlocked as the other side.

When the two were stalemate and did not know when they could separate the victory and defeat, two sounds of wind broke, but they came suddenly from a distance. It can be heard from the sound that the speed of the coming people is very fast, and the number should be two, and with such speed and momentum, the cultivation of the coming people, it is also eager to come out.

"Well? No !!!!"

Wan'er's complexion suddenly became a little gloomy at this moment. Only then did she realize that she seemed to have overlooked the problem. As the host of Yuanji Palace, Hua Tianxing was not alone, and it seemed that it was enough for the other party to move the soldiers. what!

"You, you actually moved to rescue?"

Gaze glanced into the distance, two small black dots that were inconceivable, but they were expanding rapidly at this moment, seeing this, Waner could not help but turned around and asked Hua Tian Xing Zhi.

"Hahaha, girl, it seems that after being a teacher for so many years, you are still as simple as before. Why, do you think I will be deadlocked with you alone?"

Feeling that his rescue was here, Hua Tianxing's face was full of joy. Speaking of which, when he first saw Waner in Demigod Realm, he had already sent a message to the two demigods in Yuanji Palace. After fighting for so long, he just wanted to hold Waner.

Now that the rescue has arrived, as long as he can entangle Waner, then he can go down to grab Yuan Feng and control it. By then, as long as he takes Yuan Feng, Wan Er will not be able to capture it?

"Brush !!!!"

In the time spent talking, the two little black spots have become two clear figures, and in the blink of an eye, they have reached the battlefield where Hua Tian Xing and Wan Er are.

"Palace, we are here !!!"

The two demigods shouted and stood beside Huatian Xing, but when they saw the opponents opposite Huatian Xing, the eyes of the two flashed a little hard. Fabulous shock.

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