The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1863: Waner's opportunities and crises

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Chapter 186 Opportunities and Crises of Waner

The superpowers of the demigod are very careful, and they will never let themselves be exposed to detachment. When they are practicing, it is difficult for outsiders to find them. As the master of the Yuanji Palace, they have Those with huge secrets, Huatian Xing's cultivation place, are even more secretive.

In the entire Yuanji Palace, if you want to say which palace is the most weird, naturally it is the palace of the non-lord Hua Tianxing. The master of the Yuanji palace, his palace is a weird space fault. Where he puts his cultivation dojo is probably only clear to him.

Speaking of which, in the entire Yuanji Palace, almost no one knows where Huatian Xing usually stayed and cultivated. Everyone only knows that Huatian Xing's palace is intricate and complicated, and there must be many available under his control People are available for deployment at any time, but no one knows exactly how many people are located and where they are located.

To say that Hua Tian Xing's palace is relatively well understood, I am afraid that only Hua Tian Xing's young disciple Waner. Since Wan'er was accepted as a disciple by Huatian Xing, most of the time, she was brought to practice by the other side, and for such a long time, she should have been to Huatian Xing's practice dojo.

In addition to Waner, even the other major passers-by disciples have never entered Huatian Xing's cultivation secrets, which makes Waner even more the object of envy of other passers-by disciples.

In fact, Huatian Xing's cultivation secrets are indeed extremely secretive. For this superpower who is all a secret, what he has to do is absolutely impossible to let any outsiders know, otherwise , His position in Yuanji Palace, I am afraid that it is very likely that he will not be guaranteed.

Here is a vast and unreal space. The whole space can't see the margins, just like there is no margins. In this white and vast space world, a spirited old man is sitting leisurely now. Above a lotus futon, opposite him, a large jade jar was quietly placed there, and in the jade jar, a woman was soaking in the turquoise pool water with bright big eyes, From time to time, with the slightest pain.

"Waner? How about it, can you survive it? If you can't, then go out and rest first. Anyway, you can't be in a hurry to cultivate such things."

The old man sat on the lotus futon, looking at the woman in the opposite jade tank soaking the turquoise liquid.

It can be seen that the immersion of this turquoise liquid by the young woman must have an unspeakable test on her body, otherwise, she would not show such a painful expression.

"Master, rest assured, my disciples are very supportive. I will absorb all the medicine in this tank and then go out without sacrificing Master's hard work."

Among the jade jars, Waner shook her head stubbornly, but did not intend to go out.

This jade jar was prepared for her by her master, but a lot of rare spiritual treasures were used in it. If she went out at this time, so many treasures would really be wasted.

The main thing is that she wants to make herself stronger, and even find a way to impact the realm of the demigod. Only when she has achieved the demigod, can she do what she wants to do. When she thought that she could accomplish great things, then she happily went to Yuan Feng, and no matter how hard she was now, she was very happy.

Speaking of which, she can be so favored by Huatian Xing that the other party has spent so much energy, used so many babies to cultivate herself, and changed others, but she cannot enjoy this treatment.

Over the years, he practiced with Hua Tian Xing, but he was able to identify some of the treasures, and those treasures that Hua Tian Xing used for her, she really felt a little too luxurious.

However, what she didn't know was that Hua Tianxing used so many babies for her, it was not just for her, but what other factors were there, it was not what she could imagine.

"Well, Waner, you deserve to be the most valued disciple of the teacher. With a disciple like you, you feel really gratified for the teacher. You can rest assured, as long as you are willing to listen to the master's arrangement, then one day, I It will help you achieve the demigod state and take over as my lord of the palace. "

Hua Tianxing's face also flashed a touch of comfort, but underneath the color of comfort, there was a hidden pity of regret.

For him, Waner is really a rare talented disciple. As long as he cultivates it seriously, Waner's future will definitely be stronger than him. After all, nothingness is rare in the world. Once it is complete, it is an earth-shattering big man. How can he be compared to a small character who can only hide in the dark?

However, there are times when he really has no choice. If he wants to make himself stronger, then he must do something cruel and not emotional.

No matter how much he paid for Waner, he was willing, because only his own heart knew that what he had paid was nothing to compare with what he was about to get.

Once he is allowed to devour a great body of nothingness, then at this moment in the boundless world, who else can be his opponent? At that time, he can devour more and more powerful physiques, and become a super existence that breaks the bondage, ordering the whole world to be free of imagination, and no one dares to disobey his will.

Wan'er's nothingness has now come to an end, but it's a little bit worse. He used all his net worth this time, and even the rare babies that were used to impact the demigod were placed in the jade jar where Wan'er was in order to make Wan'er's nothingness as quickly as possible, Fortunately, let him devour it as soon as possible.

Speaking of which, Waner's treasure in the fish tank is enough for an infinite person to try to impact the demigod. If Wan'er can successfully advance to the demigod, then he suddenly shots, which is equivalent to A strong man who devours a demigod enters the body, and is a demigod strong man who has nothingness, which makes people's emotions surging.

Of course, even though Waner hasn't reached the semi-god state, her nimble body will certainly allow him to gain success and become a super existence that no one dares to mess with!

"Waner, take your mind, follow the method taught by your teacher, and try to hit the semi-god realm."

Withdrawing his mind, Huatian Xing was looking upright and suddenly ordered to Waner. In any case, he needs to let Waner fight once. If Waner can really advance to demigod, then he will really gain a lot this time!

"I have a Master !!!!"

Waner didn't have any extra thoughts. She just wanted to be promoted to demigod and then do what she wanted to do. As for Hua Tianxing's careful thinking, she was not at all clear.

For so long, she has almost treated Hua Tian Xing as her father, and she never thought that the other party actually had ulterior motives for her.

"Why are you and my disciples so polite? Go ahead, don't get distracted !!!"

There was a hint of regret in Hua Tianxing's eyes, but he was quickly suppressed by him. At this time, she must not be reconciled. Although Waner is filial and talented, he must devour the other party in order to strengthen himself. This is also the risk he brings Waner to the world. s return.

Speaking of which, before Waner, did he devour few geniuses? Even his own four disciples were directly devoured by him after training, and his four disciples did not have much less talent than Waner, but he was anxious at the time, but he was Did not choose the best time to devour.

It is also because of the lessons learned that he has spared no money this time. He has to train Waner almost before he devours it, and strives to obtain a substantial breakthrough from it, achieving an invincible state.

Today's Wonderland is still in the follow-up period of the Great Cataclysm. At this moment, all the people in the demigod can be said to be stuck in a very uncomfortable state. If he can find another way by devouring it, then Everyone in the whole world without a delusion must stand at his feet, and no one can beat him.

Not only that, until he snatches Wan'er's nihility, his body will be completed. By then, he will be able to complete the immortal body. No one can hurt him, and he can not know it. Ghostly, kill every opponent who dares to disrespect him, and grow from it.

There are too many people with special constitutions in the world of delusion, but now he needs to be careful not to be too public, and as long as he gets the body of nothingness, it is really a taboo!

Thinking of this, the last trace of apology and weakness in his heart was also thrown out of Jiuxiaoyun. At this moment, he just wanted to make Wan'er's nothingness come to fruition quickly, and then swallow it as soon as possible, so as not to have night dreams.

"Brush !!!!"

Thinking of this in his heart, he couldn't help but suddenly raise his hand and directly hit the rays of light into the jade jar where Waner was located. Suddenly, the liquid in the entire jade jar boiled at this moment, and Waner The pain on his face became more and more painful.

However, Wan'er's heart has her own persistence, even if it is no matter how painful, she can clenched her teeth and keep talking. Her body is slowly becoming a bit illusory, but it is the beginning of nothingness. It slowly changed.

Hua Tian Xing has used all her belongings. If she doesn't make any progress, then she is really sorry for the other person's efforts!

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