The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1861: As if in no one's realm

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Chapter 186: Entering No Man's Realm

Yuanji Palace, a vast and endless vast mountain range, is full of majestic sights. From a distance, the entire Yuanji Palace is like a long dragon that stretches between heaven and earth, shocking the entire area. world.

On this day, Yuanji Palace is as usual, but there is no difference from usual. However, no one knows that this day is too different for Yuanji Palace. This point will soon be recognized by everyone.

In front of the majestic Yuanji Palace Mountain Gate, two Yuanji Palace disciples stood side by side on the mountain gate. Everyone's face had a look of self-indignation. Obviously, these two people The status in Yuanji Palace is not too low.

As a facade, of course, the strong men in Yuanji Palace will not let too ordinary disciples guard at the door. This point is the same for any major force.

However, although the two Yuanji Palace disciples on the gate looked very serious on the surface, in fact, at this moment, they were actually communicating in secret all the time.

"Brother Ma, it's your turn to defend the mountain. I am afraid it will be very difficult for the next year!"

"Isn't it? I hate the task of guarding the mountain the most. Standing here to bask in the sun all day, but I can't leave in one step. I don't know when this hard day will end!"

"Hey, there are so many disciples in Yuanji Palace who guard the mountains, but I always feel that it's just a blink of an eye, and it's when you and I come to guard the mountains again. This time is passing, it's really impossible to keep it!

"Haha, how did Brother still be emotional? We are all cultivators. Although we ca n’t say that our lives are in harmony with the sky, we also have a long time to live. Brother is really too arrogant this time!"

"Uh, okay, okay, let me be arrogant, but then again, what about long life? I ca n’t reach the state of demigod, we people, sooner or later, will have a fall day, I really hope that day Come! "

"Everything is going on. Brothers don't really need to think so much. Speaking of it, it is not just ordinary people like you and me who have to face life and death. Even geniuses, if they ca n’t be promoted to the semi-godder, they will end their lives. , Those genius brothers would not think so much, we are even more unnecessary. "

The man named Ma Shidi is obviously a very optimistic person, but it is another man who has always been in a serious state of mind.

They are all ordinary people. After unimaginable efforts, they have the strength they have today. As they go along, they have overcome too many hardships and hardships. It is because of this that they have become more and more rare. Today's achievements do not want to fall into the dust too soon.

"Don't say anything, let's be honest and keep the mountain. If something goes wrong, the two of us don't have to worry about how long we live. For the next moment, you and I will lose our lives! "

They were all sent to guard the gate today, and the following year, they will complete this task of guarding the gate. Of course, they will have some resistance to this. However, Yuanji Palace If you do n’t support idle people, they do n’t seem to have much to do if they do n’t do this.

Looking at each other, the two then stopped talking and began to guard the gate of the mountain honestly.


Not long after the communication between the two was just over, a ray of light was coming from afar and talking time, and the figure of a young man appeared in front of the two.

Seeing a flash of light, both of them were shocked, and then they looked at where the light stopped, and when they could see the person, they both changed their looks, and hurried forward respectfully One step, a salute to the two.

"Have seen Master Five !!!"

The visitor is not someone else. It is Han Shu, the five disciple of the master of Yuanji Palace. Han Shu ranked fifth. All the people in Yuanji Palace used Five Masters to call him, and such a name has basically become a habitual title for everyone, and it can't be changed for a while.

Not to mention the two disciples of Shoushan, even if the disciples of the veterans of Yuanji Palace met Han Shu, they had to obediently bow down to salute. The two of them naturally needed salute even more.

"It turned out to be Malone and Li Jiao. Why, have you two defended the mountain?"

Han Shu's eyes glanced at the two in front of him, and then he waved at them, signalling that they didn't need to be polite. He naturally recognizes these two people. Speaking of them, those who can be entrusted with the task of defending mountains are actually good people in Yuanji Palace, and even such a person, even Han Shu, will never be too much. ignore.

"If you return to Master Five, this year happens to be our teacher and brother guarding the mountain. I also hope Master Five can help me a lot."

When the two disciples heard Han Shu, they called out their names, and they felt a little excited. They are people who are relatively close to the bottom. Naturally, there is no way to compare them with characters such as Han Shu, but Han Shu can remember them, which is undoubtedly very rare for them.

Speaking of which, this can basically be regarded as an honour for them, and it can be used as a bounty for them to talk to others.

"Hehe, the two of you have been guarding the mountain for a year, but it's really hard. I have two good spirit plants here, and the two of you can take care of the body."

When the words fell, he suddenly raised his hand, took out two very precious spiritual plants, and threw them to the opposite two.

"Thank you Master Five !!! Thank you Master Five !!!"

Respectfully received Han Shu's gift. Both of them hurriedly bowed their heads and thanked Han Shu. For them, not only was Han Shu named his two, but he also got Han Shu's meeting ceremony. Such good things can be awake with dreams.

What is Han Shu's identity? People can give them such a big face, saying that I don't know how many people want to be jealous and hateful! In addition, the Ling Zhi that Han Shu threw to them is obviously a very extraordinary baby. With these two treasures, they can save many years of cultivation time.

Tianling Dibao is the most precious. Cultivation with this thing can save countless years of cultivation time. With good luck, it is even more possible to achieve the invincible state with these Lingbaos. Therefore, when they saw Han Shu giving them such a precious Ling Zhi, they were both proud and happy.

"Well, you two are here to guard the mountain gate seriously. Speaking of which, if one of Yuanyuan Palace's senior masters fancy you, you might become the disciples of the elders, or even the name of Master Disciple! "

Today, Han Shu seems to want to bring some ordinary disciples. However, if someone who is familiar with him is on the side, he will find that the Han Shu in front of him is obviously different from normal conditions, or even very different. And he definitely has a different purpose.

"Thank you for pointing out, the two of us will be careful to keep the door seriously and will not allow any outsider to enter the Yuanji Palace, which will endanger the safety of our Yuanji Palace."

The two disciples at Shoushan almost felt like crying, saying that the five master Han Shu was not a good person, but today it seems that the rumors are really just rumors. If such a Han Shu is not good enough, ask the whole Where are there any good people in Yuanji Palace? At this moment, if anyone dares to say bad things about Han Shu, they will stand up against it first.

Of course, everything they experienced today naturally made them wandering. There was no trace of their minds on the task of guarding the mountain. At this moment, if it is not because Han Han is on the side, I am afraid that anyone who is proficient in hiding can come into Yuanji Palace from under their eyelids!

"Well, I'll go ahead!"

Han Shu didn't say much to the two. When the two of them were shaken and they were all grateful for him, he waved at them, and then swept towards Yuanji Palace. go with. It's just that the two of Shoushan didn't think much about it at the moment, so they didn't find out, while Han Shu flew towards him, his eyes flashed a smile of trickery, That smile is obviously not what a normal person should reveal.

"Yu, brother, all say Master Five is not good. I think it must be those guys who are jealous and jealous. If anyone dares to say bad things about Master Five in the future, I will stand up and destroy him first."

"Hahaha, Brother Ma is right. If anyone dares to say bad things about Master Five in the future, I will absolutely not tolerate him. Where is such a good brother to go?"

After Han Shu left, the two disciples could not help talking. This is the first time that they have come into contact with Han Shu so closely. Frankly, even if anyone tells Han Shu bad things about them, they will never be able to believe it. There is no way to hear it. It is natural to believe the latter.

It ’s just that they will never know that what Han Shu did today is simply to distract them. In fact, if it was changed to the past, Han Shu might even have to look at them directly. The blessings they have repaired in their eight lives.

Leaving aside the two goalkeepers, he said Han Shu at the moment.

After flickering with two gatekeepers, Han Shu went deep, but went straight to the palace of the Lord of the Yuanji Palace, and along the way, his eyes were basically looking forward, but there was no trace of it. The excursion, but at this moment, he had already set off a stormy sea.

Others don't know, but he knew very well that Yuan Feng was right next to him, but after such a long distance, he didn't find Yuan Feng at all, and he really felt this. Some are incredible.

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