The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1859: Desperate

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After learning that Yuan Tiangong ’s master Hua Tian Xing Nai was a perverted horror, Yuan Feng knew that he had to go to Yuan Ji ’s palace immediately and bring Waner out of it.

Obviously, Huatian Xing found and cultivated Waner at the beginning. This was not a good intention. Now Waner has grown up. Obviously, Huatian Xing will never miss this piece of fat. .

Right now, Huatian Xing and Wan'er retreat together, but there are two possibilities. One is that Huatian Xing has swallowed Waner, and is now digesting Waner's nothingness. Secondly, Huatian Xing is still training Waner at this moment, waiting for Waner to fully mature before swallowing.

Of these two possibilities, of course, he hopes to be the latter, but it is really impossible to determine whether the facts will really be what he expected.

"Lin Yun, I ask you, this time Hua Tian Xing and Wan'er retreat together, but want to harm Waner?"

The calmed Yuan Feng, the first time, grabbed Lin Yun's placket and asked coldly. The five brothers of the Lin family have won the trust of Huatian Xing. He believes that if there is any trouble, the five guys should know something.

"Little, little master, few of us do not know whether Hua Tianxing is going to murder Waner, but this possibility is really not small, because not long ago, Waner's nihilistic body was nearing completion. It really meets the requirements of Huatian Xing. "

At this moment, Lin Yun's five people can't see where they are. After a long time of trouble, there is an unknown relationship between Yuan Feng and Wan'er, and the purpose of Yuan Feng's time seems to be Waner's body.

To tell the truth, they already knew that Hua Tian Xing Shou Wan'er was an apprentice, and they felt very unfortunate for a rare genius like Wan Er, but what Hua Tian Xing wanted to do, they couldn't interfere. If you want to blame, you can only blame Wan Waner's life is too bitter, it is bad to meet someone, but it happened to meet a demon like Hua Tianxing.

"Damn !!!"

After getting Lin Yun's answer, Yuan Feng could not help but shake his hand, and tossed the other side aside, and then cursed fiercely. He has also seen Wan'er's nihilism before, and Wan'er at that time obviously hasn't reached Dacheng's state. If after that, Wan'er's nihilism really approaches Dacheng, then Xiaoya It's really dangerous.

Hua Tian Xing has trained Waner for so many years, I'm afraid Waner has just completed a big success, then Hua Tian Xing will start working directly!

The five brothers of the Lin family, Han Shu and others are afraid to speak at this moment, especially the five brothers of the family, they can see that the relationship between Yuan Feng and Wan'er seems to be very close. Because of this, they are getting more and more Can feel the mood of Yuan Feng at this moment.

Han Shu ’s eyes are also flowing, but she also does not want Waner to be swallowed up by a demon. To be honest, in addition to the competitive relationship, he still likes Waner very much, but he always feels that the other party will threaten his position, so he has not dealt with Waner.

Everyone has no choice but to look at Yuan Feng and wait for Yuan Feng's next arrangement.

"I have to rescue Waner, Han Shu, Lin Yun, you all come to me and think about it. How can I rescue Waner from Huatian Xing's hands? Think, hurry up to me, if you want If you do n’t come out, I want you to be buried with Waner. "

With a big wave, Yuan Feng had to use his dignity and strength at the moment. No matter what, even if everyone was sacrificed, he must rescue Waner. Of course, the prerequisite is that Waner is still alive at this moment.


Regarding Yuan Feng's order, Lin Yun, Han Shu, and others were all a bit stunned immediately. It can be said that Yuan Feng basically gave them a task that was unlikely to be completed. Try to grab someone in the hands of a demigod strong, they are either impatient to live or they want to die.

However, Yuan Feng's attitude is obviously very resolute. If they don't do so, then I am afraid they will die immediately. By this measure, it seems that they still have to stand with Yuan Feng and find a way to get from Huatian Xing It is more reliable to save Waner in his hand.

"Think about it, it all gives me a way, who can come up with a way, rewarding !!!"

Although Yuan Feng repeatedly told herself that she should not panic, the anxiety under her heart made it impossible for him to calm down. The more so, the more he didn't know what he should do.

"Little, little master, I think for the present, the most needed thing is to determine if Waner is still alive. If she is alive, of course, we people will find a way to save her, but if it is no longer there, then The Lord should consider it, but is he going to get revenge for Waner? "

Lin Yun still responds quickly. When he wants to come, if he doesn't think about anything, he will immediately find a way to save Waner. This approach is definitely very unwise. After all, if Waner has been swallowed by Huatian Xing Yes, and they stupidly ran to save people, wouldn't it be that they lost their lives in vain, but even those who avenged for Waner were gone?

"Yes, yes, young master, I also feel that the immediate priority is to first determine whether Sister Waner is still alive. Only by determining the current situation of Sister Waner, can we determine what to do."

A beam of anxiety flashed on Han Shu's face, but he bowed in front of Yuan Feng as well. His thoughts are the same as Lin Yun's. They all think that it is necessary to determine whether Waner is still alive. If Waner is already killed, then they can certainly save this trip, and they do not need to take that kind of danger. .

"Well, you're right. In that case, the few of you will now give me a way to see if Waner is still alive now. If she is still alive, let me know quickly."

Yuan Feng really had a hard time calming down completely. He was already panicked. After all, this matter was about Waner's life and death. He couldn't be panicked at all.

"Please also ask the young master to open the mysterious array, and we will go back to inquire about the situation." At this moment, they were still in the mysterious array of Yuan Feng. To leave, they had to open the mysterious array.

"Lin Yun, the five of you are going back now. No matter what method you use, you must inquire about Waner's situation, but inform me as soon as possible. As for Han Shu and others, you do n’t want to go back and stay here Waiting for my dispatch. "

As soon as his mind turned, Yuan Feng quickly thought of what he was going to do, and sent everyone back to Yuanji Palace. This was obviously not very useful. Speaking of them, Lin Yun and five were enough to deal with Waner's situation. It ’s understood that as far as Han Shu and the others ca n’t go back, the impact is actually not great. It ’s better to leave these people around for the time being and consider how to use them.

"By the command of the young master !!!"

Of course, there is no problem for everyone. How Yuan Feng arranges them can't control it. What they can do is to act according to Yuan Feng's instructions. As for death and life, it must be arranged by heaven. Already.

"Go, go back now, always waiting for my instructions." As soon as he looked up, Yuan Feng raised his hand, which opened a gap in the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, and then sent Lin Yun's five people back.

He sent five people back this time, of course, not only for the five to explore Wan'er's life and death. Speaking of, regardless of Waner's life or death, he had to go to Yuanji Palace. If Waner has been killed, then he will have to pay a heavy price for Yuanji Palace, and if Waner is still alive, then he will go through these five people and try his best to rescue them.

Sometimes people are obsessed once. As for the safety of life, it can be thrown aside, especially for those who are very important to themselves, and it is even more important to be safe.

"Some of you will be dispatched here after listening. Also, help me think about it. At this moment, there are still other people in Yuanji Palace who can serve me. It must be enough and not too difficult. "

Five Lin Yun were sent away, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look at Han Shu and others, and commanded several people casually.

Now that he has decided to go to Yuanji Palace, at least he has enough power in his hands. Only when he has enough power in his hands can he be qualified to fight against such powerful players as Hua Tian Xing Na. If only With his own strength, he can save people or revenge.

"Let's think about it immediately, and hope that the Lord will wait a moment."

Han Shu and others also realized the seriousness of the problem, and they could all feel Yuan Feng's emphasis on Waner. Speaking of Yuan Feng, the most direct purpose for them was to contact Waner. It is conceivable that if Yuan Feng could not see the living Waner in the end, they would have to be buried in all likelihood!

As the saying goes, dead friends do n’t die, they absolutely do n’t want to die. In that case, it can only make others unlucky.

Talking, the seven were just one by one to straighten out the strong men in Yuanji Palace. Right now they can't wait for Yuan Feng to take control of all the Yuanji Palace disciples. Then, They have more chances to survive.


Yuan Feng did not wait for the progress of the seven people. After all the people were arranged, he was in shape, but began to prepare for the invasion of Yuanji Palace.

This time he went to Yuanji Palace, and he naturally had to be well prepared. In any case, he had to let Nahua Tianxing pay the price for everything he did.

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