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All the high-level people in Yuanji Palace know that under Huatian Xing's hands, there are five loyal people. These five loyal people are brothers with the same surname. It is said that Hua Tianxing rescued during a tour Down.

The strength of these five people is not bad, and they have always been behind Hua Tianxing. Naturally, they have also obtained a lot of resources from Hua Tianxing. For so many years, the five people secretly did not know how much they did for Hua Tianxing. If anything, it can be said that the five of them are almost Hua Tianxing's left and right arms, and they will never betray them.

In the entire Huatian Xing's palace, these five people can move around at will, and even Hua Tianxing's disciples have no such authority. Of course, these five Lin brothers are also very conscious. They are basically practicing in their own palace in the palace, and they have never walked around at will.

Their performance naturally made Huatian Xing more and more like it. Over time, Huatian Xing basically had no doubt about these five people.

Among the six major disciple disciples of Huatian Xing, Waner has always been beside him, but it does not often intersect with these five strong ones, but the other five disciple disciples, including Han Shu, are often Will try to respect these five people, as to whether anyone successfully pulled the five into their own camp, so far there is no exact news.

Han Shu has always been very respectful of these five strong men, and he came with a purpose, and of course he became more respectful.

"Senior Lin Yun, as well as the old seniors, haven't seen you for a few days. It seems that your seniors are even more powerful, admired by the kid, admired !!!"

After entering the palace, Han Shu met the other four people in the palace one by one, but there was no usual shelf. It seems that he really has some fears about these five guys.

"Hahaha, Master Five, you do n’t want to be kind to us old bones. Although the five of us are a lot of years old, it is nothing more than how old Master Five is. When it comes to strength, where are five of us Master Five? Opponent? "

When Han Shu's words came down, one of the five looked like a very old man, but now he was stepped forward by the other four and laughed at Han Shulang.

These five old guys are all named Lin, and the person speaking is Lin Yun, who is the eldest brother of the five and the strongest of the five. Speaking of which, the strength of this one should basically be able to surpass Han Shu Already. Of course, if some special methods are counted, he and Han Shu will face a life-and-death battle.

"Senior Lin Yun joked. My strength is simply not worth mentioning in the eyes of the five seniors." With a wave of his hand, Han Shu continued to show his approachable side, which was quite natural.

"Oh, okay, okay, I won't talk about this. I don't know if Master Five is here today, but is there anything I have been told to wait for?"

Lin Yun didn't bother with the other side. Han Shu's strength, he has a certain score in his heart, maybe he should be able to beat the other side, but the other four people are probably a little weaker than the other side.

No way, this can't be determined by the length of the cultivation time. After all, the qualifications of this Han Shu are much better than the five of them, and they cannot be jealous.

"The senior Lin Yun has broken the kid and told him not to dare, but there is one thing I want to ask a few seniors to help, of course, this matter will definitely not affect the unity between our preachers, just the kid. A little private affairs, if several seniors can help the kid and do it, the kid must be grateful. Speaking of which, the sunburst planted in the garden after the younger generation will look mature! In addition, a few days ago, Master Hellenji gave me an unknown Xuanzhen ancient book. The boy did not have the ability to learn. It has time, but it can be studied by several seniors. "

The five people of Lin Yun live here deeply. If there is no Hua Tianxing's orders in the weekdays, they will rarely leave here. It is absolutely impossible for them to move the place without a little capital.

Xiangyang Hua was bought by him from the outside at a large cost in the early days. In fact, it was to be able to be used on these five people in the future. Speaking of them, Lin Yun, the oldest of the five, is the practice of pure Yang. Sunflower is the most suitable spirit for him.

As for Xuan Zhen, these five guys have nothing to do with. They spend a lot of time studying Xuan Zhen. Speaking of them, they are considered experts of Xuan Zhen. Once any super Xuan Zhen cheats appear, they are definitely the first. Find a way to get it for a while.

At this moment, Han Shu cited the cheats of Xiangyanghua and Ancient Xuanzhen as a guide. It can be said that it was clear-cut. As long as there are no special circumstances, these five guys will never refuse his request.

"Sunflower? Cheats of ancient Xuanzhen?"

Sure enough, just as Han Shu's words fell, the eyes of the five guys on the other side suddenly shone, and the eyes of each person flashed the indescribable desire.

Lin Yun's eyes are the brightest. His cultivation is not easy, because his cultivation methods must always be assisted by Chunyang's heavenly treasures to improve. Obedience is precisely because the other party will regularly provide him with such heaven and earth treasures. If he goes outside, it is difficult for him to guarantee the supply of such treasures.

As for the ancient Xuanzhen, it is not as simple as he is interested in it alone. The five people present are not interested in Xuanzhen and are immersed in the research and study of Xuanzhen all day?

"Oh, Master Five is polite. I wonder if Master Five has anything we need to do? I also ask Master Five to speak and listen, if I can do it, everything else is easy to say."

Although his heart is longing for the two babies mentioned by Han Shu, Lin Yun is not an ordinary person. He naturally would not agree so easily. After all, if it is really too dangerous, rely on this alone. Pay, he won't do it!

Of course, if he can do what he can, then he doesn't mind taking that trip, anyway, working for the five young master Han Shu, Hua Tianxing should not blame them.

"In fact, it is not a big deal. This is the case. Not long ago, the juniors found two flaming lions on the periphery of Yuanji Palace. I wonder if several seniors have heard of this kind of Warcraft?"

Han Shu's complexion slowly became serious, and then he spoke to the five.

"Flaming lion beast? Turns out to be a fierce lion beast? Five masters, did you read that right?"

When the words of Han Shu fell, Lin Yun, the head of the five strong players, couldn't help but look stagnant, and then suddenly became excited and asked Han Shu.

"Eh? It seems that the senior Lin Yun also knows this fiery lion?" Seeing Lin Yun's surprised expression, Han Shu couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked in turn.

"Hahaha, naturally you know that this kind of World of Warcraft is a very rare fire spirit beast. It is said that this World of Warcraft is very cunning and rarely appears in front of people. Master Five, how did you find this fire lion Beastly? "

With a loud laugh, Lin Yun's eyes flashed with a hint of excitement. Flaming beast, of course, he knows this kind of Warcraft, and he knows even more that Flaming Beast is a very rare super spirit beast in the Fire Department of Warcraft, if he can get a Flaming Beast for cultivation , Then his strength can definitely go further.

"It's a coincidence that, a few days ago, Vladimir Wu Xian's disciple Helianji gave his sister a kiss. There were some accidents on the road. When dealing with the accident, Heleneji discovered the flaming lion. Beast, then told me about it, and not long ago, Brother Hellenji and I went to watch it. Unfortunately, my strength is limited, but I did n’t dare to act lightly. Seniors help. "

Han Shu almost worked out the way Helenji and Ling deceived him, but Helenji and Lingjue talked about Qi Huang Beast, but he replaced Qi Huang Beast with a fiery lion beast. As for What is the purpose, of course, to make Lin Yun interested.

Speaking of them, why would he not know that Lin Yun was interested in the fiery lion beast? You know, a flaming lion beast is much more precious than the sunflower.

"Master Five, two fiery lion beasts, in terms of Master Five's strength and means, shouldn't they fail?"

When Han Shu finished speaking, this time, Lin Kong who had greeted him stood up before, frowning and asked. Everyone knows Han Shu's methods of dealing with Warcraft. This time Han Shu came here to ask them for help, it sounds really not so appropriate.

"Lin Kong's predecessors did not know if it was just two flaming lion beasts under normal circumstances, but the situation is not so simple. Speaking of them, the two flaming lion beasts discovered by their juniors still have a cave. In that cave, there are still young flaming lion beasts. If you want to come, you should know that compared with flaming lion beasts without cubs, how big the gap will be! "

Han Shu had already figured out an excuse, and it definitely made sense, and it would make a few people present more interested in the matter.

"The cubs of the fiery lion beast? The five masters said that the two flaming lion beasts had cubs?"

Sure enough, after Han Shu's explanation fell, this time, Lin Yun across the line almost jumped up, and the excitement in his eyes couldn't be masked anymore.

If there were only two flaming lion beasts, what he could not have imagined was that these two big guys even carried their cubs. Although it is only a cub, if he can get one ...

With his eyes narrowed, Lin Yun had made a decision at this moment.

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