The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1844: Check in Ling family (second)

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After sending Hellenchu ​​to the Tang family, Hellenji rushed back to Hellen's house without stopping.

After experiencing the previous events, he always felt that he seemed to be staring at him with invisible eyes, which made him dare not to be as pretentious as before, but it was much more honest than before.

After returning to Helian's house, Helianji immediately mingled with the crowds who came to congratulate him, and as he penetrated the crowd, a familiar figure almost scared him to kneel directly. On the ground.

Helenji would never think of it, so he separated from Yuan Feng for such a short period of time. After a while, he actually saw his young master again, and still saw the young master in his family. .

Frankly, he is really awesome and awesome about Yuan Feng. Yuan Feng is holding his little life and may let him die at any time. If he is not beside Yuan Feng, he can relax more casually, but right now When I saw Yuan Feng again, it was impossible for him to relax.

In the next time, every action and every word of Hellenji can be described as abnormally restrained. Almost everyone who is present today can feel his abnormality today, but for this Hellen The performance of the young master can only be seen in the eyes and confused.

Speaking of them, the reason why everyone stayed for so long is because they wanted to say hello to Hellenji before leaving, and now Hellenji has returned, and everyone greeted each other with Hellenji. Whatever you ask, you will secretly give your request to the other party, which can also make the other party mentally prepared.

After everyone said hello to Helianji, the strong men left one by one. Soon, in the hall of Helian's house, it was slowly deserted.

"Brother Helian, congratulations. Brother Helian is busy today, and the younger brother will not be bothered anymore. He has time to drink and talk with Brother Helian today. Today, the brother will retire first."

Ling Feng waited until the crowd was almost gone, so he took his two guards and stepped forward to bid farewell to Hellenji.

Speaking of which, he did not know the connection between Hellengyi and Yuanfeng, so he took Yuanfeng and another guard to bid farewell to Hellenji, and he did not show any inappropriate look, like The two behind him are really the same as his guards.

However, he didn't know that when he took Yuan Feng and another person to say goodbye to Hellenji, the latter almost stopped breathing, and he did not dare to look at Yuan Feng behind him.

"Heh, heh, Brother Ling Feng is here too. The brothers can come to my Helian home today. It really makes my Helian home flourish. This is the honor of my Helian home. Please visit and thank the brothers Ling Feng and the Ling family for their love. "

Hellengi's expression was really weird, and what he said was even more weird.

By the time Helene's remarks came to an end, the entire hall was suddenly quiet, as if all of them were suddenly choked by their necks and no sound could be heard.

"Did I hear that right? Master Helian was so kind to Master Ling Feng of the Ling family?"

"Uh, this is too exaggerated? When did Ling Feng of the Ling family have such face? Is it the master Ling of the Ling family that has become a disciple?"

"I haven't heard of it. If Ling Jue had become a disciple of Yuanji Palace's master, I am afraid that the whole Yuanji Palace would have heard the news."

"What's going on? Even if Ling must become a disciple of the prince, Master Helian won't be so kind to this Lingfeng, right?"

"Yu, there must be something nasty in it. It seems that this Master Ling Feng of the Ling family may have some problems!"

"Knowing about Master Lingfeng for a long time, even Helenji is so respectful and respectful to him, we people should work harder."

"It's not too late. When Master Ling Feng returns, we'll have a small gift to visit."

There were many people left in the hall at the moment, and although these people had been chatting with each other, which one was not always listening to Hellengyi's conversation with others? This time everyone heard Helenji and Ling Feng's dialogue, everyone was shocked.

They never heard that Ling Feng's Ling face had such a big face, let alone let Helengji nod and slap his back, and he kept professing himself, which shows that Ling Feng is unusual.

At this moment, everyone's attention could not help but project towards Ling Feng, but everyone had a new understanding of the Ling family's sister-in-law.

"Ahem, Brother Helian is really kind."

Everyone else was shocked, and Ling Feng, the party, was even more shocked at the moment.

Ling Feng knows his own problems. He knows very well that in the eyes of this Master Helian's Master Helian, a person of this identity is not worth mentioning, unless his elder brother becomes Yuanji Palace. The disciples of the Lord's preaching, in that case, they might even look at him.

Of course, even if his eldest brother became a disciple of disciples, this Master Hellen would not be so kind to him. So, when Hellenji's words came to an end, he was really so surprised that he forgot everything he said.

However, what Ling Feng didn't know was that what Helenji said was not told to him at all, because when the other party spoke, his eyes were always looking at Yuan Feng. The words, of course, were also told to Yuan Feng.

He really didn't know what the relationship was between Yuan Feng and Ling Feng. However, Yuan Feng was standing behind Ling Feng. Under the premise of not knowing the situation, of course, he didn't dare to have any inappropriate behavior.

"Brother Helian, you're busy first, my brother will leave first, and we'll see you later."

Ling Feng really felt a little bit fluttering at the moment, not to mention that he was so complimented by the young master of the Helian family, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

Of course, at this moment, he actually had some faint guesses. After all, who was standing behind him, he still had some music in his mind. What's more, Yuan Feng had secretly followed when Helenji and others left before. What happened during this can be imagined.

Regarding Yuan Feng's methods, I'm afraid there was no one who was clearer than him. However, the thought of Yuan Feng might have controlled the young master of the Helian family. In his heart, he felt a little shocked.

"Okay, that brother Ling Feng is going all the way, come here, send me brother Ling Feng for me."

Although I also knew that I shouldn't go too far, when I saw someone standing behind Ling Feng, he couldn't help treating Ling Feng and others special.


Ling Feng didn't dare to stay here anymore. She arched her hand to Hellengyi, and hurried to go outside. At this moment, he has already become the focus of everyone. Along the way, everyone pays respectful glances at him. It feels like he suddenly became the master of Yuanji Palace. I passed on the same disciple.

It is a pity that others don't know, but of course Ling Feng knows his own jeopardy. So, while enjoying these flattering eyes, he also felt a little stigma while enjoying.

"Come here, everyone, let's drink !!!!!!"

After Ling Feng left with his two guards, Hellenji slightly recovered some of his previous pride, and then drank again with a few familiar people to drink and chat.

Without Yuan Feng's presence, he was considered to be himself now, but his transformation would undoubtedly make the people present unable to understand ...

Ling Feng did not see Hellengi's performance behind him, and he was not interested. After taking the two of them out of Hellen's house, he went straight to the Ling family and rushed back.

Along the way, he didn't say a word, just like a lead person, just lead the way, but the so-called guard behind him, obviously the leader of the three.

"Ling Feng, I will stay in your Ling family for a few days for the rest of this time. Of course, you do n’t have to worry about how I treat your Ling family. Speaking of you, such a small family, I Still not eye-catching. "

On the way, Yuan Feng's voice rang in Ling Feng's ears. At this moment, Yuan Feng already had some ideas. However, these ideas have to wait until Helendy's side is over, then look at Helendy's effectiveness, and then make a final decision.

"Where is the young master, if the young master likes it, his subordinates will assist the young master and take the entire Ling family to the young master. Those who want to come to my Ling family will certainly be very willing to work for the young master. Not betrayed. "

Hearing Yuan Feng's voice, Ling Feng's figure could not help but stagnate slightly, but then hurriedly explained to Yuan Feng.

What he said was sincere. He is now in a position to understand Yuan Feng's strength. If Yuan Feng is willing, then of course he can control the entire Ling family. Anyway, he has been controlled by Yuan Feng himself. If the entire Ling family is controlled by Yuan Feng, nothing seems unacceptable.

"Oh, that's not necessary, you are almost enough by yourself, but then again, if necessary, I will ask you to help me call your big brother back, maybe he should be worthy of me . "

Yuan Feng did not hide it, he was really interested in Lingfeng's elder brother. After all, the named disciple of Yuanji Gongzhu may actually see Wan'er.

"Okay, as long as the young master orders, his subordinates will go all out." Ling Feng's gaze was fixed slightly when he heard Yuan Feng was going to deal with his elder brother, but he did not object.

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