The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1828: Home (three)

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It has been more than two months since returning to Ziyun Palace. During this time, Yuan Feng's daily tasks, in addition to cultivation, are cultivation. On the one hand, he cultivates his sword skills, and on the other hand, he studies Jiu Zhuan Xuan. Gong, and after two months of research, whether it is his sword skill or his Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, they have all made great progress.

The sword art, the artistic conception, the rest is to deliberate on the details. The details determine success or failure. Perhaps a slight change in the game can turn a defeat into a victory.

The third form of the dust maple swordsmanship has just taken shape for a short time, but it has its shape and short meaning. Only by integrating the true meaning into it, can the third style of the dust maple swordsmanship truly become an invincible sword skill.

In addition to swordplay, Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong is also a skill that he must study. Now he is based on Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong in the seventh revolution. Although he is still a bit far from being immortal, he wants to kill him. It's really not easy.

For this study of Xuan Gong, the main thing is how to get the most out of your life. You have to know that when he goes out to practice, God knows what kind of strong man he will meet. If he is not fully prepared, it is not worth losing his life. Already.

Of course, the swordsmanship of the Sword Realm is also good. Nine turns to the Xuan Gong. It is hard to say whether these two skills can be used. After all, if you really meet a strong man who can't cope, he will of course be the first time. It will be greasy under your feet, and you will be lucky.

The two magical skills of Xiaoyao and Wuyingjingong have already been fused by him, and they are used as a gimmick. If he really meets the demigod, he can also rely on the fusion of these two magical skills. Ran for a while.

After finishing all his skills, Yuan Feng knew that the next time, it was time for him to embark on the journey ...............

In front of the magnificent gate of Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng was standing quietly not far from the gate, and looked back at the huge gate of Ziyun Palace.

"Ziyun Palace, I never imagined that I would join this great force by mistake. It seems that from now on, there is a constant connection between me and this Ziyun Palace!"

Looking at the huge palace complex in front of him, Yuan Feng's heart inevitably felt strange. Once upon a time, he was just an insignificant ant, but today, he has become a legendary disciple in the Liuhe Palace of the Ziyun Palace. No one can really predict the change in the world.

Nowadays, he is naturally qualified to enter and leave the Ziyun Palace, and even relying on the tokens of his disciples in the Liuhe Palace, he can order the law enforcement team of the Ziyun Palace to dispatch a large number of powerful men to help himself.

"I don't know, when will I be able to turn my Qingwu Palace into such a scale, if I can turn Qingwu Palace into a force of this scale, then I can really sit back and relax and never have to worry about those loved ones again Friends. "

The power of Ziyun Palace, he already knows it now, and at this moment, his goal is to develop Qingwu Palace into a giant power like Ziyun Palace. Constraints of others.

Unfortunately, such a wish can only be a wish for a while, because even he is still wandering in the realm of yin and yang, and he wants to develop Qingwu Palace into a huge force like Ziyun Palace. At least he has to Promote yourself to Promise, or even stronger.

"Take your time, thousands of miles away from your feet. One day, the strength of Qingwu Palace will exceed that of Ziyun Palace."

Secretly punched his fist, Yuan Feng firmly believed that day would come sooner or later.

"Speaking of which, I have n’t been back to Qingwu Palace for a long time. If I go out to practice, I ’ll go back to Qingwu Palace first, and take the resources collected in the way back, so that everyone can practice better. . "

At last, he glanced at the huge mountain gate of Ziyun Palace, but he no longer hesitated, and flew away in a flash.

He didn't want to tell anyone this time. Even Wang Zhong, who was closest to him, didn't notify him. As for the master of the Liuhe Palace, Hua Ling, he didn't even tell.

During this trip to Yuanji Palace, he didn't know how long he would delay. If everything went well, he should be able to return soon, but if it didn't go well, he might not be able to delay it for a while.

Taking advantage of his identity, he has consulted the location of Yuanji Palace in the books of the Ziyun Palace. Although the exact location is not certain, he only has to find the right direction. By then, he can find it while searching.

Not only the Yuanji Palace, but the Ziyun Palace's classics have basically included a lot of great forces within a hundred million miles. He can basically find them no matter where they go.

With longing for the unknown, Yuan Feng resolutely embarked on the journey, and this trip to Yuanji Palace is destined not to be too monotonous.

Qingwu Palace must be returned, but of course, from Ziyun Palace back to Qingwu Palace, of course he cannot go straight to Qingwu Palace. Of course, to be sure, he must make a detour.

Although in his mind, there is basically no possibility of being tracked, but he was careful to sail the ship for thousands of years. He didn't want to expose his family and friends before he had not enough power.

Xiaoyao ’s magic works, but he does n’t even use the space-time boat. You must know that such a rush is the best time to practice Xiaoyao ’s magic. Moreover, when Xiaoyao ’s magic works, the speed is not much slower than that of space-time.

After flying for almost three or four days, Yuan Feng was far away from Ziyun Palace, and at this moment, he was sure that there was no one in Ziyun Palace to follow him, so he re-selected After the route, rushed towards Qingwu Palace.

Along the way, Yuan Feng converged as much as he could, but when he encountered anything, he ignored everything, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble and delay his journey back to Qingwu Palace.

With such a heartless hurry, it took almost half a month or so for Yuan Feng to return to the barren remote place where Qingwu Palace is located.

In the distance, a barren scene appeared in front of his eyes. Compared with Zhong Lingyuxiu over the Ziyun Palace, the world in front of him can be described by the word bleak.

However, although the environment is very desolate, Yuan Feng can still feel that under this barren scene, there is an inexplicable terrorist force hidden. One day, this force will break through the barren and become The most dazzling core of the entire Wulei Realm.

"I've finally come back. Although I haven't been away for a long time, it feels like it's been years!"

Looking at the familiar scene, especially the five small palaces in the depths of the wilderness, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help flashing a touch of excitement.

No matter how good the Ziyun Palace is, here is his true base camp and where his mind is concerned.


After watching it quietly for a moment, his figure flashed a little, and in an instant he came to the top of five huge palaces, overlooking his own home.

"Well, it seems that during this time, the split is really not bad. The Promise in the Qingwu Palace has so many, but I do n’t know, how much is in my Yuan family. And the Yun family. "

Feeling the powerful power that was not induced in the five palaces, Yuan Feng knew that during his absence, the avatar must have lost a lot of thought, and tried to improve the power of Qingwu Palace.

What is more reassuring is that all the strong men who joined the Qingwu Palace from the outside were basically conquered by the blood magic power to ensure that everyone is loyal to the Ziyun Palace.

Of course, as long as the warriors who joined the Qingwu Palace have no heart, then the blood curse magic skill will have no effect on them.

"Let's look at the core palace of Qingwu Palace!"

Gazes swept over the five palaces, but Yuan Feng's final attention was put in the center of the five palaces.

Although on the surface, the central vacant lot is just a simple vacant lot, but in fact, there is the most central part of the Qingwu Palace—the central palace!

The entire central palace is covered by the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. Even if the strong man from the semi-divine realm comes, it is equally impossible to see the palace without Yuanfeng's permission. However, as the decorator of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, Yuan Feng certainly cannot see the scene in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

"Okay, very good. The scale of Qingwu Palace is much larger than before, and it seems that Qingwu Palace's own consciousness has also begun to grow!"

Through the Yellow River Formation of Jiuqu, Yuan Feng soon discovered that the Qingwu Palace today is much larger than before, not only the height and width are much larger, but also the toughness of the palace. Too much tougher than before. It can be said that today's Qingwu Palace is basically a qualitative change.

It is not difficult to imagine that the original Qingwu Palace was refining based on the Celestial Palace and Tianlian Demon Palace, but the two palaces that were refining were all ordinary people of good fortune. Now there are countless people The Promise is going to shoot, of course, to completely change the palace.

To put it plainly, today's Qingwu Palace, in addition to retaining the consciousness of accidental birth, the rest, I am afraid, are already different from the original. Having said that, the former Qingwu Palace, apart from the accidental consciousness, seems to have nothing to recommend!

"I don't know what happened to Meng Chen and her sisters, and their father and mother."

After looking up and down the Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When he was in shape, he went straight to the palace below.

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