The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1825: End (five more)

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Five full months have passed since the original Yanji Palace was destroyed, and after five months of operation and rationalization, Ziyun Palace finally completely stabilized the Yanji Palace.

After going through the initial difficult stages, the next situation can be said to have been pretty good. The only period of time when human losses occurred was when the outside forces came to make trouble, but the losses were also acceptable. within.

Since then, the operation of Yanyun Palace by Ziyun Palace has completely returned to the state of being step-by-step. To put it plainly, the only change in Yanyan Palace is the most important core management. In addition, there has been an increase. Just some disciples in Ziyun Palace.

The remaining disciples of the Winged Wing Palace have now accepted the fact that the Winged Wing Palace was destroyed, and in fact, the great change this time is also an opportunity for them.

Some of the less qualified disciples of the Yanchi Palace may not have been taken seriously by the senior officials of the Yanchi Palace. However, this time Ziyun Palace has been settled in the Yanchi Palace. As many of those with high qualifications were wiped out, they People are naturally supplemented, and such a group of people will basically be valued by the top of the Ziyun Palace.

The demigods who stay at the side of Yanyun Palace in Ziyun Palace will obviously not be the top ten main halls. Besides the top ten main halls, ask which demigods do not need to expand their hands. the power of? For these demigods in Ziyun Palace, they don't care what their people are before. As long as these people listen to them in the future and seek benefits for them, they can put them in the door.

At the time of the Ziyun Palace, although these demigods other than the Ten Hall Masters also received a few disciples, the intentional or unintentional competition of the Ten Hall Masters made it impossible for them to grow. This time, opening branches in Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace is obviously the best way for them to develop their power.

From a macro perspective, this time Ziyun Palace intends to spread its influence to the whole world of no delusion. This is like doing sales and opening branches, and the sales are getting bigger. Of course, we need to open more branches. Even if this branch loses money, other branches can still earn back.

If the Ziyun Palace can spread its power throughout the world without bounds, then the name of the Ziyun palace will be resounded forever on the land without bounds, and it will last forever!

For five months, a lot of things happened naturally during this period. Ziyun Palace has determined the candidates to stay in the two branches of Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace. Each branch has left ten big and half divine powerhouses. This number is enough to make these two purple The branch of Yungong ranks among the first-rate forces.

Of course, the Lord of the Ten Halls will not stay. Similarly, their legendary disciples and registered disciples will of course have to be brought back to the headquarters of the Ziyun Palace. Some people are willing to stay, and they are still being held by the Ten Most Divine Realms The ordinary disciple disciples accepted by them ended up staying in Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace. It can be considered to strengthen the strength of these two branches!

After the two demigods of the two branches are in place, the ten main halls who have been working hard for many days outside are obviously going to return to the top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace. After all, among the current Ziyun palaces, half The number of strong men in the divine realm is small.

Everything was completed slowly and silently, and at this moment, the main owners of the major palaces of the Ziyun Palace, it was time to say goodbye to the Yanji Palace ...

In Yanji Palace, in a fairly spacious hall, the master of the Liuhe Palace, Hua Yan, was sitting upright, and under him, his several disciples and some disciples were standing quietly. Below, listen to the precepts of the Lord Lord.

Among the disciples, naturally headed by Liu Zhongdian's great disciple, Wang Zhong, and behind Wang Zhong, Yuan Feng, a young disciple, was naturally assigned to the front, but was only one position behind Wang Zhong. It is a lot ahead of other disciples of Yan Chuan. Such a position arrangement undoubtedly shows Yuan Feng's position in Liuhe Hall.

Li Xian and Bai Ling were naturally in the team. Speaking of them, here at Yanyan Palace to perform tasks, they were originally looking for opportunities to shoot Yuan Feng. Unfortunately, Yuan Feng has always been with Beside Wang Zhong, he couldn't keep his door behind him, and then he couldn't see any trace. So, their plans were naturally missed.

Seeing Yuan Feng standing in front of them at this moment, their status was even higher than them, but under their hearts, they were angry and helpless, but in the end they were helpless.

The only thing that made them more relieved was that Yuan Feng didn't really say what they had done in the first place, which made them feel relieved. But these things haven't been said so far, Yuan Feng would probably not have said these things!

In fact, Yuan Feng never really put them in his eyes. The two of them are purely measuring the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. For Yuan Feng, all those experiences had passed. Although Li Xian and Bai Ling were not pure in purpose, in the end they were not married for him? Such two small roles, where does he have the energy to deal with them?

Moreover, if you really shake out the original thing, who is really troublesome, it seems that it really is not necessarily!

"It's all here. It seems that this is the rhythm of the real teacher returning to the North!"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng's mind quietly probed behind him, but found that the people who had come before, basically all were here, of course, there must be a fall, but it was never possible to return. .

"The dust has been settled at Yanji Palace, and 80% of them have already arranged for the people to sit in the town. It seems that the main owners of the palaces are going to take their own people back!"

As an onlooker, Yuan Feng saw everything very clearly and thoroughly. He knew in his heart that the masters of these major palaces have completed all the previous work, and the rest must be left to others to complete. Already.

Of course, in these five months, they are bound to gain a lot of benefits, but these benefits are enough for their respective palaces to spend a while.

The strong men in the Yanji Palace fell so quickly. How many treasures are left behind, I am afraid that only these demigods are clear. Even if they do n’t see it in person, they can guess it. ten.

"Go back. When I go back, I will resign from the Master and go out and practice for a while. As for the destination, it will be in the so-called Yuanji Palace!"

During this time, he practiced all five swordsmanship recipes given to him by the Master of Huadai Hall to the realm of pure fire. In the end, he summed up a trick from these five swordsmanship, which is also the first of his dust maple swordsmanship. Three styles.

However, although this third type of dust maple swordsmanship has taken shape, he still needs to hone his skills if he wants to fully use the swordsmanship.

This time I went to Yuanji Palace to practice, but he just happened to be able to hone his own sword skills.

"Are you all here?"

Just between Yuan Feng's thoughts and above the throne he started, the voice of the Lord of the Palace of Hua Di suddenly sounded in everyone's ear, and when he heard the opening, everyone was looking straight, Waiting for the precepts of the master of Huayu Palace.

"This time I brought everyone here to run the Yanji Palace, but it made everyone suffer. In this regard, I saw it in the eyes of the teacher, but in my heart. When I return to the Liuhe Temple, I will discuss merit rewards. Will not let everyone ’s hard work go to waste. "

The eyes of the master of Hua Di Dian glanced at the disciples, but each disciple made him feel very satisfied, especially the great disciple headed by Wang Zhong, which made him feel relieved.

This time, Wang Zhong's performance is indeed remarkable. Not long ago, he also led some people in the Ziyun Palace and Yanji Palace, and found a new spirit richer than the known spirit veins. Pulse, and from that spiritual pulse, Liuhedian made a lot of money, I don't know how many people are jealous!

"Master, we are all from the Ziyun Palace, working for the Ziyun Palace, working for the Master and Liuhe Palace, where is the hard work? Master is really important. As for the reward, then it is even more generous. No. "

The words of the master of Huadai Hall fell, and the great disciple Wang Zhong stood out first, expressing their attitudes on behalf of everyone.

"Yes, Master, we are all willing to worry about Master, so there is no need for reward at all."

When Wang Zhong finished speaking, Li Xian among the crowd hurried to stand up to reflect his existence.

"Sorry for the Master, the disciples are willing, no rewards ............"

When Li Xian stood up and said, one by one, the disciples and registered disciples all followed, even if they were yearning for the reward of the master of Huadai Palace, they could only break their teeth at this moment. Swallowed.

"Okay, I am so satisfied with my filial piety, but I have nothing to doubt about merit, reward, and punishment."

For the performance of these disciples, the Lord of Huadai Palace was naturally very pleased. No matter what, his disciples, at least, really thought about Liuhe Palace.

"Well, wait until you go back and talk about it. Right now, Yanyan Palace is on the right track, but we people can rush back to the Liuhe Temple in Ziyun Palace, but what else do you have? If not, Let's leave immediately. "

The demigod power is undoubtedly the master of fierce popularity. Now that it's enough, it's meaningless to stay.

"Everything is arranged by the master !!!"

"All by Master !!!"

Everyone naturally has no problems. Speaking of which, until now, who doesn't know it is the class teacher who wants to return to the DPRK? Before that, they were able to do all of it.

"Okay, so, let's leave now and return to Liuhedian !!!"

With a big wave, the master of Hua Di Palace directly ordered, this time, they can finally return to Ziyun Palace.

ps: Five more arrived, for support! !! !!

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