The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1815: Public anger (four more)

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Yanji Palace, among the spacious halls, one by one, but these people are gathered here, and these people are naturally the superpowers that Ziyun Palace has settled in, and the major The disciples of the super strong.

When I came to Yanji Palace before, there were ten demigods in Ziyun Palace, but there were also fifty disciples. However, at this moment, although ten superpowers in the semi-god realm are still there, there are less than forty disciples of fifty legendary disciples at this moment. Among them, even the master of the Yuanyuan Temple The great disciple of Xuan Chuan didn't even return.

The atmosphere of the whole hall is a little dignified, whether it is the top ten demigods who are getting started, or the masses of disciples below, everyone's face is not very good-looking.

"Is there such a reason? I did not expect these forces to be so abominable. My Ziyun Palace destroyed the Yan Wing Palace, and these people even ran to share a cup of tea. What a reason!"

The Lord Mo Xie of the Hall of Five Elements Palace has reached the edge of anger. This time, the Hall of Five Elements damaged two disciple disciples. As for the loss of the registered disciples, it is much larger.

"Hey, it's all right, this time I chose to shoot against Yan Chi Palace and Luan Xing Palace. I have long thought about the situation today, but now this loss is justified!"

The Lord of the Yuan Temple shattered his head and shook his head, but he was quite tolerant of the current loss. Although he lost a big disciple, his heart was also very sad, but at this point, he had to accept this reality.

As the so-called siege is easy, it is easy to defend the city. Although they won the Yanchi Palace and Luan Xing Palace very smoothly, they wanted to completely own these two palaces and slowly develop them into purple clouds. The branch of the palace is not that simple.

"These **** forces, it's best not to let this seat meet them, otherwise, I must make them look good!" The master of the Seven Stars Palace Kui Dou also gritted his teeth fiercely, but also looked helpless.

With so many super powers, no matter how strong the Ziyun Palace is, it is absolutely impossible to directly confront so many powers. In fact, even if they already knew that there would be such a change, there is simply no time and Energy to guard these disciples.

"Well, don't say so much, no matter what, the big forces that the Yanji Palace controlled before are now completely controlled by me. After everything returns to normal, I do n’t dare to come to those big forces What's more chaotic, as for this loss, sooner or later it will be clear to them. "

The Lord of the Yuan Temple is the most peaceful, but in his heart, the major forces who have already participated in this hate. After all, what he lost in the Temple of One Yuan was his great disciple!

"Is there any clue to report?"

With an eyebrow raised, the Master of the Heavenly Temple could not help but look at the masses of disciples below, then asked softly. His big disciple cannot die in vain. As he said, no matter what, he must find a way to avenge his big disciple.

However, when the words of the Master of the Heavenly Heaven Hall fell, among the disciples of disciples, no one made any noise.

Speaking of which, these major forces are acting secretly, and of course they will not expose their identities in a brazen way. The only reason is that they are more recognizable. The reason is that they are bold and self-confident. The other major forces did not reveal their identities at all.

Therefore, when the voice of the Master of the Heavenly Temple fell, everyone could only look at me and I look at you, but no absolutely reliable information was provided.

"How? So many people, can't even one person provide reliable information to this seat? 枉 You are still my genius at Ziyun Palace !!!"

Seeing one by one, the disciples of rumors were all dumb, and suddenly there was a feeling that Qi was not coming in one place.

"My ancestors, my disciples have something to report."

When the Master of the Heavenly Temple was angry, among the disciples of the legend, Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Liuhedian, suddenly stepped forward and stepped out of the crowd.

Wang Zhong originally didn't want to say anything, but now I saw this situation and felt the anger of the main hall masters and the great demigods. He knew that he should tell what happened before. .

"Wang Zhong, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Wang Zhong's exodus, the Master of the Heavenly Temple could not help but look upright, and then asked with a look of anticipation.

As the great disciple of Liuhe Palace, Wang Zhong is still very talkative. Now that he has stood up, he should not be aimless.

"Don't dare to conceal Master Shi, during this operation, the disciples also encountered other forces who secretly made calculations, and I wasn't waiting for someone else to calculate, it was the disciple of the Black Palace."

After a little groaning, Wang Zhong rationalized the matter, and then he gave the name of the Heijiao Palace.

"Kurakuo? Are you sure you are Kurokuni?"

When Wang Zhong's words came down, the spirit of the main body of the split-day hall rippling violently, it did not conceal his killing intention at all.

No matter what, if you can determine a participating force, then he has the target of hatred. Even if his big disciple is not killed by the man in the Black Palace, he must also treat the Black Palace as an accomplice.

"The disciples are definitely the Kurosaki, and there will be no fakes."

It seems that the people in the obsidian palace are too obvious. Moreover, the ten guys have eyes higher than the top, and they did not put them in their eyes at all. During this period, they acknowledged the identity of themselves and others. of.

"Okay, a black palace, wait for the time to mature, see if I am the first one to destroy you !!!"

He suddenly stomped his feet, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple pressed the fire under his heart, and did not let himself run out to seek revenge from the Hei Ling Palace, but in his heart, Hei Ling Palace suddenly became a scapegoat. Will not let go of the other.

"Hei Ling Palace, I knew that this force would be involved. This Hei Ling Palace has been hidden in the dark for so many years, and its strength is also unfathomable. However, if I want to destroy them, it will not necessarily cost me to go Too much effort. "

"Damn Hei Palace, if they secretly shot, my disciples in Ziyun Palace may not be their opponents. Damn it!"

"Kill, kill, one day, we must kill everyone in this black palace and let them know the cost of calculating my people in Ziyun Palace."

The demigods are filled with righteous indignation. Everyone is clamoring for revenge by killing the people in the Dark Palace, but reasonably tells them that at this moment, it is obviously not the time to revenge.

"Zhonger, you said you met someone from the Ziyun Palace, so what is the end result?"

Just as everyone else was scolding, the master of the Liuhe Palace Hua Hua suddenly interrupted, interrupted the discussion, and asked Wang Zhong who had not retreated.

He knew too much about his big disciple. Judging from Wang Zhong's performance, it seemed that he was not very willing to speak about it. Moreover, after reporting the situation, Wang Zhong did not leave the first time, all signs It shows that Wang Zhong's words should not be finished.

"This is also the second thing that the disciples have to say to the master and the masters." Wang Zhong couldn't help but look right when he heard the question from Hua Yan, and then said, "Master, masters and masters, speak up. The disciples were able to return safely this time. It was a great luck for the disciples. Before the disciples took the spiritual veins of Yanji Palace with a group of teachers and disciples, it was a conspiracy of the ten talented disciples of Heizhi Palace. The disciples are afraid that they have already fallen. "

When he thought of the previous things, he still inevitably felt a little afraid.

"What? Someone was rescued in secret? Tell me what happened!" When Wang Zhong's words fell, everyone in the audience looked shocked, but looked at Wang Zhong, waiting for his explanation.

From Wang Zhong's words, it is not difficult to hear that the number of strong men dispatched by Hei Ling Palace seems to be astonishing, but the final result seems to be slightly different from the normal situation.

"Disciple Rong said in detail, this is how things happened. On that day, the disciples took everyone ........."

Now that he has decided to tell the story, Wang Zhong will not conceal anything, and speaking, he will tell all the events of the day, one hundred and fifty. Of course, he didn't say anything about the caves left by the ancient superpowers. After all, no matter how upright he was, he would never be up to that point.

Soon, everything that happened that day was told in detail by him, and when his voice fell, everyone present was silent for a while.

"There is such a thing? Even without the presence of a figure, it directly killed the nine strongest men in the Black Palace. Who can have such strength? Is it a demigod?"

For a long time, Mo Xie, the Lord of the Five Elements Palace, returned to God for the first time, but murmured in horror.

"Wang Zhong, do you say that person's strength is several times stronger than you? And he also claims to be a person in Ziyun Palace?"

Of course everyone's concern is of course the identity of the mysterious person. Speaking of, since the other person says that he is a person in the Ziyun Palace, then it should really be the talent of the Ziyun Palace. After all, if it is not the person in the Ziyun Palace , But there is no need to save Wang Zhong and others.

"Yes, he is indeed a self-proclaimed disciple of Ziyun Palace. Unfortunately, his body speed is too fast, and his disciples have not been able to see his face in the end.

Wang Zhong's face couldn't help flashing a bit of embarrassment. As a disciple of Liuhedian, he didn't even see the person who shot it. It seemed that the matter was not very glorious.


With the affirmation of Wang Zhong, all the strong men present were no longer talking. Obviously, they have to take things seriously and rationalize what Wang Zhong said.

ps: Four arrived, a little bit late, brothers forgive me! !! !! When I first came back, conditioning and conditioning the body first, it was really uncomfortable to catch a cold. !! !!

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