The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1808: Ascension

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The ten strongest men in the Black Palace siege Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Liuhedian. There is no suspense in the victory or defeat of this battle. After all, no matter how powerful Wang Zhong is, he will not be able to beat the ten in the Black Palace Super strong.

After a short time, Wang Zhong has already shown a trace of fatigue, and when he saw the fatigue, the ten people in the Dark Palace could not help but secretly strengthen, making Wang Zhong's pressure even greater. stand up.

This is a process of fading away from each other. The more courageous Wang Zhong is, then the ten people in Heijiao Palace will naturally be weaker, and once Wang Zhong is powerless, then it will be the turn of ten people in Heijiao Palace. Already.

"Wang Zhong, you are not our opponent. If you agree to join my obsidian palace and destroy all the people present with me, then we will protect you as a core disciple in the obsidian palace, and in the future will achieve a demigod state. , It just doesn't matter. "

Seeing that Wang Zhong's momentum was getting weaker and weaker, the crowds in the Black Palace could not help but start lobbying Wang Zhong.

To be honest, Wang Zhong's strength is really a little stronger than each of them. If Wang Zhong can join the Heiluo Palace, then the attention it will receive will be incomparable to others.

However, their hearts are clearer. It is really unlikely that Wang Zhong wants to betray the Ziyun Palace and join the Black Palace, and the reason for this is to shake Wang Zhong's mind. Nothing more. If there is a slight slack of Wang Zhong at this time, then they can seize the opportunity and kill it with a blow.

Although Wang Zhong has shown his disadvantages at the moment, they want to kill them, it is not easy.

"wishful thinking!!!!"

Regarding the persuasion of the people in the Black Palace, Wang Zhong only glanced indifferently, but he didn't care at all. He knows the intention of these people, but then again, the other party used this method to insult him. accurate.

"What to do? There is no rescue right now. With my own strength alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to persist for too long. I really don't know where there are so many super powerhouses from the Black Palace."

Wang Zhong was also very anxious at the moment. He said to his heart that the current situation was not really difficult for him. The ten men in the palace were a bit scary, let alone a pair of ten. Even if they were one to two, he could not win.

For him, the only way at this moment is to let him persist for a while, as to whether there will be any rescuers in the middle, basically it is entirely God's will.

Others can't help anything. The only one who can do it is the thunder of Yanfeng Palace, but this person will not be completely loyal to Ziyun Palace. If he dies, then it is very likely. Eighty-nine will be compiled by the ten people of the Black Palace. He even knew that at this moment, the people in the Swallow-winged Palace were still watching. If he was defeated, all of them would be loyal to the Hei Ling Palace.

Of course, for these people, they did not rebel for the first time, but adopted a wait-and-see attitude. In fact, he was already very satisfied. But in his heart, he never expected them to help him wholeheartedly.

"Life-saving is the most important. If it is really a last resort, I am afraid that I can only find a way to bring Master Yuanfeng and let them break out for the time being!"

He doesn't have much thoughts on this spiritual vein except the cave left by the ancient superpower. In fact, all he needs to consider now is the lives of him and Yuan Feng.

In any case, he will not leave the people of Ziyun Palace, such as Yuan Feng, and escape by himself.

"Wang Zhong, since you're so stubborn, don't blame me for waiting, annihilation !!!"

Hearing that Wang Zhong had no intention of surrendering, the ten strongest men in the Black Palace, at this moment, finally stopped thinking about each other. Between the eyes of each other, ten people were physically moving. The small attacking mysterious array appeared in front of Wang Zhong.

"Om !!!!!!"

With Wang Zhong as the center, the range of several hundred meters has become a bit dim, and there is no strange air at first. At this moment, it seems to be a little sticky. Most terribly, Wang Zhong felt that his own The power seemed to be corroded by the surrounding space, and it was difficult to land the attack on the people of the Kuroshio Palace.

"No, these people still have this hand !!!"

By the time the ten strong men in the Kuroshio Palace used a set of horrific clashes, Wang Zhong's eyes had already become dignified.

The people in the Heilu Palace still have this hand, which he never thought of. The most terrible thing was that once this method of the other ten people came out, he felt that his actions were all restricted at once. He simply couldn't even escape by himself.

"How can there be such a hand, this is really killing you! It seems that this time, I am really very troublesome and troublesome."

Feeling the flawless cooperation between the ten people around him, Wang Zhong knew that he wanted to stick to his thoughts for a while, and it was absolutely ruined.

"It's nothing but life and death are rich and rich in heaven. If you really die here today, it is also my Wang Zhong's fate. In this case, let me give it a go and play with them !!!

The light in his eyes flashed, but at this moment, Wang Zhong directly cast aside life and death, and in talking, he wanted to burn his own vitality and end up with these people present.

Although it is impossible to overcome these ten people based on his cultivation, if he wants to fight for his life, then these ten guys will definitely not be better.

"Oh !!!!!!"

However, just under Wang Zhong's heart, when he was ready to make a shot at any time, the sound of a slight spatial shock was uploaded from the top of the eleven people. Then, a terrifying coercion immediately enveloped the presence Eleven.

"Hei Ling Palace is really prosperous, ten people hit one, and today they finally learned."

With the advent of terror, a thick drink rang suddenly in everyone's ears. Hearing this voice, whether it is the king bell that is about to desperate, or the ten strongest men in the Kuroko Palace, this At the same time, all of them looked very different, looking subconsciously upwards.

However, it is a pity that when they looked up, the sky would be empty at all. Where is a figure?

"His, this ..............."

Seeing nothing unusual in the sky, there was no silhouette at all, but the sound of drinking and the terrifying coercion were still there. Eleven people took a breath of air, and everyone's heart changed. It was very disturbing.

"Someone is nosy, and has the ability to show up !!!"

The ten people in Heiluo Palace also ignored Wang Zhong at this moment. The sudden change suddenly made them sway. They knew that the guy who suddenly appeared was much stronger than Wang Zhong. . At least, this coercion of the other party is definitely not what they can imagine.

Of course, the coming person is definitely not a demigod power, because if it is a demigod person, I am afraid that he will not even talk to them. Would people in the demigods care about these little characters in the limitless state?


Almost as soon as the voices of the crowds in the Black Palace fell, a ray of light exploded in front of everyone's eyes. At the same time, the crowd only felt the silhouette in front of them, and then they returned to peace.


However, this calm did not last long. When everyone was stunned, a muffled sound suddenly rang in everyone's ears. When everyone looked at the sound, they just saw it. When I arrived at a strong man in the Black Palace, I didn't know why, but it exploded directly, turning into a mist of blood.

"Brother !!!!!!"

Seeing that he was a person, someone suddenly burst into a mist of blood, and the other nine Kuroshio disciples present could not help exclaiming. Obviously, they really did not understand. Living people, why suddenly burst into a mist of blood!

"Brush !!!!"

Just as everyone was exclaiming, there were three flashes of light, and with these three flashes of light, the crowd only felt a slight light in front of them, and it seemed that someone was flashing.

"Puff puff!!!!"

It is a pity that all the people present could not keep up with the rhythm of their eyes, and when they wanted to determine the trace of their target, three more muffled noises came suddenly. Then, among the top ten Kuroko palace strongmen, Three of them were split by the light, and once again turned into a mist of blood.


In the twinkling of an eye, the ten disciples of the ten black palaces actually lost four. Everything, however, is like a dream. It is unreal, and the rich **** atmosphere is the reason for the remaining six black palaces. My heart is cold.

Everything happened too fast, so fast that they couldn't even see what was happening, except that the lives of the four superpowers were indeed gone, but this was nothing to do.

"Spread apart, spread apart !!!"

At this moment, where else would the people of the Kuroko Palace think of anything else? They knew that at the moment they were in great trouble. Ten super powerful men fell four in a blink of an eye and six of them were left. They had no ability to take down Wang Zhong, not to mention that there was a Shenlong in the dark who could not see the end. Weird guy too!


As some people shouted and shouted, the remaining six people in the Black Palace suddenly dispersed to see their posture, apparently they were always ready to escape.


It is a pity that just when the remaining six people just dispersed, a flash of light passed, and then, the remaining six obsidian powerhouses were once again split in half. The same turned into a mist of blood.

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