The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1805: Crisis is coming

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Yuan Feng was completely immersed in cultivation, striving to impact the higher and stronger realm, and Wang Zhong was carrying a few people from the Ziyun Palace, patiently mining the precious resources in the cave.

For Yuan Feng, he doesn't need those various spar babies, nor the energetic stone vertebral pillars. He only needs these qi to help him cultivate for a while, this time, he There is no vain.

While Yuan Feng and Wang Zhong were patiently doing their own things, at this moment, the people in the Wings Palace who were responsible for mining the spirit veins here were still holding their posts, and no one dared Do things you shouldn't do at this time.

"Brother Lei Yin, what kind of treasures are there? Why did the people in the Ziyun Palace drive us all out, leaving only their own people inside? Is this an obvious way for us to drink the northwest wind?"

"That is, Shicai, I saw an extra hole in the cave. The treasure lingering in the cave is obviously a rare baby cave. Why do they take advantage of it, but let us guard it outside?"

"Yes, yes, the benefits should be everyone's, how can they all be taken by those of the Ziyun Palace? This is simply unfair."

"Moreover, we may be slightly inadequate, but Brother Lei Yin is my brother in the forefront of the Yanchi Palace. Isn't even Brother Lei Yin eligible for some treasures? Where does this make sense?"

At the main entrance of Lingmai, there are a lot of disciples in the Yanji Palace, but at this moment they are standing here, guarding this initiative, and the boss of this group is, of course, the powerful disciples of the Yanji Palace. Fan Zhong's super genius thunder came.

As a well-known genius in Yanji Palace, Lei Yin is regarded as a person with a head and face among all disciples in Yanji Palace. When all disciples in Yanji Palace have announced that they have obeyed his order and surrender to Ziyun Palace At that time, Lei Yin basically became the boss of these people.

At this time, Wang Zhong and others from Ziyun Palace sent them out. They knew in their hearts that this was the way people didn't trust them and didn't want to share their treasures with them. In this regard, everyone's heart was inevitably resentful.

At this time, of course, they can only pass their complaints to Lei Yin, and finally let Lei Yin take the idea. After all, with their strength and status, they are not enough to rebel against Ziyun Palace. Only when Lei Yin comes back and joins them against the Ziyun Palace, then they may have some hope.

Wang Zhong's strength, they have all seen it. At this moment, even if they hate Ziyun Palace no matter how hard they are, they will never be stupid enough to go face to face with Wang Zhong.

"Okay, you guys, don't bother me and Ziyun Palace here, even if you talk wildly, I will never betray Ziyun Palace."

In the center of the crowd, Lei Yin of Yan Yan Gong, at this moment it was dark, obviously not uncomfortable.

How could he not know the words of these people present? It ’s just that if you know it or not, the power of Ziyun Palace is already in front of you. If you want him to resist, he ca n’t do it.

In fact, at first he also thought about opposing the Ziyun Palace, but after a few thoughts, he finally gave up this unrealistic idea, and honestly chose to guard the door for Yuan Feng and Wang Zhong.

There is no way, the Ziyun Palace is too strong and too strong. Moreover, the Yanji Palace nowadays does not even have a strong man in the semi-god realm. No one is behind him. How could it be the opponent of Ziyun Palace? If he is not calm for a while, but actually does something against the Ziyun Palace, then his troubles may be really big.

"You guys remember that the Yanji Palace is now dead, none of the seniors are left, and we are living on our noses today, but there is a lot of helplessness in it. I advise you, brothers and sisters. If you do something unwise, then I'm afraid everyone will be very difficult to do. "

Shaking his head, Lei Yin instructed the people present, but it was also benevolent.

"This ........." Hearing Lei Yin did not go against the idea of ​​Ziyun Palace at all. Of course, the disciples of the Yanchi Palace who were present were unavoidably unhappy. However, they also knew in their hearts that today's Yanchi Palace is really gone, and it is their best choice to take orders from Ziyun Palace and take care of it.

"No more, let ’s not talk about this. Since the brothers have spoken to this, we people will no longer persuade the brothers. Before, I hope the brothers did not hear anything, and we also Never said. "

"Yes, yes, I hope you can mention it!"

This time, Lei Yin clearly expressed his attitude, and it was impossible for other people to continue to adhere to their thoughts when he said this. Everyone is a smart person and naturally knows what he will do from now on.

"Very well, it's really rare for you to be able to understand the matter so quickly!"

Regarding the performance of the crowd, Lei Yin nodded with satisfaction, but, speaking, his eyes couldn't help flashing a look of unhappiness.

"Hey, I just don't know, what did these guys in the Ziyun Palace find? The previous hole was exposed and lingering. Reiki * people. I believe there will be unexpected treasures in it, but I don't know if I can finally Can't get a share. "

Although he was very transparent in his mind, when he thought that those people in Ziyun Palace were enjoying the treasure alone, they could only take the wind outside. Of course, his heart was also very uncomfortable, but the pain was Not too outsider.

"Everything cheers me up. The situation is turbulent at the moment. Maybe there will be some variables. I must wait to guard the hole and not let any accident happen."

With a sigh, Lei Yin didn't say much anymore. At this moment, he just had to do his job well. As for the others, he didn't think it would be of any use.

Hearing his orders, the others also became honest, but they all looked at the door for everyone in Ziyun Palace. They have no choice. Since the Turtle Sun Ziyun Palace has been decided, then obey the orders of the strong Ziyun Palace. This is the only thing they need to do.

Of course, after all, although everyone has had to surrender to the Ziyun Palace, but of course they will not really devote all their energy to the Ziyun Palace. Moreover, here in the veins, they have been mining for a while, but they haven't even had a hair thing. It is obviously not easy to make them really nervous.

While they were guarding the entrance, they were still chatting in secret. They all wanted to know what kind of treasure they got in Ziyun Palace.

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

I do n’t know how long, at a certain moment, when Lei Yin and his team were guarding the cave bored, a huge space shake suddenly rang out above the whole vein, and then, a sound rang, It's just that the sky has become one after another, the time between speaking, and the whole place where the spirit veins are located, is a little gloomy.

"No, there are situations !!!!!!"

Sudden changes occurred to all the guards, and their faces changed greatly. At this moment, they realized that they seemed to be in the gap of their intentions, and the situation seemed a little bad!

"Brush !!!!"

The disciples of the Yanchi Palace all took their own spiritual soldiers, and instantly came to the rocky hills outside the veins of the spirits, and they looked at the gradually darkening sky around them, the eyes of everyone, They are full of solemn colors.

"No, this, this is ...... Xuan Zhen? Someone is using Xuan Zhen against us !!!"

All the talented disciples in the Yan Chi Palace were present. Which one was not the most knowledgeable? When they saw the sky that was gradually darkening around, everyone knew for the first time, I do n’t know when, they were already besieged by a mysterious array here.

"How is that possible? Who is so bold that they dare to use Xuan Zhen to wait for me? This is simply death !!!"

Lei Yin's eyes flashed a moment of horror for the first time. After the encirclement of Yanji Palace by Ziyun Palace, his fear of the Xuan Zhen was indescribable. Right now, he once again If you are caught in the mysterious formation, it is really impossible to say that you are not afraid.

"Brother, it's not good, we have been accounted for by Xuan Zhen !!!"

Others also saw their current situation one by one, and all became panicked. They used to care about guarding at the entrance of the cave, and they were still chatting. If they can be more cautious, they may not be drilled by such a big hole.

"What to panic? Don't panic at all. The sky is falling and you can't make it to the top. All of them stabilize me."

Lei Yin's face flashed a bit of fierceness, but he calmed down quickly. What kind of battle has he never seen? Although it is being calculated now, he still has Wang Zhong to support himself at this moment. Even if there is any problem that can't be solved, it seems that he can't make it.


Almost as soon as an idea like Lei Yin just fell, a ray of light flashed out from underneath the spirit veins, and time spent talking, the figure of Wang Zhong, a great disciple of Liuhedian, already appeared in all In front of people.

"The king of Liuhe Palace is here. Who is the mouse, can't show up soon?"

Wang Zhong's figure appeared in the mid-air, and his loud drinking sound passed away from afar. At this moment, the momentum of the great disciple of Liuhedian was full.

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