The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1803: Missed Baby (Happy Chinese New Year!)

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When Yuan Feng and Wang Zhong entered the cave, everything in front of them and around them all made them feel deeply fascinated, and they said that at this moment, they really felt like they were in a fantasy.

"What a beautiful cave, what is this place? The breath here ......... It really is an amazing place. It seems that this time really has some chance!"

Looking at the surrounding scenes, Yuan Feng's eyes were almost full of excitement. At this moment, he really wanted to sit down and absorb some of the qi in the whole space, and cultivated himself to quickly reach the yin and yang environment. The extreme of the world, it is better to shock the realm of the Promise at any time.

How big the temptation of the Promise is, no one else can imagine it, and now the opportunity is in front of him, and of course he wants to turn his dream into reality soon.

"Yu, my brother, we are really lucky this time. If I am not mistaken, this should be a cave house left by an ancient superpower. Here, there should be a superpower. Practiced here. "

The eyes of Wang Zhong are also full of excitement. He is more clear than Yuan Feng about the meaning of the cave in front of him, so of course he will be more excited.

"Superpower from ancient times? Well, what kind of power is that?"

Hearing Wang Zhong's introduction, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look pale, his face flashed dullly. He certainly knows that the superpowers in the other person's mouth are definitely not demigods, not demigods. It seems that they can only be enemies beyond demigods!

A person who transcended the demigod, such a person, I am afraid I can no longer describe it with people!

"No wonder, no wonder, even if you want to come to a demigod, it is absolutely impossible to create such a strange environment!" Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng slowly returned to God, the shocking color on his face. , But it is more dignified.

He is not a demigod, but he has n’t seen it before. Obviously, people in the demigod can't create such an environment. Otherwise, those people who have a demigod sit in the town. Martial forces, I'm afraid this is not what it is now.

"There must be a super strong here practicing for a long time in retreat, and then there is a huge spirit vein, and this rare cave in front of you, brother, let ’s continue to go in. Maybe there are more precious things here. Something is waiting for us! "

Wang Zhong's eyes were getting brighter and brighter. He was rarely as excited as before, but he couldn't bear the excitement of the cave left by the super characters who only appeared in the legend.

"Brother please !!!"

Yuan Feng also understood that he and Wang Zhong had really dug up treasures this time. He had been in contact with Wang Zhong for so long. It was the first time he had seen Wang Zhong so uncomfortable.

Wang Zhong was able to bring him in to explore this cave together, but he left other people who were higher than him by one level, which shows that Wang Zhong attaches great importance to him. This time, no matter what is in the cave Obviously, his share is indispensable.

Then again, if there really is a baby that makes him tempted, even if he asks for it, or even grabs it, he will have to do it.

The two of them calmed down and went slowly toward the depths of the cave. On the way, there were so many vertebral pillars and stone columns, and they could see that they were swaying. I wish I could throw them away now. .

These stone vertebral pillars are the purest energy, and each one is probably worthless. However, at this moment, they are more convinced that since it is a treasure left by the super strong, then it should be deep in the cave. There are more precious treasures.

"Brush brush !!!"

The speed of the two people is getting faster and faster, obviously they are more and more anxious under the heart, and this is not to blame them. You know, the number of caves, stone vertebrae, and stone pillars is getting more and more dense, It is a sign of getting closer to the core area.

Eventually, the two did not know how far the flight was, but suddenly they became wide open, but it was an open compound hole.


When they saw Fudong, the bodies of Wang Zhong and Yuan Feng stopped abruptly. At this moment, their bodies could not help shaking slightly, showing the excitement of the two.

However, the excitement of the two did not last long. The enthusiasm was poured out from a basin of cold water, and the excitement in their hearts was quickly replaced by a disappointment.

"It's ... it seems that some expectations are too high!"

Standing outside the compound cave, the eyes of the two people looked at the whole cave again and again, but unfortunately, the entire cave is empty, except that there are more crystal vertebrae and pillars than the outside cave, but Nothing else.

"It's too deserted, right? Why is there nothing left?"

Looking at the empty Fudong, Wang Zhong's face first showed a bit of bitter smile. He used to be full of expectations, but now it seems that his expectations are a bit too high. However, if you think about it, those superpowers in ancient times basically cultivated their own abilities. How many people would rely on foreign objects to control the world?

"No more, these crystallized stone vertebrae and pillars, as well as those suffocating air, are indeed a good harvest, it seems to be enough for us to benefit a lot!"

Shaking his head, Wang Zhong also accepted his fate, and there is nothing super precious, anyway, there are so many stone vertebral pillars and so many qis in the whole cave, but they are enough for them to cultivate for a while. Get a lot of benefits!

"Brother, it seems we are thinking too much this time!"

Yuan Feng's gaze was swept through the entire Fudong, and finally sighed helplessly. Fortunately, he did not expect as much as Wang Zhong, so although there was no gain, he was not too uncomfortable at this time.

"Master, everything can be done, no matter how precious it is. My generation shouldn't borrow foreign objects too much. Speaking of which, there are so many special spar and these scent in the air. A lot of gains, we don't need to expect more. "

Wang Zhong is also a figure who can hold up and put down, and can harvest the best, but since there are not so many babies to collect, then calm and right.

"Haha, brother, rest assured, my brother can still think about this." Hearing Wang Zhong comforted himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly, and then continued, "Brother, these embarrassing looks are not easy, I can feel Then, as long as I absorb some of this qi, then at least I can stabilize the cultivation to the peak of the yin and yang environment, and then the impact will be infinite, and the success rate will definitely be much higher. "

Since there are no other treasures to take, Yuan Feng's gaze can't help but put on the qi in the cave for the first time. At this moment, he just wants to calm down and practice with the qi in here. Fortunately, we should be prepared to shock the Promise as soon as possible.

"Yeah, the Qi of Qi here is indeed the most suitable for cultivation. Since the master wants to cultivate some, then practice here for a while. I will go outside and ask a few people to come in and collect the stone vertebra and pillars here. It's a little bit more for everyone. "

Nodded his head, Wang Zhong did not object, he is indeed a person who is easy to satisfy, and some of them are better than none. The stone vertebrae and pillars here are enough to satisfy each of them. As for Yuan Feng, in the next time, you can let Yuan Feng eat and absorb it.

"Yeah, since that's the case, I want to start practicing now, brother, please be busy with you!"

Yuan Feng did not delay anymore. He met Wang Zhongzhi and then walked towards the deep cave of the cave. The qi of Qi in this compound hole is the strongest. Cultivation here is obviously the best choice.

Talking about time, Yuan Feng has entered Fudong, and Wang Zhong is heading outside, apparently to gather other people to start collecting special spar in the whole cave.

"Well, it ’s so rich and powerful. These colorful puppets of aura really make people feel very comfortable. The next time, let me enjoy it!"

When he arrived in Fudong, Yuan Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath of the colorful breath inside. Suddenly, he felt that he could feel uncomfortable all over his body. The feeling was like a bath on a cold winter day In the middle of the warm sun.

"Just here. Such an environment can at least save me years of practice!"

After a few glances beside him, Yuan Feng's gaze finally gathered on a raised bump on the ground, "Well? This is ... it looks like a jade?"

Through the strong qi, Yuan Feng found out that at this moment, beside him, there was a smooth jade under the hood of qi, except that neither he nor Wang Zhong had before Observed too carefully, so I didn't notice the existence of this piece of jade.

"Sans !!!!!!"

After the jade was discovered, Yuan Feng couldn't help but raise his hand and dissipated the scent of qi, and when the scent of qi was dissipated, suddenly, a piece of smooth jade that was almost one meter square, It appeared in front of him completely.

"Uh, this is ........."

After seeing the complete jade, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but flash a look of surprise that was difficult to conceal. Obviously, he really did not expect that at this time, there was such a discovery. Now it seems that it looks like there is no baby in this compound hole!

ps: New Year, I wish you all good health and good luck! !! !! happy New Year! !! !! In addition, during the Chinese New Year, the update is not stable, and everyone is waiting for more! !! !!

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