The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1799: Each has his own will

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Wang Zhong and his party descended on a spiritual vein of the Yanchi Palace, but they made clear the meaning directly. After listening to Wang Zhong, Lei Yin and others, the disciples of the Yanchi Palace in this spiritual vein All of them are a little stunned.

For the disciples in this spiritual vein, they really ca n’t accept the fact that the Yan Wing Palace has been destroyed, but they also understand that no one will make fun of this kind of thing, since Lei Yin said so, and also Please come out of a strong person in Ziyun Palace, then in all likelihood, this matter should be true.

"How, how can this happen? How can the Yan-winged Palace perish?"

Yun Guang's face was full of incredible looks, everything was too sudden, but there was not even a transition process, and the thought of the Yan Chi Palace no longer exists, they all have a kind Suddenly it became a lonely homeless feeling.

Being able to be entrusted by the martial arts to take charge of mining a precious spiritual vein, then the loyalty of these people is beyond doubt. Compared with these people, a disciple like Lei Yin may be regarded as a traitor. Dealt with.

"Masters, the Yanchi Palace is indeed dead, but you do n’t have to be sad about it. The Yanchi Palace is gone, but you can join the Ziyun Palace. What it was before and what it will be in the future, here The spirit veins are still mined by the masters and brothers, and everyone does not need to have any resistance. "

Seeing the changes in the faces of the disciples of Yanji Palace, all of them were somewhat unacceptable to the destruction of Yanji Palace, Lei Yin's figure stepped forward again and spoke to the crowd.

He has already surrendered himself to the Yanji Palace. Of course, he hopes that everyone else will surrender. In this way, everyone can be like before, but without being run by others.

In addition, if he can make sense of this group of people present, then this is undoubtedly a credit, which can be invited in front of Wang Zhong, at least, this is also an opportunity for him to show loyalty.

At this moment, Wang Zhong didn't say anything anymore. He had already said everything that should be said. In what direction the situation will develop in the future, he didn't care about it, because no matter what those people present were subject to Fortunately, resistance is the only difference to him.

The people he brought here are well-disciplined disciples in the Yan Chi Palace, and he himself has the absolute confidence to defeat these people present. He can be said to have occupied both quality and quantity. For the absolute advantage.

"Thunder, you, you ........."

After a brief shock, Yunguang and others finally returned to God, and the first time he returned, he glared at Lei Yin and others, seeming to hate itching.

"Despicable, Lei Yin, I called you a brother. I didn't expect you to be so incoherent. Since the Yanji Palace has perished, why don't you coexist with the Yanji Palace?"

Yun Guang's face was full of anger. In his heart, since he is a disciple of Yanji Palace, then he should coexist with Yanji Palace. Now Yanyan Palace is dead, but Lei Yin and others have chosen Surrender to others, for which he really has no way to accept.

"Brother Yunguang, you and I are both cultivators, and naturally understand what the purpose of the practice is. The predecessors of the dovetail palace have done unrighteous things. Their obliteration only shows that they are not strong enough. Are we all going to die because of their fault? "

Lei Yin's face slowly became a little uncomfortable. When he saw that the spirit veins were under the care of the excavation by Yun Guang, he knew that this operation would not be so easy. At the moment, this seems to be the case.

"My aunt, Lei Yin, you don't need to tell me this, betrayal is betrayal, why are there so many sounding reasons? Today, I Yunguang will destroy you and clean up the portal for the elders of my school!"

Yun Guang absolutely could not listen to any explanation from the other party. For him, since he betrayed, he should be cleared of the portal. As for the others, he was naturally too lazy to listen to the other party's words.

Between the words, there was a terrible momentum soaring around him. Obviously, at this moment, he was trying to kill his opponent.

There is not much speculation, and today's events have developed to the present, and he has no choice. In any case, he will not betray the Yanchi Palace, and become a traitor to the Yanchi Palace.

"Slow !!!!"

Seeing that the opposite Yunguang was going to make a big shot, Lei Yin's eyes could not help flashing a fierce man, but he suddenly raised his hand to prevent the other party's movement.

"Huh, Yunguang, I know you are a dead-headed person, you ca n’t understand the good words and bad words, but you can die if you want to die, do n’t you want the students behind you to die with you?"

For Lei Yin, a cloud of light is obviously not to be feared, but at the moment, there are so many disciples of Yanji Palace behind Yun Guang, everyone's cultivation is good, he doesn't want to get it Come out of such a big dogfight.

"Masters and brothers, I know that it has not been easy for you to cultivate, and that you and everyone have the heart of everyone, but it is true that the ancestors of the Yanchi Palace are no longer there. Do you want to be like someone? Is it worthless to die? "

Gaze glanced at the cloud light ahead, but Lei Yin started a dialogue directly with other disciples of the Swallow-winged Palace. As long as all these people were drawn over, there was nothing to worry about.


"What should we do? What do we do? Yan Yan Palace has perished, do we really want to perish with Yan Yan Palace?"

"No, I practice to the present state. I don't know how many calamities I have experienced. How can I die so easily?"

"I still have a lot of work to do, and I can't just die so thinly. Besides, the reason that the strong men of the Yanji Palace were destroyed is that they themselves paid for their mistakes."

"Regardless of what Yan Yan Palace or Ziyun Palace, only living is the most important!"

After hearing Lei Yin's remarks, the disciples of Yanji Palace behind Yun Guang started to talk about them one by one. Obviously, they absolutely do not want to die. Yunguang can not kill because of the center, but they will not be stupid to that point.

As Lei Yin said, it is not easy for them to practice to this day. If they die like this, there is no meaning at all, and no one in the future will remember them and say anything good about them.

"Brother Lei Yin, my brother is willing to follow in the footsteps of Brother Lei Yin. I will do what Brother Lei Yin does!"

After a brief discussion, a young man stepped out of the crowd first, and came to Lei Yin's front in the talking room, and bowed down respectfully and respectfully, expressing his loyalty.

"Brother, I am willing to follow in the footsteps of my brother, from now on, I will look forward to it !!!"

"I'm also willing to follow my brother. In the future, if my brother has any orders, I'll saddle my horse."

"I, as well as me, I would like to ........."

When someone comes out and chooses to surrender, someone will come out one after another. At this time, there is no need to say more. Compared with life, the others are really not important at all.

The main thing is that everyone chooses to surrender anyway. Even if you don't surrender, no one will think how lofty you are. So, instead of losing your life, it is better to protect yourself.

"Brush brush !!!"

Disciples of the Yanchi Palace, around 30, spent most of their time talking behind Lei Yin, and after this majority chose to surrender, the remaining half of the people changed their appearance several times. Part of them gritted their teeth and chose to return to the same place. Only a few people finally stood behind Yun Guang, but they didn't really move.

"Hahaha, okay, everybody knows what matters, and this is the decision that a smart person should have. As long as everyone follows me and Brother Wang Zhong from now on, we in the future will be infinitely stronger than we are now. "

Seeing the people behind Yun Guang, basically all came to his side, and Lei Yin couldn't help laughing. Until now, he did not worry about Yun Guang's surrender. Anyway, Ziyun Palace is not short of Yunguang. As long as most people choose to submit to submission, he will be satisfied.

"You, you ..."

On the other side, Yun Guang had already been so angry that he could not wait to slap all the betrayers to death.

The current scene was something he never expected. He originally thought that those who followed his dovetail palace would co-exist with him, but now it seems that he is really stupid and naive.

"Huh, Yunguang, do you think everyone is as stupid as you? Just let me know, since you think I did something wrong, then today, you and I will fight alone, and I will let you know who ’s choice is Right, whose choice is wrong. "

Seeing Yunguang roar loudly and angry, Lei Ying's eyes flashed a bit of scorn, and in speaking, he stepped forward a few steps and directly issued an invitation to fight.

The solution of the matter ultimately depends on whose fist is big. He knows that today, he must send the master a journey.

"Also, people have their own aspirations. Maybe my thoughts are too selfish. Since you don't want to be with me, then I don't force them any more." With a bitter smile, Yun Guang shook his head and walked slowly forward. A few steps, "Lei Yin, today, you and I can only have one person to survive, and that one who survives must be my Yunguang !!! Kill !!!"

With a low drink, Yun Guang's figure flickered and killed Lei Yin directly.

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