The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1794: Meeting ceremony

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After many twists and turns, Yuan Feng finally met with the head of the Liuhe Hall Huayin, and for this first meeting, whether it is the Yuanfeng or the Huaye Hall, in fact, he has a lot of expectations.

The existence of Yuan Feng, almost all of the masters of the entire Ziyun Palace, have already known about it. After all, even if you look at the genius of the magic sword of a habitat, it is absolutely extraordinary.

Of course, although Yuan Feng is now promoted to the yin and yang realm, the genius of a magic sword realm of the yin and yang realm is equally compelling. After all, today's Ziyun Palace cannot find a second yin and yang. The genius of the realm of the sword of the realm came.

For the first time, the master of Hua Di Dian observed a person so carefully, and when he focused all his attention on Yuan Feng, the experienced superpower, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. stand up.

So far, he is naturally a mature man. In his opinion, no matter what his strength is, Yuan Feng has any means at his disposal. At least, Yuan Feng is definitely a moldable talent. There is no basis for this feeling, but he just thinks that Yuan Feng is very good. As long as it is cultivated, it will definitely do something in the future.

Of course, he can feel the faint energy fluctuations of Yuan Feng's body week. He can also feel that Yuan Feng's foundation is absolutely very solid. Not long ago, his elder disciple told him that Yuan Feng's cultivation was only a habitat, and how long had it been before Yuan Feng had become a figure in the yin and yang state.

And although the time to advance to yin and yang is relatively short, Yuan Feng, now, even if he looks at the level of yin and yang, I am afraid that he is also the best among them. Such a talented disciple cannot bear his dislike.

"It's pretty good. I can't think of Ziyun Palace recruiting new disciples this time, and they can still recruit such characters, and I was lucky enough to be included in my Liuhe Palace. It seems that the luck of the owner of this palace is really good this time."

After looking at Yuan Feng up and down, inside and out, the owner of the Palace of Hua Di could not help but secretly nodded, apparently very satisfied with his new disciple disciple.

"It seems to be pretty good. With such a master, it will be regarded as a big backer in the future, at least within the scope of the Ziyun Palace, even if it is another strong demigod, but dare not shoot at me! "

The master of Hua Di Dian was looking at Yuan Feng. Similarly, Yuan Feng was looking at each other at this time.

For Yuan Feng, being able to have a demigod as a master is naturally a good thing. On the one hand, the master of the semi-god realm can protect himself from being bullied by other people on the semi-god realm. On the other hand, the master will definitely find ways to help himself to develop his strength. It can be said that worshipping a strong man Teacher, how to count is a business that is steady and not lost.

Of course, this time he came to this step, but it was not intentional. If he was really allowed to choose, he would not necessarily find someone to be his own master!

Not because of anything else, but because he has absolute confidence in himself. Even if no one helps and no one protects himself, he can still protect himself and make himself a superpower.

"Hehe, Yuan Feng, the owner of this hall was busy with the events of the Ziyun Palace before, but I have never had time to meet you. This time you and I stood together face to face, and I asked you, but you are willing to worship me as a teacher and become My Huayuan's disciple? "

During the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, the voice of the master of Hua Di Dian suddenly came, but it interrupted Yuan Feng's thoughts.

Speaking of which, at this moment, the master of Huadai Palace does not need to see Yuanfeng's true skills. If he does n’t have this vision, then he is not worthy of being a demigod and not a Liuhedian. The Lord of the Palace.

In any case, it is absolutely impossible for such an excellent disciple to give in to others, and such a disciple of his subordinates will at least not lose anything to him.

"The disciples have met Master !!!"

When the voice of the Lord of the Huadian Hall fell, Yuan Feng had no hesitation at all. Between the words, he fell down on one knee and gave a great gift directly to the Lord of the Huayuan Hall!

Worshiping a demigod as a teacher is, of course, a service of kneeling. Speaking, it is because the current environment is not suitable. If this is not the case, a demigod strong person will accept the apprentice. For the feast, it's enough to be a pomp.

Yuan Feng's heart may have some resistance to such etiquette, but judging from the current situation, he has to do it. Anyway, after this ceremony, the benefits he received were enough to make up for the immediate loss.

"Hahaha, okay, hurry up!"

Seeing that Yuan Feng was already kneeling in front of her while talking, the master of Hua Di Temple could not help but laugh loudly and raised her hand to lift Yuan Feng up.

He also has a lot of disciple disciples, but to the heart, apart from Wang Zhong's most decent, others have not really satisfied him. At present, Yuan Feng, a talented disciple in the state of magic sword, Maybe in the future, there will be more than one talented person under his hands.

"Thank you very much !!!" Standing up along with the help of the master of Hua Di Palace, Yuan Feng's face also showed a smile of joy. Of course, this smile is full of meaning, but only he knew it.

"Fenger doesn't have to be courteous. From now on, we are all one family. When we meet as a teacher, just be casual."

He waved his hand, and raised the eyebrows of the Lord of the Palace of God. Then he continued, "Come and come, although the environment is special now, the most basic meeting ceremony is still there. For the teacher, there is a million-year-old spirit Participate, just wait for you to improve the stability of the yin and yang environment, and then the impact of the endless state is basically a matter of stability. "

The words dropped, but a jade box suddenly appeared in his hands. The whole jade box was almost one meter long, twenty centimeters wide, and the whole body showed a turquoise color. Looking at this jade box alone, obviously it was not ordinary.

"Possibly spiritual ginseng? Is it possible to strike the Promise Realm?"

When the master of Huayu Palace took out the jade box, Yuan Feng's face was already filled with excitement.

He didn't know what the Taoist spiritual reference was, but judging from the words of the master of Huadai Palace, the things in this jade box could help people to impact the realm of infinity, but he heard this sentence very clearly.

The only thing he cares about now is when he can reach the limitless state, and now, as his master, he really has come up with a treasure that can help him impact the limitless state. It can be said that It's just sending charcoal in the snow!

"Thank you, Master, your disciples must be able to use this treasure very well, and live up to His expectations !!!"

He took the jade box carefully, but at this moment, he couldn't help but have a better impression of Hua Yan. There is a saying well, there is milk is the mother, the master of Hua Di can provide him what he wants, then he should be grateful. \ "Brother Hua Yao, you really have a lot of money this time. I remember this extremely rare ginseng, have you treasured it for a while?"

Just as Yuan Feng took the jade box and carefully closed it, the other powerful men on the side were stepping forward one step at a time, and one of the temple masters was closer to Hua Yanji. Step, with a smile on his face.

According to the case of Ji Dao Lingshen, many of the strong men present were aware of it, because when the Dao Lingshen was born, there were several Demigods who were all Daojins, but in the end, This spirit plant fell into the hands of the master of Hua Di Temple.

Babies at this level, even if they are taken by the Demigod Realm, are definitely not innocent, but if they are taken by people in the Promise, the effect will be even more overbearing. As for those who use this treasure in the yin and yang realm, then basically you can be promoted to the endless world without doubt.

The master of Huadaidian thought about taking this ginseng by himself, but after some measurement, he finally left it for future use. Right now, a talented disciple like Yuan Feng worships a teacher in front of so many people. Naturally, he wants to bring out some decent babies. It just so happens that this great Taoist ginseng comes in handy.

"Oh, Fenger, such a natural talent, how can the ordinary meeting ritual reflect the intention of being a master?" Hearing the words of others, the master of Hua Di Palace smiled suddenly, but then suddenly blinked, yes The powerful people around said, "Dear everyone, everyone has caught up today. Come on, no one is too embarrassed. My little apprentice, in the future, will make a name for me at Ziyun Palace!"

Rarely so many superpowers are present, and of course he can't let these people look busy. Speaking of which, Yuan Feng shined on the exchange meeting before, but won the respect for the Ziyun Palace. This credit has not yet been rewarded for merit!

The presence of demigods was strong. Even if everyone took out a little bit, it was enough for Yuan Feng to benefit. As a master of Yuan Feng, of course, he had to seek such benefits for his disciples.

"Hahaha, Brother Huayin, you can really count, but you are right, this little disciple shined at the exchange meeting and gave me a lot of face in Ziyun Palace. It should indeed be a big reward. It ’s just that, I have some gadgets here, it ’s all a little bit of my heart. ”

The master of the Five Elements Hall Mo Xie first came out, but he came up with a good spiritual sword, obviously to complement Yuan Feng's swordsmanship and artistic conception.

"I also have. Encouraging newcomers is the obligation of the old guys in Ziyun Palace. Come and come. I'm a bit fragmented here. Don't be disappointed."

"Everyone has it. How can I be left behind? I also have some good things here. I am ugly here ..."

One by one, the semi-gods of power, took out their own presents one after another. For a moment, Yuan Feng's hands were filled with people.

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