The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1792: Spiritual practice

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The ten major palaces of the Ziyun Palace, the One Yuan Palace, the Liangyi Palace, the Five Elements Palace, the Liuhe Palace and the Seven Star Palace, have a better relationship with each other, while the other five palaces are more harmonious.

Therefore, in this grouping, the top ten palaces are grouped according to this division method. The group on the side of the One Yuan Temple will be led by the Lord of the Five Elements Palace to the Yan-wing Palace. Dian Dian Fu Xi led the team to the direction of Luan Xinggong.

The five palaces over the Eight Diagrams Palace do not yet know what kind of situation it is, but the group on the side of the Five Elements Palace has already assembled.

"See Lord Moxian Temple !!!"

The five palaces gathered in the Hall of Five Elements. The first time was the advent of the Lord of the Five Elements Hall, Mo Xie, and when they met the Lord of the Five Elements Hall, all the people present were bent down honestly. Bend to salute to Mo Xie.

The masters of the ten palaces are all superpowers in the demigod. Regardless of their relationship with each other, in front of them, people below the demigod must respect and increase. Anyone can show his strength in front of the demigod strong.

"It's all polite. It looks like you're all ready. Now, let's go."

The master of the Moxian Palace was very calm, but everyone with a good eye could see that he was obviously very happy now. After all, the Ziyun Palace has destroyed two super powers, not only harvesting unimaginable huge resources, but also fighting out the reputation of the Ziyun Palace.

Of course, Mo Xie ’s excitement has already passed. Moreover, even if he is excited, he will not be excited with a group of disciples. At present, his task is to transport these disciples to the Yanji Palace. Let Ziyun Palace take over Yanyan Palace as soon as possible.

"All obey the Lord Lord's orders !!!"

Moxie had orders, and the people present naturally had no objections. During the talk, everyone bent down and waited for the next instruction from the Lord of Moxie Palace.


Almost immediately when Mo Xie's words fell, the master of the Five Elements Hall raised his hands suddenly, and then a small boat that did not look too big, but was very delicate, was Appeared in front of everyone.

The whole boat appears in colorful colors and looks exceptionally beautiful. Of course, this thing is definitely not just beautiful and simple. From above this boat, you can clearly feel the lingering feeling of treasure, and you can see this. The preciousness of the boat.


The colorful boat appeared, and the Lord of the Moxie Temple gave a low drink, and then, on the boat, a black hole appeared directly in front of everyone.


The presence of all the talented disciples in the major palaces, naturally can see the meaning of Mo Xie, but until now, they are still attracted by the boat in front of them, for a moment can not look away.

"This space-time boat is rarely used. This is a special situation today, but you guys must be blessed! Give me all!"

Mo Xie's gaze swept across the disciples and registered disciples, but in the end fell on someone in Liuhe Dian, and his eyes naturally flashed a strange light.

Among the Liuhe Hall who can get his eyes, it seems that there is only Yuanfeng, a new disciple who just took the lead. Right now when I see Yuan Feng again, especially when he sees the other side ’s yin and yang environment, he ca n’t help but nodded secretly, but is very satisfied with Yuan Feng ’s improvement.

If the previous Yuan Feng, Xiu Wei is still too weak, then at this moment, Yuan Feng can finally be justified. After all, the strong sword and magic realm in the yin and yang realm must be able to look at the world without any delusion. Can be regarded as the ranks of experts.

Of course, what he valued was not Yuan Feng's current practice. What really paid him attention was actually Yuan Feng's potential. In just a few years, Yuan Feng has changed from a person in a habitat to a person in a yin and yang state. It may not be long before Yuan Feng can become a powerful man without a limit. Feng's promotion to the Promise is basically the real leader in the semi-god realm.

"Brush !!!!"

When the Lord of Moxie Temple observed Yuan Feng with his eyes, the disciples in the major palaces began to pour into the colorful space-time boat, and the first action was of course the Hall of Five Elements The major disciples.

As the people of the Five Elements Hall, they don't show some leading effects, but that's justified. Moreover, they are also the most assured of the Lord of the Five Elements Palace, there is no need to worry about what the Lord of the Moxie Palace did to them!

"We also go in !!!"

After the crowds in the Hall of Five Elements entered, the disciples of other palaces looked at each other one after another, and then flew towards the space-time boat in turn, and all the time went into time and space. In the boat, there was no congestion at all.

Obviously, although the space-time boat does not seem to be large in appearance, I am afraid that the space in it is not a cave!


When all the disciples have entered the space-time boat, the master of the Moxian Temple will no longer hesitate. When he flashes, he will also enter the space-time boat.

As the Lord of the Moxian Temple also entered the space-time boat, the entire boat flashed a colorful light, and then the space in the hall shuddered slightly. The colorful space-time boat had disappeared.

"His ......... Here is ..."

At the moment, Yuan Feng's eyes are full of incredible shocking colors. Into the eyes, there are all kinds of beautiful scenery, colorful patches, just like the innate air when the world first opened. Feeling very refreshing.

"Good guy, is this the scene inside the space-time boat of the Lord Moxian Temple? Great, really amazing !!"

At this moment, Yuan Feng was really shocked by the time-space boat of the Lord Moxie Temple. He was also sometimes empty, and his level was not low. Compared with the time-space boat of the Lord Moxie Temple, It's not even a star difference!

"It is indeed the master of the Hall of Five Elements. The use of the power of the Five Elements is so simple that no one can reach it. I am afraid that only the force of the Five Elements can open up this space. Such a means can only be obtained by Mo Xie The Lord can do it! "

Yuan Feng's heart is very clear, like the space in front of him, the level is actually very high. Perhaps, this space here is already no less than the physical world of the demigod in terms of space level. And this time, these people entered here, it seems that they are no different from entering the body space of the Lord of the Moxie Temple.

"If it's okay, let's rest and adjust the breath for a while. Although this space in this seat is not a blessing, it is definitely good for you to cultivate the breath here."

Just when Yuan Feng was in doubt, the voice of Moxie, the Lord of the Five Elements Palace, came again. When everyone looked intently, he discovered that the Lord of the Five Elements, the Lord, who had already appeared in the room. Beside them, sit cross-legged in the central area of ​​the space-time boat.

At this moment, the Lord of the Moxie Temple was sitting in the air, with colorful silk threads spreading around in all directions. The feeling was like weaving a huge spider web.

Obviously, the master of the Moxian Temple at this moment should be exerting the power of space-time boat and started to move space.

The Demigod Realm can move a large area of ​​space by itself, but the moving method consumes a lot of physical strength. Naturally, it is not as fast as moving the space-time boat to move, so save effort!

Although everyone in the space-time boat could not feel that they were moving, in fact, at this moment, they had already crossed the endless space, and did not know how far they had swept!

I heard a sound from everyone, but the Lord of the Moxie Palace stopped speaking, and between his eyes hesitated to control the boat of time and space, instead of controlling the disciples present.

"The breath here is so spiritual, the Lord Lord has said it well. Cultivating and adjusting the breath here will definitely help me adjust my condition to the best soon."

"Yes, I can feel that my woodwork is about to move. It seems this time is an opportunity for me."

"What are you waiting for? If you don't take advantage of such a good opportunity, it's really a violent thing!"

Seeing that the Lord of the Moxian Temple no longer spoke, he was controlling the space-time boat in a hurry, and all the disciples were afraid to disturb the former, and they focused on the space in front of them.

I have to say that this colorful space at the moment is indeed very suitable for cultivation, and even some people are doubting it. Perhaps, here, most of the time, it is the cultivation of the Heavenly Lord of Moxie Temple! Even if it isn't, it must have cost the mind of the Lord of the Moxian Temple a lot.

"Brother, the environment here is a bit weird, but it is really suitable for cultivation. You are closer to me. I will take advantage of the environment here and practice with you for a while."

Wang Zhong's voice suddenly sounded in Yuan Feng's ears, but at this time, he still did not forget to remind Yuan Feng to benefit together. Of course, let Yuan Feng get closer to him, this is another kind of protection for Yuan Feng!

"Yes, brother!"

Yuan Feng didn't quit, he also knew that the opportunity was rare. He talked with Wang Zhong and sat cross-legged together, then practiced obediently.

Perhaps, when they wake up, they should have reached their destination!

PS: At the end of the year, there are too many trivial facts, both unit and personal. In short, it is too busy. Xiaoyan writes hard, and I hope my brothers forgive me! !! In addition, Huahua really did not move for a long time! !! !!

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