The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1788: Role models (one more)

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The entire Ziyun Palace became boiling at this moment. When the strong men in the Ziyun Palace returned the news that the two major forces had been destroyed, the Ziyun Palace went up and down, but it was all immediately. Got notified.

Such an inspiring event, naturally, must be known to all disciples in the Ziyun Palace. For nothing else, at least cheer up all the disciples in the Ziyun Palace to enhance everyone's confidence and courage.

Of course, in fact, you ca n’t hide this kind of thing. After all, Ziyun Palace won these two forces, and then it was necessary to send a large number of disciples to these two forces. At that time, even if Ziyun Palace wanted To conceal it, there is no way to do it.

After receiving the news from the major palaces, the big disciples of each palace stood up for the first time, bringing together the legendary disciples and named disciples of their respective palaces.

This trip to the Yanchi Palace and Luan Xing Palace to run a new force will necessarily require a lot of manpower. It is far from enough to rely on the major disciples to pass on the disciples, and it is necessary to join the major disciples together. This is also the meaning of the main hall masters. Regardless, the named disciples are also main hall master disciples, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

Furthermore, the named disciples may have more talent for operating a new force, which is far from being a legendary disciple who is used to respecting and treating others.

Obviously, going to these two major forces to run the new Ziyun Palace is definitely a very good oil and water situation. For such a good thing, everyone is bound to burst their heads and rush up.

Liuhe Hall, among the huge halls of deliberations, Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Liuhe Hall, now stands behind his hands like a sharp sword, and under him, there are no less than twenty Promise Powerless At this moment, they stood up, waiting for his orders.

The number of disciples in the Liuhe Palace and registered disciples is almost 30. Among them, the disciples accounted for one third and the registered disciples accounted for two thirds. However, in terms of strength, the registered disciples , But it is far less than the major disciples.

Originally speaking, under normal circumstances, those who are eligible to gather here are bound to be super-powerful without limits. However, today's Liuhedian is different from the past, but it has a very special character, and this character is naturally a newcomer and disciple who just took the lead, Yuan Feng!

Among the nearly 30 people, basically all are super-powerful without a limit. Only Yuan Feng, who appears in this group with the cultivation of yin and yang, has such a striking feature that naturally makes everyone present. Had to focus on him.

There is still a clear difference between the disciples of Xuan Chuan and the registered disciples. First of all, the students of Xuan Chuan are all standing in front at the moment, while the number of registered disciples are standing behind. However, although Yuan Feng only has the cultivation of yin and yang, his position is at the forefront, even more so than other martial arts disciples.

This situation has explained a lot of problems. Obviously, Yuan Feng at this moment is already a member of the disciple, and he is still a very important member.

"What's going on? Who is this young man? How could he stand at the forefront? Is this the rhythm to be turned upside down?"

"In the past, in the hall of discussion, Master stood on top, and the position of the disciple's head was occupied by the master. This time, he turned into such a young little doll. Is this a joke?"

"This son looks very ordinary, but he can't see the slightest unusualness. How can such a young man in a yin and yang environment stand in the front row?"

"It seems that this son is afraid of Master's newly accepted disciples, but even if he becomes a disciple, he shouldn't stand in the forefront all of a sudden? How does this make other brothers pass by?"

"Don't be stupid. Which of your brother-in-laws you disagree with? If you look at me, all of you must know the inside story. We, the named disciples, should be watching it honestly!"

Yuan Feng had an astonishing event at the exchange meeting. The disciples of Liuhe Dian who were present all witnessed it, so naturally there was no objection. However, the major disciples did not know who Yuan Feng was and where they came from. At this moment, Yuan Feng was at the forefront of the disciple of Wu Chuan. This scene inevitably made them somewhat unthinkable.

However, everyone is not a fool. Since Yuan Feng is in the front row, and all the disciples and even the great disciple Wang Zhong don't have any inappropriate expressions, they certainly won't act easily.

However, not all named disciples do not know Yuan Feng. There was one person in the crowd, but at this moment his eyes were wide open, and the whole person was in a state of extreme excitement. Although he tried to hide it, no matter how he concealed it, he couldn't hide the excitement of his eyes.

"Yi Chuan disciple, developed, developed!"

Huo Qi is really excited at this moment. Others don't know Yuan Feng, but as the instructor of this new disciple, he certainly can't know Yuan Feng. When he saw Yuan Feng appearing among the disciples of Xuan Chuan and stood in the ranks of Xuan Chuan's disciples, he knew that he would really develop this time.

"Whatever I say, what I say, this kid is definitely not simple, but he never thought that he was so arrogant to such a degree, how long did it take to become a disciple, and it still seemed to get other The confessions of all disciples, terrible, terrible! "

Before cultivating a group of newcomers and disciples, he discovered that Yuan Feng was unusual. However, even if he wanted to break his head, he could never think that Yuan Feng could be in such a short time. He was promoted to the biography, and he was promoted to the practice of yin and yang.

It can be said that Yuan Feng set a record this time.

He used to treat Yuanfeng not thinly, but now he is promoted to a disciple of disciples, and he still seems to have a very high status. There is a little bit of credit for it in the first place. I believe he will be good again and again.

"Dear everyone, the purpose of convening everyone here today is known to everyone, but before I say the business, I will introduce a person to you, Master Yuan Feng, come up !!"

Wang Zhong's gaze swept across the people below, and when he saw a group of named disciples looking at Yuan Feng, he could not help but set aside the matter, but shouted Yuan Feng deliberately.


Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. Almost when Wang Zhong's words fell, his figure had already appeared next to Wang Zhong. The ghostly figure and speed, even Wang Zhong watched His eyes narrowed, and the bottom of his eyes flashed a deep shock.

Yuan Feng's move apparently has some shadows of the pastimes, but they are not entirely the pastimes. It can be seen that he is also trying to prove himself, and this is not salty.

"Brother !!!"

Suddenly on the stage, Yuan Feng gave a ceremony to Wang Zhong as soon as possible, but she was very respectful.

"Hehe, Master Brother doesn't need to be polite." He waved his hand, Wang Zhong glanced at Yuan Feng, and he turned his eyes to a group of named disciples below. Student, Master Yuan Feng is a disciple of the master who just accepted by Master. From now on, everyone should learn more from Master Yuan Feng. "

In Wang Zhong's heart, Yuan Feng's status is extremely high, and there is no problem to let others learn from Yuan Feng.

However, he thought so, but others didn't think so. When Wang Zhong was told to let them learn from Yuan Feng, the eyes of a named disciple flashed with suspicion and frowned.

In their hearts, a disciple in yin and yang state, no matter how talented they are, how can they be eligible to learn? Wang Zhong's words may be overdone.

"Oh, it seems that the masters are a little dissatisfied. In this case, Master Yuan Feng, you can show everyone a hand, it can be considered to show you the master's fineness."

Wang Zhong naturally saw everyone's thoughts, but he didn't feel anything wrong with this. Speaking of it, even if it was him, he wouldn't think that a person in a yin and yang state could have a big deal. local.

"Oh, my brother lives, do you dare not follow me? Brothers, my brother is ugly!"

Hearing Wang Zhongzhi's words, Yuan Feng also knew that if he didn't show his hands today, I am afraid that many of the people below would not accept him. In that case, he naturally had to show something.


With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng's hands did not know when an extra slender long sword came. With the long sword in his hand, he waved his arm like a fly, and suddenly, the whole The hall trembled suddenly, and then a circular space crack appeared in front of everyone.

This is a very even and round black crack. Although many people can cut out the cracks in the space, one of them is counted as one, I am afraid that only Wang Zhong can achieve such a terrible effect. Already.

However, a person in a yin and yang state can make such a horrible degree in his hands. This scene has made everyone in the scene look so different that they can't believe everything in front of them.

"The realm of law and law sword?"

Even among the disciples, of course, there are people who know the goods. Yuan Feng's sword was cut out, but the effect of the realm of the magic sword was directly displayed. After hearing someone's exclamation, the entire hall was instantaneous. It became audible that everyone was staring closely at Yuan Feng and the crack in the circular space in front of him.

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