The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1781: Unstoppable

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The super powers of Ziyun Palace are in the midst of mystery. For everyone in Luan Xing Palace, it really killed them. Originally, they thought that the people in Ziyun Palace would be stronger than the wings of Yanyan Palace. Both of them lost their wounds, but after waiting so long, what they waited for was that the super powers of Ziyun Palace destroyed the Yan Yan Palace and came to destroy them.

For what the Ziyun Palace strong said, they have killed all the people in the semi-god realm of Yanji Palace. They are dubious. After all, there are about 20 people in the semi-god real power that the semi-roman power is so small. And how can so many superpowers be so easily destroyed?

With such suspicion, the people in Luan Xing Palace started the second round of assault with the super powerfuls in Ziyun Palace.

In this battle, the side of Ziyun Palace also had 30 people. On the other hand, the side of Luan Xing Palace, even if Bai Zongyang of Yanji Palace was added, it was nothing more than a poor eleven, three to one. The battle, the outcome is naturally no suspense. The only thing to look at right now is that the ten people in Luan Xinggong will finally be able to survive a few people.

"Ah, how could this happen? Where are so many demigods from Ziyun Palace?"

"It's over, it's over, Luan Xinggong is in danger, Luan Xinggong is in danger! Quickly send a message to the palace master, let him prepare for it early, quickly start the mountain guard, and guard against death!"

The strong men in Luan Xing Palace are all scared and scared at this moment. They would never think of it anyway. There are so many demigods in Ziyun Palace. So many demigods. Just don't give Luan Xinggong a living path.

What's more terrible is that at this moment, all the people in Luan Xing Palace were all separated by the changing mystery, and the isolated people could not take care of each other at all. The current situation is really extremely dangerous.

Obviously, this weird mysterious array has many changes. Because there was no strong Xuanzhen before, it did not ignite all the power of Xuanzhen, but now there are people who are proficient in Xuanzhen. Change is stimulated one by one, and the power is naturally extraordinary.


I do n’t know how long, a scream of scream suddenly rang through the mysterious array. With this scream spread, a gorgeous blood flower suddenly bloomed in the mysterious array, and then With the bloom of this blood flower, a super strong man in Luan Xing Palace fell into the hands of everyone in Ziyun Palace, and became the first person in Luan Xing Palace to fall.

Although this mysterious array is not as scary as the previous doomsday thunder and punishment array, no matter what, this is also a pre-made array made by the strong men of Ziyun Palace, and since it can be used to confuse the strong demigod The power of this mysterious array is naturally evident.

In such an unpredictable environment, there are so many superpowers hidden in the dark. Even people in the demigod are impossible to cover everything. The situation of falling down is simply normal.

The idea of ​​the thirty strong men in Ziyun Palace is very simple. In this silent situation, they want to destroy the ten demigods in Luan Xing Palace and Bai Zongyang in Yanji Palace. It was the moment when they fell, and I am afraid these people do not know why they died.

Speaking of which, this psychedelic formation is magical, but in fact, if the ten and half of the gods in Luan Xinggong desperately desperately want to leave, they can still leave. At least, as long as a demigod explodes, it can explode this mysterious array. By then, the remaining people can escape from birth.

However, it is a pity that each of these people present is full of chances, and who will seduce and explode? After all, they actually don't think they will die.

As time goes by, one by one, the Luan Xing Palace powerhouses, fall silently into the mysterious array, and almost all the fallen people die in the hands of the master of the Temple of the First Yuan Palace in Ziyun Palace. .

The split sky at this time can be said to have found the most suitable environment for him. In terms of his boundary means, no matter how powerful a character, as long as he falls into his boundary, he will then be assisted by others. , Isn't that right?

One after another, Luan Xinggong's strong men have fallen in silence, and even if the last person has not fallen yet, he will never know that those of his partners are all gone now.

The demigods have such a sense of superiority, they will never think that they will die, but the more so, the faster they die. In less than two hours, the ten demigods in Luan Xinggong Palace fell in succession, but none of them remained.

Until the end, none of the ten people were willing to break through the mysterious array in a self-explosive way, which is a sadness for these people!

You know, even if only one person in the demigod blew himself up, other people could escape the birth, but no one in Luan Xinggong was willing to sacrifice himself.

The ten demigods of Luan Xing Palace were all silently hung up, and the only remaining Bai Zongyang veteran in Yanji Palace was also quietly put down in the mysterious array. So far, eleven Demigods are the second strongest superpowers after the many powerful ones in Yanji Palace.

In just one day, twenty-one and a half-gods in the Yanji Temple and ten and half-gods in the Luan Xinggong palace were added together for a total of thirty-one and a half-gods. The light disappeared.

The casualties of such a large-scale demigod strongman are definitely the most terrifying in the world in recent years, but unfortunately, there are too few to be able to witness these.

Having said that, it is also fortunate that the demigods who have no other forces saw this scene, otherwise, Ziyun Palace may have become the target of public criticism, surrounded by countless large forces!

"It's eleven again, this time it's really refreshing."

The weird mystery is still running, and the thirty strong men of the Ziyun Palace at this moment have gathered together in the mysterious array, enjoying the excitement and joy after victory.

After the previous experience of beheading the twenty Yanyan Palace strong men, the crowd did not feel much about the ten Luan Xing Palace strong men at the moment, but no matter what, they killed the demigods. This is an exciting thing.

"Including these eleven, the number of people who have died under my Ziyun Palace has reached thirty-one. Unfortunately, the treasures of these people have disappeared with their disappearance. It ’s perfect to be able to take what they carry with them! "

"Yes, which of the demigods is not something that has a bottom box? It's a pity that these things were wasted with them for nothing."

Cultivation has reached the semi-divine realm, and the physical world has become a heaven and earth. In this heaven and earth, everything they collect from the outside world is integrated with themselves. Once they die, the heaven and earth world in their body, It will be integrated into the space without the delusional realm, but as for everything inside it, it will all fall into the space of different dimensions, it is simply impossible to find.

Thirty-one demigods have absolutely more babies on their bodies, and so many babies are wasted in vain, even if they are rich in the Ziyun Palace, it is impossible to ignore them.

"Okay, now, half of the demigods in Luan Xing Palace should have died in the hands of me and so on. In the next time, everyone will strike the iron while they are hot, and go to the rest of Luan Xing Palace, and Take over the entire Luan Xing Palace completely! "

There was a smile on the face of the Master of the Heavenly Temple, and he waved his hands while speaking, and signaled everyone not to study these.

At present, the ten most powerful gods in Luan Xing Palace have fallen. Luan Xing Palace may have received the news there, and in order to prevent the people in Luan Xing Palace from preparing in advance, they had better arrive at Luan Xing Palace. It was the grand power to win this big force.

"Brother Tian is right, everyone, let's go to Luan Xing Palace immediately and take down this power directly."

"Go, put away the mysterious array and destroy Luan Xinggong !!!"

At the scene were the most ruthless masters, and in a whistle, they went straight to the direction of Luan Xinggong.

Although the eleven demigods were killed again, they did not consume too much at this time, so they were still quick to catch up. It didn't take long for a group of thirty people to appear outside the gate of Luan Xinggong.

Similar to Yanji Palace, Luan Xing Palace is located in a lush mountain, and unlike Yanji Palace, Luan Xing Palace at this time is obviously receiving a message from the previous person, but it is Has already supported the large mountain guard, covering the entire martial arts.

The strong men in the Luan Xing Palace are not fools. When they learned that the Yan-wing Palace was under siege by the Ziyun Palace, they had already realized the extreme danger, and the former Luan Xing Palace strong returned the news. , They will naturally be more careful.

At this time, of course, no one cares about any facial problems. If Luan Xinggong is still stupid enough to worry about any face, then they are afraid that they can really die.

"Oh, did you start the Hushan array? It seems that with the lessons learned from Yan Chi Palace, this Luan Xing Palace has learned well."

The Thirty and a Half Demon Strongmen stopped far away, and when they saw the super mysterious array around Luan Xinggong, their eyes couldn't help showing a hint of cowardice.

At this moment, they are obviously not worried about any mountain guards. After all, in Luan Xing Palace, I am afraid that even ten demigods may not be left. Such a force, even if the mountain guards are turned on, There is no threat.

"Be prepared, storm the Luan Xing Palace, and let them know the power of my Ziyun Palace!"

The Master of the Heavenly Temple raised his eyebrows, but directly sent the death notice to the under Luan Xinggong.

PS: In the last days of the year, all the good and bad are here, a day that is depressing to suffocating, and the update is a little bit, everyone forgive me!


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