The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1775: Consequences of idleness (three)

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In the vast void, ten or so silhouettes flashed fast like a wind. The speed of these dozens of people was extremely fast. Even the strongest in the extreme state could not find traces of them at all.

If there is a super strong at this time, you will find that there are eleven people in this group, and among these eleven people, the oldest person in the front must be the fastest. Of course, maybe he is not the fastest one, but he is definitely the most anxious one.

"Hurry up, everyone, hurry up, if it's late, I'm afraid the Yanchi Palace is really dangerous!"

Bai Zongyang's face was full of anxiety. When he moved to Luan Xing Palace to rescue his soldiers, almost when he had just arrived at Luan Xing Palace, he received rumors from many powerful men in Yan Wing Palace.

The content of your message was very simple. Basically, he was told that the Yanji Palace is under attack from the Ziyun Palace and it has reached a precarious situation. If he does not move the rescuer back, I am afraid it is too late.

After learning this news, he didn't care about other things at all. Basically, he begged Luan Xinggong to dispatch a group of strongmen to rescue, and the strongmen in Luan Xinggong knew the great relationship among them. Immediately mobilized the top ten, and quickly went to Yan Yan Palace to rescue.

"Elder Bai Yuan needn't be so anxious. No matter how strong the Ziyun Palace is, it's absolutely impossible to quickly turn the Yan Wing Palace, I must wait to catch up."

"That is, Elder Bai Yuan, I think we still save a little bit of energy, it is better to wait until we have the energy to fight, or even if we reach the destination, I am afraid it will be difficult to help?"

Behind Bai Zongyang, a full ten Luan Xing Gong Demigod Realm, but at this moment was rushing towards Yan Yan Gong. However, no matter how they say it, it is not their own business. Therefore, when everyone is on the road, it is obvious that they have not exhausted all their energies, but there are many suspicions of laziness.

Speaking of them, these people do not want to help the Yanji Palace. Their ideas are very simple. Basically, when the Yanji Palace and the Ziyun Palace are defeated, they are falling from the sky. In this way, they can not only be destroyed. Dropping the power of the Ziyun Palace guarantees peace of mind in the future, and it can also give the people in the Yanji Palace the timely effect of sending charcoal in the snow.

If they reach their destination soon, then they will drive away the people of Ziyun Palace with the people of Yanji Palace. It seems that the effect will be gone.

"You guys, you don't know. The power of Ziyun Palace is really strong. If we go late, I am afraid that something really will happen!"

Bai Zongyang can also think of the people of Luan Xinggong, but he knows better that once he goes back late, the Yanji Palace may really be extinct. After all, every message received before is Is very anxious.

It is a pity that although he has repeatedly urged these people, these few people in front of him don't have to rush the road with all their strength, and they can clearly reach within an hour. I am afraid they will arrive in two hours.

"Veteran Bai, right now we are helping you with the Swallowtail Palace. What do we do? We all know in our hearts. We also hope that Veteran Bai can see the situation clearly."

Among the ten strong men in Luan Xing Palace, one of the semi-gods suddenly stood up, with a mocking expression.

"That is, the first time I saw someone asking for a job, it was so stingy, huh, if Bai Yuan thinks we are slow, then you can take a step forward yourself, and we people will not stop you."

The strong men in Luan Xing Palace are all indifferent, but the speed has become slower.

"you guys…………"

Seeing the reactions of these people, Bai Zongyang was pale with anger, but he also knew that the Yan Chi Palace was completely passive. They really sought the body of other people, but they really could n’t help too much. .

"Ha ha ha ha, everyone in the Yan Chi Palace and Luan Xing Palace, I have been waiting for a long time."

When Bai Zongyang was angry, but helpless, a long laugh came from the front of the Eleventh Powerful Man. The time spent talking and the figures of the powerhouses slowly slowly Appearing from the depths of the space, they just stopped the eleven.


Sudden changes caused the people in Luan Xinggong and Bai Zongyang in Yanjigong to change their faces, and when they saw the number of people coming, their heart jumped a little unheard. .

In the eyes, a total of ten men stood in a row, and each man's body was turbulent and breathless, apparently all superpowers at the demigod level, and the powerhouses who appeared here at this time, even if they used I can think of who the power is.

"Ziyun Palace? !!!"

His complexion changed and changed, and Bai Zongyang's heart sank suddenly, but the paleness on his face aggravated another point.

The ten people in Luan Xinggong's negative work had already made him anxious, but now they have encountered the obstacles of the strong Ziyun Palace. Now, I am really in serious trouble!

"How is that possible? Doesn't it mean that the strong men of Ziyun Palace have rushed to attack my Yanji Palace? How could there be so many people running here to intercept them halfway? How could this be so!"

Bai Zongyang does have some difficulties to accept the facts in front of him. According to the rumors of the people of Yanji Palace, the strong ones who seem to be in Ziyun Palace have basically gathered in Yanji Palace. The rest, 80% should be left in purple Yun Gong's housekeeper, but the ten most demigods in front of him, obviously cannot be born out of thin air.

"Not good, something bad!"

Not only did Bai Zongyang's face change, but even the top ten in Luan Xinggong's face changed a bit. Although they are passive, they have nothing more than their own purpose. In fact, they will eventually save the Yan-winged Palace. After all, once the Yan-winged Palace is finished, they are afraid that it will be difficult to protect themselves.

"Hahaha, no wonder the Luan Xing Palace has always been an insignificant force. If you can see it with such a blind eye, it would be really weird!"

Ten strong men in the semi-god realm slowly approached the people in Luan Xinggong *, and while approaching, their faces could not help showing contempt, but it was indescribable irony.

"Well, it's all over here. You guys don't even know what to worry about. I really don't know what you think."

"This is the best. After the Yan-winged Palace was destroyed by my Ziyun Palace, this small Luan Xing Palace is left to be easily destroyed. By then, all these two forces will be seized and it will make up for me. Yun Palace's loss. "

"Speaking of which, it was really dangerous just now. If it weren't for them, they would be too slow to catch the road. We might not be able to catch the interception. In that case, it is really possible to leave the Yanji Palace a chance to preserve."

"That's right, so we would like to thank everyone in Luan Xinggong."

Obviously, they should have heard the words said by the people in Luan Xinggong Palace, and it was precisely because they heard the conversation between the people in Luan Xinggong and Bai Zongyang that they intentionally said these words to stimulate each other.

In fact, they had been waiting here for a long time.


When the voices of the people in Ziyun Palace fell, the people in Luan Xinggong's mouth were tearing their lips one by one, their faces were a bit unnatural.

They did not know that the people in Ziyun Palace said so intentionally. At this moment, they only thought that they were passive waiters and other people, which delayed the major events. In this regard, they all could not afford to look up. feel.

Bai Zongyang's complexion is even more wonderful. He doesn't need to say anything to everyone in Ziyun Palace, he is already full of resentment towards the people in Luan Xing Palace, and now they are separated by these people, he is naturally more indifferent to Luan Xing Palace. Full of resentment.

"Okay, okay, everyone, if my Yan-wing Palace really perishes, Luan Xing Palace will certainly perish more completely !!!" The expression on his face was a little hesitant. At this moment, Bai Zongyang's resentment towards Luan Xing Palace, But it is still above the Ziyun Palace. If Yan Wing Palace really perishes, then Luan Xing Palace will be the real culprit!


The people in Luan Xinggong had no doubt about him. They really thought that they were waiting for the negative work and others to delay the major event, but for a moment, they couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and even regretted it.

As Bai Zongyang said, once the Yanji Palace is gone, then who cares about his life and death in Luan Xing Palace? Between them, but now the grasshopper tethered to a rope.

"Elder Bai Yuan, don't listen to them nonsense, the Yanji Palace is not so easy to perish, and they may not stop us, everyone, everyone breaks through and supports the Yanji Palace !!!"

At this time, let's say the others are meaningless. Now it depends if they can break through the block of these ten people and dare to rush to the place before the accident at Yanyan Palace.


When thinking of the seriousness of the problem, everyone took out all their strengths, and swore to pass through the obstacles of these ten people in the Ziyun Palace to save the endangered Yan Chi Palace.

"Hum, want to go? How easy is that! Array !!!!!!"

Now that Ziyun Palace is ready, how could it be so easy for these people to rush over? During the time of speaking, the top ten Ziyun Palace strongmen moved into action. In an instant, all beams of light rose into the sky. All the people present were caught in a mist and could no longer be distinguished. Southeast and Northwest.


Seeing that the surrounding space was shrouded in layers of fog, all the strong men in Luan Xinggong were all bloodless. Then they found out that maybe this time is not as simple as helping the Wings Palace, even their own lives are very dangerous!

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