The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1770: Doomsday Lightning Penalty

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Yan Wing Palace, the endless mountains and mountains, as usual, quietly dormant between this heaven and earth.

From ancient times, Yan Yan Palace has not been known for many years, but after generations of development, the Yan Yan Palace today can be said to be powerful and unmatched. There are absolutely nothing in thousands of cities. Overlord of doubt.

If nothing else happens, the Yan-winged Palace will continue to pass like this, and may even become stronger. However, everything is absolute. Although the Yanji Palace is powerful, there are mountains outside the Tianshan Mountains. In this world, there are more powerful forces than the Yanji Palace. Once the Yanji Palace offends the existence that can't be aroused, I am afraid there will still be extinction. danger.

In the main hall of the Yanji Palace, except for the Bai Zongyang veteran who went out to join the Luan Xing Palace, none of the other 20 demigods left here.

Elder Bai Zongyang has contacted Luan Xinggong, and the twenty of them have not been walking around, but just to take advantage of the gap left by Elder Bai, to clean up the mountain protection team, making the big team at any time Can be turned on.

With the strength of the elder Bai Zongyang, it took almost half a day to go back and forth. During this time, they naturally did not have to wander around, and then they had to gather again.

"Elder Bai Yuan has been here for a long time. It is estimated that he has already reached Luan Xing Palace at this time. I don't know how well he talks with the people in Luan Xing Palace. Whether it is going well."

There was a long silence, and among the elders, a young elder could not help but sigh, seemingly to himself.

"I guess there should be no problem. The strength of Luan Xing Palace is not as good as ours. United with Yan Yan Palace is arguably the most correct decision for them. Want to come to Bai Yuan and get the best hospitality!"

"That would be the best. As long as Luan Xing Palace is united, then our two major forces will be united together. There is no need to fear the revenge of Ziyun Palace."

Compared to the deadly silence, people still prefer to talk about each other. After all, the more depressing the atmosphere, the more it feels bad.

"The palace master, the old veteran Baidu, the fastest time is half a day, maybe even longer, but in the meantime, we don't know if Ziyun Palace will take action, otherwise Let's start the mountain guard team first, lest there will be danger and we will be caught off guard. "

In the corner, the veteran Yan also suddenly opened his mouth at this moment, and with his opening, everyone's eyes could not help but turn to him, everyone's eyes were not friendly.

Speaking of this incident, everyone has basically put the blame on the patriarch of Yanji. Everyone thinks that if it wasn't for the patriarch of Yanji, then the Yanji Palace would not be as frightful as it is now.

"Huh, are the Yuan Yuan always scared by the Ziyun Palace? Before anyone called, we started the mountain guard team first, and we were n’t afraid to be sneered when we said it. You are not ashamed, we are ashamed. ! "

"That is, can the Hushan team be opened casually? Opening the Hushan team for no reason is a sign of weakness and incompetence. When it is absolutely necessary, I do not agree to start the Hushan team."

"That is, again, do you know how much energy it would take to maintain once the Hushan array is turned on? If you open it for one more minute, you will have more pressure on my swallow wings palace, and my swallow wings palace is not How can there be so many resources that can produce crystals? "

After the words of the veteran Yan Ji fell, everyone's eyes flashed with contempt, one by one politely sarcastically, as if the veteran Yan Ji stood back and talked about back pain.

Speaking of them, they also knew that if the Mountain Guard was opened earlier, Yanyan Palace would be one point safe, but this sentence was spoken from Yan Yan's veteran, but they did not want to be convinced.

"It's ......... Everyone thinks it's unnecessary, so I won't talk about it next time." With a stagnant complexion, the veteran Yan could not help showing a bit of bitter smile. He knew that he really offended everyone this time, but he couldn't help feeling an unusual grievance.

You know, the previous decision was made by everyone, and it was not a decision he made secretly. It is conceivable that if he had returned triumphantly before, now I am afraid that he would have become the hero of the Yanji Palace!

Unfortunately, man is such a realistic animal. Hypothesis can only be hypothesis, and it cannot be a fact after all.

"Well, don't say anything anymore. It's really not time to start the mountain guard. Anyway, the mysterious formation is clear and can be started at any time. If it is really dangerous, everyone should start the mysterious formation again."

Hearing the crowd's run on Yan's patriarchs, the palace master Ling Tiannan frowned and yelled at the crowd.

To tell the truth, he actually complained a little bit about the old veteran Yan. However, since this is already the case, no matter how much he complains, I am afraid it will not help.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, if you really angered the old Yan Jiyan, and then this person will leave Yanyan Palace again, then the strength of Yanyan Palace will not be the opponent of Ziyun Palace even more.

In fact, he also understands that if you open the mysterious array earlier, you can turn out the danger earlier, but as others have thought, when you open the mountain guard array, it will be looked down upon by others, and it will be in the second Huge energy consumption, so he did not want to open the mountain guard too soon.

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

However, just after Ling Tiannan's voice fell shortly afterwards, a sound of a slight spatial shock was suddenly transmitted from the outside, and then, a loud loud noise was transmitted over the Yanji Palace.

"Well? What's going on?"

The sudden spatial fluctuations and the huge noise that rang later made all the people in the entire palace look different. Everyone got up, and all became cautious.

"Not good, it must have come from the Ziyun Palace !!!"

A strong person with a quick response realized the seriousness of the problem instantly. Obviously, at this time, there was such a movement. Apart from the people from the Ziyun Palace coming to seek revenge, I am afraid there will be no other things.

"What are you still doing? Are you ready to start the mountain guard team? !!!"

Ling Tiannan also returned to God at this time, and when he returned to God, he yelled at the crowd for the first time, his face was full of anxiety and remorse.

Before, he always felt that he shouldn't open the mountain guard team too early, but now it seems that he has made a big mistake. Maybe, he shouldn't compare his strength with the seniors of Yan, just open the mysterious array early in the morning.

"Brush brush !!!"

Hearing Ling Tiannan's applause, the crowd no longer hesitated. Between flashes, they left the hall of discussions and wanted to go everywhere to start the mountain guard.

However, when the crowds came out of the hall one by one, the faces of the twenty and half of the divine powerhouses were all revealed with an incredible shock.

"His ......... Is this the ... Doomsday?"

Twenty and a half of the powerful gods, now they are looking at the sky, and at this moment, the entire swallow-winged palace is covered by a dark cloud. At a glance, the whole The Yan-winged Palace, like a **** on earth, is full of doomsday scenes.

"Boom !!! Click !!!"

There were loud noises, and among the thick black clouds, purple thunders were continually condensing and brewing, just like the heavens would lower the heaven punishment and punish the evil behavior of the Yanji Palace.

"This, this ... how could this be? This is ........."

"Doomsday Thunder Penalty !!! Turns out Doomsday Thunder Penalty !!!"

There is naturally a strong man who is proficient in Xuan Zhen in Yanji Palace. When you see this sudden appearance, someone immediately recognizes that the sight in front of you is caused by Xuan Zhen. It is the very famous super team in the world of no delusion-Doomsday Thunder!

Doomsday Thunder Doomsday, this big formation is very famous. According to legend, in the ancient times, a great force called Tianpengong Palace had such a super formation. It is precisely because of this existence, Tianpenn Gong Cai could go all the way, eliminating many huge forces and becoming a giant of one side.

However, because the sin was too heavy, it eventually became the target of public criticism, and was annihilated by several powerful forces.

Since the disappearance of the Heavenly Penal Palace, the Doomsday Thunder Team has also disappeared. Any force who wants to reproduce this array has not been able to find this terrible mysterious array.

However, no one expected that this super array would appear in the sky above the Yan-wing Palace after many years, and the entire Yan-wing Palace was wrapped in it without knowing it. Undoubtedly, this scene is just like a thunderbolt to the entire Yan-winged Palace.

"How, how can this be ........."

Ling Tiannan also immediately recognized this super mysterious array, and when he recognized this mysterious array, his heart also fell into the bottom of the valley instantly. He knew that the Yanji Palace was afraid of being true Offended a horrible monster, and the one in front of the Yan-wing Palace may really be an abyss.

"Heaven will die my swallow's wing palace, this is God's swallow wing palace !!!"

Seeing that the clouds above the sky were getting darker, and the horrible purple thunderbolts were getting thicker and stronger, Ling Tiannan only felt his body was getting colder and colder, and his heart was like falling into a thousand years of ice, so He stopped breathing suddenly.

On this day, the Yanji Palace has ushered in the biggest crisis in history. Whether it can survive the past depends on the creation of the Yanji Palace.

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