The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1765: Share baby (one more)

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Yuan Feng really didn't expect that this hundred-flower fairy in Wanling Garden had such a high level of kendo accomplishment. After some contact, he even felt that the fairy of the hundred-flower fairy could really be described in terms of horror.

As soon as the experts shot, they knew if they were there. Based on his understanding of swordsmanship, it is not difficult to see how a person's swordsmanship is talented. Judging from the situation shown by the fairy of hundreds of flowers, this talented woman is definitely a terrorist who has the opportunity to advance to the swordsmanship. He didn't doubt it at all.

When practicing the sword with Baihua Fairy, time passed very fast. Unconsciously, a multi-hour time quietly slipped away, and in this multi-hour time, Bai Hua Fairy's gain from Yuan Feng However, it has been able to keep up with her for many years, even decades of hidden cultivation.

"Master Yuan Feng, I really can't think of it. In my lifetime, I was able to get to know Master Gen Feng like a talented swordsman. It seems that the little girl is really lucky in this life!"

After more than a few hours of cultivation, the fairy of the hundred flowers was honestly the first to stop and did not continue to ask Professor Yuan Feng to continue.

It is too greedy to chew. Yuan Feng's realm conveyed to her is too high and too high. She wants to fully understand it, afraid it will take some time to do it. Learn everything.

Moreover, Yuan Feng is willing to teach her swordsmanship. This is enough to give her face. If she still wants to force Professor Yuan Feng more, this is really unreasonable!

This time Yuan Feng's conferment of the sword also made her see the hope of impacting the realm of the magic sword. Perhaps, with the help of Yuan Feng, one day, she would not even be able to achieve the realm of the magic sword.

"Sister Sister has gone out again? We are all disciples in Ziyun Palace, and there is some fate between the younger brother and Sister Sister, why does Sister Sister say such a foreigner?"

Hearing the words of the other party, Yuan Feng shook his head and smiled, but did not have any sense of superiority because he had taught the other party's sword skills.

For him, one of the swords is everyone's. If he can, he can show his swordsmanship to everyone, but if anyone can understand it, it is not his control. Yes.

Baihua Fairy has this understanding, that is, so that his efforts are not in vain. In this case, he naturally feels happy.

"Oh, it's me, my brother, no matter what, I'd like to thank my brother for his kindness. I'm afraid I will really be in trouble in the future."

Professor Yuan Feng showed her the hope of the magic sword realm, so no matter it was a mighty temptation or a face-up request, he had to learn from the magic sword realm from Yuan Feng. The mystery of it.

She knew in the heart that although there was a sword mood in Li Yunbai who also knew the realm of magic sword, that person was hidden too deeply, and at first glance she was an ambitious person. Even if she spoke to the other side, I was afraid that Get answers. Even if the other party answers, I'm afraid it will never be too simple.

As she said, meeting Yuan Feng was really a great honor for him.

"My sister is assured that there are such good seedlings as my sister, and my younger brother is also sincere and willing to carry out this knowledge that I understand. If my sister can understand one or two from it, she will not give up on her."

After a bit of activity, Yuan Feng found that while practicing sword in the Wanling Garden, his understanding of the realm of magic sword seemed to have improved a bit. It seems that the reason why Baihua Fairy can have such terrible sword skill Eighty-nine is also related to the environment here!

"Sister, I am also a bad-spoken person, and for me, using your mouth to promise something is far from being so practical. Brother, what do you need? But don't be kind to me. "

She sincerely wanted to repay Yuan Feng, not the verbal promise. Moreover, if a mutual help relationship is established between her and Yuan Feng, she will be more polite to ask Yuan Feng for help in the future. To put it plainly, this is called taking people's hands short and eating others' mouths short.

"My sister is very kind. My younger brother is helping her. That is because she is indeed a genius in swordsmanship. It would be a pity if it was buried. However, my younger brother has nothing to ask for his help.

Yuan Feng has not always liked to divide things too clearly. As he said, he helps the other party, he just doesn't want to bury the swordsmanship of the other party, but he definitely does not seek for returns. Moreover, according to his current situation, what kind of return can he get in the body of this fairy?

"Oh, my brother really speaks. Since my brother doesn't need anything, I will save it."

Seeing Yuan Feng really didn't have any purpose, and Baihua Fairy was also very grateful to Yuan Feng. However, she and Yuan Feng are definitely two completely different personalities. Yuan Feng does not ask for rewards, but she is helpless. Since she has already received the benefits given by Yuan Feng, of course, she ca n’t say anything at all. nothing.

"Master, to this day, shouldn't you conceal your talents in Xuanzhen again? At the previous exchange meeting, the talents of Xuanzhen were already revealed."

Leaving aside the swordsmanship, the fairy of the hundred flowers could not help but lead the topic to the mysterious array skills. Speaking of which, a swordsmanship and a mysterious array, these two are her favorite things, but Yuan Feng's accomplishments on these two aspects are quite deep, such people are simply her destined friends.

"Oh, I made my sister laugh. Speaking of which, my younger brother first entered the Ziyun Palace, but he had to have some defense, and I hope he will forgive me."

Mention Xuan Zhen again, Yuan Feng has nothing to hide. He entered Wanling Garden earlier, but he denied the fact that he was proficient in Xuanzhen on the grounds that his body was special, but for the time being, due to his previous performance at the exchange meeting, he could not even deny it. .

Having said that, with his current strength, there is really no need to deny anything, anyway, it is impossible for the other party to cause him any trouble now.

"Understand, I understand all of them." Hearing Yuan Feng admits, the fairy of Baihua smiled, and then the eyes brightened, and then said, "Master, you have accomplished your skill on swordsmanship. Sister has already seen, really not I know what kind of realm my master ’s mysterious attainment has reached. "

The meaning beyond the words is already obvious. This is to explore the details of Yuan Feng Xuan Zhen's skills. As for the purpose, naturally only she knows it.

"This ......... naturally, my Xuan Zhen means can not be compared with the older sister, the older sister should not have too much expectation."

Revealed a sword skill, but he did not want to reveal his mysterious array skills. No matter when it is, there must be some unknown means to save his life. If all abilities are known, then he is really dangerous.

"Oh, it's not the case, just try it." She smiled and shook her head, but the Fairy Fairy did not intend to let go of it, and she mentioned the technique of Xuanzhen for another purpose, not It's all to test Yuan Feng's mysterious level.


In the time of speaking, a thin book appeared in her hands. The whole book was not thin or thick, but it looked very delicate. But on this book, there is a faint light haunting it, which looks very extraordinary.

"Well? This is ........."

Seeing the book that Fairy Fairy took out, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but flash a look of surprise that could not be concealed, but she couldn't help looking at the book a few more times.

"Master Yuan Feng, this book is a cheat sheet of the Great Guangming Xuan Zhen. This Xuan Zhen is very strange. Even the Master failed to thoroughly understand it, and finally gave it to me, leaving me idle. Research, one day will be able to completely penetrate this mysterious array, today, please Master Yuan Feng to study this mysterious array with me! "

Since there is nothing to repay Yuan Feng, then take out some of the treasures that can be used and share with Yuan Feng.

This Xuan Zhen can be said to be a very precious treasure. At the beginning, her master handed this thing over to her to study, but she had instructed her not to give Xuan Zhen to other people to watch casually. However, Yuan Feng's current status in Ziyun Palace and his potential in the future have obviously made him qualified.

Of course, she really wants to integrate this big bright mysterious array. If Yuan Feng can do better than her, it would be a gain.


After hearing the words of the fairy, where does Yuan Feng still not understand each other's thoughts? After a long time in trouble, this woman still wants to give him some benefits! Daguangming Xuanzhen, although it doesn't sound too loud, but just the secret of this Xuanzhen, has already brought up the grade of this Xuanzhen.

"Master Yuanfeng, please look at it?"

Seeing Yuan Feng hesitating there, Baihua Fairy could not help but smile slightly, but passed the Xuan Zhen Cheats directly to Yuan Feng's eyes, and signaled to the other party to pick it up.


Looking at the secret book lingering in front of Bao Guang, Yuan Feng didn't want to pick it up, but his curiosity about this mysterious array was to let his hands be somewhat unwilling.

"It's nothing. Since the sister and sister are kind, the brother and sister have no need to pretend to be affectionate. In this case, let the younger brother and sister study the so-called big bright mystery together!"

With a positive look, Yuan Feng finally no longer hesitated, and stretched out his hands to take over the mysterious secrets.

ps: After taking the cold medicine last night, I was so sleepy that I would try to make up for it today, brothers, please bear with me! !! !!

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