The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1759: Super big hand (two more)

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With an unknown elixir rewarded by the Master of the Heavenly Temple, Yuan Feng was finally promoted to the yin and yang realm. Although the habitat was good, the yin and yang realm didn't matter, in the eyes of those super powerful, But for him, the gap between these two little realms is vastly different.

No one knows how powerful he was after being promoted to the yin and yang realm, but he himself understood that his promotion must have been improved hundreds of times. Now he is facing a prodigal disciple of the Promise, but he is completely You can look down.

Before he was promoted to the yin and yang realm, he was able to compete with any of the legendary disciples in Ziyun Palace. Nowadays, his strength has been improved hundreds of times. Dealing with those legendary disciples, he is naturally even more Handy.

Want to come up and down in today's Ziyun Palace, even the strong man in the demigod may not be able to make him too daunting!

"Yu, I really do n’t know what treasure the elixir was given to me by the Master of the Heavenly Temple. It made me so easy to understand the realm of yin and yang. If I could have more of this kind of treasure, then I would be really at home. ! "

Speaking of which, he has always known that it is very difficult for him to impact the realm above the realm of creation. Even with the help of elixir, he never thought that he would be able to succeed. But the fact is, as the elixir fell, he didn't seem to feel any difficulty, and he was directly promoted to the realm of yin and yang.

In the yin and yang realm, there are too many things he can do. Frankly speaking, even if he leaves Ziyun Palace and returns to his own Qingwu Palace, he can develop Qingwu Palace into a super Great power, and no need to worry about someone asking for trouble.

With his current strength, as long as he carefully arranges it, even if he is a demigod, he is afraid that he will not be able to get any benefit.

The split side has already begun to stabilize the realm of yin and yang. The process is simple. It is nothing more than adding some energy. As for the realm, the split does not need to understand.

When the realm of avatars has stabilized in the yin and yang realm, the large array of Qingwu Palace can be re-arranged. At that time, even if the demigod power comes, it will have to go around.

"With my current strength and free-spirit skills, I should be able to deal with the Demigod Powers. It seems that if Ziyun Palace has taken action against other great forces, now I can completely follow up and try Try it. "

With the improvement of Xiu Wei, at this moment he is simply bursting with confidence. If he can, he now really wants to compare with the strong demigod and see who is faster.

"No matter, first stabilize the realm of yin and yang, and then realize the mood of the realm of magic sword. After it has completely stabilized, it is also time for me to go out and contact more people!"

With the confidence, the next thing he naturally wants to do is to do what he wants. At this moment, let alone the demigods in Ziyun Palace are busy with other things, even if those demigods are in purple In Yungong, he will not be as afraid as before.

With a slight smile, he sat back on his knees and began to stabilize the realm of yin and yang.

It takes some time to stabilize this time. After all, whether it is the yin and yang realm that has just been promoted, or the magic sword realm that was previously fortunately understood, these are all new to him, and only through constant understanding and exploration can he be able to Grasp the realm of the yin and yang realm, and take the sword realm of the realm of magic sword one step further.

Outside affairs have nothing to do with him. He only cares about his own light dance palace, but the light dance palace now has a detached seat, which can basically ensure foolproofness. Moreover, Qingwu Palace does not show mountains or water, and no one pays attention to its existence.

Stabilizing the realm is not a waste of time. For Yuan Feng, as long as the realm of yin and yang is more stable, his strength will surely grow stronger. The main thing is that only when the realm of yin and yang is stable can he try to impact the stronger realm.

People want to look forward. Although this time has broken through to the yin and yang realm, the realm of this layer is naturally not his end point. At least, the next limitless state, he must break through as soon as possible.

The power of the realm of yin and yang is still so. He believes that once he is promoted to the limitless realm, then the person of the demigod is really nothing to fear.

Right now he has successfully entered the sight of the high-level Ziyun Palace. In the future, there will be countless treasures that will impact the Promise, and the Promise will not be an obstacle to him in the past.

No one would have guessed that such a horrible character appeared in Ziyun Palace. Of course, Yuan Feng was not an ambitious person, let alone a big gangster. Although he came to Ziyun Palace with ulterior motives, but for In this Ziyun Palace, he will not interfere too much. Even as a member of the Ziyun Palace, he will try to find some benefits for the Ziyun Palace.

There is such a disciple in Ziyun Palace, but I don't know if it is good or bad, but one day, the existence of Yuanfeng will make Ziyun Palace understand whether its investment is worth it, and when that day comes, Want to come to Yuan Feng is also strong enough ...............

While Yuan Feng stayed in the confined space and constantly broke through his strength, the powerful men of Ziyun Palace did not rest.

It took almost two days, but the major powerhouses in the Ziyun Palace were the demigod powerhouses who could be summoned from various places.

The location is still the shrine of the shrine of the Ziyun Palace. Although it is no longer as sacred and inviolable as before, it is a place where everyone gathers to discuss major events. This habit will not be changed for a while. .

In the spacious hall, the thrones are almost filled with people, except that there are no people in the five or six vacancies. It is really important to come back and want to return.

If there are outsiders at this time, then they will be stunned by the sight in front of them, because each of these people present is breathtaking, obviously they are all superpowers of the demigod, and these powerhouses However, the number has exceeded the number of fifty, and it has reached fifty-four people!

Fifty-four demigods, which is a figure that no one outside can dare to imagine, and judging from the number of thrones in this palace, fifty-four demigods still seem not to be Ziyun Palace The number of all demigod strong.

"I never thought that such a thing would happen to my Ziyun Palace. It is really too careless!"

"Hey, it ’s also fateful, and it has its own will in the meditation. The colorful pillars of my Ziyun Palace have helped me too much, and it seems that it is also God's will today."

"That being said, the people in the Swallow-winged Palace destroyed my Ziyun Palace treasure, and this revenge must be reported, and what Luan Xing Palace, hum, this time with these two great forces to operate, so that those Xiao Xiao generations know that the consequences of offending my Ziyun Palace are extremely serious. "

"It should be the case. My Ziyun Palace is too low-key, and this is what happened. If we start in the early days, we stand in the realm of no delusion, then what is happening today is not necessarily It will happen. "

"Anyway, even without the colorful pillars, my Ziyun Palace is still the strongest force. In the future, I will step down all those powerful forces and gather all their resources. It will still allow me to grow and grow. Go down. "

"Yes, as long as there are sufficient resources, Ziyun Palace can still be talented, even if there are no colorful pillars. Maybe it will be more prosperous than before ..."

One by one in Ziyun Palace, while waiting for the others to gather, there was a chat of chattering. Regarding the destruction of the colorful pillar, everyone's attitudes are actually different.

Some people are undoubtedly annoyed and angry because of the destruction of the colorful pillar, but others believe that the colorful pillar has created too many demigods for the Ziyun Palace. Perhaps this kind of thing is like a cheating machine. It really shouldn't last forever. Therefore, the destruction of this pillar of God is likely to be caused by God's will.

Of course, no matter what kind of attitude people are, one thing is absolutely the same, that is, no matter who it is, if you dare to shoot at the Ziyun Palace, you must receive the most severe punishment.

"Dear everyone, it seems that everyone has gathered. In this case, let's talk about business!"

Just as everyone was talking about each other, on the throne of the main hall, the main hall of the main hall of the Yuan Yuan shouted suddenly, and then stood up.

As the master of the Yiyuan Hall, the status of the split sky in the Ziyun Palace has always been more recognized. After all, Ziyun Palace usually arranges major events and minor affairs. Moreover, he is still one of the oldest demigods in Ziyun Palace. If he speaks out, his conviction is still relatively high. of.

Sure enough, after Li Tian started to stand up and speak, everyone naturally stopped talking and looked at the interim spokesman of Ziyun Palace one after another.

"Everyone wants to know what happened before. Speaking of which, the treasure of Ziyun Palace has not been protected this time, but the owner of this temple has a responsibility that cannot be shirk. Here, I apologize to everyone."

Between the words, the Lord of the Heavenly Heaven Palace arched his hands at the crowd, his face was full of apology.

"Brother Tiantian, you can see this. Everyone is from Ziyun Palace. No one wants to see Ziyun Palace bad. This is a pure accident. Speaking of which, Brother Tiantian has already Good job! "

"That is, there is no need for Blame to blame. For now, it is more important to think about how to avenge this revenge."

Everyone naturally will not blame Litian because everyone knows that if there is competition again at this time, it will be too out of place.

"Thank you for your understanding."

Nodding his head, the Master of the Heavenly Temple took a deep breath, and then continued, "Yan Wing Palace and Luan Xing Palace destroyed my treasure. This revenge must be reported. I will gather everyone here today to discuss how to Destroy these two forces. Within a month, I will let them be removed from the world of delusion !!! "

With a fierce complexion, the Ziyun Palace at this moment was obviously moving, and judging by the strength in front of it, it seems that it is not impossible to destroy Yanyan Palace and Luan Xing Palace.

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