The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1756: For the time being (the third)

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Regarding the emergence of Yuan Feng, whether it is a strong man of several and a half divine realms or a mass of disciples, it is obviously a big or a small accident.

Some of the most powerful gods are better. After all, their previous energies were all placed on the Tongshen Temple, and they did not have the energy to observe the surroundings too carefully, so it is not too surprising for Yuan Feng to appear. .

However, for a dozen disciple disciples, when they came out, they didn't feel that someone was following them and others, but now they find that Yuan Feng has also come out with them. All of them are hearted. Amazed, I don't know if it was only Yuanfeng who didn't find it, or no one else.

Of course, at this time, no one will verify this. After all, if everyone else knows Yuan Feng's followers, they will only have words if they don't know it. It is also a shame to say it. Even when someone really asks themselves, they will say they know Yuan Feng's followers.

After all, the appearance of Yuan Feng is not a big deal for everyone. In a flash, everyone no longer has to worry too much about this matter.

"Ah, you should have seen it before, right?"

The Master of the Heavenly Temple stabilized his emotions, but suddenly sighed. Ziyun Palace is indeed a shame this time. To be honest, with the strength of so many Ziyun Palace powerhouses, what should not happen today should happen, but it just happened. His heart is full of depression.

"If you want to come, you also guessed that what was just destroyed was the colorful treasure pillar of my Ziyun Palace. The pillar of God was destroyed. The blow to my Ziyun Palace is very big. Today's matter, I hope you can keep your mouth shut Do n’t mention it to other people, even if it ’s another disciple, do n’t you hear? ”

With an eyebrow raised, the bottom of the Master of the Heavenly Temple suddenly showed a sternness and shouted loudly.

Shameless things, of course, the less known, the better. Although the major powers who have left here have seen the changes in Ziyun Palace, he believes that these demigod powers will at least not casually. That ’s all for ordinary disciples. Therefore, what they really need to warn is nothing more than these individuals present.

"Master Dianzhu, all of us know the depth and depth. Today's events will never be disclosed to others. Dianzhu Dianzhu can be assured."

After the Lord of the Heavenly Temple's words came down, all the disciples were all tense, and then, Xuan Ming, a great disciple of the Eight Diagrams Temple, took the lead and assured the Lord of the Heavenly Temple.

"The disciples promised that they would not tell anyone about today's affairs, otherwise they would not be dead!"

"I also promise not to mention this to others, otherwise I will be expelled from the Ziyun Palace."

"I promise, I promise ..."

As Xuan Ming opened up this leader, everyone followed suit, but they all promised not to mention this to outsiders, for fear that they said it late, which made some of the strong players present unhappy.

How could they not know the unhappiness of these demigods when such a big thing happened? At this time, they must make a few people feel relaxed, so of course they dare not violate it in the slightest.

"It's the best. During this time, there will be a major event in Ziyun Palace. After you go back later, gather the disciples of your respective palaces and call them back to Ziyun Palace. Try not to let them wander outside. Do you know? "

For the delayed public and Luan Xing Palace, Ziyun Palace will definitely not tolerate it this time, but before the shot, they must arrange their own side.

Obviously, no matter if you want to take action against these two forces, you do n’t need people below the demigod to work alone. These people are, at best, watching a lively event, or even watching a lively event without them. For the sake of it.

"Yes, as the big disciples in the major palaces, I will definitely arrange the disciples under the gate of the Ziyun Palace, and will not cause any trouble to the master and uncle of the palace."

These legendary disciples also understand that if Ziyun Palace really wants to take action against the super powers, of course they are not eligible to participate, so at that time, they were still optimistic about their home.

"Yuan Feng, come here!"

Nodded his head, the Lord of the Heavens Palace seemed to be satisfied with the crowd's answer, and speaking, he looked at the back of the crowd, but there was only Yuan Feng standing there, talking with him. Others didn't agree.

"See Lord Lord Lord !!!"

Hearing the name of the Master of the Heavenly Temple, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look right and hurried forward.

This time, when his mind was hot, he followed these people directly out of the meeting place. He originally thought that he could gain some benefit from the chaos, but he did not expect that he finally saw such a change.

Of course, in addition to this change, he also saw the terrible power of Ziyun Palace. Before that, he had never thought that the demigod of Ziyun Palace could reach more than thirty. The number may even be more.

"You little guy is bold enough. At this time, you dare to run out to make fun. With your strength, I am afraid that people in the demigod can kill you back and forth with one hand."

Seeing Yuan Feng come out, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple shook his head and said blamelessly. He did not expect that Yuan Feng dared to run out with others. In his opinion, Yuan Feng's current habitat cultivation is for fear that even the aftermath of the demigod might be able to wipe it out, but fortunately No fighting broke out before, otherwise, Yuan Feng's life might not be able to survive to this day.

Of course, he is highly valued for the genius of the magic sword realm in this habitat. We must know that although Yuan Feng is still very small, once Yuan Feng is promoted to demigod, then in the level of demigod , Will be an invincible figure, not to mention when Yuan Feng was promoted to the semi-god realm, it is still possible to take the magic sword realm one step further!

"The disciples were wrong, and Shiji saw the brothers take action. The disciples wanted to come out to help, but they forgot their own jeopardy, and they hoped that the Lord Lord would punish him."

Yuan Feng behaved very well at the moment, but she didn't see any flaws.

Speaking of which, he dared to run out of course because he felt confident. If you really want to count them, even if everyone else is dead, he will never die.

Fighting against the demigod strong, he was afraid to speak at this moment, but living from the hands of the demigod strong may not be impossible. Of course, a person who is as powerful as the Master of the Heavenly Temple and who uses any realm means must naturally be excluded.

"Hey, you can have this kind of mind for martial arts, but it is rare to have it." Hearing Yuan Feng said that the Lord of the Heavenly Temple was quite pleased. At least, Yuan Feng's performance showed that he was still An obedient person who puts martial arts first, and such a person is what a martial art needs most.

"Well, you all go back, remember what I just told you, and Wang Zhong, during this time, you will bring Yuan Feng to practice. After the major event is over, our masters of the temple will personally point out him. "

At present, most of the powerful gods are busy. Of course, there is no time and energy to control Yuan Feng, but during this time, only Yuan Feng can practice with Wang Zhong.

"The disciples obey, I will take good care of Master Yuanfeng."

Taking a step forward, Wang Zhong hurried to lead his life. In fact, even if the Master of the Heavenly Temple didn't say it, in fact, the Master of the Liuhe Temple had already given him an order. During this time, he would never let anyone confront him. Feng is not good. Speaking of which, as long as a person without a demigod shots at Yuan Feng, he really does not believe that someone can hurt Yuan Feng under his hand.

"Go, in a very unusual time, I hope that everyone will not let your teacher down!" He waved his hands, and the Lord of the Heavenly Heaven Palace directly issued the order of expulsion, but did not want to say anything to these disciples!

"You can rest the Tongshen Temple first, I will release the other disciples, and go back." I ordered a lot of disciples, and the Lord of the Heavenly Temple informed the other semi-sacred powerful men, After that, his body flashed, and for the time being, to release other Ziyun Palace disciples.

At this moment, a group of people were still being held at the meeting place. Apart from the Master of the Heavenly Temple, I am afraid that no one could release them.

"Let's go, let's go ahead, maybe there will be a turnaround." When the Master of the Heavenly Temple left, a few of the most powerful gods looked at each other, and then they flew towards the Tongshen Temple.

In any case, the Tongshen Temple still needs a little rest. Even if the colorful pillars are gone, it is still a place for everyone to gather and discuss major events. Moreover, everyone has reunited a little colorful power before, maybe they will return There is a possibility to restore it!

"Let's go back and arrange it. Recently, Ziyun Palace needs to be stabilized!"

With the demigods leaving one by one, the major disciple disciples are no longer staying, and their bodies flicker towards their palaces.

Xuan Ming, a great disciple in the Eight Diagrams Hall, glanced at the two young Li Xiaobai and Qiao Ke, and finally took a closer look at Yuan Feng, and then flew away from the place, but Li Xiaobai and Qiao Ke did not have any expression and arched at everyone. With arched hands, he turned and left.

"Brother, let's go back too. The next time, you'll be with your brother for the time being."

In the blink of an eye, there was only Wang Zhong and Yuan Feng left in the same place. The former glanced at the direction leading to the temple. He wrapped Yuan Feng with a force, and both left.

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