The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1754: Heavy losses (one more)

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The master of the Tiantian Temple said that he finally said that Lan Haiping of Luan Xinggong Palace had withdrawn his palm and gave up the act of holding on to the colorful pillar. In this regard, everyone in Ziyun Palace breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally let go of one heart.

However, no one thought that when everyone was relieved and there was a moment of relaxation and vigilance, a light flashed, and then a huge fist shadow was bombarded on the colorful pillar. Suddenly, the colorful pillars of light flowing directly broke into the colorful rain of the sky, scattered in front of everyone's eyes.

"What? This, this ........."

Seeing that the colorful beam of light was smashed by a huge fist shadow, the powerful men in the Ziyun Palace who had just released their hearts were all completely stunned there, everyone opened their mouths and couldn't believe what See everything.

"Broken ... Broken? The colorful pillar is broken? How is this possible? !!!"

Every one of the thirty or so strong Ziyun Palace presents couldn't believe everything in front of them. At this moment, these thirty people seemed to have lost their souls, all looking at these colorful lights stupidly. There was no way to disperse into the various places of Ziyun Palace.


Almost at the same time that this scene appeared, a sound of breaking air suddenly sounded. Then, everyone noticed that a light flashed from everyone's side, and then it was far away. The speed was fast. It's not clear at all.

"Well? Someone escaped !!!"

The sudden flash of the figure suddenly made all the people present a little stunned, and then everyone just found that the original Yanyan Palace Yanji, who was standing alone, was not there at all. Obviously, the fleeing person must be the veteran of the Yan-winged Palace.

"Yanji !!! It's Yanji's hand !!!"

When we saw Yan Ji's escape, where did everyone not understand? Shi Cai broke the multicolored beam of light with one punch, not the old guy in Yan Wing Palace, who else?

"Ah !!! Damn it! Damn it! The colorful pillar, my colorful pillar in Ziyun Palace !!!"

The Lord of the Heavenly Temple issued a sorrow for the first time. The whole body was burning with the flames of anger. At this moment, he couldn't wait to find Yan Ji, chopping skin, cramping, and frustrating the ashes!

"God's Pillar, God's Pillar destroyed?"

Others are not much better. The importance of the colorful pillar to the Ziyun Palace, each of them is very clear. Speaking of them, more than half of these people were promoted to the demigod because of this pillar. At the moment, they watched Shenzhu be destroyed in front of himself and others, and that feeling really made them uncomfortable.

The reason why the Tongshen Temple is called the Tongshen Temple is because of the existence of the colorful pillars. Now, the colorful pillars are destroyed and the Tongshen temple will never return to the name of God. From now on, Ziyun Palace wants to have The emergence of more demigods is probably very difficult.

You should know that the most fundamental reason why Ziyun Palace can have so many demigods is precisely because of the existence of this shrine. To put it plainly, the name Tongtong Temple is called Tongtong. In fact, it means helping people to break through to the semi-god realm. As for the legendary state of God, so far no one has been able to experience it from the colorful pillar.

But now it ’s okay, the colorful pillars are gone, and even the realization of the demi-god realm has no chance now.

"Ah !!!!!! Old couple of Yan !!! Chase me !!!!!!"

After a brief shock, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple returned to God for the first time. Without saying a word, it was a flashover and chased directly.

This time it was really careless. Who would have thought that Lan Haiping had already given up, but at this time, the Yanji of the Yanji Palace suddenly shot, this is simply a situation that everyone can't imagine.

Of course, after all, Yan Ji shot at this time, that is completely reasonable.

In this case, Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace became scapegoats, and Lan Haiping's hands also controlled the pillar of Ziyun Palace, which can be exchanged for a life. But the Yan couple was different. He had no reliance on his hands. After Lan Haiping let go, then he was the only one who made the people in Ziyun Palace angry.

Imagine, then, these people in Ziyun Palace will not be able to unload him by eight?

Therefore, under some consideration, he took a decisive shot, taking advantage of the slackness of everyone, he destroyed the multicolored **** column with one punch, and escaped when everyone was surprised!

Yan Ji is also very clear that this colorful pillar of God must be very important for Ziyun Palace. In this case, even if he is really going to be killed by the people of Ziyun Palace, then he must let Ziyun Palace Lost one treasure.

In the blink of an eye, the thirty or so demigods in the Ziyun Palace, but a dozen or so people chased out with the Lord of the Heavenly Temple, not enough. A strong demigod wants to escape, Even if more people chase, I am afraid that they may not be able to catch up, not to mention that the other party has to take a step ahead of everyone.

"This this……………"

When the Yan couple fled and the Master of the Heavenly Temple and others chased out, the people of the major forces present were unable to return to God for a long time.

"Destroyed? This is so ruined?"

Lan Haiping was still standing in the original position of the multicolored beam of light at this moment, but the multicolored beam of light at the moment was gone.

With so many people present, only his outsider can feel the value of the multicolored beam of light. However, at this moment, the multicolored beam of light is so destroyed that he feels a pity to speak to his heart.

"It's such a decisive bird. I can't think of it so decisively. However, being able to survive in this way is really a remarkable person."

Taking a deep breath, he was quite appreciative of Yan Ji's approach. In all fairness, if it was him, then he might do the same, just do not know if he can do as good as the other party.

"Well, everyone, do you want to stay and watch the fun? The exchange meeting has ended, please come back !!!"

Between the words, someone stood up on the side of the Ziyun Palace, but it was a guest order for these outsiders.

The colorful pillar was destroyed, and this time the Ziyun Palace suffered a huge loss. These people in front of them are basically accomplices. Unfortunately, there are too many people this time. Even if they want revenge, they cannot take it. So many people shot.

"Hey, today's thing is by no means what I want to see, farewell!"

"I'll say goodbye, you will have a period later!"

Many of the strong players present were sad at the moment, but no one knew what they really thought.

However, it is not difficult to imagine that the pillar of the Ziyun Palace was destroyed. This scene is definitely something they would like to see. After all, of course, they do not want the Ziyun Palace to enjoy it alone. Having said that, if the colorful pillars have not been destroyed, then these people will definitely think of a way to plan after they return.

"Brush !!!!"

The time between speeches, however, is no longer staying in the crowd, and between flashes, they have left the scope of the Ziyun Palace and returned to their respective forces.

The defense methods of the Ziyun Palace are basically prohibition of entry. It is absolutely impossible for these people to enter the Ziyun Palace from the outside. However, no one will block them from going out of the Ziyun Palace.

In the time of speaking, one by one, the strong men left one after another. However, this place of Ziyun Palace, which passed through the shrine, also slowly restored peace. Unfortunately, the treasures in the Tongshen Temple are no longer there, but the name of the Tongshen Temple is not true.

"Everyone, let's take a shot together and try to reinvent the **** column. How much can be saved !!!"

After all the others have left, here at the Ziyun Palace, the gray robe old man who didn't go to chase Yan Ji, but now he took a step forward, and he sat at the top of the Tongshen Temple with a pair of withering words The palm of my hand quickly coagulated.

"Everyone shot together !!!"

Hearing the words of the old man in gray robes, the remaining demigods were no longer hesitant, and sat down with their knees crossed, one by one.

"Brush !!!!"

Almost twenty or so demigods shot together, hitting strange marks into the surrounding space, and with the shots of everyone, soon, those colorful lights that had disappeared into the air were Some have been regrouped and some have returned, but the colorful lights that have been brought back are really a little pitiful.

The crowd is not too small, everyone is doing their best to bring these colorful lights back to the top of the temple. It is a pity that although everyone has worked very hard, the colorful light has mostly disappeared. Even if they try hard, they will not be able to restore their original appearance.

In the end, it took a long time, and everyone just gathered a small amount of colorful energy, and these energy, even a very thin beam of light, could not condense.

"Hey! God column is destroyed, but it is powerless to return to heaven!"

After being busy for a long time, he didn't work out a result. In the end, the old man in gray robe couldn't help but sighed for a long time, but had no choice but to withdraw his hand.

Obviously, this time, Ziyun Palace is destined to suffer a huge loss.

"Brush !!!!"

At this time, the major Ziyun Palace strongmen who had just been chasing them came back one after another. Everyone's face was full of anger and depression. Obviously, this chase, It must have returned without power.

ps: Keke, broke the lowest record! !! !! Three flowers on the first day? What a poor number, find two digits! Whoo! !!

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