The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1749: Chaos (four more seeking flowers)

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The three Masters of the Heavenly Temple have not yet flew out of the world of the exchange meeting. However, at this moment, all the powerful people in this space shot at the same time, tearing this special heaven and earth together. Come.

"Well !!!"

A crack that was significantly larger than the crack torn apart by the Master of the Heavenly Temple appeared above the heads of the people, and with the appearance of this huge crack, all the powerful men present flashed out. It was all out of this special world and returned to the world outside Ziyun Palace.

These people obviously planned long ago, from when they shot and tear the world together, until everyone broke away from the world, the whole process was just a blink of an eye, but it was the work of this blink of an eye, In the entire conference space, there are only the five strongest players in the Ziyun Palace, and a group of disciples in Ziyun Palace stupidly fooling there "this, this ........."

The statures of the three masters of the split-day palace were all fixed there for a while, and for a while there was no way to return to God. They never dreamed that at this time, these strong men who came to the exchange meeting would have such an incredible move.

At this moment, they did n’t understand where they were. After a long time, these guys who came to participate in the exchange meeting seem to have no purpose at all, and these people stayed in the morning and stayed in a hurry. Started one after another, it is clear that the external events can never be separated from these people.

To put it bluntly, maybe from the beginning, these guys came to the shrine of Ziyun Palace.

In fact, their guess was not false at all. The most direct purpose of the major forces coming to participate in the exchange meeting was to head for the shrine of Ziyun Palace.

A few years ago, I didn't know who released the information, but it was for everyone to know that Ziyun Palace has a shrine, and in this shrine, it is said that there is a passage that can help people become gods.

When they learned this information, the major forces began to communicate in secret, and even brought in some super powers that didn't show up before, and planned this time's action.

The existence of the Ziyun Palace Tongshen Temple may be a bit exaggerated, but even if it is only a possibility, everyone will never let this opportunity go.

The main thing is that the strength revealed by Ziyun Palace is indeed very strong. If there are some secrets in this force, this is completely justified. Finally, anyway, this is a lot of big forces planning together. By then, everyone will make a shot together, and by virtue of the number of people, they can completely rely on Ziyun Palace's revenge.

After the common goals have been determined, the major forces have planned everything. It can be said that from beginning to end, only the Ziyun Palace family was kept in the drum. Until this moment, the major forces shot together. The true purpose of these people came to Ziyun Palace.

"Damn it, **** it !!! These guys, together, set fire to calculate my Ziyun Palace !!!"

The eyes of the Master of the Heavenly Temple have already burst into flames. When he realized that the entire exchange meeting was a conspiracy of the major forces, he could not wait to kill them all.

"Kill me !!!"

"Boom !!!" With a roar, the body of the monarch of the Yuanyuan Temple suddenly had a terrible momentum soaring. The time between the words, the super strong figure, Has disappeared in place.

"Abominable guys, kill, kill!"

The other people were also furious. Thanks to them, they were also polite to entertain these people, but in the reverse, these people turned out to be bad-hearted.

For a while, the five strongest men were hesitant to talk about the others, and they all flickered out, all flying away.

Anyway, the number of demigods who came to participate in the exchange meeting this time will almost reach thirty, and the number of demigods in the Ziyun Palace at this moment Obviously not so much. Therefore, they must go out quickly to avoid accidents in the temple.

"Brush brush !!!"

The five strong men disappeared in an instant, but none of the disciples were there to manage the scene. For them, if there is a problem in the Tongshen Temple, the future of Ziyun Palace will be affected unimaginably, and that consequence will be more horrible than all the disciples present.

Therefore, at this moment, of course, they have no mood to care about these disciples. Moreover, there is no such thing as a demigod between this heaven and earth at this moment. It is actually safer for these disciples to stay here.

"This this……………"

Above the platform, there are disciples in Ziyun Palace.

Whether they are ordinary disciples in the habitat or the disciples of the Promise of the Promise, they obviously did not expect such a thing to happen. The main thing is that until this moment, they did not even know what was happening outside, It is even more difficult to figure out why all of them just disappeared suddenly.

"Broken, these people are not good visitors, and Ziyun Palace is bound to have big trouble !!!"

After a short shock, in the crowd, Joe of the Five Elements Hall suddenly exclaimed, breaking the silence of the entire scene, and with his sudden opening, everyone came back from the disappointment, all of them were Some are incredible.

"Such a thing like this? These people want to count my Ziyun Palace !!!"

Xuanming, a great disciple in the Eight Diagrams Hall, stood up at this moment, and said with a gloomy face. They are all smart people. Of course, they are also the key to seeing the problem at a glance. When they think that these big forces are on fire together to calculate the Ziyun Palace, they have an incredible feeling in their hearts. .

"It's really a big deal. Twenty-three forces are collaborating. How long does it take to get ready to contact?"

San Cai Dian Li Xiaobai, at this moment also frowned and opened his eyes, but his eyes were full of anger.

Anyway, they are all disciples of Ziyun Palace. In the future, they are counting on Ziyun Palace to make a name for themselves. Therefore, they naturally do not want anything wrong with Ziyun Palace.

"It turns out that, no wonder I felt something wrong before. After a long time of trouble, these big forces really have problems, and they are very big problems."

In the middle of the crowd, Yuan Feng's eyes were also flashing with suspicion. When he saw the shadow of the palace and the Lord of the Heavenly Temple, he felt that the problem was not quite right, but he also I didn't guess that the exchange meeting this time turned out to have such a terrible plot.

"I ’m afraid it ’s going to be bad. Although there are ten main halls in Ziyun Palace, there should be a few other demigods, but the powerful demigods of all the major forces are sufficient. There are as many as thirty. If they fight, there is really no advantage at all! "

Since joining the Ziyun Palace, he believes that there are definitely other demigods in addition to the ten main hall masters, but when he wants to come, even if there are more demigods hidden in the Ziyun Palace It is impossible to reach more than thirty, right? And if there are no more than thirty demigods this time, the crisis at Ziyun Palace this time will be really difficult.

"But I don't know if Waner knows this. I knew it already. I tried to communicate with Waner before."

Thinking for a moment, Yuan Feng couldn't help thinking of Waner. Wan'er's status in Yuanji Palace does not seem to be low, but he really wants to know whether the joint actions of the major forces have already known about this.

Of course, after thinking about it, maybe this kind of action between the demigods might be unknown to Waner. If you know it, the other party should have already found a way to notify itself.

"The Ziyun Palace is in trouble. How can I wait for the disciples to sit by and ignore it? I'll look at it. Who dares not be good for my Ziyun Palace!"

Liu Zhongdian, the great disciple Wang Zhong, came to the crowd at this moment, his body flickered in succession, and he was rushing out of the cracks intact to recover from the sky.

This man has always been a straight man. Although the outside world is a battle between the demigods, he is a member of the Ziyun Palace, but he will never watch the Ziyun Palace suffer, but he is hiding Do nothing here.

"Brother Wang Zhong ..."

Seeing that Wang Zhong also flew out, a few disciple disciples of Liuhe Palace, as well as several people who had made friends with Wang Zhong, could not help exclaiming, but unfortunately, when they spoke, Wang Zhong's body Shape, but it has already appeared outside.

"Go help !!!"

When Wang Zhongfei stepped out of this space, Xuan Ming, a great disciple in Bagua Temple, flashed his eyes, almost thinking for a moment, and he was in shape, and then the other party flew out of this space world.

As a big disciple, he obviously won't fall behind. Besides, the outside world doesn't know what happened. How could he not go out to see the situation at this moment? Maybe there are some unexpected gains!


Almost when Xuanming flew out, another figure flew out towards the crack that was about to be sealed off, and this time it was Li Xiaobai, a disciple of Sancai Temple.

"Let's go and see too !!!"

Seeing that Li Xiaobai went out to help, the other disciples of other large palaces, of course, couldn't just sit idly by now, and one by one, they were swept away towards the outside world.

"Appeal, fortune is sought in wealth, so many demigods calculate Ziyun Palace. It is absolutely not a trivial matter. Since that is the case, I will follow the fun together."

Yuan Feng's mind turned rapidly. Almost as the big disciples in the major palaces flew, he was in the same shape. First, he concealed his body with the shadowless power, and then he started to run away, and disappeared instantly. In place.


Almost just when Yuan Feng's body left this space, the huge space gap was closed just now, and Yuan Feng's body came into the mid-air of Ziyun Palace.

ps: The fourth one is a bit late. Brothers, do n’t waste any more than the last hour of the month! !! !!

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