The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1735: Retreat if you do not advance (two more)

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The battle between Yanji Palace Yanyan and Luan Xinggong's Lan Haiping can definitely be regarded as a close fight, and their battle is obviously not as easy as the battle of the Promise disciples. Win or lose.

Both of them are old monsters with countless years of boundless realm. If there is something wrong with the boundless realm, they may have already become the peak of the demigod at this moment, even if they impact the realm of god.

You have to know that in the original world of no delusion, there were a lot of impacts on the realm of God, and many of them were successful, and the geniuses who came to the exchange meeting were geniuses, even if they were more qualified The worse ones are basically those who are expected to become gods.

Yanji Palace Yanji is a cautious person. It is not easy to defeat him, but Luan Xingping ’s Lan Haiping has murdered countless lives in his life. It is also a difficult task to kill. Entangled people. Therefore, the battle between these two men is completely worthy of attention, and it is worth watching each and every Demigod in the room.

"Brother Tiantian, who do you think has a better chance of winning? Also, how long will it take for this battle to separate?"

Above the square platform of the Ziyun Palace, several powerful Ziyun Palace powerfuls also focused on Wutai at the moment, while watching, one of the two ancestral hall master Sima Yuanyi couldn't help facing The others spoke.

"The two have their own characteristics. Speaking of which, Lan Haiping's attack is quite sharp. However, Yan's experience is rich and his defense is not leaky. It is not easy to separate the winner."

After cracking his eyebrows, after a little thought, Li Tian expressed his opinion lightly.

Speaking of which, these two strong men are fighting on Wutai, and everyone watching the war will involuntarily make the two men on the stage look like their opponents. Split Sky also tried to integrate himself into the battle on the stage, but found that, now that he wants to defeat the two on the stage, I am afraid the difficulty will not be too small.

Of course, these are the feelings of the people watching the game. No one will feel that they are inferior to the two on the stage, because the authorities are obsessed by the onlookers, and the people watching the war can always see the way to crack the two on the stage. If you play against each other, the changes at that time will be endless, and what will happen is no one can tell.

"I feel that the chance of losing in the blue ocean is still greater. He seems to be too anxious to achieve it, and the more so, the more likely it is that Yan will be caught by the air. Not only is it difficult to get revenge, but I am afraid that it will be even worse. It is estimated that in the future, we can only retreat in the martial arts to retreat.

The Lord of the Five Elements Palace, Moxian Temple, pouted his lips, and expressed his feelings. Of course, there is a lot of reasons for his personal feelings. The two people on the stage, he had a good impression of Yan Ji, but for Lan Haiping, he should be lacking.

"It is still too early to draw conclusions. It is said that before the change of the delusional realm did not happen, Yan Ji was a state of six transitions in the demigod. When Lan Haiping was the strongest, he almost reached the level of six transitions. The strength of the two of them is really not too bad. "

The Master of the Heavenly Heaven Palace knows more about these two people than others. After all, he has not only participated in many exchange meetings, but also wandered around the world without any delusion. people.

Having said that, before the change of the delusional realm did not occur, his cultivation behavior had already reached the seven-point demi-god realm. Would you like to say that his strength is better than the two on the stage.

However, since the realm of no delusion has changed, everyone's realm has retreated to a demi-god realm. In terms of realm, they are all exactly the same. The so-called advantages are not very obvious.

No one knows what happened in the delusional realm. In short, with the disappearance of the divine realm and the demigod disappeared, the strength of all demigods is always stuck in the realm of a turn, if you keep looking If it is not for one of the reasons, then it will not take too long, and there will be fewer and fewer people in the demigod world.

You know, it ’s really too difficult for you to advance to the demigod, and over time, the old demigods will die wave after wave, and the demigods will die. The speed of the birth of the strong is bound to fall behind.

Of course, the lifespan of the demigods is very long. For these people present, it is naturally far from their limits!


Just as the powerful men of all the major forces watched the battle intently, on the Wutai, the old winged palace winged yanyan, who had always been in a passive situation, was suddenly shocked, and then the sword in his hand was shaken. It suddenly became sharper, and in an instant, the situation on the stage changed radically.

"Lan Haiping, the last time you lost in my hands, this time I will let you know, no matter how many times you try, you are the losers of this seat, open !!!!!!"

"Om !!!!!!"

Yan Ji's voice was rippling like Hong Zhong Daluo, and as his voice spread, a sound of concussion came one after another. Everyone in the room saw the whole time, and the entire Wutai Suddenly enveloped by a weird rune.

This is a weird shape but very delicate rune. The entire rune is like a very old font, but if this is really a font, then I am afraid that it is also very old, at least Few people present can recognize what this thing is!


The weird runes formed above the two men ’s heads, and they were suppressed in the instant towards the blue sea. Looking at the posture, the runes looked like they were secretly drawn by Yan Ji during the battle, but at what time How was it portrayed? No one was present at the scene.

"this is……………"

Others only saw a weird rune repressing towards Lan Haiping. As an opponent of Yan Ji, Lan Haiping felt completely different.

In his sense, this weird rune is as if it has a heavy weight. When the rune appeared, he felt that his body was sinking slightly, and the movements of his hands were suddenly affected. With a huge impact, he was very skilled in swordsmanship, and he felt that he couldn't show it.

"No, it's a trick !!!"

Seeing that the rune was suppressing himself, Lan Haiping knew that if he was hit by this rune, then he might really lose again.

"Want to beat me? Not so easy !!!

Each strong man has his own unique skills. Now it seems that Yan Ji apparently used them unconsciously, and seeing this, where does Lan Haiping dare to reserve? When his complexion changed, he shook his hands and put away his long sword, his feet separated naturally, and his hands hurriedly lifted up.


As Lan Haiping's posture was settled, a huge beam of light suddenly rose to the sky, and the target was the rune that Yan Jiyuan fell from the sky.

"Well !!!"

The huge beam of light collided with the rune in the blink of an eye, and as the two met on Wutai, a weird annihilation sound spread instantly, at the same time, a huge mushroom cloud, It's like destroying the world, and directly wrapping the entire Wutai. Of course, it also includes the two demigods in the battle.

"Are you going to win?"

Seeing the change on Wutai, all the people present were stunned, everyone was clear. After this fight, the two of them won or lost.

In fact, based on the cultivation of these two people, if they want to continue fighting, in fact, even if they are present, they may not be able to tell a result. However, today is a grand event for exchange. Of course, they cannot fight forever. After all, it is impossible for everyone to watch them perform here all the time, but it is delaying their business.

"Om !!!!!!"

Didn't let the people present to wait for a long time, the strange energy in the huge cloud of energy suddenly escaped, and then, a moan, passed into the ears of everyone present.


Almost at the same time as the humming voice was transmitted, the energy cloud above Wutai was instantly dissipated by the man, and when the clouds and mist dispersed, the two men above Wutai appeared clearly again. In front of everyone's eyes, but the situation of the two of them is completely different now.

On the east side of Wutai, behind the hands of a few old veterans of Yanjigongyan, a smile stood there, his body was pretty clean, but looking at the opposite side of Luan Xinggong Lan Haiping, his clothes were very shy, the corner of his mouth It was even low in blood. Obviously, the groan just now must have come from his mouth.


The scene in front of us does not require everyone to ask anything. Obviously, the two are clean and tidy, one is ragged, the other is normal, and the corners of his mouth are bleeding. Who loses and who wins is clear at a glance.

Of course, to everyone's surprise, it wasn't that Yanji won the victory, but no one expected that Yanji veterans could win so easily. It seems that the gap between the two seems to be larger than the last time.

"Ha ha, Lan Haiping, it seems that you are just trying to fight with me again, but you have not practiced with your heart at all. Now, I am afraid that you are no longer qualified to challenge me."

Yan Jiyan's voice spread out faintly, and when he heard his voice, the opposite Lan Haiping, his lips moved slightly, but he couldn't accept the fact at hand.

"I, I ...... lost? !!!"

Staring blankly at the opposite Yanji, Lan Haiping realized that it seems that since this time, he only wanted to fight Yanji again, but now it seems that his energy is really all spent On the contrary, it delays the right thing to do.

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