The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1733: Era of Godlessness (four more)

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Above the Wutai of the exchange meeting, a terrible momentum suddenly rose into the sky, and as this momentum exploded, the entire exchange meeting now witnessed a strong storm in Chengdu. \ Demigods strong shot, it is not as light and light as the hands of the Promise, to their level, between one stroke and one stroke, will be accompanied by powerful world power. You know, the so-called demigod strong is the person closest to God.

Regarding the so-called divine realm, basically no one can imagine how powerful it is, but one thing is certain that the characters in the divine realm cannot be measured by the concept of a warrior.

It is said that the strongest in the realm of God can create everything between hands and transfer time and space. Although it sounds a bit mysterious, it should not be too much to think about.

It is a pity that although everyone knows that this realm of the realm of God has existed for many years, the realm of no realm has not appeared for a long time.

"This blue sea is quite flat, even confessing to Yan Ji's questioning, this person is really a number one!"

"Hehe, it is true. I heard that many people in the Yanchi Palace were beheaded and killed by him. I thought it was a rumor, and it seemed to be true for a long time."

"A man with such a small belly is able to cultivate into the state of demigod, which is not easy to say, but in the current state, he is afraid that he can only stop here!"

"Oh, those of us are stuck in today's realm. Which one has not stopped there yet? Is there really a hope that everyone will become a god?"

"Hahaha, that is, the realm of God is too vague, let alone the realm of God, even if it is the nine rotations of the semi-god realm, I am afraid there is no hope!"

"That is, Nine turns into a god, but now everyone can only get stuck in the first turn. I really do n’t know what happened in the world of no delusion. For so long, it has not given everyone the opportunity to endure the test of robbery Is it true that from now on, there will never be a strong man in the realm of God?

Speaking of which, in the original boundless realm, the figure of the strong man in the realm of God can basically be found everywhere, but I do n’t know when the strong man in the realm of God gradually faded out of everyone's sight. Perhaps ordinary warriors are not Knowing the situation, they can understand that they can be demigods. Nowadays, there is no **** in the world of delusion.

People in the demi-god realm want to become gods, then they have to go through nine robberies. Each robbery will increase their strength to a realm. After the nine robberies were over, there was hope for becoming a god.

Unfortunately, I don't know when all the people in the demigod can't feel the existence of the robbery. Even if the cultivation has reached the limit, it will not invite the baptism of the robbery.

What's more frightening is that some of the semi-goddom strongmen who had already reached the next few turns had fallen in strength and returned to the realm of one turn. In other words, today's non-delusive realm, the strongest half A person in divine realm is actually a demi-god. If you want to find a man with a second demi-go, it's almost impossible to ascend to heaven.

Of course, although everyone is a demigod who turns one round, those who have experienced five to six turns, or even seven to eight turns, are better than the one who turns around. There is no doubt about it.

Speaking of which, when the super powerfuls were rehabilitated, many people couldn't accept the change, and they became depressed and ended. Today's arrogant realm, the demigods are far too few. too much.

The strong men who came here to participate in the exchange meeting basically said that they were lowered from the back a few times. Fortunately, they were more open-minded, so they have survived and talked to them. People of the same era have fallen a lot.


At a time when everyone was talking, the old Yan Yan of the Winged Palace above Wutai had already started to work, and he fought with each other politely.

Luan Xinggong Lan Haiping fought with the idea of ​​revenge, but his Yan Ji was fighting with a dedication to discuss the words of the dead disciples, no matter which one, they both wanted to win. One game, this is quite obvious.

"Om !!!!!!"

The momentum of the two great powers soared into the sky. Suddenly, the entire world of the space where the conference was held was turbulent at once. The feeling was like this space could not bear the strength of the two people. Immediately To collapse in general.

"These two guys are really moving. When will the exchange become a life and death ring?"

On the side of the Ziyun Palace, the brows of the five strong men could not help but wrinkle.

Speaking of it, in the previous exchange meetings, although everyone also fought, they rarely used all their strengths to fight. Most of the time, everyone actually tried to use no effort, at least they would not really fight hard.

However, at this moment, whether it is the blue sea level of Luan Xing Palace or the Yan Ji of Yan Yan Palace, both of them have used up all their powers, although they are very concentrated, they will not let the power escape. Scattered all around, but the shock of the two men fighting alone was enough for this space.

"Brother of Heaven, judging from the fighting fluctuations of these two people, our space world is not enough enough!"

Seeing the turbulence in the surrounding space, the faces of several powerful men were all worried, among them the two masters of the palace hall reminded him quickly.

Speaking of, all preparations for the exchange meeting were completed by the Master of the Heavenly Temple. Although they hosted the exchange meeting with the Lord of the Heavenly Temple, they did not know how the arrangement of the meeting was completed.

"Oh, anyway, I had expected that this might happen. This is a trivial matter, of course, not a problem."

Hearing the reminder from the Master of the Liangyi Palace, the Master of the Heavenly Palace could not help raising his eyebrows, and blinked at the four while talking, and then he stood up and moved towards the center of the square Walked over.

"Do you want to have fun? In this case, then I will create a fun venue for you, open !!!"

With his eyes fixed, his hands moved suddenly. In a flash, all the handprints were punched into the air by him, and after these handprints were submerged into the air, his feet were suddenly stunned. In the meantime, the surrounding scene suddenly began to change.

Originally, this was a large space formed by the fusion of palaces, and with the end of the action of the Master of the Heavenly Temple, the entire large space seemed to begin to evolve. It was not long, mountains, rivers, trees, earth and rivers. There was even a round of hot red sun that appeared all around.

It can be said that with the shot of the Master of the Heavenly Temple, this space world has evolved into a world.

How solid the space world is, to put it plainly, is still a combination of different dimensions of space, but now the world is like a real world without any delusion. Fighting here, even if you try your best, it is very It is difficult to cause much damage to the surrounding world.

"His ......... This is ..."

The crowd was originally watching the war. The sudden change now undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention. After seeing these changes around, the strong men took a breath of air, but they were cracked. The master of the palace was startled.

"The amazing Ziyun Palace still has this talent. I really don't know how much human and material resources and resources will be used in order to shape this world."

"It is indeed a bit horrible. This side of the world has begun to take shape, and it has the embryonic form of the world. Then again, this means that there are more people relying on us. If there are only a few people, once they are trapped on such a side In the world, we still have to talk about whether we can get away! "

Everyone looked at everything in horror, frankly, they were really scared by this method of cracking the sky, but now they have more people, otherwise, in this space When the world changed, they had long since disappeared.

The world at the moment is actually equivalent to a huge mysterious array, that is to say, at this moment, they are actually in the mysterious array of the Ziyun Palace.

Although they were in the Xuanzhen space before, the Xuanzhen space at that time was very weak, and they all had absolute confidence to escape. But now this real world is different. Judging by the intensity of the surrounding space, at least ten or more demigods can only break through this level of world.

"Anyway, with so many superpowers present, I don't believe there is anything wrong with Ziyun Palace."

The strong men looked at each other and comforted each other.

The two powerful men fighting above Wutai naturally found this change around them. However, they were busy fighting at the moment, but they didn't have the energy and mind to control the situation around them. Anyway, there are so many powerful people in the field, and since everyone is not responding, of course, they don't need to worry about it.

Of course, it wasn't just the people of the major forces who were shocked. In fact, when the Lord of the Heavenly Temple supported such a heaven and earth, even the people of Ziyun Palace were shocked, but , The strong men of several big Ziyun Palaces all know the means of the Master of the Heavenly Temple, but in the end they are not surprised.

It ’s a group of disciples in Ziyun Palace. They did n’t know that the Master of the Heavenly Temple had this talent, so after the surrounding scene changed, they put more energy on the scene in front of them. Even the battles on Wutai were less concerned.

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