The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1730: Hua Yan's Messaging (1)

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The battle between Li Xiaobai of Ziyun Palace and the Master of Yuanji Palace ended in a draw. Many people have already guessed this ending.

The realm of magic sword is against the body of nothingness. Both of these are absolute geniuses, and they are not yet completed. Such an ending is basically the most reasonable ending.

Of course, if the two really use all their strengths and fight hard one time, they may not be able to separate the winners and losers, but that risk is too great. If a character like them has really won, then it is basically the end of your life.

Obviously, neither Li Xiaobai and Waner themselves, nor the forces behind them, absolutely allow such things to happen. Therefore, the result of the draw is really the best result.

After the end of this round, the next time, no more people from the Promise will go to war, and no people from the Promise will go to war. This level of test communication is naturally come to an end.

From the habitat to the yin and yang environment, to the just-in-promise state, four genius figures have emerged in Ziyun Palace. Among them, there is one habitat and yin-yang environment, but the two are Li Xiaobai and Qiao Ke. Of course, it is not easy to say if there is a deepest hidden existence in the Ziyun Palace.

However, no matter whether there are other hidden masters, in short, the four genius figures emerging from the Ziyun Palace this time must definitely make the major forces envy for a long time.

Among them, the natural must-have genius disciple Yuan Feng is the one who has to mention. At this exchange meeting, Yuan Feng first turned the tide in the communication at the level of the habitat, and then realized the realm of the sword and became the youngest known sword and sword power in the exchange of the disciples of the Promise. For a while, I was afraid that no one could break it.

A disciple who has cultivated for hundreds of years and has just reached his habitat, such a genius is definitely the star of hope for the future of Ziyun Palace. It is foreseeable that once the exchange meeting is over, what Yuan Feng can get will be difficult. Imagine ...

The teams of the major forces have been organized. Now, the disciple level of this exchange meeting has come to an end. However, the disciple level communication is nothing more than the appetizer of the exchange meeting. In fact, the exchange meeting The real core, of course, is the exchange of demigods.

Those below the demi-god realm, speaking of the future of the major forces, may one day in the future, these people can become the supreme existence. However, today, even if they have the potential to be stronger, they are worthless in the presence of the demigods.

Just like Li Xiaobai, although he is now a strong man in the realm of magic sword, if someone with a demigod wants to kill him, with his current strength, it is unlikely that he will escape.

Compared with Li Xiaobai, Yuan Feng's situation is actually similar. Although his strength is even a little stronger than that of Li Xiaobai, if he really rips his face from the demigod, it is difficult to say if he can survive. Perhaps, with the help of his pastime and shadowless magic, plus many methods on his body, the probability of escaping a life can not be small, but once the people in the demigod fully take it seriously, most of them still have to explain.

Fortunately, he still has a avatar. The avatar's existence allows him to have two lives that are incomparable to others, and in this way, he is frank, but completely dead.

"I never thought that Waner was so powerful that she was the young master of Yuanji Palace, so she would be able to call on the huge resources of Yuanji Palace. If she would become the real palace owner in the future, it would be a real step up. Ah! "

People of all major forces are doing short breaks, wounded wounds, and exhausted rest. The Ziyun Palace has the largest number of people, and of course it needs to be reorganized. By taking time off, Yuan Feng couldn't help but glance at the direction of Yuanji Palace and make eye contact with Waner.

At this time, Waner has returned to sit on the square platform of Yuanji Palace, and the simple veil has been removed by Qiao Ke, but she is no longer masked. In fact, since even nothing has been seen by everyone, he really has no need to mask it.

The reason why she had covered her face before was not to expose her identity, let alone her nihilistic body. After all, a genius based on nihilistic body is easily jealous of others, and if because Exposing his talent and losing his life, it is depressing enough to think about it.

Wan'er didn't dare to contact Yuan Feng too much. She is now guarded by two strong men in the semi-god realm, but it can be said that Bai is also monitored by the two strong men. At this time, if she appears to be in contact with Ziyun Palace If the disciples are connected, it is not just that the major forces will not let her go. I am afraid that the people in Yuanji Palace will stand up and abandon her.

Today, she is no longer a child and naturally knows how important things are. Although she has always practiced for Yuan Feng, to this day, it is impossible for her to easily give up everything she has.

Not only that, since she has met Yuan Feng, and knows that Yuan Feng has also embarked on the path of cultivation, then she must make herself better in order to provide Yuan Feng with the best cultivation conditions.

Although Yuan Feng will also be valued in the Ziyun Palace, in the end, he will still be subject to many strong men in the Ziyun Palace, and if she can become the master of the Yuanji Palace, then in the future, she can let Yuan Feng became the master of the Yuanji Palace. By then, Yuanfeng's huge resources will not be used as he wants.

Therefore, at present, she must control her emotions, and she must not be a bad thing at this time.

"At the moment, the exchange of the demigods is about to begin. The people of that level will start to shake the world, but I don't know. I can learn from it."

He is different from other people. Others watch the battle of the strong, basically they are just watching a lively, but he really sees the routine and gains insight from it, just like he learned from Li Xiaobai's swordsmanship before The realm of magic sword.

"Including the Ziyun Palace, there are twenty-four super powers present, and each power has more than one demigod leader. These people are hidden one by one. Among them, which are worthy of my reference, will certainly be Many are. "

His eyes glanced over the large squares around him. At this moment, he didn't have to be as careful as before.

Speaking of which, with the qualifications he now shows, although there is still no way to compare with people in the demigod, these demigods who are present will not mind his gaze.

This is the change that this exchange will bring to him, a radical change in status.

"Sister, I didn't expect that my brother had such a sense of understanding. Congratulations to my brother here."

Just when Yuan Feng opened his eyes from closing his eyes and began to look around, on the one side, Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Liuhedian, suddenly approached and laughed softly at him.

At this moment, Wang Zhong seemed to have a little more smile, and was surprised by the sudden emergence of Yuan Feng.

"I've seen Brother Wang Zhong, and my brother has broken his brother. I can take this, and I'm afraid it's not worth mentioning in my eyes."

Seeing Wang Zhong approaching, Yuan Feng could not help but withdraw his gaze from a distance, and arched in front of Wang Zhong.

Speaking of which, for the master of Liuhedian, his impression is quite good. Wang Zhong had excavated him before, and even provided him with the cultivating experience of the demigod strongman, so that he gained a lot from it. Of course, he could not forget these benefits.

Moreover, the ability to swallow the sky martial spirit also made him feel the closeness of this brother. At least, this person is not hostile to him, and even if he shows a strong talent, it may even threaten the status of the other party. Without any wrong feelings, being able to do this is enough to show that Wang Zhong is a man.

To put it plainly, this is definitely a friend that can be made.

"The master must not be arrogant. You can use the cultivation of the habitat to realize the sword mood of the sword realm, which is the strongest genius in my Ziyun Palace, but it is beyond exaggeration."

Seeing Yuan Feng still saluting himself, he didn't forget it because he was promoted to the realm of magic sword, Wang Zhong nodded with relief, obviously, very satisfied with Yuan Feng's performance.

"Master, I have reported your situation to Master Shizhuang's elderly people. Master Shih has already spoken. When the exchange meeting is over, he will personally meet with Master Shi and disciple him as Master Yi."

This time Wang Zhong came over, it wasn't for the sake of coming near, and besides, it was definitely not his style. In fact, he came to Yuan Feng now to convey the will of the Master of the Liuhe Palace.

Previously, he told the owner of the Liuhe Hall, and the latter learned that his genius had emerged from Liuhe Hall, and immediately gave the death order to Wang Zhong. Be sure to protect Yuan Feng. After he completes the task he insists on at this time, he will personally summon Yuan Feng and put it under his door.

Obviously, the master of Huadai Palace was also worried that Yuan Feng would be robbed by other people in the demigod. This allowed Wang Zhong to give Yuan Feng some psychological preparation in advance, which is similar to the feeling of letting Wang Zhong's teacher apprentice.

"The Lord Lord wants me to be a disciple? This ..."

Hearing Wang Zhongzhi's words, Yuan Feng's face flashed with excitement deliberately, but in his heart, he couldn't help but secretly say a word.

It seems that this time, he really wanted to become a disciple of the master of the Liuhe Palace.

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