The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1722: Dreamlike (one more)

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The boundless world is vast and boundless. Any kind of thing can happen, and any kind of person can exist. This is the point of view, the more people who live longer, the more they will see.

Like Bai Yan in the former Yanchi Palace, this person was born to be able to control the flame, but he is a genius with a natural fire body. Once such a character grows up completely, his future is infinite. Although Bai Xiao finally lost in the previous battle, it was also because his natural fire body was not fully excited, otherwise, even in the realm of magic sword, he might not be able to defeat it.

Of course, the natural fire body is nothing more than one of many special constitutions in the world of delusion. Some people can naturally control the flame, so naturally someone can control the others. For example, someone is born to control thunder and lightning, and someone is born to be. You can control the wind, and even people can control the space. In short, there is no big world, and any kind of situation may occur.

However, the ability to control various elements in nature is not too rare or special.

Speaking of which, among the various special constitutions circulated in the realm of no delusion, there is one constitution that is the most weird and the rarest. This constitution is called the nothingness.

It is no longer possible to verify the origin of the nihilistic body, but in some ancient books, there are indeed descriptions of the nihilistic body. It is rumored that this is a very ghostly physique. A person with an imaginary body can turn his body into a seemingly insignificant and dispensable existence. Naturally, no one understands the principle, but The physical constitution is a real existence.

People who have nothingness can basically become a super power. Once they have such a high level of understanding, they will practice very fast. And once their constitution is stimulated, they are basically immortal. Any physical attack is not effective for such people.

Of course, this is obviously a relative term. If the energy level is high and the opponent's means are strong, then it is another matter. But in general, a person with no body is basically seldom dying in the hands of others, unless his own cultivation is stuck in a certain bottleneck. Still to end his life.

There is definitely more than one body of nothingness in the history of the world of no delusion, but until now, I have never heard of such a constitution.

However, today, at the exchange meeting in Ziyun Palace, the woman in Yuanji Palace showed the means of her fearless attack to everyone present, and this performance absolutely matched the characteristics of the nothingness body. , And only the legendary nothingness can make her survive the horrible attacks of Joe Ke.

"Yes, it is absolutely nothingness. I never imagined that in my lifetime, I would still be fortunate enough to see nothingness. This is not my life!"

"A genius with an imaginary body actually appeared in Yuanji Palace. No wonder, no wonder they have been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai station and have never shot. What are their urgency?"

"What a nimble body, such a tyrannical attack, even if it is a demigod, it is likely that the woman will be injured, but this woman does not even have a trace of scars. This is against the sky!

"If this woman is promoted to the demigod state, there is no delusion, and who can be her opponent?"

All the strong men in the demigod looked at the women above the sky with a weird gaze. At this moment, they could hardly describe their mood.

Envy, admiration, worship, yearning ... In short, at this moment, everyone's heart can be described as chaotic, and it can be difficult to calm for a long time.

"Is it nothing, nothing? This is really unexpected!"

On the side of the Ziyun Palace, the five big and half divine powerhouses were equally shocked and forgotten where they were for a while. Although in the previous exchange meetings, all kinds of genius characters will appear, but the genius like nothingness is really something you have never seen before. In front of this constitution, what kind of natural fire body is simply worthless. Mention of existence.

Undoubtedly, in the presence of a strong body of nothingness, basically any person at the same level must give thanks, so when the woman who sees Yuanji Palace condenses from a vague shadow into a real existence Afterwards, they all understood that Ziyun Palace was afraid that the communication at the level of the Promise would be dangerous.

At least, at the moment Qiao Ke, it is impossible to win the opponent. In this game alone, Ziyun Palace lost.

"How, how can this be?"

Above the sky, the Temple of the Five Elements, Qiao Ke, looked at the intact woman on the opposite side at this moment, but his face was full of incredible colors.

Everything is under his control and calculations. Originally, he could almost enjoy the fruits of victory, but what he could never imagine was that God even made such a joke with him.

As a powerful man with extensive knowledge, he naturally heard of the existence of nothingness, but in any case, he never even thought that such a constitution would really exist in this world, and it was unlucky. He was met by him, still in such a crucial battle.

"Oh, God, nothingness, such a rare constitution can be encountered by me, really God!"

Looking at the woman who was approaching her step by step, Qiao Ke knew that he had lost this battle. If he continued to fight, that would be his own way.

At present, his strength has been drained, and it will take at least a while to recover. However, on the other hand, the opponent has no consumption at all. Now he will fight again, and he will not be able to take even one move.

"I, I lost!"

Gritting his teeth, Joe could spit out three words, and the whole man's momentum was dissipated at this moment.

He worked for others and accomplished things in the sky. He planned for so long. Ben was counting on being able to turn the tide at the exchange meeting, but in the end he was defeated by the powerful body of nothingness. He had nothing to say about this. Say.

Speaking of which, the probability is almost trivial, but he was met by him, and he didn't know if it was his honor.


Hearing that Qiao Ke conceded, the woman did not continue to shoot. Between raising her hands, she made a gesture to the other party, but asked the other party to step down.

"Hey, lost in the hands of the strong body of nothingness, convinced to take it orally, there will be a period later!"

Qiao Ke's face couldn't help flashing a trace of silence, and he arched his hand while talking, and then flashed away in the direction of Ziyun Palace.

Seriously, although this battle was defeated, it was not very embarrassing. The only thing that made him uncomfortable was that he was defeated in the end, and this defeat did not know whether it would affect his competition for that. Valuable places.

"Master, the disciples are incompetent, but also hope that the master will punish and punish him !!!"

Back on the square platform of Ziyun Palace, Qiao Ke couldn't help but look miserable, bowing his head to Mo Xie, the head of the Five Elements Palace.

"Joe, you've done a great job, get up!"

The Lord of the Palace of Five Elements and others had already thought about it from the moment of disappointment. Seeing Qiao Ke's return, but the mood was not high. The Lord of Moxie himself personally shot up and raised Qiao Ke, while smiling and comforting.

Indeed, Qiao Ke's performance was also beyond their expectations. It can be asserted that today, Qiao Ke is basically one of the strongest in the demigod state in the Ziyun Palace, even if it is Li Xiaobai, the Sancai Temple just revealed, may not be able to defeat him.

It is a pity that what he encountered was an inanimate body that was against the sky. This battle was a little depressing.

"Qiao Ke, you have really done a good job. When the exchange meeting is over, the owner of the hall will discuss with others the rewards for you. Go down and rest!"

The Lord of the Palace of the Yuan Dynasty split the sky. At this time, he came to Qiao Ke and comforted him abnormally. Qiao Ke has already proven his strength. Moreover, Qiao Ke's trick of Shura Hell's Palm is very envious. If he can learn this skill, it will be completely impossible for him to deal with the opponents of Kuroko Palace in the future. It's the same.

"Thank you, Master, for the understanding of some of the temple masters. The disciples went to rest first." After hearing the words of several temple masters, Qiao Ke's heart was somewhat comforted, and he quietly returned to the line. Among them, they still stood behind, as usual, not a bit inconspicuous.

However, although it still looks ordinary, at this moment, all the Ziyun Palace disciples present are looking at him again, and they are completely different from before. It's just that Qiao Ke doesn't seem emotional at this moment, but everyone is afraid to touch the mold at this time, so he can only use his eyes to express his admiration and comfort.

At this moment, no matter whether he is a disciple of the Habitat or a disciple of the Promise of the Promise, everyone's gaze is staring at the most low-key disciple of Ziyun Palace. I wish I could be like Qiao Ke, and suddenly a sudden rise in force Become the envy of everyone.

However, to say that this is true for all, it's a bit of an overstatement. At least one person's gaze is that he has never seen Joe Ke, but has been staring closely at Wutai.

"Me, am I dreaming? Or am I dazzled?"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng's eyes stared tightly at the women over Wutai. As for Qiao Ke, he had long been left aside.

"How is that possible? It is absolutely impossible. It must be similar, but it will never be the same person, it must be so!"

Eyes stared at the woman over Wutai without blinking. At this moment, Yuan Feng's memory has returned to countless years ago, back to the bits and pieces, scene by scene when he just came to this world!

"Wan ...... Waner? Really, really you?"

In his mind, the figure that had been hidden by him suddenly emerged involuntarily at this moment, and the fuzzy face in the memory also slowly coincided with the woman above Wutai and slowly became clear.

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