The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1720: ended? (Three more)

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The masked woman in Yuanji Palace gave Qiao Ke a disappointment as soon as she shot. This scene undoubtedly surprised everyone present, and everyone at this moment was undoubtedly more and more about this battle. Looking forward.

"It's a masked woman who has such a handsome job. It seems Brother Brother Ke is afraid of meeting a rival this time!"

In the team of Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed for a moment, and there was a trembling in his heart.

He is one of the few people who has paid much attention to the masked woman, but even if he has looked at it differently, he still hasn't guessed that this woman's strength is actually powerful.

Shicai ’s sword is definitely not just the power of the sword itself. He can feel that although the woman ’s artistic conception of the law is not the state of the sword of the sword, let alone the state of the sword of sword, but the woman is right The mastery of swordsmanship has reached a very high level with his skills.

Speaking of which, the difficulty of this situation is undoubtedly more difficult than understanding the realm of Yijian. If you want to practice this sword skill, God knows how much hard work this woman has done.

"It seems that this should be a woman who is very cruel to herself. I really don't know what kind of motivation. It is really worthy of admiration to be able to cultivate this woman with such a big heart."

One minute on stage and ten years off the stage, he knew the truth. He believed that the woman's strength was definitely paid for innumerable hardships. You know, the sword skill, even the strongest People, there is no way to teach it to others, only rely on their own efforts to get it.

"If this woman really defeats Brother Qiao Ke who has a lot of means, then if she meets Li Xiaobai, it will be difficult to predict the victory. With her mastery of sword skills, although she can't catch up with Li Xiaobai, at least there will be no resistance. Force is. "

Speaking of, Li Xiaobai's promotion to the realm of magic sword is probably not a long time ago. He also considered it before. With Li Xiaobai's mastery of the realm of magic sword now, in fact, it is at least a grade higher than that of the real sword , But the power did not make the most of the realm of magic sword.

Therefore, if Li Xiaobai and Qiao Ke are stronger, the factors in it are really bad reviews.

"Let's see if this woman can defeat Brother Qiao Ke. Speaking, Brother Qiao Ke is hidden so deeply that he should not lose?" He glanced at the masked woman, and then glanced at the opposite Qiao Ke. He didn't dare to say who lost or won, but at this time, he was really not optimistic about Qiao Ke ...

"Oh, originally I was thinking of getting the girl to do a few tricks, but now it seems that I can't do anything about it!"

Above Wutai, Qiao Ke has avoided the first round of attacks by the masked woman, and speaking of it was a trick to the opponent, and at this moment, he obviously cannot continue to give way.

Shicai let the opponent do a trick, almost made him fall short, and the next time, he will not make the same mistake again.

"I didn't need you to let me have any power, use it all!"

There is no trace of emotional fluctuations in the tone of the masked woman. The words spoken can be described indifferently, and those who have such a tone are really powerful people.

For the masked woman, she really didn't need the other side to let herself. Qiao Ke's shot, she has already seen it very clearly before, frankly, the opponent's strength is indeed very strong, and there are many ways, unfortunately, if it is just a little bit of strength, if you want to win her, basically Imaginary dream.

"Oh, it seems that the girl is very confident. In this case, I'm not polite." With a slight smile, Joe Ke slowly raised his hand, and in the blink of an eye, there was more in his hand. Here comes a delicate knife.

This is a short golden knife with a whole body. The knife is only two feet long, but there are weird patterns on the blade. People who know the goods can see at a glance that this short knife must be an amazing spiritual soldier, at least No worse than the spirit sword in the hands of the masked woman.

Obviously, Joco had begun to be cautious, but he had begun to use the spirit soldier.

"Short knife? Didn't Brother Joe use a sword? Why did he suddenly use this?"

"Stupid, Brother Joe Ke hides so deeply, how can we people see through it? If I say, Brother Joe Ke is best at this short knife, as for swordsmanship, have you ever met Joe? But Brother's sword skills are very strong? "

"Well, it makes sense, it seems Brother Qiao Ke is taking this seriously!"

Several disciples here at Ziyun Palace were surprised for a while because of Qiao Ke's spirit soldiers, but everyone knew that since Qiao Ke had hidden his power, he must also hide his best spirit. Bing, just don't know, with such a spiritual soldier, whether Qiao Ke's strength can be stronger.

"Om !!!!!!"

Seeing that Qiao Ke had already taken out the soldiers, the masked woman stopped talking, but she also hoped that the battle was fair. Since the other party was already serious, she took it seriously and really let the other party give up.

The slender long sword gave out a weird buzzing sound, the time between speaking, the strange wisps of the previous sword air appeared again, and she used exactly the same moves.

"Brush !!!!"

The endless sword air thread is gathered again towards Qiao Ke, and this time the sword air thread is obviously more fierce than before. It can be seen from this sword that it seems that the masked woman from the past has also retained her hand to Qiao Ke.


Seeing the endless sword gas thread, he struck himself in a more horrifying situation than before, and Qiao Ke's eyes could not help showing a hint of doubt. He can also see that this attack is more sharp than the last one. Perhaps, if the other party just attacked like this, then he should be injured now!

The thought of his opponent had reservations before, but his heart was a bit uncomfortable.

Of course, at this moment, he didn't have time to think so much, because he knew in the heart that if he was hit by these sword gas threads again, he would really lose.


As soon as his face was frozen, Qiao Ke was a little bit fierce. Between the turning of his strength, a dazzling golden light escaped from his hand, and at the same time, the golden razor-like rays were like It was blasted to a silver screen, and blasted away in all directions in an instant.

"Well !!!"

The horrible swordmang was connected with the sword gas thread. Suddenly, a loud popping sound spread out instantly, and the entire Wutai seemed to have become a gorgeous golden world at this moment.

Whether it's the masked woman's sword air thread or Qiao Ke's golden blade, the power of this is really amazing. The trick of the two alone is likely to hit a lot of people present. Promise of Promise.

"Good guy, I can't think of the most wonderful thing. It is really at the back. The girl in Yuanji Palace really didn't let everyone down!"

"Yes, such a horrible woman can't wonder how to take the last shot. It seems that the so-called Master Yuanji Palace is truly the name of the young master, but it's a real name!"

The fierce battle instantly ignited everyone's passion. At this moment, no one said any more cruel words from the female stream. It can be said that the masked woman blocked the mouths of countless people with actual actions. .

Until now, it was everyone's turn to the Ziyun Palace who was worried. Although Qiao Ke still showed bravery, from the beginning to the present, what appears to be a masked woman has been suppressing Qiao Ke.

The strong men at several major Ziyun Palaces are silent, but they can see from their frowning frowns that they are absolutely worried at this moment.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

There was another wave of confrontation between the two people on the Wutai. The long sword was against the short sword, and the masked woman had a long and strong sword, but Qiao Ke ’s short sword was also a short-term insurance. In the meantime, it really feels a bit indifferent.

Everyone is focused on watching this battle. This is the last hope of the major forces and the level that Ziyun Palace needs to break through at last. Is it because the major forces raised their eyebrows and exhaled, or did the Ziyun Palace continue to sing and advance, but It depends on the outcome of this game.

"Withered swords !!!"

Qiao Ke is really serious this time, his short knife is rarely used, and this time, he has used all of his most powerful means, and between the words, the golden swordman disappeared and replaced, But it is a piece of gray knife air, these knife air does not look as sharp as the golden swordman, but the dangerous breath in it is still above the golden swordman.

"Endless !!!"

However, seeing that Joe could make a secret move, the masked woman was not in a hurry, and the sword in her hand was slightly swayed, which was to cut out a dark green sword awn.

"Well !!!"

The gray sword air was intertwined with the dark green sword-mang, and there was a sound of red hot iron invading the water. In the blink of an eye, there was a white mist on Wutai, directly fighting the two men. Wrapped up.


When the white mist wrapped Wutai, a bang followed, and in talking, the figures of Qiao Ke and the masked woman flew out of the white mist and continued to confront each other in mid-air. stand up.

"Om !!!!!!"

Almost just when the two had just stood firm, Joe's face suddenly chilled, and the short knife in his hand slashed down towards the masked woman opposite him, and as he cut it, the whole At the exchange meeting site, all the air and energy were evacuated instantly, and in front of everyone's eyes, there was only a golden horror light left, and the masked woman was swallowed up in an instant.

ps: Ah, brothers and sisters, come to comfort a few flowers! !! !! Code at home on the weekend, my wife's opinion is so big, ohh! !! !! Seek comfort! !! !!

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