The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1718: Women are worse than men? (One more)

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The major forces have been defeated in the hands of Ziyun Palace. Until now, it was only Yuanji Palace who had not sent anyone to fight. At a critical moment, the masked woman in Yuanji Palace finally came under the watch of everyone. Got to Central Wutai, and this is almost the last hope of the major forces.

However, so many super geniuses have been defeated by the strong men in Ziyun Palace. Everyone did not hold much hope for the so-called young master of Yuanji Palace.

"Well, it took so long to shoot. Is it because you want to defeat everyone at the last moment?"

"It ’s a fart, how can a female protagonist win over those disciples in Ziyun Palace? I think this female Bacheng is going to go to the cinema. Even if people who want to come to Ziyun Palace have no manners, they are not right A woman has a heavy hand. "

"It is estimated that Yuanji Palace holds this attitude. If I say, there must be a secret collusion between Ziyun Palace and Yuanji Palace. When this happens, everyone must isolate Yuanji Palace. stand up."

"It's true. There is a set behind the scene. I even think that everyone's purpose of coming to Ziyun Palace may be revealed to Ziyun Palace by Yuanji Palace. This has made Ziyun Palace prepared in advance. "

"It's not good, knowing people knowing what to do, knowing what these guys in Yuanji Palace are thinking!"

"Forget it, don't say so much, I want to wait, I'll wait until the end of the war, anyway, the battle below Demigod Realm, Ziyun Palace has basically been fully received!"

Seeing the masked woman on the stage at Yuanji Palace, everyone's interest could not be mentioned at all, because everyone believes that with a single woman, everyone wants to make a comeback, which is absolutely impossible.

It can be said that, apart from a few of Yuanji Palace's own people, no one really optimistic about the masked women of Yuanji Palace. Of these, of course, it also includes several strong men in Ziyun Palace and a large number of them. disciple.

"Yuanji Palace? Hehe, I thought Yuanji Palace would not shoot this time, but I didn't expect it to be shot in the end!"

"Anyway, a woman, this is a man's world. How big a storm can a female protagonist turn around? If I say, this Yuanji Palace must be worried about being gossiped, so I want to send someone out to prove innocence. "

"That is, there is only one female stream, there is no need to ......... Eh ..."

The masters of several halls all glanced at the masked woman who took a careless glance at the stage, and then smiled subconsciously. When they want to come, there are two people, Qiao Ke and Li Xiaobai, in the Ziyun Palace. Even if the strongest other forces appear, it is absolutely impossible for them to cause any trouble.

However, just as the masters of the four halls talked, the eyes of several people couldn't help but look at the fairy spirits aside. At this moment, they were talking about the lack of fear of the female streamers, but they forgot that the fairy spirits on the side seem to be the female streamers, but if they want to talk about strength, who dare to say that they can beat each other?

"Oh, a few of you, don't look down on a woman. A woman's temper is not necessarily worse than a man's temper. I think this woman in Yuanji Palace is very unusual, so everyone should be prepared for it."

Fairy's face is slightly weird. She doesn't really think how strong the masked woman in Yuanji Palace is, but at the moment, she is also a woman, but she wants to rectify the woman's name.

It was said by the main hall masters that their women were worthless. Of course, she could not accept this.

"Ahem, sister Wanling, are you more attentive? We have no other meaning, except that this woman in Yuanji Palace cannot bring trouble to my Ziyun Palace. Don't be too worried."

The Lord of the Heavenly Temple's face couldn't help but feel a little stunned. He really forgot about it so much that he forgot that there was a woman around him. Now it looks good. It seems that the fairy of all spirits is really angry. That is obviously not a good thing.

"Yes, yes, all spirits, Brother Shitian said that we really have no other meaning. Besides, the strength of the girl of all spirits in my palace of Ziyun, I do n’t know which one of the demigods. Anyway, a few of us are definitely not your opponents.

"Yes, aside from the strength of all souls, it is the mysterious array of all souls. It is the admiration of Fu Gu of the Eight Diagrams Palace and He Jiugong of the Nine Palace. . "

The masters of the four halls realized the mistake at the moment, of course, they confessed their mistakes to the Fairy Fairy and put on a high hat for the other party.

"Okay, I know what you think, and I'm not such a mean person, so you don't have to continue to argue."

Seeing the four main hall priests apologizing and apologizing, Wanling Fairy couldn't help but smile a little, and then continued, "Several, I don't say anything at all, this woman in Yuanji Palace really looks very It's not ordinary, so it's not a joke to get everyone ready. "

As a woman, the fairy fairy thinks that she can know more about women. Although she has never seen a masked woman from Yuanji Palace, but she does n’t know why, she can always feel that Face-to-face woman, I'm afraid it's really not a bad thing.

There is another point, the opponent has not done anything before, but stood up at this time. In fact, this time, it is actually a bit abnormal.

"Well? Girl of all spirits means ..."

When they heard the words of all spirits, all the powerful men looked all the same, but they all put away a heart of laughter. They knew that all spirits would never make fun of such things.

"Let's take a look and talk. No matter what, my Ziyun Palace still has the absolute advantage."

Without evidence, she didn't dare to determine anything, but to her heart, her intuition told her that the next battle really needed some preparation.


The main hall owners looked at each other, obviously they were no longer as relaxed as before. During speaking, everyone's eyes were on Wutai, and at this moment, the masked woman and Ziyun Palace Qiao Ke But it was already face to face.

"Hehe, in the next life, I rarely fight women, and never hurt a woman, girl, I advise you to go back, or let the man in Yuanji Palace come to power."

On Wutai, Qiao Ke, who has just won a big victory, can be said to be full of spirits, and when he saw that it was a woman who appeared on the stage, his eyes flashed a bit of contempt involuntarily.

For women, he did not say how much they look down on, but generally speaking, women have achieved great strength, there are really few, like characters like Ziyun Palace Wanling Fairy, I am afraid that the whole world has no delusion. Count over.

"Don't look down on women? But I'll wait until you win!"

The masked woman's face was covered under the veil, but she could not see her expression at the moment, but judging from the tone of her speech, Joco's contempt for her had completely angered her.

"Girl, why are you doing this? I can tell you that today is different from the past, but I will not show mercy to women!"

Qiao Ke's brow could not help but wrinkle slightly. He did not want to fight with women, but today is a communication event in Ziyun Palace. He naturally wants to take the big things seriously. Therefore, even if the opponent is a woman, he definitely does not Will show mercy.

"Despite letting the horses come, I just hope you are not too weak."

The masked woman calmed her emotions, and the light in the corner of her eyes could not help but glanced at the direction of Wutai in Ziyun Palace. There, the man she was paying attention to had already focused on Wutai, waiting At the beginning of this battle, in his eyes, there was a hint of complexity flashing.

In fact, Yuan Feng was really a little bit complicated at the moment. Before he went to war, this masked woman in Yuanji Palace had spoken for him. Therefore, naturally, he also had a slight affection for this masked woman.

Right now, the opponent is playing against the Ziyun Palace. Although he does not want the other party to win the Ziyun Palace, he also does not want Joe to hurt the other.

"This woman whom Jing Tian and Zijun call the young master, wants to come to Yuanji Palace, who is not low. In that case, why did the two strong Yuanyuan palaces send her out? Do n’t you worry about her being injured? "

Yuan Feng's eyes glanced over the masked woman again and again, and she could not help complaining about the two strong men in Yuanji Palace. When he wanted to come, since he was the young master of Yuanji Palace, of course, he should not have ventured out, and if he did not venture out, then he would not have to worry so much!

"Wait, right !!!"

However, remembering this thought just flashing through his mind, Yuan Feng's heart suddenly flashed a strange light.

"No, no, no, the two strong men in Yuanji Palace saw Brother Qiao Ke's shot, and they knew Brother Qiao Ke's strength, but even so, they sent this masked woman out, I'm afraid it's not that simple! "

Just thinking about it a little, Yuan Feng realized that there was something wrong with it. He believed that the two strong men in Yuanji Palace would never joke about the lives of their own young masters, and since that ’s the case, I ’m afraid there ’s only one left. The next possibility is possible.

"Can it be said that this woman's strength cannot be achieved above Brother Qiao Ke?"

His eyes narrowed for a moment, but at this moment, he couldn't think of a second possibility. In all likelihood, this weak-looking woman was actually a super-strong man hidden deep, and All of this was witnessed by all the people present.

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