The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1714: Startling change (one more)

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The strength of Feng Zishan in the anode palace was undoubtedly beyond the expectations of everyone present. Originally, everyone thought that the disciples of the Kuroshio Palace were the core force of this confrontation with the Ziyun Palace, but now, the Kuroshio Palace has been wiped out by the army, but other forces, one after another have the super strong standing Come out and fight with Ziyun Palace.

Feng Zishan ’s Jin Yun ’s magical powers do n’t know how to cultivate. The time has passed a full quarter of an hour. However, he was so bombarded for a quarter of an hour that he could n’t see the tiredness at all. Instead, it was the Ziyun Palace. Qiao Ke, however, was already sweating, and was obviously out of energy.

Speaking of it, every time Qiao Ke dodged, it was a little worse, as long as Feng Zishan increased his strength a little bit, and he could blow it up with a punch.

Of course, although the winner has not yet been separated, everyone can see that as long as Feng Zishan can continue for about half a quarter of an hour, Qiao Ke of the Ziyun Palace must lose.

"Good perverted martial arts, how can this martial arts technique have such a terrifying effect? ​​I heard, however, that this martial arts in the anode palace can basically only persist for a short time, and then it will enter a period of weakness. Why is it so long, this guy in the anode house has not even a trace of exhaustion? "

In the direction of Ziyun Palace, the main character of the Five Elements Palace is Mo Xie, and now he can't sit still.

Qiao Ke's first victory really made his face light, and his mood was indescribable. However, in the second game, Joe Ke encountered such a rival, which made him worry a little.

Right now, the situation on the court is obviously unfavorable to Qiao Ke. If Feng Zishan persists in this way, then his disciple will definitely lose.

"I'm afraid it ’s the disciple ’s own problem. I ’ve heard of the golden clergy of the anode. I ca n’t insist on it for so long. It seems that the disciples in the anode palace should be suitable for practicing the golden clergy. Exception. "

The Lord of the Palace of the One Yuan split the sky, and now he could not help but frown. Speaking of it, Joe was able to defeat the people of the Black Palace, and he thought that the people of other forces were even more important.

However, the appearance of this disciple in the anode house really made him see trouble. At this time, Feng Zishan's strength has turned several times, there is no flaw in his body, and he does not give the opponent a little chance to resist. Qiao Ke wants to find a chance to fight back, basically there is no gap at all.

Frankly speaking, such a horrible guy, let alone Qiao Ke, even if you let Li Xiaobai go, if you do not master the initiative at the beginning, you may not be able to win each other.

"Don't worry, isn't Joe still undefeated? Who wins and loses in the end, who can make it clear?"

Of course, the other big players are also anxious, but at this moment they are useless and can only look at Qiao Ke's endurance, can they persist to Feng Zishan's exhaustion.

"Huh, the anode palace, is this power that is not showing the mountains and not being exposed still so arrogant now?"

When the powerful men talked, they couldn't help looking at the direction of the anode palace, where the leaders of the anode palace looked at the battle on Wutai with a smile, and from around him Judging by the energy fluctuations, this person seems to be still talking to others.

In fact, at this moment, the leader of the anode palace is indeed not idle. At present, the anode palace has basically become the last hope of everyone. At this time, the anode palace has certainly become a sought-after of the major powers. Object.

"Hahaha, Brother Feng Kun, I can't think of the anode palace led by Brother Feng Kun. This is the deepest hidden place. It seems that the responsibility of disciples from Ziyun Palace must be resisted by this disciple brought by Brother Feng Kun. . "

"I have long heard that the golden mages of the anode palace are powerful and unmatched. I saw it today, and it really deserved its reputation. I think that this disciple of Brother Feng Kun can immediately defeat the people of Ziyun Palace and rub the spirit of Ziyun Palace."

"Speaking of which, Brother Feng Kun, your disciple is really arrogant. It's been so long, even without a breath, so endurable, really admirable."

The powerful men of great power are talking to the demigods of the anode palace at this moment, and the more people compliment them, the more powerful the demigods of the anode palace are to feel themselves It's about to float.

"Hey, everybody talks a lot. Zishan is the child of this seat. This seat really took a lot of effort to train him. Fortunately, he didn't let this seat down."

Feng Kun's face was full of smiles, and his heart was even more beautiful. His son was born to practice the golden clergy, and the reason why he was able to represent the anode palace to participate in the exchange meeting was actually because of his son.

This time, two of the disciples he brought with him were his son-in-law. Feng Zimo was on the stage before, and this man was his youngest son. And now Feng Zishan is his eldest son.

As one of the many patriarchs in the anode palace, Feng Kun's strength and status are already good. At present, it is because of the son of Feng Zishan. Basically, no one in the anode palace can suppress him.

"It turned out to be Brother Feng Kun's son. No wonder he was so brave. He really was a tiger father without a dog!"

"Brother Feng Kun has such talented sons and daughters, it really makes me wait for envy."

"By the way, Brother Feng Kun, how long can Xianyue persist? I think the guy at Ziyun Palace may not be able to persist, but there is nothing wrong with Xianyue here?"

The strong men in these martial arts around clearly wanted to set Feng Kun's words, because now Feng Zishan's performance has made them see a hint of threat.

"Oh, you can rest assured, my son is the person who is most suitable for practicing the golden prince for thousands of years. In this battle, Ziyun Palace must be stepped on by my son, and you will wait and see."

Feng Kun is absolutely confident. With so many big forces fighting against the Ziyun Palace together, if it is his anode palace that ultimately contributes, it is undoubtedly a face-saving event.

"Okay, then I'll wait to congratulate Brother Feng Kun, hahaha !!!"

After getting Feng Kun's answer, everyone's heart was much calmer. No matter what, they didn't want Ziyun Palace to continue to win.

In the time spent talking, the battle has been going on for no more than three minutes, and in these three minutes, Feng Zishan is still fighting more and more courageously, and he can not see the slightest fatigue. The child was basically soaked and his face was pale as paper.

Fighting according to this situation, the ultimate winner must be undoubtedly Feng Zishan of the anode palace.

"Awesome, really, really, it seems that I still underestimate the strength of Brother Qiao Ke!"

At this moment, basically all the people present, including the demigods, have already felt that Joe is at the end of the crossbow and will eventually be defeated. However, one person's opinion is completely different. People, naturally, is Yuan Feng in the Ziyun Palace.

"Brother Qiao Ke seems to be unable to bear it now, but his performance has basically remained unchanged from the beginning to the present, but Feng Zishan in the anode palace is getting more and more fierce. , The two really contradict each other. "

Unlike others, Yuan Feng does not care about the outcome of this battle. What he cares about is the battle itself.

This time he participated in the exchange meeting, his main purpose was to get some of the resources he wanted, and this purpose, he has basically achieved, for now, he just hopes to be able to learn something in the battle of these talented people This is the purpose of his watching the battle.

It is precisely because he has no subjective color in it that he sees it more and more clearly. He believes that although Qiao Ke seems to be in danger, but in these cases, the eight achievements are Qiao Ke deliberately disguised for everyone to see, and that ’s why Only then did he feel that Joe was unfathomable.

You know, if Joe is really intentional, then what kind of strength can he have to have such terrible control?

It's a pity that although he saw some problems, he didn't see what he was going to do.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, when everyone was watching the battle on the field intently, basically when the atmosphere was afraid to breathe, a very obvious sound of shock came into the ears of everyone present.

In such a tense atmosphere, the sudden sound of the shock was really eye-catching. In an instant, everyone's mind was stunned, and they subconsciously searched for the source of the shock.

"Well? It's above Wutai, the source of this shock comes from Wutai !!!"

Soon, everyone felt where the sound of the vibration came from. After a long time in the middle of the noise, this vibration came from the Wutai they were always paying attention to.


When everyone found their way and looked at Wutai one after another, everyone's eyes could not help flashing a hint of shock.

"Brush brush !!!"

The rays of light suddenly lit up, the time between speaking, and the light suddenly burst above Wutai. When everyone looked intently, a colorful array of horror mysteries started, but this time The core of the array is the five elements hall, Qiao Ke, sitting safely.

No one knows when Joe arrived on the front of Xuan Zhen. No one even knew when this horrible Xuan Zhen appeared, but when everyone looked intently at Qiao Ke, everyone It was suddenly discovered that at this moment, Qiao Ke, where there was a trace of paleness on his face?

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