The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1709: Please fight (four more)

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The battle between Li Xiaobai in Ziyun Palace and Bai Xiao in Yanchi Palace undoubtedly opened the curtain for the exchange of disciples in the Promise of Disciples. In the next time, the major forces sent their disciples to continue to take office, although the fighting was no longer like Li Xiaobai and Bai Xiao's battle was so hot, but everyone still attached great importance to this exchange opportunity.

Twenty-three major forces, each of which has more than one Promise disciple on the scene, some of them came with a well-known purpose, while others came with a purpose of exchange and consultation, and with the previous Baixiao and Li Xiaobai The appearance of the two, they want to become famous, basically can not achieve.

Since it is difficult to be famous, everyone naturally corrects their attitudes, but they have put their energies on communication and consultation to improve their own strength.

To be honest, whoever can be selected by the major forces to be brought to the Ziyun Palace, which one is not the best of the major forces, these people can just pull one out, and they can all stand on their own. When these geniuses met together, it was basically a situation where no one was convinced, and the discussion between them was undoubtedly more and more popular.

Whether Li Xiaobai or Bai Xiao, they will not be on the stage easily at the moment, and when everyone is exchanging and discussing, naturally the influence of these two people is also excluded.

The disciples of the major forces have basically performed well, except that, except for the strong ones who are far superior to Tongji, the strength of others is almost equal. If you want to separate the winner and lose, It's not easy. There were many trials and trials, and all ended in a draw.

In fact, the situation with considerable fanfare is the best situation at the exchange meeting. After all, the purpose of everyone holding the exchange meeting is not to kill the other party and end with a draw, which is good for both sides of the exchange discussion.

After the battle between Li Xiaobai and Bai Xiao, there were almost no fewer than ten battles. Among them, there were some people who had battled several battles in a row, but the strength they showed could not be compared with Li Xiaobai and Bai Xiao.

Frankly speaking, for the next battles, the strong among the major forces have basically not paid much attention. No way, Li Xiaobai and Bai Xiao's start were too hot, so that even if the subsequent battle is no matter how exciting, they can't compare with their battle.

However, this situation did not continue forever, because after more than a dozen battles, the only disciple disciple in the Kuroshio Palace finally appeared.

The performances of the previous two levels of the Kuroshio Palace can be said to be very good, and everyone's heart is full of expectations for this infinite disciple of the Kuroko Palace. Speaking of them, everyone was wondering if this disciple of the Heilu Palace might bring about a turnaround, a turnaround that ended the streak of Ziyun Palace.


Above Wutai, a young man who has just won a victory and only fought with this disciple of the Kuroshio Palace for less than a minute was hit by the latter with a punch. , But immediately mobilized the spirit of the audience.

"Here we come, finally there are variables. It seems that the Black Palace is as strong as ever!"

"I'll just say that Heiwu Palace hasn't been moving. It's definitely not because he has no strength. Now it seems that this one in Heiwu Palace should be the most promising person to shake the Li Xiaobai in Ziyun Palace."

"Let's watch before you talk. This is just a battle. I don't know what this person will do next. If it's just this level, I'm afraid it's hard to shake the puppet in Ziyun Palace."

Seeing the disciples of Heihe Palace come on stage, and defeated the opponent with a catastrophic defeat, all the people present renewed hope. In any case, everyone still does not want Ziyun Palace to achieve the ultimate victory at this level. If the people in the Heilu Palace can take Li Xiaobai off the ground, it is naturally a very pleasant thing.

"This black palace is really powerful. One of the disciples under the door is stronger than the other. It seems that the disciple of the Promise is as extraordinary as the two disciples in the previous habitat and the disciple in the yin and yang behind."

Here at the Ziyun Palace, the master of the Yuan Palace who had been holding the ticket for a long time was cracking the sky. At this moment, he could not help raising his eyebrows and glanced at the disciples on the platform of the Heilu Palace.

To be honest, if any of these great forces present can pose a threat to the Ziyun Palace, he thinks that this is also the black palace. As for the Yanxiao Palace that emerged before, this was completely an accident.

The Black Palace has always been known for the strength of its disciples. The number of people in the entire palace is not too large, but if you take one out, you can stand alone. The people they cultivate are really not easy to handle.

"Brother Shitian, don't worry, aren't all the people in the Black Palace before being very bullish? But in the end, it wasn't even my temper that was discarded by my disciples in Ziyun Palace? I don't think this person can make any waves. . "

"That is, I have a genius in the realm of magic sword in Ziyun Palace. I don't believe that other forces can find a strong man who can compare with the realm of magic sword.

Several others were dismissive of the split-day worry. In the previous habitats and yin and yang, they basically didn't think much about it, but in the end they won the final victory, and this time they know that there are super powers under their door, so there is no need to worry.

"Oh, it makes sense, and see what means the Wuji disciple of Heizhi Palace has, if it really jumps, let Xiao Bai take the stage again."

The Master of the Heavenly Temple smiled slightly, and while talking, he glanced at Li Xiaobai, who was still adjusting his breath. It seemed that the latter should still adjust his status. The previous battle with Bai Xiao should also be affected. Some injuries.

But this is nothing. The Ziyun Palace played only Li Xiaobai and the former Li Yi. In fact, there are many disciples in the top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace who have never shot.

He didn't dare to say much about other people's words, but he was very optimistic about the big disciple Xuan Ming of Bagua Temple and the great disciple Wang Zhong of Liuhe Palace. The strength of these two people is bound to far exceed Tongji is.

"People in the Ziyun Palace, who will fight?"

In the time between the main hall's speeches, on Wutai, the man who had just defeated the Black Palace was just shouting and drinking in the direction of Ziyun Palace.

Obviously, Hei Ling Palace is also fighting against Ziyun Palace today. Since they have lost in the hands of Ziyun Palace in the first three battles, this time, they must find their place.

"Well? Did you point your finger at me again?"

Hearing the disciples of the Heihe Palace disciples, a few people in the Ziyun Palace bemused, but they were not too surprised. The Kurosaki Palace will challenge them. This is also what everyone expected. Then again, in terms of the strength of the Kuroko Palace disciples, in addition to the Ziyun Palace, which other forces will fight against it?


Almost just when the disciple's voice in Heihe Palace just dropped, Li Xiaobai, a disciple in Sancai Palace, opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes flashed naturally.

Regardless, Li Xiaobai is a member of the Ziyun Palace, and as a member of the Ziyun Palace, he will never allow anyone to challenge the majesty of the Ziyun Palace. Therefore, when he heard the disciples of the Black Palace, he was ready to get up and destroy the disciple of the Black Palace.

"Oh, several temple masters and masters, this guy in the dark palace really doesn't know the heights and heights. I wonder if the temple masters and masters can give the disciples a chance to teach this person a good lesson?"

Just when Li Xiaobai was about to get up, a middle-aged man among the disciples of Ziyun Palace preached, but leisurely stood up and smiled to the top five.


The five strong men were originally planning to let Li Xiaobai continue to play, so it was no surprise to solve the disciples on the stage of the Heilu Palace. However, the man who stood out suddenly made the five of them a little stunned.

"This ..." When the men who stood out were clearly seen, four of the five strong men could not help but look at the other person. This one is the Hall of Five Elements Dianzhu, Mo Xie!

"This ..." The Lord of the Moxian Temple frowned at this moment. First, he looked at the man who stood up, and then at the other four people who were looking at him. It was a little hesitant for a while.

No wonder the Lord of Moxie Temple was hesitant, because the man who suddenly stood up was not someone else, it was his disciple, Qiao Ke! !!

Obviously, Mo Xie, the master of the Five Elements Palace, did not expect that this honest and disciple disciple under his seat would suddenly come out at this moment, but he was not prepared at all for this.

"Joe, do you want to come on stage and play against the man in the Kuroko?"

Mo Xiedian's eyes flashed with suspicion, but he asked Qiao Ke uncertainly.

Although he is not very familiar with this honest disciple under his seat, he is somewhat familiar with it. He also knew that Qiao Ke must be hidden, and his true strength should no longer be under his own big disciples, but if he could defeat the people in the Dark Palace, he really couldn't believe it.

"Master, as a person at Ziyun Palace, naturally you are not allowed to insult me ​​at Ziyun Palace. I also hope that Master will give the disciples a chance, and the disciples will surely drive the people on the stage to fight for me at Ziyun Palace. Tone. "

Qiao Ke's face was still full of smiles, but the master of the Moxie Temple who knew him knew that at this moment, he was really serious. In addition, the Lord of the Moxian Palace is even more clear. His disciple has never done unsure things. It seems that this time, this disciple also seems to want to change the routine of the past!

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