The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1705: Realm of Sword (four more)

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The horrible red swordmang was mixed with amazing flames, and it was Li Xiaobai who was close to Ziyun Palace in an instant. However, no one thought that when the sword and flames were about to attack Li Xiaobai's body, the latter simply wielded a sword and wiped out all the swords and flames invisible.

Frankly speaking, in addition to the many demigods present at the scene, the rest of the Promise are also disciples, whether they are disciples in the yin, yang, or habitat, who can clearly see the sword of Li Xiaobai, which can basically be described as a phoenix. .

"Woohoo !!!"

The flames dissipated, the sword awns disappeared, and only a few breeze was blowing away in all directions on the entire Wutai, but when the breeze blew across everyone's faces, everyone's heart could not help but some Chills.

"What's going on? Flames? So many flames? Why and why all of them suddenly disappeared?"

"I, am I right? Yijian? The beggar in Ziyun Palace even broke Bai Xiao's sword energy and flame with one sword? Does this seem to be a bit exaggerated?"

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, because no one could see clearly what happened, which was basically a blink of an eye. Everyone saw the flames attacking Li Xiaobai, and nothing was left.

Of course, although most people don't understand exactly what happened, naturally there are so many powerful people in the audience.

"This, this sword ........."

"It seems to be ......... the realm of magic swords? I am not mistaken?"

"True and true is like the realm of magic swords. Legend has it that swordsmanship is cultivated to a certain level, that is, you can follow the swords. Every sword has the power of rules in it. In front of the rules, any attack can be direct. I annihilate. "

"No ... it's impossible? How could Ziyun Palace have a strong man in the realm of magic sword? This is absolutely impossible. I have never heard of a disciple in a realm of magic sword in Ziyun Palace!"

"Yes, yes, yes, it must be false. Among the disciples of the Promise, how can a strong man in the realm of magic sword appear?"

The infinitely powerful men all focused their attention on Li Xiaobai of Ziyun Palace at this moment, regardless of whether they are knowledgeable or not, everyone has lost their tempers completely, because it was just before them. For a moment, with the power of a sword, Li Xiaobai broke the attack on Yan Xiao Palace's Bai Xiao, but this was impossible.

All the people in the Promise are not speaking at this moment. At this moment, they have no say in what they say. What is going on with Li Xiaobai's sword? I am afraid there are only people in the Demisphere. To see through it! Subconsciously, the disciples of the major forces are looking at the demigods of their own.

At this moment, everyone in the demigod of great power is not very good-looking. It can be seen that at this moment, they are obviously shocked by the scene above Wutai, even can be said to be Frightened by this scene.

"Fa ......... The realm of the magic sword? It turned out to be the realm of the magic sword !!!"

"How can this happen? Among the disciples of Ziyun Palace, there are even geniuses in the realm of magic swords, this, this ..."

"The sword comes out with the sword, one sword is in my hand, I have it all in the world, it is really the sword technique of the realm of magic sword !!!"

"Is God joking with us? Habitat and yin and yang have geniuses, and now it has reached the realm of the Promise, and even a metamorphosis of the realm of magic sword has emerged. This, this still makes people not Alive? "

The demigod powers of all major forces now have a crying mind. Those disciples below the limitless state can't understand, but as the demigod powers, how can they not see it? The sword of Li Xiaobai Shicai is definitely in the realm of magic sword!

The realm of swordsmanship and the realm of swordsmanship are very rare, but the real strong know that there are other realm of swordsmanship in the realm of swordsmanship, and the realm of swordsmanship is higher than the realm of swordsmanship. A terrifying realm of the sword realm.

The so-called magic sword realm, also known as the rule sword, can understand the true meaning of the magic sword realm, even if you look at the whole world without any delusion, it can be said that there are very few. The true intentions, in such a place as the arrogant world, can become a strong party and be admired by thousands of people.

For so many years, Wulei Realm has almost never seen a strong person with the realm of magic swords walking around. Perhaps some powerful demigods have realized the true meaning of the realm of magic swords, but the characters of that level, Rarely does it show up.

As for the warriors below the demi-god realm, I have never heard of someone who has realized the realm of the magic sword, but I did not expect that this time in Ziyun Palace, such a horrible character really appeared.

"What a terrible swordsmanship, is this ... Is this ... the realm of magic swords?"

The strong men in most of the semi-gods were shocked by Li Xiaobai's sword. Similarly, in the square matrix of Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng was always indifferent. At the same time, his face changed.

"A sword that is so horrible, a sword that is so delicate, and one sword cut out, it is able to gather all the power between the whole world into its own sword, this is a sword that controls the rules, It must be the realm of magic sword, it must be the realm of magic sword !!! "

Yuan Feng has never seen what the sword art of the sword realm looks like, but his sword skills have reached the peak of the sword realm. Above the sword skill, he believes that he has reached the sword realm. The extreme.

At the moment, he saw that he could not reach it and could not compare with the horrible sword skills. Obviously, this is definitely the sword technique of the sword realm, and only the sword practice of the sword realm can make the wings Gong Baixiao's attack collapsed easily.

"The eye-opening is really eye-opening. It turns out that there is such a terrible sword skill above the realm of Yijian. It seems that my realm of Yijian really needs to find a way to go further."

His face was impassive, but Yuan Feng had already become very excited under her heart.

His swordsmanship has been in the realm of swordsmanship for a long time. He has always hoped that he can take the sword technique one step further and reach a stronger swordsmanship state.

It is a pity that although he has excellent talents, how can he never see the sword technique of Yijian Realm, and there is almost no score in his head. On the other hand, his cultivation is there. Although the strength is strong enough, the bottom line is more than a star.

Therefore, regarding the state of the magic sword, he basically wanted it in his heart, but he did not have the extravagant desire to realize it suddenly.

However, it is not the same now. The sword that Li Xiaobai just gave him is very enlightening. Although it is only a glance, Tun Tian Wu Ling has kept the sword in his mind. After the exchange meeting is over, he You may not be able to go back to enlighten and try to impact the realm of the magic sword.

Before seeing the power of the realm of magic sword, he didn't have much desire for the realm of this layer. Almost all of his energy was put on top of the realm of shock cultivation. Now it seems that shock cultivation is of course important, but in fact, if you can elevate the realm of swordsmanship to the realm of swordsmanship, the effect may not be worse than that of yin and yang.

Of course, if you can promote Xiu to the yin and yang realm, and break through the realm of swordsmanship to the realm of swordsmanship, it would be even better.

In fact, there is really no conflict between the two. On the contrary, assaulting the realm of the magic sword can take ascension as an opportunity, and vice versa.

If he can cultivate to reach the realm of yin and yang, or even the limitless realm, and then understand the swordsmanship of the realm of magic swords, then even if he meets the person of the demi-realm, he can fight with one of them rather than Simply blindly escape.

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng couldn't help but stare at Li Xiaobai above Wutai while secretly remembering the sword that he had just seen. It can be said that the sword that he had just looked like a treasure to him. Of course, if you can see Li Xiaobai's next shot, it will be even more perfect.

Li Xiaobai did not rush to shoot again. After cutting a sword, he quietly admired the people around him and the expression on the opposite Bai Xiao.

For him, this moment belongs to his Li Xiaobai, what genius disciple, what demigod power, this moment, in front of his sword realm swordsmanship, all overshadowed. Especially those guys who looked down on him before, at this moment, with his actual actions, everyone closed his mouth obediently.

"A group of wastes who don't know the heights and heights, even dare to judge me Li Xiaobai, I really don't know how to write the dead words."

Eyes glanced at those around him, but Li Xiaobai's heart was indescribable.

Speaking of which, he would like to thank a person this time, this person is not someone else, it is Xuanming, a great disciple of the Eight Diagrams Hall.

Before the preparations for the exchange meeting began, his strength was not as horrible as it is now.

However, when he was preparing for the place of the young disciple at the exchange meeting, he just happened to meet the secret of Xuan Ming, a great disciple of the Eight Diagrams Hall, and successfully extorted a super sword skill—Yunlong sword skill!

Relying on the practice of Yunlong sword, he unexpectedly broke his sword into the realm of magic sword, and even he never thought about it. It can be said that with him in the realm of magic sword, the entire Ziyun Palace, he can already be said to be the first person below the demi-god realm.

I would like to ask, among the entire Ziyun Palace and even all the great forces present, which disciple of disciples can defeat him in the realm of magic sword?

This day is destined to be the day when Li Xiaobai became famous.

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