The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1702: Recognition (one more)

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The fiery flames were burning above Wutai. Although they were far away, the onlookers around them could feel it. At this moment, Wutai had become a fiery sea.

"Good guy, what is this, what is this? Flame? Where's the flame? How could it be so overbearing?"

"The body has turned into a raging flame. What kind of monster is this guy in the Swallow-wing Palace? Is this person a cremated crematorium? It's too exaggerated?"

"Monster, this is definitely a big monster. The exchange meeting is indeed a big event without any delusion. It can really be seen in any situation. It's a long-term experience. It's really a long-term experience!"

The young disciples, even some of the Promise disciples, were shocked by the scene in front of them, and no one thought that it should have been a close fight, and it turned out to be unexpected. Start.

Speaking of which, most people think that the Ziyun Palace has occupied the right place at the right time. In this first game, they should have a higher probability of winning, but now it seems that the situation does not come down as everyone wants.

"Flame? This guy in Swallow's Wing can turn into flames?"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng's eyes were staring closely at the flames above Wutai, and apparently he couldn't believe everything he saw.

"What's the matter, how did this guy in the Swallow-wing Palace do it? Is there really anyone in the world who can control the flames? This is an exaggeration!"

Yuan Feng could feel that, whether it was the flame around Yan Xiao Palace's Bai Xiao's body, or the flame that had fallen on Wutai and wrapped Yiyi Hall Li Yi, the temperature was so horrible.

In view of the singularity of his nine revolutions, he is not afraid of the burning at such temperatures, but it would be hard to say if he changed to other people. At least, if Li Yi doesn't have any special means, this level of flame is definitely enough for him to drink a pot.

"The so-called heaven is outside the sky, there are people outside the world, and the world is so big. What kind of situation can really occur, and what kind of strange people may exist. In the future, we must be more careful to walk outside."

The situation of Yan Xiao in the Yanchi Palace gave him a very good lesson. He knew that if the person on the stage replaced himself, he would be harmed in such a situation that he was caught off guard.

"What happened to Brother Li Yi? Wouldn't it really be badly hit?" For the time being, he left the surprise in his heart aside, and Yuan Feng's attention was all focused on the flames in the middle of Wutai. It was inevitable that he was a little anxious. .

Anyway, he is now a disciple of Ziyun Palace, so of course I hope that Ziyun Palace can defeat outsiders, and it is best not to let outsiders take advantage.

"The body of fire is actually a body of fire? How could such a genius appear in the Yan Wing Palace?"

Most of the disciples couldn't see what happened to Bai Xiao in Yanchi Palace, but many of the demigods present were almost all able to understand.

Obviously, Bai Xiao can be transformed into a flame, which is definitely a natural flame body, because only people with this system can release such a horrible flame, and it is not affected by the flame at all. As for martial arts and martial arts, that kind of effect cannot be achieved at all.

The so-called flame body refers to a very special kind of people. They are inherently fearless of any flame, and when they grow to a certain level, they can use themselves as the basis to control the use of flames. The higher the revision, the more powerful the ability to control the flame.

But do n’t look down on the body of flames. Those who have this system completely take advantage of the flames. These flames can attack and defend. When they are against the enemy, they are just a big killer. To this, they fight against such people Opponents have the most say.

When realizing that the white night of Yanji Palace is the system of the body of flames, whether it is the strong of Ziyun Palace or the strong of other major forces, all of them are envious and jealous.

With such a system, it can be said that the qualifications of the Yanxiao Palace Baixiao are comparable to the two geniuses that appeared before the Ziyun Palace, and they are even better than they ever were.

"Brother Tian, ​​Li Yi ..."

Here at Ziyun Palace, when some of the greats were surprised at the genius of Yanji Palace, they were obviously faintly worried about Li Yi's safety. At this moment, Li Yi was wrapped in flames. For Ziyun Palace, the situation was obviously not very optimistic.

"It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's all his experience. If he can't handle it, he will directly admit defeat."

Fissure's brow frowned, and he finally waved his hand. He has confidence in his big disciple. Although the other party meets the strong body of the flame body, the possibility of winning is no longer high, but to say that these flames can kill Li Yi's life, for this, he is not at all Disagree.


Almost immediately when the voice of the split sky fell, a loud noise came from above Wutai. Then, Yi Yi, a disciple of the Great Hall of the Yuan, held a spear and blasted from the flame on Wutai. Came to midair.

"Okay, a body born with flames. I never imagined that there is such a system in the world. It's a real insight."

A slightly suspicious voice passed slowly, and then, the body of Li Yi in Yiyuan Dian reappeared in front of everyone. However, at this moment, Li Yi was a bit scorched in various places on his body. Obviously, Shicai's sudden strike might have caused him some damage.

"Hehe, Brother Li Yi is so good. I do n’t know how many lives have been taken by these flames. It seems that Brother Li, as a great disciple in Yuanyuan Temple, really didn't have a reputation."

On the other side of Wutai, Yan Xiao Palace Bai Xiao didn't seem to intend to chase after victory. He defeated Li Yi in an aggressive manner. Looking at his posture, it seemed to be clear that he wanted to give the other party a chance.

The major powers gathered in Ziyun Palace this time, no doubt they had known about the situation of Ziyun Palace long ago, and Li Yi's identity is probably not a secret to everyone.

"Hehe, Brother Bai laughed. My disciple in the Yuanyuan Temple was nothing more than following Master for a long time. As far as strength is concerned, Ziyun Palace is much stronger than me."

Li Yi was very modest at the moment. Of course, he was not completely modest. In fact, although he had the reputation of a disciple in the Yuanyuan Temple, as he said, the Ziyun Palace hides its strength and is better than him. I am afraid that there are really many people, and not a few of them.

"Brother Bai, is there any means, even if it is used out, I Li Yi can still lose."

Fighting against a person of the same level who was born with a flame body, he also knew in his heart that this battle would be difficult to fight, because even if he stood so far away, he could still feel the passing from the other side. Coming blazing.

"As Brother Li wished, try this trick from me, the sky is flying !!! I am chopping !!!"

Bai Xiao's eyes flashed a bit of fierceness. He knew best that the sooner he ended the battle, the better his reputation and the fame of Yanyan Palace could be better publicized. Therefore, he must end this as soon as possible. Battle.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The whole world was trembling slightly, the time between speaking, a huge flame totem, suddenly appeared over Wutai. This huge totem of flame is just large enough to cover the entire Wutai, and those who are on Wutai or even over Wutai, in addition to trying to find a way to do it, are dodging. No chance.

"Om !!!!!!"

The huge flame totem, the cohesion between the talks has been completed, and after the flame totem has completed the cohesion, everyone present feels like they are about to be ignited. If the power is not running, it would be a bit difficult to bear the force. The temperature emanating from the air.

"It's a horrible flame. If it weren't for the means against this person, it would be unrealistic to win him."

Over the platform, Li Yi's brow frowned, and the whole man was very alert. The huge flame totem above really made him a bit desperate. He never expected that he would meet such an opponent. It can be said that no matter who encountered this person, it could be said that it was really bad.

"No way, just fight it!"

At this moment, winning or losing is no longer within his consideration. What he has to do is how to keep himself from being too shameful and how to keep his life. As for the others, it is not within his consideration. .

"Om !!!!!!"

The spear in his hand trembled a little, and Li Yi apparently didn't intend to hide it. During the talk, the spear in his hand was able to spit out several long spears. The huge spear appeared dark red. Between the flickering of the mans, a killing breath escaped suddenly, but in the end, they were together.

"You have a sky fire that descends from the sky, and I have a spear that breaks the sky, open it to me !!!"

Li Yi can be considered a desperate bet. For this shot, he almost used his full strength. Seeing that, a huge gun shadow was rising into the sky, and at this time, the flame totem of the white night in Yanji Palace, It has already fallen into the air, it seems to be about to make him a cake.


The huge gun shadow finally came into contact with the flame totem. Seeing it, the gun shadow broke through the totem, and a hole was torn in the center of the totem. Unfortunately, before the hole was completely torn, the surrounding flames began to condense from all directions. It seems to be completely sealed off.

"Just now !!! Brush !!!"

However, Li Yi is obviously not vegetarian. He does not wait for the hole in the center of the flame to be closed. His shape has risen from the hole, but he has been able to break through the attack of the flame totem. At this moment, his face is inevitably pale, and it should be no small consumption.

"Well, this battle, I will give up."

His body broke through the flame totem, Li Yi turned around, and immediately confronted Bai Xiaodao, who was ready for the next wave of attacks.

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